Heat Flash (7 page)

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Authors: Taylor Anne

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #spicy, #Suspense, #stalker

BOOK: Heat Flash
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Kendall grabbed her favorite red tank top and a pair of jeans and headed to the shower. She’d just finished dressing when a loud thud sounded, making her heart leap to her throat.
What the hell?
It sounded like something hitting the front door.

She made her way to the front of the house and cautiously opened the door. She looked down, and a gasp escaped her lips. She jumped back, chills skittering across her spine. Nausea swam to her throat. She stared in horror at the dead rat lying on her front porch. Fresh blood oozed from the lifeless rodent, a stain already forming around it. The head dangled from the tiny gray body. The summer heat combined with body fluids to fill the air, irritating Kendall’s nostrils. She covered her nose and stumbled back inside, racing for her cell phone.

She waited on the porch, her eyes avoiding the mess at her feet. Fear gripped her gut. Now she was certain these weren’t pranks. The two dead rats and the phone calls were intentional, meant to scare her. Only she had no idea who would want to frighten her. Or why.

Minutes later, a black and white police unit pulled into her driveway. Detective Marks unfolded his big frame from the passenger side. Kendall released a breath. Thank God Marks was not only a competent detective, but a family friend as well. She felt better already. Marks tipped his hat to her as he made his way toward the porch.

A lanky uniformed cop followed Marks. The deputy looked around the neighborhood, checked the time on his watch, then lazily made his way in her direction. The two men stopped just short of the porch steps.

“Thanks for coming so quickly.”

The deputy lifted his sunglasses and stared at Kendall as if she were the offensive rodent. He spoke around a toothpick sticking out of the side of his mouth. “Ma’am, no offense, but it’s just a dead rat,” he drawled.

Kendall fought the urge to pick up the corpse and throw it at his smug face. Instead, she stood her ground. “Excuse me…” She leaned closer to read his nametag. “…Deputy Foster, but I realize it’s a dead rat. I wouldn’t have called if that’s all it was. But, being as this is the second one to hit my doorstep in the last two weeks, I thought it needed to be reported. Rats don’t just fall from the sky.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Marks fighting to hide his smile before he spoke. “You did the right thing calling us.” Marks stepped in front of the deputy and took Kendall by the arm, turning her away from the repulsive sight. “Foster, take pictures, then bag that nasty thing. I’ll get Kendall’s statement.”

Foster stomped back to the unit like a child that dropped his lollipop. He came back with a camera and an evidence bag, then went to work while Kendall told Marks about the other rat that showed up on her doorstep. She also told him about the prank calls.

“If anything else out of the ordinary happens, call me directly.”

Kendall shifted from one foot to the other. “Well, I don’t know if it’s connected in any way, but there is one thing. The other day I was meeting with a client at Cajun Roy’s. When I went to leave, my car was sitting on two flat tires.”

Marks made a note in his little notebook. “What makes you think they are connected?”

Kendall sighed in frustration. “I don’t know. Just a feeling. Maybe they’re not related at all. But I thought I should mention it to you.”

“Does Bobby or Mason know about any of this?”

At the mention of Mason’s name, her heart did a little jump. Marks’ question should not have surprised her. The three men had been best friends for years. Kendall chewed on her bottom lip. “No, I didn’t call either one of them, and I’d appreciate it if you kept this from them for now.” She had to think before she could deal with her brother, or the man behind the mesmerizing blue eyes.

“This may be nothing to worry about, but it wouldn’t hurt to let them know what’s going on.”

“This is the city’s jurisdiction, not the FBI’s. I don’t want Bobby worrying.” She didn’t want to involve Mason at all. She knew the two of them would find out soon enough. Bobby, Marks, and Mason didn’t keep many secrets from each other. Business or personal.

Marks agreed not to say anything, for the time being.

Foster had gone back to the patrol car while Marks finished with Kendall’s report. As they were wrapping up, a white Altima screeched to a halt in the driveway. Mandy jumped out and hurried over to Kendall, a frown of concern etched on her forehead.

“What’s going on?” she demanded of Marks as she grabbed Kendall’s hand.

He looked at Kendall with a question in his eye. She nodded her consent, and he told Mandy what happened.

“My gosh, Kendall. Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. But, yeah, it’s time to do something.” She paused. “And no, I haven’t told Bobby yet. Let Detective Marks handle this.”

Mandy shot an apprehensive look at the detective, then opened her mouth to protest. “I think you should tell him. He’s going to be furious when he finds out.”

“Well, hopefully the police can solve this before he gets wind of it. You know how he worries about us.”

“What about Mason?” Mandy asked.

Why did everyone want her to tell Mason about this? “What about him?” She gave Mandy a look that said, more than her words had, that this conversation was over.

Mandy directed her next question to the detective. “You will keep an eye on her, won’t you?”

“Certainly. I’ll patrol around here myself. And if either of you need anything, call.” He handed Mandy one of his cards.

Kendall’s eyebrow rose as she watched her sister flip her hair behind her ear. Mandy looked down at the card, then back up to Marks. Her tiny frame was dwarfed by his height and build. She shielded her eyes from the glaring sun before speaking to the detective. “Please don’t waste any time in finding whoever did this.”

“I assure you, Mandy, we will do everything we can to find the person, or persons, responsible.”

“I know you will.”

“You let me worry about doing my job.” Detective Marks turned his attention from Mandy back to Kendall. “Call anytime. You can always reach me on my cell. In case I’m not at the precinct.” Marks fumbled with his sunglasses and jammed them in his shirt pocket. Kendall’s eyes followed the path of Marks’ focusing on Mandy’s unruly, curly hair.

Mandy stuffed the business card into her jeans pocket. She laid a hand on Marks’ shoulder. “Hurry up and catch this guy, would ya.” It was a statement, not a question.

Kendall worked to hide the smile twitching at her lips. Her sister definitely had a little more spunk to her words than normal. It was either a little spark igniting between the two, or she was in an extremely good mood. Kendall hoped it was the first. A little flirtation may do her sister some good.

Chapter Six

Kendall made it to the door before the chimes echoed throughout the house a third time. Mason stood on the porch, looking virile, sexy. His jeans fit snug, emphasizing his muscular thighs. With his arm out of the sling, his blue T-shirt stretched across a chest revealing taut abs. He exuded power, confidence, and all-male-sexiness. Kendall grabbed the door to keep from stumbling like an idiot.


“Uh, hey.” He smiled at her. “You look good enough to eat.” His hand reached toward her.

“What?” Her face heated. Why would he say something so…suggestive?

He laid his hand on her cheek. Slowly, his thumb swiped across her bottom lip. Without thinking, she sucked in, pulling her lip between her teeth. Her skin tingled as he pulled his hand away to reveal chocolate frosting covering his thumb.

“You, um, have icing all over.” Taking his time, he licked the sweetness off his finger, his eyes never leaving hers.

On unsteady legs, she backed away and motioned him inside. She looked from his face to the laptop he carried. “What are you doing here?”

“I brought over some paperwork I need your help on. If you don’t mind.”

The shuffling of tiny feet behind her caught her attention.

“Aunt Kendall, are the cookies ready yet? Hey, Uncle Mason!” Misty darted from the kitchen and threw herself at Mason, barely giving him time to set the computer on the side table.

“Hey precious. What are you doing here?” He picked up the girl and twirled her around in the air several times before setting her down on the floor. Her delighted giggles filled the room. “And you, come here.” Bobby Jr. wobbled into the room, straight into Mason’s outstretched arms.

They stepped into the living room. “Bobby and Connie are out of town for a few days. I offered my babysitting services so they could enjoy their little romantic get-a-way.”

“That explains why he didn’t answer when I called his cell. Well, it’s good they can get away sometimes.”

“Yeah, and it helps that I work out of my home now. I can watch the kids practically anytime and still get my work done. Besides, I love having them here. They’re always so happy, so much fun to have around.”

Kendall watched the display of emotion between her niece, nephew, and Mason. He wasn’t their blood relative, but obviously that didn’t prevent any feelings between them. He nuzzled their necks, making them laugh and squirm. The kids tiny fists punched Mason’s chest and head until he feigned defeat, falling to the floor.

They rolled around on the floor, wrestling. Giggles and screams tickled Kendall’s ears. Mason whispered something to Misty. Must have been magical words. Her brown ponytail bobbed up and down.

“Save me.” His arm reached up to Kendall. She stretched her hand out to him. Seconds after she tumbled to the floor with them, she realized it was a trick.

“Hey, that’s not fair.” She laughed before joining in on their playfulness.

“Not fair. Not fair.” Bobby Jr. chirped. Then, without missing a beat, “Hungry. Eat.”

Mason was on his feet, helping the kids up. “Yeah, let’s eat. What’re we having?” He stretched his arm out to Kendall. She hesitated, uncertain if she should take his hand again. He didn’t give her a chance to make up her mind. His hands circled her waist and he hauled her up next to him. Her body trembled at his touch.

“We made chicken nuggets and French fries. Bobby Jr.’s favorite.” Her home phone interrupted her thoughts. “Stay and eat with us. I’ll be right there, just let me grab this.” Mason followed the kids into the kitchen while she answered the phone.


“So…tell me about that sexy nightie you bought.” Her back stiffened as soon as the man spoke. “Do you have someone special to wear it for?”

An icy chill gripped her. Her stomach churned at the thought of someone watching her during the day, invading her personal space. Yesterday she stopped by the mall on her way home from a client meeting. The black baby doll nightie was an impulse buy, and one she thought to be private.

The idea of Mason watching her every move was nothing compared to the hollow feeling in her stomach at the thought of this creep following her. She grabbed hold of the end of the table to steady herself.

“You are a sick son of a bitch” she spat out, slamming the phone down. Shaking from head to toe, she took a moment to calm herself. Even then, she walked into the kitchen on legs that felt like rubber bands.

“Hey, everything okay?” Mason was out of his chair and at her side the instant she walked in. Damn, she must have looked as shaken as she felt.

She brushed past him hoping he couldn’t see her face. “I’m fine. Some jerk had the wrong number.” She finished setting the food on the table and poured drinks for everyone. “Let’s eat.”

Dinner was very eventful. Mason entertained the kids and kept them laughing. Kendall had never seen him interact with children before. He had nothing to worry about as far as becoming like his parents. He had a natural, easy style with the kids. And his gentle voice helped ease her nerves also.

Misty hung on his every word. He told her stories of princes and princesses. Tweaking her nose, he said, “One day you’ll find your prince and live happily ever after.” Misty giggled. Her eyes went from Mason to Kendall.

With the uncensored words of a child, she stated emphatically, “Uncle Mason, Aunt Kendall can be your princess. You can marry her.”

Kendall’s fork clattered against the plate. She fumbled with her napkin. It took three times before she was able to pick up the fork again. She looked from Misty to Mason. The wistful expression on the child’s face almost had Kendall laughing with the rest of them.

Mason roared with laughter. Adding a little bit of drama, for Misty’s sake, he turned to Kendall and lifted her hand. He winked at Misty before looking Kendall in the eye. He softly kissed the back of her hand. “I’m just waiting for her to say yes.”

The intense heat in his gaze scared Kendall. It stirred something deep in her midsection. He was only playing along for Misty. Surely. Kendall laughed nervously as she pushed her chair back, away from the table. She turned to the sink with an arm full of dishes. “Right. Like you would ever want to marry me,” she mumbled under her breath.

She was caught off-guard as Mason planted himself right behind her. “I heard that.” His warm breath tickled her ear. He grabbed a washcloth and reached around her with both hands to run the rag under the water. Kendall froze. He was too close. His hard body trapped her between him and the sink. The heat she was feeling had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. Kendall couldn’t breathe. She tried to slow her beating heart while Mason took his time wetting the rag before he finally turned to the kids. “Time to clean up so we can find a movie.”

The kids clapped and eagerly followed Mason into the living room leaving Kendall to regain control of her body.


“Wine or beer?” Kendall called from across the counter separating the kitchen from the living room. She was thankful Mason was there to help with the kids. They were now bathed and sleeping soundly in the spare bedroom. He had even pitched in and helped her straighten up the kitchen and living room.

“Beer. But only if you’re having one,” he answered.

She breezed into the living room carrying two beers. “You betcha. After a day like today. I love the kids, but they run me ragged sometimes.” She handed him a bottle and sat next to him while he set up his laptop. “Thanks for your help tonight.”

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