Heart's Betrayal

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Authors: Angel Rose

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Heart’s Betrayal




Volume two of the


Broken Heart Series











By Angel Rose






Copyright © 2015 Angel Rose

Professional Editor, Chelsea Kuhel


Cover Model, Darren Birks

Darren Birks Photography

This book contains adult content and is intended for mature audiences only. *Warning* Please be advised that this book contains dark drama-suspense, unfortunate situations and adult topics that may offend the reader. If this is not your type of read, please reconsider.  Thank you.

Thank you.

18+ and older

All rights reserved.


ISBN-13: 978-1514736104

ISBN-10: 1514736101







For my family, who have been very patient with me.

I’m always on my phone and on the computer more often than I should be sometimes, but they understand that writing is my passion. Thank you for not knocking the phone out of my hand and hiding the cords to the computer. ***laughing***

For all of my Readers who read my first book and who are standing by me for the second. You Rock…and I couldn’t have done it without you.

For my boys, you can accomplish anything…it doesn’t have to be a dream. Go out there and do it






Thank you to all of my new found friends, bloggers, reviewers and readers who have followed me throughout this journey.

A big thank you to Author’s Audra Hart, Colbie Kay, Liberty Parker, and Alessandra Torre for giving me the support I needed and for befriending a new, struggling author.

Thank You, Michelle Bigioni Slagan, for creating my teasers, promoting my book and for always being available when I needed you, no questions asked. You’re a sweetheart.

To my new friend Jen, who would’ve thought we would have so much in common? It’s a small world. Thanks for always being there when I needed to vent.

Thank you Tierra for always being such a good friend for all of these years and telling me like it is.

A great big thank you to my Street Team members.

I appreciate all you do. You guys Rock!

Thank you Darren Birks Photography.

Thank you Darren for being my cover model. You look…delish~

Angel Rose










     I awoke to Michael breathing heavily, his warm breath against my cheek, his legs were draped over mine. His arm was wrapped around my neck as if he knew somehow I would try to wiggle my way to escape. I slowly lifted his arm and released myself from his grip around the back of my neck. I kissed his forehead and gently slid his leg off of mine. I decided to make him breakfast before he left for the office. I wasn’t hungry. My stomach was cringing. I was still feeling mind-fucked by Tilly and Dave’s epic romance. The thought blew my mind, and even though Dave was a great looking older man, I looked at him as nothing but a father. I couldn’t imagine them together let alone screwing each other senseless.

     As I walked towards the kitchen, I noticed a red envelope peeking out from underneath the front door. I kneeled down to pick it up. I opened it and it read,

Dear Mr. Hunter,

TWO SIMPLE WORDS…The Truth. There’s more to this and you know it. Stephen Marquis walking around a free man while innocent families bury their dead daughters, mothers or sisters is just plain wrong. THREE WORDS... Watch Your Back. Your fiancée is so beautiful. I’d hate to see her dead body on the front page of the Daily News.

    The envelope and note slipped from my hands. I stood motionless, long enough to understand not only was Michael’s life in danger, but so was mine.  This case had everyone on edge. The question was who?
Who the hell would write something like that?
Let alone have the nerve to hand deliver it
. Michael’s in trouble, and now everything is confirmed. I slipped the chain on the door, looked through the peep hole and turned the knob to make sure the door was locked. I heard Michael’s footsteps as he walk into the bathroom and close the door. I scooped up the envelope, walked over to the living room and turned on the television. I sat with my knees against my chest, my heart racing, as I flipped through the channels. My mind contemplating on whether or not I should tell Michael about what I found. I knew he had a short temper and would probably call in the Calvary for this, but keeping it from him wasn’t a smart move either. I placed the envelope underneath the pillow on the sofa. He strolled into the living with nothing on, stark naked.

“Hey baby, what are you doing?” My eyes roamed his delicious body. All of his body parts finely sculpted and my favorite part hung in the right place.

“Making you breakfast, come on.” I jumped up from the sofa and leapt into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, skimming his erection. He swung me around and kissed my nose.

“Now that’s the way I want to be greeted every morning.” He grabbed my ass.

“And this is the way I want to see you every morning, butt naked.” I giggled. He winked at me and dug his fingers into my butt cheeks.

“Don’t cook though, I have to leave in five minutes. They broke the front window of the office. Another threat, I’m starting to get pissed off,” He held on to me, as I hung my arms around his shoulders, wrapping my legs tightly around him. He walked me to the bedroom and placed me on the bed.

“Oh my God, Michael, what are we going to do?” My nerves set in and I already knew this situation was going to get worse.   The note underneath the pillow on the sofa established that this was more than I could handle.

“Don’t worry we’re not going to let this shit get the best of us. What are you doing today?” he said as he reached for his black suit and light grey shirt.

“Nothing much, Michael, I’m scared. I’m worried about you. If something were to happen to you…I would die.” I walked over to him and stood leaning against the dresser.

“Baby, please, nothing is going to happen. I’m going to talk to Dave about hiring some security for you until this blows over.” He grabbed his blacktie from the dresser drawer and I grabbed it from his hand and placed it around his neck, adjusting it for him. “If someone was to ever hur
, I would kill them, period. I wouldn’t think twice,” he looked down at my hands placing his big hands over mine, our fingers intertwined. His beautiful eyes were dark and intense. I knew he meant it.

“I love you, Michael, but this sounds so dangerous. What about
? Who’s going to take care of
?” I kissed each of the fingers on his hand, trying to hold back the tears that brimmed at the corners of my eyes.  My heart hurt me, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. He, on the other hand, rolled his eyes up into his head.

“That’s never going to happen.” He lifted me and sat me on the dresser. He slowly lifted my arms and removed my t-shirt as my breasts sprung out to greet him, my nipples hardened in an instant. He stared at me for a moment, and I was hypnotized by his gorgeous eyes. His eyes said everything and he knew trouble was near. The tears trickled down my face and I needed him to reassure me that everything was going to be okay. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips, and then slowly parted his lips, slipping his soft tongue into my mouth. The immediate sensation of his kiss made me feel warm inside and instantly moist between my legs. Our tongues swirled in a circular motion, and I was breathless just thinking about where this was going. I pulled him by his tie and placed his hands on my breasts. I began to unbutton his shirt when he abruptly pulled away.

“I can’t,” he said.  Then he leaned in and kissed me gently. “Come to the office with me,” he whispered against my lips.

“I can’t, I’m meeting Dave for brunch.” I looked over at the clock, and it was almost ten. I needed to get dressed and get ready to meet Dave and Tilly.

“Oh.” He pulled away from my lips, and I could feel his discontent.

“Brunch? It’s not Sunday. Why are you meeting with him?” His lips pursed to the corner of his mouth.

“He’s a little down. He’s needs some daughterly advice,” I said softly.

“Really? I don’t know about Dave. The way he was looking at Tilly the other day, I mean, he wanted to eat her,” he said as he shook his head.

“Don’t start Michael. He’s feeling down and I’m going to be there for him. That’s that.” He walked away from me, mumbling under his breath
. He still hated Dave. That didn’t change

at al
. He buttoned his shirt and grabbed his suit jacket from the closet.

“I have to go. Call me when you finish giving Dave daughterly advice he doesn’t need.” He put up his hands and gestured with his fingers as if quoting me. He stared at me as if he wanted to say more, but he didn’t, and I stood sitting on top of the dresser alone with my breasts in my own hands. I didn’t understand why he began to undress me and didn’t follow through. That wasn’t like him at all.

“Don’t be like that, Michael.” He gazed into my eyes, turned around, walked away from me and walked out of the loft. I slid off the dresser and jumped into the shower letting the hot water hit me on my back, preparing my brain for the beating it was going to take with Dave and Tilly’s drama. I don’t know why I cared so much. I guess it was because I loved Margaret so much and it wasn’t fair that she was in the dark.

     I finally got dressed and on the way out the door I grabbed the envelope I hid under the pillow on the couch, and then headed out. I completely forgot to tell Michael. I hailed a cab and proceeded to the diner. I would give the note to Dave as soon as I got there. There was so much traffic and that was unusual for this time of the day. I saw red lights flashing and realized it was an ambulance. There must’ve been an accident. I tried to look to see what was going on, but the cab driver kept on driving. I turned my head towards the flashing lights, and my heart stopped. I recognized the car, the color, and my Penn State emblem was on the back window. It was Michael’s car, wrecked, hit from the passenger side.

“Stop the car!” I screamed at the cab driver as he pressed on the brakes abruptly.

“Michael!” I opened the cab door in the middle of oncoming traffic, cars were screeching at a halt, but I didn’t care. I crossed the street and ran in the direction of the accident. I stopped and removed my shoes running like I was running a marathon and I had to get the gold medal, knocking over pedestrians who were in my way, and yelling out his name.

“Michael!” I shouted. “Michael!” I screamed. I ran to the car and didn’t see Michael in it. The car was totaled. The passenger side was crushed in and the air bags were deployed. The ambulance doors were open and I rushed to look inside. “Michael!” I yelled. My screams were high pitched now, and the tears scattered about my face while my stomach was in knots. I was freaking out. I spun around, the tears flying off of my cheeks into the air as I scanned the area for him.

“Jenesis?” I stopped for a moment. I heard his voice, it was low, pained. His voice ripped through my soul and I stood frozen. I turned around slowly to witness him standing in front of me. Our eyes locked and I couldn’t believe it, he was in one piece. I clenched my fists around the heels of my shoes. His blue-green eyes were barely open, and his disheveled black suit was splattered with tiny spots of red from the blood that was still trickling down from his nose. He had a cut on the side of his forehead, and the blood was seeping from it down to his eye. I stood staring at him wanting to leap into his arms, but I couldn’t move. My heart was hammering against my chest and I felt faint. I needed time to absorb him. I needed time to let the blood rush back into my head. I finally got myself together, wiping the tears from my face and awakening my brain from the trauma that it had suffered. I dropped my shoes to the floor and ran to him. I stopped short in front of him, afraid to touch him, afraid to hurt him. He lifted his arm slowly, and I carefully walked into his embrace.

“Michael…oh my God…Michael,” I sobbed into his chest. “Are you okay? What happened?” I cried as my nerves got the best of me. I tippy-toed to stroke his cheek with the back of my hand, then I ran my thumb across his lips.

“I don’t know. It happened so fast. I was struck on the passenger side. My head was about to hit the driver’s side window, but the air bag deployed and I was pushed back into my seat. It hit my face, and I began to bleed a little from my nose. I wasn’t hurt at all. It’s really a miracle…a miracle.” He said softly. He grabbed me by the back of my neck gently and wept into my hair. I could feel his breath against my ear as he whispered, “All I saw was your beautiful face flash before my eyes, and I yelled out your name. I was angry when I left and I didn’t tell you that…I loved you.” His tears teemed at the corners of his eyes, and then slowly skated down his cheeks. I gasped for air and let out a yelp. “Oh baby, I couldn’t imagine my life without you, without holding you.” He grabbed the back of my head gently and placed it against his chest. “It was unbearable, and for a second, I thought that I had died. You’re my entire life, baby… my whole fucking world. I can’t live without you.” My body shook against his embrace as my sobs grew louder. I was completely overcome by his emotional confession and that’s when it happened; I realized if I could never hear his voice again,
there would be no reason for me to live.

    I grabbed onto him, squeezing him as tightly as I could. He flinched, but continued to embrace me. He became so emotional he turned to the side and began to throw up on the sidewalk. An EMS worker walked over and patted Michael on the back as he continued to vomit. They seemed worry and when he stopped, they escorted him into the ambulance. I walked behind them, my stomach wincing and I was thanking God over and over that Michael wasn’t seriously hurt.

“Miss, are you his wife?” the EMS worker asked.

“Yes, may I stay with him?” I asked as my lips trembled. I knew I wasn’t his wife, but in my heart I was, and no piece of paper could define the love that I felt for him or keep us apart.

“Yes, of course, come.” He placed me in the ambulance, and I held Michael’s hand. He was so emotional and continued to shed tears, even though, deep down inside, I knew he didn’t want to by the strain on his face. I couldn’t take the pain in my heart. I kissed his hands and the tips of his fingers as I sobbed uncontrollably. The tears trickled down his cheeks into the side of his ear, as the blood continued to drip from his nose. I wiped his nose with my sleeve and then kissed it. He closed his eyes tightly and gasped for air. I think he was hurting somewhere in his body and I didn’t know where. He opened his eyes momentarily and then they closed, his hands went limp in mine. I began to scream.

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