Read Hearths of Fire Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Military, #Romance

Hearths of Fire (28 page)

BOOK: Hearths of Fire
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“Make love to me, Neal,” Charlotte whispered, looking up at him as if past regret didn’t exist. For the moment he wouldn’t allow it to. “Make me feel again.”

Neal laid his hands over hers and slowly backed up until he stood in front of the chair and was able to sit down, placing her in front of him. Sunlight poured through the slit in the sheer curtains, highlighting her body as if she were an offering given to him by a higher power. He was selfish enough to take it as he held her still in between his legs and brushed the back of his knuckles to her hardened nipples.

“I want this memory burned into our minds, Char,” Neal said, injecting his voice with enough intensity that she understood what he was saying. He needed to say or do something that would keep the barriers in place that would allow him to leave here and go on with his life. “We needed more time than we were given.”

Neal could see the question burning in her light blue eyes and knew he couldn’t allow her to verbalize it. They needed to take this moment with both hands and cherish it…not take it for granted. He brought his hands down to her hips and turned her reluctant body until she was facing the mirror. His cock had remained in a painful throbbing state that would only find relief inside her body, but he needed this more than he would have thought possible.

“I want you to widen your legs as you straddle me.” Neal positioned Char over him and he saw the morning sunlight glisten off of the inside of her thighs. Despite last night’s orgasm she was more than ready to take him inside of her. “Slowly ease yourself onto me and watch in the mirror as you accept me.”

Chapter Fifteen

harlotte lowered herself
onto Neal, watching as his cock slowly slid into her body. As sensual as it was to watch, it came nowhere near the actual sensations that were being produced as her folds parted to accept him. Those were his words and damned if that’s not what it felt like she was doing. He was filling her in a way that made her realize she’d been empty for a very long time. The more she took of him, the wider her sheath expanded and that delicious burn she craved enveloped her. She was going to come.

“Open your eyes.”

The sound of Neal’s rich voice stopped the waves from crashing around her and she met his green stare and all the intensity within. As she had finally taken every inch of him inside of her, she held herself still so that their image was etched into her mind. His hands came around her now that he no longer needed to support her and he cupped her breasts. Watching things happen and to only then be overwhelmed by the sensations was an odd combination and she found herself tensing with each motion of his fingers. His right hand massaged her ample flesh while his left fingers rolled her nipple, causing electric pulses to shoot through her.

“I need to move,” Charlotte whispered, her pussy throbbing and making his cock feel even larger, which was saying something. She felt ready to split, yet she couldn’t get enough of him. “I want to feel more of you.”

“Put your hands on my knees to lift yourself up.” Neal leaned forward with her slightly, never once letting go of her breasts. She felt her cream run down the inside of her thigh as she pulled her lower half off of him. She looked like a wanton woman with the way her blue eyes were shining in the mirror and not the
girl next-door
type that made her living at selling books. “Take me back inside of you.”

“Yes,” Char moaned as she sank back down, recreating the burn that she’d come to associate with him. He was now rolling both of her nipples, as well as tugging on them. The longer he rubbed and pinched them, the more she wanted him to do it harder. “More.”

“Take more then.”

Charlotte didn’t care that he misunderstood her, because she also wanted more of his cock too. She got into a rhythm and found that the sight before her captivated her in a way she didn’t understand. It was carnal and animalistic. Did he want her to see them this way in hopes that she wouldn’t take this act in a tender and caring manner? He was sorely mistaken, because what she saw was beauty. She could see the longing in her eyes, the heat practically emanating from her body, and the basic hunger that wasn’t satisfied yet. Tuesday wasn’t going to be long enough, but she shoved that thought behind her as she leaned back against his chest. She had this moment now.

Neal’s green eyes were watching her closely and although she wanted to see his reactions as well, she couldn’t help but drop her gaze down to where his fingers were still manipulating her nipples. He was relentless and the constant stimulation was driving her crazy. Her hips undulated, grinding the base of his cock against her entrance. His sac was visible, reminding her of his size and wanting to draw his seed from his balls. The light glistened off of his masculine sex and made her want to massage him.

“Play with yourself,” Neal whispered into her ear, causing shivers to rain down her neck and over her shoulders. “Show me your clit and rub your fingers over your nub.”

Charlotte didn’t hesitate and when she parted her folds with her fingers, the natural pink color was now a closer shade to red. His cock was nestled into her pussy and while she continued to roll her hips, her fingers automatically created the same motion.

“Oh Neal, that feels so good,” Charlotte moaned, unable to look away. Again, the dueling emotions of watching and feeling were overpowering and the mirror seemed to suck her right in. There was no need to gather her cream as every intimate part of her was drenched. She knew if she pressed too hard that she would come instantly, so she kept her touch light as she continued to rock against him. She wanted them to experience their orgasm together. “I need to come.”

“You aren’t ready.” Neal pinched her nipples slightly harder than before, making her breath catch in her throat. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the side of her neck, pulling her attention in several different ways. Her pussy was now throbbing in time with her heartbeat…or it could have been his. “Rub your clit harder.”

“If I do—”

“You’ll know more pleasure than you’ve ever known.” Neal not only pressed her nipples tightly, he also pulled and rolled the now engorged tissue. Every sensation he milked from her seemed to travel straight to her pussy and set off another round of throbbing. “Try it, Char. Go further than ever before.”

Charlotte had to bite her lip to keep from screaming as she pressed her fingers harder against her clit. It felt beyond good and she had to use her toes to lift her up so that his cock would give her the movement she needed. It wasn’t even remotely enough and she felt a tiny bit of alarm that she couldn’t obtain the pleasure they both sought.

“Look at me.”

Charlotte stilled at the demanding tone of Neal’s voice, her breathing ragged and her heartbeat thudding in her chest. When his fingers released her nipples, the excruciating pain versus pleasure was almost too much to bear. He’d been manipulating her peaks since they’d sat down and now that there was nothing touching them, it became agonizingly coherent to her nervous system. He gently removed her hands from her swollen clit and brought them up until they were behind his neck, exposing her body to him even more so than before. She witnessed his hands gradually traveling lower and sliding his fingers into her folds before exposing her to the mirror. He pulled her hood back and there was her red and swollen clit, throbbing in time with her pulse.

“Please, Neal,” Charlotte practically whimpered, not at all like her usual self. He’d managed to completely undo her and she wanted nothing more than for him to take full control and give her what he’d promised her. “Touch me.”

Charlotte watched in fascination as he applied his fingers gently on her swollen moist tissue and, unlike her tentative strokes, he pressed firmly and wrought havoc on her senses. Her nipples still felt the impression of his touch and as if he’d flipped a switch, the waves of her orgasm crashed over her. She leveraged herself with her feet and pushed off of the ground so that she could thrust on and off of his cock. Seeing them in action was something she would never forget. His sac had drawn up and from the widening of his base she knew he was about to join her.

“Yes, Neal,” Charlotte cried out, quickening her pace and holding onto the back of his neck as he continued to stroke her. Euphoria was causing lights to flash in her eyes, diminishing her view of what was before her. “Yes.”

Charlotte rested her head back onto his shoulder as Neal moved his hands and placed them firmly on her hips to keep her in place as he jetted his cum into the condom. From the position they were in she could feel every surge as it was in a different cadence than hers. Together their bodies created a rhythm that she didn’t want to see end. She was grateful when his arms wrapped around her waist and he nestled his chin into the crevice of her neck.

Her eyes felt like weights had been attached to them and technically she understood why. She’d gotten maybe four hours of sleep and she was being generous with that assumption. To have her body completely sated and now held in such strong arms made her feel safe. Neal made her feel safe—as if nothing bad could break into this room and take what they’d found. Would it be so bad to take this moment as a new beginning and not an end to past regrets?


Neal knew the
moment Charlotte’s mind started spinning with notions that wouldn’t do either of them any good. He’d been watching her in the mirror, taking in and enjoying the beauty that lay across her features. Her blonde strands stuck to the perspiration on her cheek while the flush on her cheeks indicated that she was truly satisfied. When her lashes lifted and revealed the darkened tinge her blue eyes had taken, he knew reality was about to land in his lap replacing the warmth of her body.

“You didn’t ask about today.” Neal slowly released his hold on her waist and brought his hands up to rub her arms, bringing them down to her lap. Charlotte’s brow turned down into a frustrated V at his talk of what would happen later today and not what had taken place in this room. “Once we clean up I’ll be heading out to the compound.”

“I figured if someone was still watching the house or if they posed any danger, you wouldn’t have taken it upon yourself to satisfy our urges.” Charlotte leaned forward, her anger evident. Was she annoyed that he wasn’t whispering sweet nothings in her ear or was she irritated because they both knew it had to be this way? She stood, his semi-hard cock slipping from her pussy and reminding him of why it had to be this way. She turned to face him, her arms around her waist. The defensive gesture had his gut tightening. It wasn’t his intention to hurt her. They both knew why they’d had sex. “I know you felt what just happened between us.”

And there it was. The mixed emotions that Neal knew would come through and had done his best to avoid. He reached out his hand to her but she took a step back, her fiery nature coming to the forefront. Standing and moving the chair across the room, he refused to be drawn into this argument. They’d both agreed on the terms.

“Char, I’ll always care for you, but you and I both know that this is about closure and nothing else. You went on with your life just as you wanted, while I lived mine with what you left me. Our futures are on different paths now.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t see where this takes us.”

When it was clear that Charlotte wasn’t going to back down, Neal took a deep steadying breath as he walked to the adjoining bathroom to clean up. Running the water to allow it to heat up, he leaned his palms against the cool porcelain of the basin and felt the temperature sink into his skin. The previous warmth of her was gone and cold hard reality was facing him in the mirror of the medicine cabinet. Quickly disposing of the used condom, he used a warm damp washcloth to clean himself and then ran another one under the water. Taking it into the bedroom, he saw that she’d already dressed in her shorts and tank top. He reversed, threw the wet cloth back into the sink, and went about dressing himself.

“My life is in San Diego.” Neal buttoned his jeans and then reached for his black long sleeved shirt that he would wear underneath his lightweight jacket. “I want this time with you, Char, but only to bring closure. You agreed.”

BOOK: Hearths of Fire
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