Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (6 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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Ick-Tckt next to Kivi lowered his head. “I apologize. I assumed you were his
mate because you wear the same armor as him.”

is it you’d like to talk about?” Brian asked.

Ick-Tckt leaned towards him. He smelled a strange acid filled odor coming from
them. “We were wondering if we could hire you.”

we would like for you to work for our Duchess,” the other added.

Brian didn’t flinch. “What kind of job would it be?”

called the Duchess Chka. She is very interested in hiring you as her Tcka
Knight,” the first one answered.

looked to Kivi. “What rank is that?”

stared at the two Ick-Tckt. “Think of it as her personal general. If they really
serve the Duchess Chka you’d command over ten thousand troops, not to mention
her space fleet.”

narrowed his eyes before answering. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”

Duchess is prepared to offer you much wealth and power,” the first one offered.

shook his head. “No, I have a contract with Captain Valis.”

two ant-men looked at one another, clicking away in their native language.
“We’re sorry to hear that. If your contract expires early, or you choose
another way to leave it the Duchess’s offer is always available.” The pair
bowed before leaving the Kritkar.

was interesting,” Brian remarked as he tapped for another drink.

knocked the look of shock off her face. “You haven’t even been in space for two
years and already offered the position of a Tcka Knight.”

who is the Duchess Chka?” he asked before drinking more ale.

put her glass down. “She’s one of the wealthiest merchants on Dega Jul. Behind
the Kein family of Kalaidia and the Ka faction of Shandi; she’s the third most
powerful person in this system.”

time he choked on his drink. “What? And she wanted me as her general?”

only that, but you’re a Terran, not an Ick-Tckt,” Kivi said. “To say that their
kind don’t like outsiders is an understatement. The fact she was willing to
bring you in shows just how much value they place on your abilities.”


* * *


and Jesela neared the Kritkar
as dusk approached. Both carried a bag on
their back full of clothes and other materials.

look tired,” Baed said.

sighed. “I am. Are we going to have enough energy to pull this off?”

we should get something to eat,” Baed said before pointing to the Kritkar.

Grig does make the best,” Jesela said. She went to go inside and noticed Baed
wasn’t following. “What’s wrong?”

motioned for her to be quiet and moved into the shadows. She listened into the
alley to a number of clicks and whistles.

is it?” Jesela asked in a whisper.

eyes widened. “We need to find Brian as soon as possible,” she said as she
headed for the door of the bar. Jesela followed her as she went inside and sat
at a nearby table.

least we know where he is,” Jesela said as she pointed towards the bar.



heard that noise coming from the alley, right Jesela?”

it sounded like clicks and whistles to me.”

was actually a group of Ick-Tckt talking to each other. I think it was about
six of them.”

do you know that?” Jesela asked.

sighed. “I wasn’t going to tell anyone this, but one of the main reasons I fled
Kalaidia was because I was training to be the ambassador to Ick-Tckt Prime.”

you saying you can understand them?”

could even speak back to them if needed, but I’d rather not. But if what I
heard is true, Brian’s going to be ambushed on his way home tonight.”

should contact Mira and Seles.”

agree, call them Jesela.”


* * *


the metal key card to open the door, Seles and Mira went inside Brian’s new
apartment. The first room was a place for meeting with some furniture in the
middle. To the right was the kitchen and cleaning areas. To the left was the
bedroom and bath area. The lighting was mostly natural with some lamps to
enhance the look. On the far wall was one possession Brian had put in before he
came: the two sheathed
blades of the late Gaelic Kein. Seles ran
from room to room to check everything out. At the same time Mira walked up to
the crossed blades on the wall.
When she was about to touch the swords a
voice spoke in her head.

now Mira, it’s not time for you to gain that power yet.”

asked mentally.

I’m only the final program for you Mira. When the time comes, take these blades
and clang them three times. Your true purpose will be revealed.”

will I know when the time comes?”
Mira asked, closing her eyes and
concentrating on the blades.

mark of the Maiden will begin to glow.”

going on?” Seles asked, staring at Mira’s face.

blinked and looked at Seles. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

just a moment your eyes were glowing blue. You looked like Brian when he goes berserk.”

turned back to the swords. “My eyes glowed once before. It was back in Delne’s
palace. When Brian was bloodied and battered I found myself healing him faster
than I thought possible. I saw the blue light reflected in my hand scanner.”

did the same.” Seles stared at the swords. “I never fought with a
blade before but I was able to fight an experience warrior like Delne on an
even footing, all because I felt that power surge through me.” Seles pulled her
shirt away, looking down at the mark on her right breast. “Is it because we
bear the mark of the Maiden that we’re able to enter the berserk state?”

brushed the mark behind her ear. “There are supposed to be five of us, right?”

stood in thought for a moment. “According to the prophecy of the Teacher there
are supposed to be five of us.”

wonder who the other three are,” Mira said. Her wrist scanner began blinking. “Looks
like Jesela and Baed have everything we need.” Seles sat down and put her feet
up. Mira joined her before flipping open the video section. “What’s going on

need to meet up,” Jesela said over the communicator. “A number of Ick-Tckt are
going to ambush Brian tonight. And to be honest he looks rather drunk at the

perked up. Mira collected her thoughts for a second before answering. “Keep an
eye on him Jesela. Seles and I will head to where you are shortly.” Mira closed
the communicator and ended transmission.”

tapped panel near the front door. It opened to reveal a number of pulse rifles
and body armor. “I’m glad I insisted Valis get a few of these for Brian.”

picked up a pulse rifle and checked its aim. “I’m glad to.”


* * *


several of hours of drinking and entertainment Brian and Kivi stumbled out of
the Kritkar. Cautiously, Baed and Jesela followed them.

do you know where we’re going?” Brian slurred.

course, Valis made sure your apartment was next to mine,” Kivi answered very
slowly and deliberate. “She said it made it easier for the three of us to meet
off the ship.”

makes sense.” He glanced behind them and moved close to Kivi’s ear. “You know
we’re being followed.”

wasn’t expecting those two.” She pushed him away.

headed into a set of back streets that were empty at this hour. When they began
making their way through an open street they noticed the shapes of a dozen
creatures moving to surround them. The pair stopped and saw the Ick-Tckt they
spoke with earlier in the evening led the pack.

will ask you one more time Brian Peterson,” the lead Ick-Tckt said, “Join the
Duchess Chka or we’ll use force to bring you to our side.”

grinned and stood up straight. “I told you before I’m not interested.” Brian grabbed
blade and drew it.

dropped her hands and drew the
blades on her belt. She immediately
stood at his back. “I think we’re outnumbered by a lot.”

we’re not,” Brian said as he looked up.


* * *


coiled her
whip and flipped the pulse rifle back into her hands.
She stood over the Ick-Tckt in position as a sniper. Seles laid flat on her
belly and aimed the pulse rifle at the group of Ick-Tckt on the ground. She saw
Brian and Kivi standing back to back in a defensive posture. Mira walked up
behind her.

do we do next?” Mira asked.

stared down the scope of the rifle. “I’ll fire; you just make sure no one gets
behind us.”

looked down at the situation. “I really wish they knew we had the high ground.”

do.” Seles paused. “Brian glanced up at us just second ago.” Seles took aim at
the Ick-Tckt in the rear ranks. “As soon as they make their move, I’ll start


* * *


ant-man, I have no interest in serving your Duchess. I serve Valis Kein and
I’ll fulfill my contract with her,” Brian said angrily.

Ick-Tckt hissed and raised its right arm, “Attack!”

that moment Seles fired and blasted the leader’s head off. The front six
charged Brian and Kivi. The other five hesitated. With a quick spin of his
blade, Brian dashed between the first pair of Ick-Tckt and sliced them both in
half. The other two attacked with him with a pair of glowing spears. He parried
furiously and pushed them onto the defensive. Kivi spun her blades and charged.
With a quick parry and slice, one fell before her. As the other three moved in
to attack, another pulse shot took a head. Kivi quickly took advantage of the
confusion and cut another ant-man’s head and chest apart. The two after Brian
pressed forward in desperation. With a quick spin kick Brian knocked one to the
ground. With only one in front of him, Brian easily knocked the spear out of
the way and sliced through it. As he turned to deal with the last one he saw
the flash of pulse fire blast its head off. Using her two swords, Kivi deflected
the ant-man’s spear and stabbed with her other blade, cutting open its guts.
She quickly spun around the wounded creature and sliced its head off. The five
left hissed and fled. Kivi was about to move on them when Brian placed his hand
on her shoulder.

Kivi asked.

reasons.” Brian paused. “First, we’re not in the position to attack. And
second…” Brian coughed, holding back his vomit. “I’m not feeling the best right

Kivi said. “By the way, who was it that provided us with cover fire?”

looked up. He saw Seles and Mira were gone. “We were being watched by two
angels, one with silver blue hair and the other with pink.”

looked at the handy work of Seles’s sniper fire. “She’s a good shot.”

looked unwell. “Well Kivi, let’s get back to the apartment complex.”


* * *


parted ways with Kivi as she went into her apartment. “Take care,” she said as
she went inside.

too,” he said before going to his apartment.

flipped out his key card and inserted it in the slot next to the door. It
opened. The interior was dark. He stumbled in a few steps and promptly passed
out on the floor in front of the door. The lights came on to reveal Mira,
Seles, Baed, and Jesela. The four walked over to the unconscious Terran,
looking annoyed.

he drink more on the way back?” Mira asked.

knelt down and brushed his face. “No, he was this drunk during the fight.”

are we going to do now?” Baed asked.

we should get him to his bed. I don’t think he’d like to sleep on the floor all
night,” Jesela suggested.

motioned for Mira to go to his feet. “Let’s roll him over and get this armor

did as Seles asked and the pair rolled him onto his back.

reached under the chest plate and pressed a switch. The exoskeleton folded out
a little bit and gave them a chance to slide him out of the frame.

heavy,” Mira said to Seles as they carried him to his bed. Afterwards she and Mira
went back into the other room.

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