Heart's Betrayal (2 page)

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Authors: Angel Rose

BOOK: Heart's Betrayal
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“Michael!” I shook him. “Michael!” I shouted. I was pushed out of the way by the EMS worker who sat with us as he started to check his pulse. He started an IV line and placed the leads for the heart monitor. The heart monitored beeped faintly and I grabbed the EMS worker by the arm tightly, practically tearing off his EMS emblem on his sleeve.

“What happened!? What’s wrong!?” I yelled.

“He’s okay. He just passed out. Probably from the stress of the accident.” I held onto to his arm and lowered my head and sobbed into his sleeve. The EMS worker held my hand and sat me up.

“He’s going to be fine. Take it easy or
going to end up on the stretcher,” he said calmly.

“I’m sorry.” He handed me some gauze to wipe my tears.

I took out my cell phone from my jeans pocket and texted Dave. My hands were shaking.

Dave, Michael’s been in an accident. Please meet me at New York Hospital.


What? We’ll be right there.


I held Michael’s limp hand in mine and squeezed it tightly. I wanted him to wake up. I needed him to wake up. I could feel his pulse and I couldn’t imagine losing him this way. My mind was racing and the last thing I needed to think about was burying the man I loved.

     The ambulance arrived and Michael was taken in through the emergency room. I followed and my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Eddie.

What happened?


Michael was in an accident.


Tilly just texted me. I’ll be right there.


My phone vibrated again. Another text showed up on my phone and it was Margaret.

Jenesis, I’m here at the hospital. Where are you?


In the ER


I’ll be right there.


    The doctors asked me a ton of questions that I couldn’t answer. I wasn’t there. The police officers questioned me, but I had nothing to tell them. Everything seemed so confusing and I felt a ray of hope when I saw Margaret walking towards me. Her walk turned into a run, and she immediately grabbed me and hugged me.


“Jenesis, My God, what happened?” she hugged me tightly.

“I don’t know, I was meeting Dave for Brunch and I saw an accident…and…and…it was Michael’s car!” I sobbed placing my hand over my mouth.

    Dave walked in with Tilly. Margaret released me as she stood surprised to see Tilly and Dave together. I could feel her anger, she inhaled deeply and let out a sigh as they walked over to us.

“Jen, what happened?” Dave asked confused.

“Michael was in a car accident. Can I talk to you privately for a second?” I grabbed Dave by the arm and yanked him towards me. “What are you doing?” I said through gritted teeth.

“What?” he said with a confused look on his face.

“Why are you here with Tilly?” I motioned with my eyes.

“She was at the diner. Why did you invite her?” he asked raising an eyebrow at me.

“Please, Eddie is coming, and I don’t want any drama while Michael is being examined. Please. Besides, Margaret is here, don’t hurt her Dave. Don’t hurt her,” I pleaded. He shook his head and sighed. “Speaking of Eddie, here he comes.” I braced myself for what looked like a battle ready to start, so I quickly walked over to Tilly and Margaret and grabbed them each by the arm, and started to walk towards the waiting area.

“Come with me,” I said quickly.

“Jenesis!” I heard Eddie shout. Margaret and Tilly stopped and turned around.

“Eddie, thank you for coming, Michael’s inside. Their examining him, you know, to make sure he is not bleeding internally.” I spoke as fast as I could to distract Eddie from strangling Dave.

“Jesus Christ, what happened?” he asked,

“I don’t know. I was in a cab heading out to meet Dave at the diner, and there was so much traffic, then I saw the accident and I got out and ran,” I held onto Eddie as I broke down. He held me tightly in his arms as I cried into his chest.

“Take it easy Jen, we’re here. We’re all here and we’re going to be civil. We’re here for Mikey, that’s all,” he whispered in my hair.

Margaret and Tilly sat together in the waiting room. Dave went outside to answer his cell phone that was ringing off the hook, and Eddie held my hand as I waited for the doctors to come out and talk to me.

“Mrs. Hunter,” A nurse said.

“Yes,” My heart jumped when she addressed me.

“Your husband is going to be fine. He was very lucky. He escaped this accident without a scratch. He’s a little banged up around the face from the air bag, but he’s not bleeding internally and no broken bones. He has a slight concussion. He needs to rest so we’re going to admit him and evaluate him for twenty four hours, just to make sure everything is okay.” She was confident in what she was telling me, and I looked into her eyes to see if she was holding back on me. I felt relieved and I wanted so badly to see Michael.

“Can I see him, can we see him?” I pointed to Dave, Margaret, Eddie, and Tilly.

“Yes, but only for an hour, then his entourage has to leave.”

“Thank you.”

We entered the room, and Michael’s eyes were closed. He looked peaceful sleeping and almost looked as if he were dead. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I couldn’t take it so I looked away. Dave walked to the foot of the bed and Eddie stood by the window. Tilly and Margaret sat in the chairs near the bed. They both started to cry. I walked slowly towards him as I examined him from head to toe. His face, his arms, and then I lifted his blanket to look at his chest, then his legs and lastly his feet. I didn’t touch him as I placed the blanket back over him. Tears skimmed down my cheeksas the thought of Michael lying there dead crossed my mine
What would I have done? How was I going t
I held my hands over my mouth and I gasped for air when I saw Michael open his eyes. Dave’s cell phone rang and he walked out of the room.

“Michael?” I whispered as I leaned in to kiss his lips. He closed his eyes feeling my lips on his. He lifted his hands to my face. I held on to them and wept as I kissed his hands.

“Michael, we’re so glad you’re okay, bro. How do you feel?” Eddie asked.

“I’d like to sit up a little.” Eddie pressed the button to raise the back of the bed.

“How’s that?” Eddie said.

“Thanks.” Michael responded softly.

“My God Michael, we’re so grateful that you’re not hurt,” Tilly said.

“Yeah, I mean, it’s a miracle.” Margaret stared at Tilly, and then glanced over at Michael.

“Baby?” Michael squinted up at me with his beautiful eyes.

“Yes.” I removed my hands from my mouth.

“I love you.” Michael pushed out a smile. The pain in his face was evident. I kissed his bruised cheek, cut forehead, and nose, feeling grateful to place my lips on him while he was conscious.

“I love you, more.” I whispered.

Dave walked in.

“I need to speak to Michael and Jenesis alone.” He motioned with his hand for everyone else to get out of the room.

“What’s going on?” Eddie uttered.

“I just need to speak to them alone. It has nothing to do with you,” he said sternly giving Eddie the evil eye.

“I think we all need to be together on this.” he said softly.

“Let’s wait outside.” Tilly motioned to Eddie.

“Can I stay?” Margaret asked.

“Yes, of course, I’m sorry.” Dave said apologetically.

Tilly stared at Dave before she walked out and Eddie followed her.

“What is it, Dave?” I asked, staring curiously.

“This was a hit on Jenesis.” he said as he placed his hands in his pockets.

“What?” Michael said as his eyes widened.

“Michael, the guy who hit you thought Jenesis was in the passenger seat. He was picked up about an hour ago after fleeing the scene. He sang like a canary after one of my colleagues stuck his foot up his ass,” he said angrily.

“I don’t understand, why Jenesis?” Michael said.

“I do,” I said. I took the envelope out of my back pocket and gave it to Dave.

“What’s this?” Dave looked at me apprehensively.

“I found it in the loft. Someone slipped it underneath the door this morning…or last night.” I lowered my head in embarrassment. I should’ve told Michael.

“What?” Michael said, his eyes growing dark in seconds.

“I know I should’ve said something, but you walked out angry and I…” I tried to excuse myself.

“Jenesis, you have a degree in fucking forensic science, psychology, whatever! And you hold on to evidence like this! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Dave barked at me. He snatched the envelope from my hand and shook his head.

“I didn’t know what to do! I was bringing it with me to brunch to give it to you, but then I saw the accident, I forgot!” I shouted throwing my hands up in the air.

“Hey, quiet guys, they’re going to throw us out. Dave, what can we do?” Margaret said calmly.

“Baby, come here,” Michael whispered.

“No. It’s my fault they tried to kill you today,” I cried plopping myself on the chair near the window.

“No, it’s not…come here.” I stood up and walked over to his bedside.  “They knew you weren’t in that car. It was plain to see. It doesn’t matter who was in that car, they just wanted someone to pay and that someone was me. Dave, what can we do?” Michael looked over my shoulder at Dave.

“We’re handling it Michael, but I’ll be hiring security to protect you both until we find out who the fuck is trying to end your lives.” Dave said sternly. He walked over to Margaret and gave her a hug. She seemed surprised at his affection and looked at me through the corner of her eye.

“Let’s go Dave. They need their privacy. We’ll tell Tilly and Eddie to go home. They can see you tomorrow. Good night, Michael. God Bless.” Margaret grabbed Dave’s hand, and they walked out. She smiled at me as she exited, the hearts that gleamed in her eyes for Dave were evident. She was happy, and I was happy for her.

“Is there room for me?” I asked. Michael moved over and I slid under the covers with him, carefully positioning myself not to hurt him. I placed my head against his chest and listened to the pitter-patter of his heart. I held him close and the strain of the day caught me off guard and I fell into a heavenly sleep, in his arms, breathing him in, his scent, his warmth, his love;
my heaven on Earth…my whole world…my life…my Michael.














     October was near and that cool September breeze soon turned into a chilly howling wind. Michael was home and in good health for over a month now. Our bond was stronger than ever and the fighting between Eddie and Dave settled down. I think Eddie and Dave were thinking more about Michael and how they wanted him to heal, instead of thinking about how much they wanted to kill each other.

     Margaret and Dave helped us as much as they could, and Dave stood by my side through everything. He made sure we still had security by our side around the clock. No one made a move without him knowing. If I took a walk to the store, I had a bodyguard right next to me. If I went to for a manicure, this tall guy with glasses sat next to me as the Chinese lady buffed my nails. If I left the house without telling Dave, I was pulled out of my car and returned to Dave’s front door to waiting to be scolded like a child. I felt like the wife of a mobster, but I had no ties to the Underworld. It was hard waking up every day, thinking that today might be my last or Michael’s. This was not the life I wanted or expected. Either way, it fell directly into my lap without notice.

     I didn’t experience any nightmares this last month. I was too busy taking care of Michael and watching him as he slept. My love for him was so intense I didn’t even want to go into work anymore, I just wanted to be with him. I was happy to be with Dave again. I felt safe and we were closer than ever.
I loved him…I really loved him.
With the extra security Dave had in place, I had no reason to feel insecure, but the price on Michael’s head was in high demand and that caused me to worry every minute of the day.


   I tried so hard to decorate our loft for the harvest season, but it saddened me knowing that my mother would never knock on our front door to see our display. The thought of my mother being gone was still unbearable. My real birthday was coming up in November, and I was happy to finally celebrate it with the man I loved. I needed to move on and not punish myself for my mother’s death anymore, but it was so hard.

    Michael and I planned to get married the day after Christmas. I wanted it to be after thanksgiving. I didn’t want to be married and celebrate my first thanksgiving with memories of the death of my parents. I wanted it to be a small wedding, but Dave had other plans. He wanted to invite all of his friends from the job, people that I didn’t really know. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but, I was going to be twenty-two years old in a couple of weeks and didn’t need him to plan the wedding of my dreams. I let him though; I let him plan the whole thing. He was more excited than I was. I could imagine him yelling at the wedding planner, smoking cigarettes where’s he’s not supposed to, and asking for an espresso every 5 minutes. He convinced Michael to invite over 150 people and he ended up choosing the catering hall at Leonard’s of Great Neck in Great Neck, New York. It was a magnificent place, a dream come true, but it was way too expensive. Michael could afford it without a problem. His millionaire, serial killer case paid him ridiculously well, but it came with a price, and we were definitely paying for it. I didn’t ask how he got him off, and I didn’t care, but to know that someone had that much power, money, and killed over fifteen women, and then got away with murder, frightened the hell out of me. I didn’t realize how talented Michael actually was, and this case made me realize it when he was honored with New York’s Top Lawyer Award 2014 earlier in the year, but they forgot to include, his talent came with a bounty on his head.

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