Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (11 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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don’t carry Grigon’s legacy for naught,” Riga said as he watched the drive
being attached to the back of the Talon.

turned away from his work. “The real reason for this is so we don’t fall behind
the Mjolnir.”

held your own in the Talon as it was.”

raised a claw and shook it back and forth. “No, Brian didn’t activate the full
drive system,” Dreka stared at his Talon, “He was only fighting me on twenty
percent output.”

is that possible?” Riga asked.

don’t know how he did it, but he must have the schematics for the original
Talon. Our government believed it was too advanced to work properly, so they
used the lesser model, the Phase Talon Beta that we’ve been using for over a
year now.”

looked over the schematics on a nearby monitor. “No wonder they didn’t believe
it.” He turned to the Talon. “Using a Q-Drive, you can match the Mjolnir in all

threw up his claws. “It’s the best I can do for now. I’m not sure how to
integrate a true gravity drive into a vessel this small, let alone the cost.”

says here that you’ll need a charger to keep the drive functioning,” Riga said.

already built one,” Dreka pointed to the other side of the bay. There stood a
scaffold with a massive glowing device at the top, “The back of the Talon is
supposed to rest in there to charge it.”

hope it works,” Riga said.

Chapter 13 - Doing What Mercenaries Do Best


and Brian stood inside the tactical room while the last of the ship’s supplies
were being loaded by shuttles. Kivi and the other of the senior officers
entered and saluted their captain.

you,” Valis said. “As you know, our next mission is an assault involving three
vessels in addition to our own: the Daevoni, the Xardain, and the Callmai. Our
objective is to destroy a weapons cache on the planet Kalmar. Our scouting reports
reveal a number of options. The plan I’ve come up with is this.” She called up
a holographic image above the center table. At the center was an image of the
planet Kalmar, a desert world with a breathable atmosphere. She focused a key
point on the image that pointed to a location on the surface. “This is where
the main complex is located. Because of their heavy shielding an orbital
bombardment may not work. But first, we must deal with this.” Valis moved the
image off the planet and into the orbit. There were three large ships shown, a
number of small ships and a satellite system nearby. “The orbital position is
defended by three Gant class ships, at least a hundred and twenty Spits, and an
orbital defense system.”

the image closely, Kivi signaled to speak. “So let me guess your plan.” Kivi
pointed to the ships in orbit. “You’ll have the Mjolnir and Novas launch a
surprise attack to push the Gants out of position. Then our main ships come
into the fray and finish off their battleships. Meanwhile, the Mjolnir and the
Novas take out the orbital defense system.”

smiled. “That’s exactly what I had in mind.”


* * *


and Daes looked from the monitor in the cargo bay towards the Mjolnir, and then
towards an object looking quite similar to the giant robot, only built up to
the midsection.

coming along faster than we anticipated,” Jesela said.

checked the schematics for the incomplete Phase Rakna. “When this mobile suit
and is finished we’ll be the leading race technologically.” Daes smiled,
looking then at the Mjolnir before turning to Jesela. “Do you know how we came
across this technology?”

don’t know the specifics, but it has something to do with the Talon.”

designed the Mjolnir based on the blueprints of the Talon. What I find strange
is that a field commander of the Malcovin handed the data crystal with the
schematics on the Talon to Brian as he died.” Daes walked back to the monitor.

would he do such a thing?” Jesela asked as Brian and Seles walked into the room.

you’re curious Jesela I can tell you what he said as he died,” Brian said.

Jesela, and Seles all looked at him. “Tell us,” the three said nearly in

scratched his beard and glanced at the Mjolnir. “He said this to me: I was
entrusted with this for you Terran. As the Thunder predicted the Warrior has
come. Those were his last words. I’ve yet to understand them.

stared at the Mjolnir.
Is it possible that Grigon knew about Brian?

you look really out of it,” Brian said.

about that.”

looked to the far side of the Mjolnir and noticed the frame of the Phase Rakna.
“Is that what you were talking about a few days ago Jesela?”

yes. Now that we’ve figured out the drive system and basic systems of the craft
it’s only a matter of time before we finish this,” Jesela answered. The Avoni
went to full battle alert.

appears talking time is over,” Brian said.


* * *


ran into the launching bay and saw all forty three of her subordinates standing

each of you read in the mission plan we’re going to launch a coordinated attack
using our Novas alongside the other ships’ squadrons,” Seles said before
jumping into her Nova’s cockpit.

lieutenant,” each pilot answered before doing likewise.

turned on the systems as she readied to move out. When the bay doors opened the
sight of Kalmar came into view. The planet was of similar size and mass of
Kalaidia, but devoid of water. Other than the brown and tan of the desert the
main features of Kalmar were formations of rock algae. Under the surface of the
desert were vast water deposits. Seles took a deep breath before flying her
craft into space. Behind her each Nova did the same before moving into a
trident formation with her at the head. The Mjolnir came into view from above
and took point. Behind the Avoni were three heavy class Kalaidian ships. Each
launched their Novaguards. Brian’s image appeared on every one of their

Brian Peterson calling all Novaguards. Take formation D-2,
with your squadron leaders in the front.” The Mjolnir drew its pulse cannon.
“Our goal is the break through the center of the enemy formation while destroying
as many as possible. The signal to go in will be my pulse cannon firing.”

flew the invisible Mjolnir as close as he could to check the Shandi formation.
Three Gant class ships were positioned around a small orbital station with a
hundred and twenty Spits in formation.
It’s time to show them what I can
really do in this thing.
He flipped the switch above his seat and shifted
the gravity drive to full power. He aimed the pulse cannon and fired an energy
blast into the center of the Shandi formation, destroying the orbital base. As
Mjolnir speed forward the squads of Novas followed, blasting away with their
pulse cannons. Drawing the
from its back, the Mjolnir landed on
one of the Gant class ships. Using the blade, the mobile suit carved a hole in
the hull. Flying away at full speed it took aim and fired a blast straight
through the Shandi ship. Brian saw the light of the explosion to his back.

our status?” Brian asked over the com.

like everything is going as planned,” Seles said.

checked his radar.
Two Heavy ships and about a hundred Spits remain.
turned to the orbital defenses.
I’d better destroy them before they begin
attacking us.

into formation S-4,” Brian ordered. When the Novas flew through the enemy
formation they surrounded another Gant class vessel. They combined their
attacks to drain its shields. The Mjolnir turned and fired a pair of shots into
the Spit formations, destroying a few dozen of the smaller ships. Flying
towards the Gant ship under attack the Mjolnir aimed and fired. The ship tried
to evade, but the sheer amount of firepower hitting the shields couldn’t
prevent the vessel from being blasted. The ship exploded while the Novas took
formation around the Mjolnir.


* * *


far behind Valis watched the battle unfold. Her eyes widened as she watched the
second Gant ship explode.
I predicted one destroyed. How is this possible?

smiled as she watched the battle. “He’s amazing.”

he definitely is,” Valis said. The third and final ship exploded from the third
wave of attacks. Captain Esra appeared on the monitor.

do you think your
could let us have some fun?”

don’t pay him to only do half the job.”

must be easier for you to plan strategy with him around,” Esra said.

Esra, it’s harder.” Valis stared as the Novas while they finished off the Spits.
“My plans anticipated one main ship destroyed and a fourth of the Spits. I’ve
never seen such display superiority as this.”


* * *


the ground Shiken Ka watched the battle in space.

El Kar stood next to his lord. “It seems that Terran’s craft is destroying our
forces with ease. I’d hate to say it, but with him on her side, Captain Valis
is invincible.”

took up a glass of red wine. “No El Kar, this was in my plans. My contacts told
me this was the power of the Mjolnir.” He raised his glass to the sky. “Now
I’ve got you right where I want you Lady Star.”

Chapter 14 - The Desert Snake


paced on the bridge in front of the main monitor. Baed and Zae relaxed while
waiting for further orders. Kivi finished the work at her station and headed
the exit elevator.

careful Kivi,” Valis said.

worry; I’ll capture the base on Kalmar.” Kivi said.

hope so.” Valis looked at the monitor again.
This is too easy. Shiken Ka
must have something planned.
She sat down and began working out a plan on
her chair computer. “Zae, relay an order to the other ships that we will begin
an orbital bombardment on the Ka palace. I’m sure they have shields to protect
them, but at least we can give our ground forces a chance to set up.”


Esra’s imaged appeared on the main monitor. “Looks like you’ve been handed
another victory old friend,” Esra remarked while the Daevoni flew closer to the
Avoni. The Callmai and Xardain positioned themselves close to the southern pole.

Valis said.


* * *


like they’re all cleared.
Brian thought as the last defense satellite was
destroyed by the Mjolnir’s pulse cannon. Turning the giant around, he flew back
towards the main group of Novaguards.

you already done?” Seles asked over the com.

it looks like I’m finished,” he said before checking his radar. There were no
enemies remaining.

appeared on their monitors. “The two of you are going to escort the ground
forces down to the surface. Seles, take twenty Novas down with you. Make sure
to change their ventilation systems for surface conditions.”

captain,” Seles said.


* * *


stood on the balcony of his massive pyramid shaped palace, surrounded by a
number of smaller pyramids acting as storage and shelter for his troops.
Looking through his enhanced binoculars he watched the Kalaidian troops landing
south of his position.

like a lot,” El Kar remarked.

turned and laughed. “Not enough. Even with the Terran’s giant they can’t penetrate
our base’s shield.” He handed the binoculars to El Kar. “Have our allies deploy
their forces. If we’re lucky we’ll catch both Captain Valis and the Terran from
two sides.”

sir,” El Kar said before leaving.

narrowed his eyes and stared into the bright sandy dunes before his base.
waited for a long time to get my revenge on you Lady Star. Nearly a decade has
passed since I fell into your trap.
Shiken Ka drew his massive scimitar
like sword and pointed it at the sky. “Let it be known Shiken Ka was the one to
hand the Lady Star defeat!”


* * *


the Mjolnir landed it planted a massive spear-like pole into the ground to generate
a field of holographic illusions to cover the Kalaidian forces. Kivi left a
shuttle with a number of ground troops and waited as they furiously set up the
base camp. Seles landed with twenty Novas behind her as well as numerous
shuttles filled with supplies and soldiers. Brian emerged from the Mjolnir and
held his helmet as he descended to the surface. Seles did likewise from her
Nova while her subordinates basked in the midday sun.

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