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Authors: Lora Leigh

Heat Seeker (36 page)

BOOK: Heat Seeker
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This was what she had dreamed of as she’d touched herself through the years. Her lover, the man she loved, giving her those parts of himself that he had always held back.

John wasn’t holding back now. Both hands were in her hair, pinning her in place as he took her mouth with slow, shallow thrusts that had moans rising in her throat.

Her tongue worked over the head of his cock with each thrust, rasping against the sensitive underside and drawing a hard, deep growl from the depths of his chest.

The taste of him was heated male, rich with lust and a burgeoning hunger that throbbed through the heavy shaft. His fingers pulled at her hair, his short nails flexing against her scalp as she filled her mouth with him.

She wanted more. So much more. She wanted the hunger
burning like a conflagration between them, destroying them before they were both reborn.

“Damn you.” His voice was rougher now, his strokes inside her mouth gaining in speed as his flesh seemed to swell and tighten, the hard throb of blood increasing in pressure.

It was already like a heated iron beneath her lips, so hard and hot she felt bruised even as her arousal grew.

She worked her mouth over the throbbing crest, sucked at it, deep and firm, loving the feel of his cock pulsing in her mouth, the knowledge that he was fighting release, that his body was straining to hold back.

He was close. So very close. She could almost feel the deep, heavy pulse of his semen working up the shaft when he suddenly drew back, drawing the prize from her just seconds before it was in her grasp.

Within seconds she found herself on her back, the pants torn from her legs, and John’s lips between her thighs. Her legs fell open, spreading wide as he pushed them apart with his hands, his head lowering.

His tongue swiped through the wet folds, pausing at the entrance to ream it hungrily before licking up, circling her clit, then drawing it into his mouth.

Hard, brutally hot strikes of sensation tore through her, arching her hips to him as she felt the first one, then two fingers slip inside the clenched entrance of her pussy.

She drove herself onto the penetration, gasping, crying out as she felt the stretching pressure fill the sensitive portal. The feel of his fingers inside her, the suckling pressure of his mouth, and the sound of his heavy moans were too much to bear.

Bailey could feel the waves of sensation centering in her womb, radiating outward through the rest of her body. Flames were licking over her body, sizzling across her flesh, and slickening her skin with a heavy layer of perspiration.

She could feel her juices building, gathering, easing between his fingers and saturating her flesh as he thrust them into her, sending her senses reeling.

She was lost in a kaleidoscope of pleasure, of sensations
that struck hard and fast, never ending, racing through her body and her bloodstream with a force and speed that left her breathless.

His suckling mouth was a demon as it held her clit captive, his tongue a fiery force of rapture as it stroked, caressed, and lashed against the sensitive bud.

Bailey swore she couldn’t survive another second of it, but her hands were locked in his hair, holding him to her as she begged for more.

She had never known pleasure like this except in John’s arms. And never had he let himself go like this. Never had he ravaged her senses as he was tonight, drawing her into a world in which only pleasure and the two of them existed.

“So good,” she moaned, arching closer to his suckling mouth. “Oh God, John. It’s so good. So hot.”

She writhed beneath his mouth, so close to orgasm that she could feel it aching to explode through her system. So close, and yet he held her on the edge, refusing to allow her to slip over just yet.

His fingers worked deeper inside her, thrusting into the snug entrance as she arched her hips, rotated them, a strangled scream escaping her throat as the sensation evaded her once again.

“Please,” she panted, unable to stand the intensity of pleasure, dying for a release that stayed just out of reach. “Please, John.”

His answer was a dark, low growl as he released the pressure on her clit to kiss it instead. Deep, sharp little kisses that had her moaning in need as she arched closer, fighting to find that peak.

“Not yet, baby.” His fingers slid from the aching depths of her pussy as he gripped her thighs before pulling himself up along her body.

“Now.” Her hands fell to his shoulders, gripping them as she tried to push him back down her body.

“Not yet. Together. We’ll come together, Bailey, or we’ll not come at all.”

He hooked his hands beneath her knees, lifted them, bracing
them against his biceps as his hips moved into place, his cock pressing against the snug entrance that wept for him.

Bailey froze, her gaze locking with John’s as his head lowered farther, his lips grazing hers, stroking against them as he began to work his cock inside her.

It was exquisite. It was a pleasure unlike anything else she could have imagined. It was a pleasure unlike any other he had ever given her.

Holding her gaze, his lips taking sipping kisses, sharp little tastes of hers, he worked the heavy, engorged head of his cock inside her. He stretched her, filled her until the sharp bite of pleasure was like a fiery central ache. It radiated through her body, struck at her clit, her nipples, tightened them until they felt too sensitive, too swollen to bear.

“God, you’re sweet, love,” he groaned as the head of his erection lodged inside her. “So sweet and tight. You burn me alive.”

But the flames were tearing through her.

Her arms tightened around his neck as she tried to breathe, tried to control at least a small measure of the heated, desperate pulses of need that racked her body.

“Stop teasing me,” she cried out as he pulled back before working his cock deeper inside her. “Please, John. Now. I need you now.”

“Sweet Bailey.” The sigh of his voice rippled across her lips as he lifted his hands and pulled her arms from him. Clasping her wrists in one hand, he pulled them over her head, holding them there as his hips bunched.

She could feel the need striking through her with violent intensity now. It was throbbing deep inside her, her clit was a swollen mass of nerve endings, her womb convulsing with the need for release.

Bailey was shaking, shuddering with the need that she couldn’t control. Her legs tightened around his hips as a strangled scream tore from her throat. Then her cry echoed around her as he tightened and thrust inside her, deep and hard.

Her back arched. Pleasure streaked up her spine, wrapped around her skull, and sizzled through her nerve endings.
Brilliant pinpoints of light dazzled her senses and left her burning in the middle of a maelstrom that she had no hope of controlling.

“Fuck me, you’re tight.” John’s strangled groan sent another rush of sensation tearing through her. Pleasure upon pleasure. She wasn’t going to survive this, even though she had begged him to give it to her.

She arched to him, moaning as he slid back again until only the engorged head remained lodged inside her. A second later another fierce, deep throat lodged him to the hilt again, stretching her open and revealing nerve endings that flamed with the heated stroke.

“I can’t stand it.” Her head tossed against the bed, her legs tightening around his hips as the fiery whirls of sensation centered in her pussy and at her clit.

“Just a bit longer, baby,” he groaned. “Hold on to me just a bit longer. God, there’s nothing like fucking you. Like being so deep inside you I can feel your heartbeat.”

She could feel his heartbeat. It throbbed against the sensitive tissue of her pussy, vibrated into her clit, and had her senses spinning.

Perspiration gleamed on his face, a rivulet of moisture easing down his forehead and dampening his thick lashes. He looked like a sex god rising over her, impaling her with paradise.

Looking down between their bodies, she watched as he drew back, his heavy flesh glistening with her juices, parting her, then surging inside her again until not even a breath could pass between them.

It was the most erotic sight of her life. He moved slow and easy, thrusting inside her with deep, slow strokes, letting her watch him take her. Watch her flesh part and hug the silky wet column of his cock as he took her.

“I want to hold you here forever,” she sobbed, unable to tear her eyes from the sight. “I don’t want to lose this, John. I never want to lose this.”

She wanted to stay right here, stuck in a time warp,
watching his flesh merge with hers, his heavy erection impaling her, releasing her, stretching her again.

Releasing his hips from the vise of her legs, she planted her feet in the bed, tilted her hips, and took him deeper, dragging a hard, heated moan from his lips.

“Sweet baby,” he rasped. “God help me, Bailey, I’d die without you now.”

The Australian accent, faint but there, had her convulsing around him, nearly orgasming from the sound alone, from the sense of the past rising up to swamp her, to merge with her present.

This was how she had dreamed. Just like this. Of the pleasure, each stroke slow and easy, the need spiraling inside the both of them until they could contain it no more.

Until they had to act. Until they couldn’t bear it another second.

His thrusts became heavier, harder. He gripped her thighs, pushing them back as he braced himself with his knees and began to thrust inside her. To shaft into her with hot, long strokes over his cock.

His hips surged against her, over and over, impaling her with a pleasure that burned hotter and bright with each stroke.

She cried out his name. Her neck arched, her legs tightening as she felt the breath rush from her lungs and sensation imploding inside her.

His pelvis stroked her clit, sending a surge of electric intensity swarming through it until it erupted in ecstasy at the same moment that her pussy began to convulse in orgasm.

Above her, his heavy groans signaled his own release. A second later, deep, blistering pulses of warmth attacked her vagina and threw her higher, deeper.

She was flying through time and space, jerked out of reality and thrown into rapture. Stars exploded behind her closed lashes, violent pleasure streaked across her nerve endings, and his name was a wail of such utter completion that she wondered if she would ever survive without it again.

Collapsing against her, John released her legs, his body coming over hers as he caught his weight on his knees and elbows, his head burying at her neck.

She could hear him whispering something, his voice a hard thick growl filled with that forbidden accent. The man who had been dead lived in her arms for that moment. He held her, his cock pulsed inside her, his lips pressed to her neck as his fingers buried themselves in her hair.

Exhaustion swamped her as she felt the last fragile waves of pleasure ebbing through her. The shudders that racked her body eased, the blinding hunger was sated for the moment, and the world around her had disappeared.

Locked close to his body she felt a sense of peace slowly easing through her, the guilt easing away.

What she had been forced to do hadn’t been easy. She had lost friends, she had lost her last ties to the past. But in doing it, she was ensuring the future for more than just the friends she loved. She was ensuring her own future, the future of perhaps thousands.

John had done that for her. With just his touch, his possession. He had taken her past the world where nothing had made sense, given her a pleasure so overwhelming that it had made her realize exactly why it was so important.

It was just there. As the peace slid around her, sleep overtook her and that knowledge became cemented inside her. Wagner and Jules would survive, because she was doing what she had to do. She hadn’t been able to save Anna and Mathilda. She hadn’t been able to save her parents. But she could save Wagner. She could ensure that Warbucks never forced John to “die” again. The past she remembered might be cracked a little, but those she had so loved as a child would survive.

That survival was what mattered.

Sleep slid through her. Weariness sucked her under until her breathing eased and blessed numbness overcame her. There were no dreams. There were no monsters chasing her.

There was just this. Comfort. Warmth.


BOOK: Heat Seeker
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