Heat Flash (17 page)

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Authors: Taylor Anne

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #spicy, #Suspense, #stalker

BOOK: Heat Flash
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“Ken,” he whispered, his voice not yet steady. This was all his fault. If- no,
, he caught this creep, he planned to kill him. He would suffer a slow and painful death at Mason’s hands. “Kendall, it’s me, Mason.”

She mumbled something incoherent. When she didn’t respond beyond that, he ran his hand through her hair and swore. “That’s it. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“No.” Her head thrashed back and forth several times before her eyelids finally fluttered open. “I don’t …want to go…hospital.”

Mason was torn between getting her professional care and keeping her safe by his side. “Come on, sweetie. Wake up." Her eyes closed again, and she shook her head. “You need to see a doctor.”

She stilled for a second before sitting bolt upright. “Mason.” Frantic eyes locked with his. “What are you doing here? What happened? Oh my God.” Moisture welled up and fell from those big brown eyes.

A stone settled at the base of Mason’s throat. He had to fight back tears of his own. “Shh. It’s okay. You’re okay. We’ll get you checked out by a doctor then you can rest.”

She gripped his arm. “No, I don’t want to go to a doctor. I’ll be fine.” Her bottom lip trembled. “Please, just hold me.”

He wrapped her in his arms while she sobbed, stroking her back and arms until the tide swept through her. Finally, her body went completely limp, and he knew she had no fight left. He placed his hands on her face and gently turned her to meet his gaze. “Think you can tell me what happened, sweetie?”

Her head bobbed up and down. “I need something to drink first. Water.”

“Be right back.” Minutes later he returned with a glass of water and two Advil. If her head wasn’t pounding by now, it would be soon. “Here, take these.”

She swallowed the pills and drank the entire glass of water before she began telling him what she could remember. “I left the party and drove straight here. I...had to get away.” Her eyes sought out his, but only briefly before her head bowed. Her voice dropped to a near whisper. “He came out of nowhere. Kept saying something about me knowing where the money was.” She stopped and stared up into space. Mason could only imagine what she must be remembering.

“What is it?” he prodded.

She looked him straight in the eye. “It’s Tom’s nephew.”

“How do you know?”

“He said he would kill me. He almost said ‘uncle.’ I know that’s what he meant to say, but he stopped himself. He kept asking about the money from Tom.” Her body shook.

Damn, he cursed himself again. If he had been here with her, this would’ve never happened. If he had explained about the woman at the party, Kendall would have never left. It was his duty to protect her. He failed big-time on this one.

“I hate to drag you through this again, but I need to know everything. Did you get a look at him? Anything look familiar?” Mason knelt on the floor in front of her, his hands rubbing her legs, back, arms. Anywhere, as long as he could touch her. Every time she winced when his fingers landed on a sore spot, he examined the area more closely to make sure it was superficial.

“He...he was dressed all in black, even had on a hat and ski-mask. I swear, I couldn’t see any part of him. Nothing. Except those beady eyes.”

“Did you see a vehicle?”

“No. Everything was normal and quiet when I got here. He came out of nowhere when I walked up to the house.” She shivered.

Mason got off the floor and sat next to her on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into his embrace. “Dammit. This is really starting to piss me off. I’ll find the bastard soon.”

“I hope so.” Kendall tensed.

“Aww, Ken.” He gently turned her chin so he could look at her face. “You sure you’re okay? I mean, besides being banged up.” Something flickered in her expression, and she stiffened.

“What is it?” he asked, hoping she remembered something about the attacker. He looked deep into her eyes, and knew it was more than that. Distance and pain were visible. She remembered all right. The events from the party, what she thought she saw.

She bristled next to him. “I need a bath.”

“Hold on. Sit.” He put a hand up to halt her movements. “I’ll be right back.”


How dare he tell her what to do. Where did he get off ordering her around?
But did she make a move to get up off the couch? No. Instead, Kendall sat there, listening to the water run in her bathroom. She was thankful that Mason showed up when he had. She didn’t want to be alone, and his presence soothed her.

Her head hurt, her arms were sore. Hell, her whole body ached.
. Why did Tom’s nephew think she knew anything about any money? Surely, now the police and FBI could track him down. How long could it take to find her old boss’s family members? Maybe this would all be over with soon.

Minutes later, Mason came back into the living room. He was still dressed in the black slacks and white shirt he wore to the party, although the shirt was no longer white. And it was unbuttoned halfway down. Dirt and blood smears added to his ruggedly handsome looks.

“Come on,” he said, holding out his hands.

Reluctantly, Kendall took his hands and let him lead her into the bathroom. Candles burned around the rim of the tub, their sweet fragrance mixed with the steam of the bubble bath. Gardenias tickled her nose. Under any other conditions, this would’ve been the perfect setting for seduction. The sensual atmosphere made her feel desirable, cherished, excited. In the small space, she was instantly aware of the very male body standing next to her.

Mason turned her so that she was facing away from him. He didn’t speak as he slowly lowered the zipper of her black dress. The silky material slid to the floor, pooling at her feet. The sharp intake of his breath sent a shiver down her spine. Calming hands settled on her shoulders, turning her around so that she was facing him. His dark hungry eyes roamed over her black lace bra and panties. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. Kendall took a deep breath.

Unsure of herself, and feeling a little vulnerable and exposed, Kendall started to pull away from him. The simple shake of his head halted her movements. Ever so slowly, he reached behind her and loosened the clasp of her bra. The cool lace slid down her arms, freeing her breasts and revealing nipples that hardened when Mason’s eyes landed on them. His knuckles trailed down her body, barely skimming over her breasts.

Desperate blue eyes sought hers. She shivered at the intensity of the fire burning in them. His hands trailed down her arms, her stomach, all while holding her captive with his gaze. He knelt in front of her, palms coming to rest on the small black lace that barely covered her.

“So beautiful,” he murmured as he lowered the remaining fragment of material covering her. Gently running his hands along her body, he stood. Her skin tingled and burned where he touched her.

“Mason. I, um...” Kendall’s voice cracked. “Can’t.” Moisture welled in her eyes.

“Shh.” His thumb gently wiped away the tears that trickled down her cheeks. His soft lips were next, kissing away the dampness. First his hands, then his lips, caressed every bump and scrape on her face.

Kendall stood there, in all her nakedness, and let the tears slide down her face, while her body burned and fought for control. Tears, for what she had witnessed at the party earlier tonight, and for the knowledge that she could never have Mason the way she desired. More tears for the attack and the maniac that would not leave her alone. For the sheer luck that Mason showed up when he did. And finally, silent tears slid down her cheek for the loving way Mason kissed and caressed every scratch and bruise on her body. For the sweetness and tenderness he gave so unselfishly.

For the feelings she always had for him, which she just now recognized for what it was. Love.

He took her by the hand and turned her toward the tub. Did she imagine it or did his lips graze her neck? He steadied her as she stepped into the heated water.

Fully aware of his eyes, filled with desire, watching her, she sank into the bubbles, immersing herself up to her neck. She leaned her head back against the tub, and lay there for several minutes, soaking up the hot water, letting it soothe her aching muscles.

When Kendall looked up, he was still there, washrag in hand. “Relax and let me wash away your pain.”


Thirty minutes later, feeling refreshed and relaxed, Kendall strolled out of the bathroom. A smile tugged at her lips as she recalled the way Mason bathed her and washed her hair. No advances, no sexual touches, just tender-loving care when she needed it most.

She entered the living room as Mason was hanging up the phone. He twisted to stare at her over the back of the sofa. His eyes deepened to a dark sapphire. She recognized her own desire reflected in his expression. Her pulse jumped. She swallowed hard before finding the ability to speak. “Who were you talking to? It’s late.”

“I called Marks again to have him step up the night patrol of this neighborhood.” He patted the sofa cushion next to him. “Come sit for awhile. You look better. How do you feel?”

Instead of sitting, Kendall stopped in front of him. Her head bobbed up and down. “I’m much better. Thanks. But I’m tired. Think I’ll turn in for the night.” She hesitated before turning to go, unsure if she should say more.

Mason unfolded his tall frame from the couch. He was standing so close, his warm breath tickled her ear. Goose bumps raised on her arms, causing her to shiver. It would be so easy to turn to him. But there were so many questions that she didn’t have the energy to ask tonight.

“Ken.” His words were barely a whisper. “I need to explain about earlier—“

“No. Not now.” Defeated, she backed away, ignoring his pained expression. Forcing herself to put one foot in front of the other, to carry her aching body away from Mason’s, she escaped to the bedroom.

Sleep would not come. Outside, an owl’s shriek filled the quiet night. She sank under the covers, only to get her legs all tangled in the sheets. Her mind wouldn’t block out the night’s events. Images of Mason hugging another woman turned into a masked man’s fist pummeling Kendall’s face.

Exhausted and restless, she hauled herself out of bed in search of Tylenol PM. Making her way through the living room toward the kitchen, she halted in surprise when she saw Mason asleep on the couch. Why wasn’t he in the guest bedroom? Did he think he would be more able to watch over her from the living room? Ignoring the warm fuzzy feeling that thought gave her, Kendall continued on to the kitchen, her bare feet echoing on the hardwood floors.

After swallowing the pill and downing a glass of warm sweet milk, she quietly tip-toed back across the floor, stopping next to Mason’s sleeping form. No reason to wake him, instead she took a moment to watch him sleep. His big frame barely fit on the couch. Actually, he didn’t fit at all. His knees were bent so that they wouldn’t hang over the sides. An arm tucked underneath the pillow cradled his head. Black hair tousled over closed eyes, but Kendall knew they were the warmest shade of blue.

His head turned and his eyes fluttered, but didn’t open. Holding her breath, she eased back into her room, crawling into bed. Regardless of his reasons, she felt better, safer, knowing he was right outside her bedroom door, instead of across the house in the guest room.


Dawn sliding through the gap in the curtains woke Mason early the next morning. Stretching, he tried to work out the kinks in his arms and legs. The small sofa was comfortable to sit on, not so comfortable for sleeping when your body didn’t fit. But, he wanted to be as close as possible, in case Ken needed him. Not that she would admit that need, but it was obvious in the distant expression in her eyes.

He silently crept to her open bedroom door to peek in on her. He focused on the soft rise and fall of her chest as she slept. A fierce urge to protect this woman grabbed a hold of his stomach, tying it in knots. He exhaled softly before closing the bedroom door so as not to wake her.

He went into the kitchen in search of coffee. He found the cups inside the neatly organized cabinets and started the brew. The strong aroma wafted up, tempting him to pour a cup before the cycle was complete. Instead, he made a few phone calls while he waited.

He dialed Marks, barely allowing him to get out his hello before barking out, “So, talk to me. Anything new?” The coffee pot gurgled to a stop, alerting him the brew was ready. Mason poured a cup and settled against the counter while Marks gave his update.

“Charles F. Miller. The nephew, who seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth. Last known address was somewhere in Biloxi, Mississippi, about three years ago.”

“Then what?” He ran a hand through his sleep-tousled hair, needing a shower, but wanting answers first. He gulped down the first cup of coffee, scorching his tongue on the strong New Orleans brew.

“Nothing, man. No forwarding address, no cell phone or credit card records in that name, nothing on his social security number, and no death record. Like I said, disappeared. Give me some more time, though. I’ve placed a call to an old buddy with Mississippi State Police. I’ll let you know if he comes up with anything on this Miller guy.”

Mason sighed while pouring another cup of coffee. None of this made sense. It should not be so difficult to locate one individual. “What about his drivers’ license? Can you get a picture from that?”

“Working on it. But it’s Sunday, so don’t count on any answers today.” A series of taps came through the phone as Marks keyed something into his computer. He wouldn’t give up until he found all the answers. That was one of the qualities that made him a good detective.

“Tell me you have someone patrolling around here.”

“Constantly. And I’ll send someone over there to stay with Kendall if you need to get out to work the case. One of my deputies is on vacation this week, so I’m a little short handed, but I’ll make sure Kendall has whatever protection is needed.”

“Thanks, man. Keep me updated.”

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