Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (12 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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doesn‘t look very comfortable to wear in this climate,” Seles said as she
pointed at his exoskeleton.

think so,” he said. “But truth be told, the temperature control system works in
the reverse also.”

cools you down?”

course,” he answered.

stood outside a large shuttle flanked by a number of Kalaidian troops. She
glanced up at the sky before taking in a deep breath.

seem to be enjoying this,” Brian said as he and Seles joined her.

been over ten years since I last visited home,” Kivi said. “The plan is simple.
The Mjolnir will charge the base while the Novas follow. Behind them our
shuttles will be on standby and ready to take the base once the shields are

exactly will this accomplish?” Seles asked.

right; Valis rarely fills anyone in except for me,” Kivi said. “This base, no,
this planet is held by Shiken Ka, the Kein family’s main rival on Dega Jul.
Normally, Valis couldn’t care less about the movement of money and arms, but
lately, rumors have abounded that Shiken Ka has enough arms to equip twenty or
thirty heavy class ships.”

a lot,” Brian said.

like I said, Valis normally wouldn’t be concerned, but the buyer of this
equipment is the Duchess Chka.”

Chka that tried to recruit me?” he asked.

Kivi said. “That kind of military power is on par with a space fleet division,
not something to be trifled with.”

where will you be during this battle?” Brian asked.

be riding alongside you in the Mjolnir,” Kivi said.

must be easier to command from the front,” Seles said.

trust both of you to take care of me. But know that I’ll do my best to keep
that from becoming an issue.”


* * *


paced nervously back and forth on the bridge while watching intently what the
situation was on the surface.
Even if something goes wrong, I can trust
Brian and Kivi to protect the ground forces.
She looked at the planet’s
image closely.
What trick does he have up his sleeve this time around?

Zae looked wide eyed at her scanners, “I’m detecting five Jckta Class ships
heading towards our position. In addition, there are at least two hundred

contact our ground forces and call for an immediate withdraw,” Valis ordered.

tried to send the order but found the signal was being jammed. “Captain, the
message isn’t getting through.” Zae looked at the scanner and noticed an energy
spike coming from the surface. “I’m also detecting an energy surge.”

watched as a massive pulse of energy fired across the surface, not into space.


* * *


looks to be on schedule,” Brian said to Kivi as she stood to the side and
watched the monitors closely.

the communication systems working?” Kivi asked.

checked twice. “Something’s jamming our signal.” He turned the com towards
Seles and the Novas. “Seles, can you hear me?”

picking you up loud and clear,” Seles answered.

you able to contact the ships in orbit?” Kivi asked.

looked perplexed. “No.” She relayed the message to all the surface units. “None
of us are getting a signal out to the fleet in space.”

isn’t good,” Kivi said. “All forces tighten up your formation and use the
Mjolnir as a shield.” She turned to Brian. “The jamming is likely coming from a
massive energy spike.”

their shields that powerful?” Brian activated the Mjolnir’s defense systems.

that wouldn’t be the problem.” Kivi saw the scanners pick up the signature of
the energy spike. “They’re going to fire at us!”

flew the Mjolnir forward towards the Shandi base, oblivious to the energy spike
coming from ahead. Looking up, he saw the massive beam of light begin to form
and shouted over his com. “Everyone, get behind me!”

the Novas and transports fell in line behind the Mjolnir as a massive beam of
red energy smashed into the mobile suit’s shields.

Chapter 15 - Cut Off


absorbing all of the blast the Mjolnir fell into the sand below with its
shields down, emitting smoke. Inside, Kivi shook her head and stood up to find
Brian unconscious.

you hear me Brian?!” Seles shouted in distress over the com.

took the unconscious Brian and laid him onto the ground gently. She removed his
helmet and saw a little blood, but no other injuries. She put her head close to
his before taking the com and turning on the monitor.

he doing?” Seles asked.

right here lieutenant,” Kivi looked down, “He’s unconscious, but otherwise

glad to hear you say that,” Seles said with relief in her voice.

the rest of our forces?”

checked her scanners. “It appears the Mjolnir took the whole of the blast. I’m
not finding any casualties on our side.” Her eyes widened and she looked up.
“I’m detecting a large force from the north and another of a different kind
from the southwest.”

turned on the Mjolnir’s scanners. “I see.” She ran a diagnostic check. “Seles,
I want you and Mira to take command and lead our ground forces back into

about you and Brian?”

worry about us.” Kivi grinned. “That blast knocked the Mjolnir to the ground,
but it looks like this machine’s still operating at eighty percent.”

care of him.”

will. Now get back into space.”

commander,” Seles said before ending transmission.

watched the Shandi and Ick-Tckt forces swarm towards them from both sides. Standing
the Mjolnir back up, she reactivated the shield and drew the pulse cannon. Taking
aim towards the north, she waited until she could target some Spits flying over
the sand dunes and fired. The beam hit the enemy formation and destroyed six
fighters while two others crashed into the ground. A dozen more flew towards
Seles and her formation of Novaguards. Kivi checked the engines and then looked
at the radar again. She saw a number of Spits and Drones heading towards her
position. Looking down at the unconscious Brian she sighed. “Looks like I’ll be
the one to use us as a diversion.” Kivi fired up the engines on the Mjolnir
again and flew the giant as fast as she could towards the east.


* * *


heard the commander, let’s get back into space,” Seles said over the com.

he alright?” Mira asked from one of the transport ships.

said he was.”

Mira said. “You take care of the Novas; I’ll get the ground troops and
transports going.”

like a plan.” Seles turned her Nova towards the Spits flying at them. “Alright ladies,
we have a few dogfights to get into,” Seles said to her fellow pilots.
“Everyone’s to get at least three stars or I’ll be disappointed.”

lieutenant,” her subordinates answered.


* * *


think we should retreat,” Captain Esra suggested over the monitor.

what we‘re going to have to do.” Valis turned to Zae. “Order our Novas into
formation D-6.”

captain,” Zae said as she relayed the orders.

turned to Daes. “Are the ground forces doing anything?”

checked her scans carefully. “It looks like the Mjolnir is drawing most of the
enemy forces off the main group. Seles and her escort Novas are holding their
own.” Daes looked up from her console. “It looks like our transports are about
to reach orbit.”

turned back to Zae. “How long will it be until the enemy reaches us?”



* * *


watched the Mjolnir fly away from the main Kalaidian forces into the eastern

are your orders?” El Kar asked.

narrowed his eyes. “Send everything after the Mjolnir.”

focus everything on that one?”

we can capture the Terran’s giant we can become a lot stronger.” Shiken turned
to El Kar. “Prepare my ship for battle.”



* * *


looked behind and saw the mass of fighters chasing the Mjolnir. Brian moaned
before rolling over and opening his eyes.

you’re with me now, could you switch the controls over to Kalaidian?” Kivi
asked. She turned the com on. “Seles, it’s time you get out of here.”

about you?” Seles asked.

can escape on our own. As soon as you’re off the planet we’ll hide in the
desert,” Kivi answered.

commander,” Seles said as she turned her Nova towards space.


* * *


everyone else in the air?” Mira asked her subordinate, an ensign named Jaeli.

like everyone except our shuttle and one other.

get us off the ground and back to the Avoni.”

lieutenant,” Jaeli answered. A number of the remaining ground troops ran
onboard and packed the shuttle to its limit. As the dust kicked up from the
engine starting Mira checked her scanner once more.

we ready?” the pilot asked.

turned and nodded. “Let’s go.”

shuttle took off behind the line of other shuttles with one other heading out
at the same time.

the Mjolnir?” Mira asked the copilot as she went to the front of the shuttle.

seems to be flying away from the battle field at full speed lieutenant.”

about our Novas?”

just up ahead of us.”

that moment a flash of light filled the air around the shuttle and pushed it to
the ground. Behind them were a number of Spits as well as a light class Shandi
vessel in the shape of a floating diamond. Two more shots hit the shuttle and
forced them to crash into the desert. For a few minutes everything went silent
as the Shandi closed in on their position. Mira laid at the front of the transport
ship and shook her sand covered head before standing up. Seeing the wounded and
dead around her she ran to the nearest officer.

you alright lieutenant?” Jaeli asked.

alright.” Mira looked around. “Please tend to the wounded.” She looked up at
the sky as the others flew away.
That’s right, go.
She ran outside and
saw a large force of Shandi ground troops surrounding them. The light class
vessel landed nearby. Mira held out her hands as a sign of surrender. “Drop
your weapons,” she ordered her soldiers.

the Shandi vessel emerged a large snake man wearing a falchion on his back. He
slithered forward to see Mira standing with her hands out. His troops followed
behind him.

lieutenant Mira of the Avoni.”

raised an eye. “Really?” he asked.

that’s my name.”

turned to El Kar. “Treat her and the others well.” He turned and looked down at
Mira. “You’re the Avoni’s
aren’t you?”


not young lady, you’re worth far too much for my men to cut you apart and eat

guess I should be happy to hear that.”

you look angry.” Shiken saw the look Mira shot his way. He moved over, pushing
her chin up with his massive scaled hand and looked down into her blue eyes.
“You must have been the one to train the Terran how to be what he is.”

what if I am?” Mira pulled away from his grasp.

really,” Shiken grinned, “I’m surprised your people still remember how to make
. My troops will escort you and your companions onto my vessel.”
He motioned towards the landed ship. “As I said before, we’ll take good care of

motioned to her subordinates. “You heard him,” she said as she walked towards
the Shandi vessel.

hope to hear you sing lieutenant Mira, if only once,” Shiken said as she walked
past him.

likely Lord Ka.”


* * *


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