Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (3 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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turned on his com. “Are you ready to test our firepower?”

mean what you have?” Seles asked sarcastically. Kaela tried not to laugh.

sighed. “Yes Seles, this has to do with how much the Mjolnir can deal out.” He
pressed a few buttons and the giant drew the massive pulse rifle attached to
the back. While readying the firing system he glanced at his monitor.

looks like their Claws are set in two positions,” Seles said. “They have twenty
guarding the top of their ship with the other twenty positioned below and in

confirm that
,” Kaela reported.

of you aim your pulse cannons towards the sides and bottom. I’ll use the rifle
to take out the remaining Claws.” He checked the time. “It’s going to take us a
few minutes to reach them so make sure everything’s working perfect.”

flew the Mjolnir down and forward before turning up at an angle. Aiming the
pulse rifle at the Claws in front of the Meku the mobile suit fired the first
volley. Red pulses of energy filled space as the blasts destroyed a score of
Claws. At the same time Seles and Kaela aimed their pulse cannons and fired at
the other Claws, destroying another dozen. Placing the rifle on its back, the
mobile suit drew the massive
blade. The Novaguards attached turned
their ships down towards the other ship.

you ready?” Brian asked as he flipped the
blade in the Mjolnir’s

ready,” the two pilots said in unison.

let’s see how fast we can get the job done!”

Mjolnir pointed it’s blade down charged into the Meku’s magnetic shields. The energy
put into the
blade began draining the shields.

Seles, Kaela!” he shouted.

Novaguards shot pulse after pulse of energy straight into the Meku. With no
shielding to defend it the massive ship began exploding.

get out of here!” Brian shouted as the Mjolnir flew away. The Meku exploded in
their wake as they headed back to the Avoni.


* * *


Avoni flew towards its target point and noticed the other two Malcovin ships
closing in. Valis sat calmly on her bridge.

going to have five minutes to destroy the third ship
Valis thought
to herself.
Now all we need to do is pincer the third ship and destroy it.

turned on her com. “Myli, take all of the Novas and circle around this large
asteroid.” She sent Myli the image. “If I’m correct, there’ll be a ship
emerging in two minutes. Strike them from behind.”

about the others?” Myli asked.

should be joining you shortly.”

called the other Novaguards. “Let’s go!” They flew towards the asteroid.

we’re picking up five Talons heading from the opposite side of the asteroid,”
Zae reported.

them in,” Valis commanded. “Let it look like we can’t see them and when they’re
too close to dodge blast them out of the sky.”

captain,” Zae responded.

went to Baed and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I want you to dive the Avoni
when we reach the asteroid. Then ascend so that our ship is perpendicular to
the Malcovin ship.”

captain,” Baed answered. She moved the ship as Valis commanded.

looked up from her panel. “All weapons ready captain.” Valis sat back down,
looking calm. “By the way, why are we attacking the bottom of the Malcovin

called up her battle plan on the monitor. “The Novas will intercept their ship
after we begin our assault. As we attack from the bottom the Novas will attack
from behind. At the same time Brian will attack from other side. Given our
superior firepower we should destroy them before the other two ships get here.”

like it,” Kivi said.


* * *


began pacing. His commander turned to him.

it appears that the Meku has been destroyed.”

the birdman shouted. “How is that possible? The Avoni is about to attack the Carron!”
He ran over to the commander’s monitor.

destroyed them did so quickly. Only four of their Claws remain and they’re
heading towards the Sheldik.”

out Talons out now!” Krigik commanded. “We can’t allow Valis and her Terran
pincer the Carron.”


* * *


picking up ten Talons,” Brian said as his radar showed them. “I want you two to

Seles said.

,” Kaela said.

what are we going to do?” Seles asked as the Novaguards detached from the
mobile suit.

going to punch through their line. After that the two of you are to speed
towards the Avoni,” Brian explained.

about you?” Kaela asked.

worry. I can take care of them myself. You and Seles need to get to the main
battle. I’m sure Myli needs your help.”

you sure?” Seles asked. “I can stay with you if needed.”

Seles,” he said. “But your fellow pilots need you more than I do.”

she answered.

the Mjolnir neared the V formation of Talons the mobile suit evaded their
initial volley of pulse fire. Seles and Kaela did likewise while staying close.
The Mjolnir turned the pulse rifle towards the Talons and fired a series of
pulse blasts. Seles and Kaela fired a number of pulse shots and HV missiles.
The Talon at the center of the formation dodged easily, but the four next to it
were destroyed. The Mjolnir and Novaguards passed through the center of their
line while speeding towards the Avoni. The Novas continued on while the Mjolnir
changed its weapons to the
blade and shield. Brian turned the
mobile suit about and flew full speed towards the Talons as they fired at him
with all their might. The Talons formed into two groups of three and flew in
circles around the Mjolnir, firing away with their pulse rifles. It was faster
than they anticipated and with a quick charge, the mobile suit destroyed one of
groups with a series of spinning sword slashes. The Mjolnir turned to face the
remaining three as they split. The middle Talon extended its claws. Speeding
towards the Mjolnir, the leader attacked swiftly and drove the Mjolnir back.
After a series of attacks from the Talons claws Brian pressed the attack.
Despite the Mjolnir’s superior strength and maneuverability the Talon defended
itself perfectly, not allowing him to strike a decisive blow. At the same time
he felt the shots from the other two Talons hitting his flank. He calmed
himself to prevent the berserk from taking over. He drove forward with another
attack on the Talon in front of him. At the same time the Mjolnir dropped the
shield from it’s the left hand and took the pulse rifle. With a lightning quick
kick he knocked the Talon in melee with him off balance. Then the Mjolnir
flipped around and fired a pair of pulse shots. Seeing the other two Talons
destroyed, Brian quickly put the rifle away and grabbed the shield again. The
Mjolnir and the Talon circled each other.


* * *


sat at her chair and waited to give the order to fire. “The Talons look like
they’re going to flank us.”

them,” Valis ordered.

gunners fire at will,” Kivi commanded to all the pulse cannons scatter around
the ship.

Talons flew dangerously close, so much so that the Avoni’s cannons destroyed
all but one of them in an instant. As the last one flew away the Avoni fired a
spread of HV missiles. The Talon was quickly torn to pieces.

been destroyed,” Kivi reported. She looked at Valis. “It looks like Seles and
Kaela are heading into position now, but Brian seems to be held up.”

looks like one of their pilots is pretty good,” Valis said.

Kivi responded.

looked down at her timer.
Thirty seconds.
She tapped her finger. “Fire
all weapons!”

weapons fire!” Kivi commanded. When the Avoni ascended the asteroid’s surface
the Malcovin ship appeared quickly. With series of pulse blasts and HV
missiles, the Carron suffered massive damage to the bottom of their ship. Valis
noticed the Novaguards engaging the Claws in the distance.

our Novas to not approach the Malcovin ship,” Valis ordered. “Now Kivi, have
your way with them.”

you command,” Kivi said gladly.

Carron couldn’t dodge as the Avoni’s surprise attack hit their main engines.
The massive ship weakly tried to shift itself to a better position, but was too
late. After another barrage from the Avoni, the ship began exploding. After the
Carron exploded the Avoni flew through the debris field.

down, two to go.
Valis thought to herself. “Baed, move us to the battle between our Novas and
the Claws. I’d like as few casualties as possible.”

captain,” Baed answered as she turned the ship once more.

Chapter 3 - Salvaging Victory


stood in shock as he watched the Carron explode. Turning to his commander, he
shouted angrily. “Where’s the Meku!?”

not picking it up,” his commander answered.

about the Talons?” Krigik asked.

but one has been destroyed.”

Krigik shouted. “Tell the Sheldik to move diagonal to us. She’s going to try and
isolate one of our ships. We need to get into a better formation.” The birdman
stared angrily at the Avoni. “No matter what it takes today will be the end of
you Valis Kein.”


* * *


the bridge of the Sheldik Captain Riga sat quietly. His commander turned to

the Rigika is ordering us to move into a diagonal formation.”

Riga stood up. “Krigik is truly an idiot. We had a four to one advantage and
look at the mess we’re in right now.”

should we do captain?” his commander asked.

stood silent for a moment and stared at the Avoni. “Contact the Avoni.”

His commander sat looking aghast. “Are we going to surrender?”

cawed. “No, we’re going to make a deal. Krigik’s incompetence has cost the
lives of at least three hundred Malcovin today. I’m sure Valis will give us a
better deal than he has.”

captain, I’m hailing them right now.”


* * *


watched as the last of the Claws were destroyed.
We’re not in a good
position right now; it’s taking Brian too long to destroy that last Talon. It’s
good that Seles and Kaela are back to command the Novas, but I’m still not sure
of our chances. Wait!
She stood, seeing the Rigika and the Sheldik move
into formation.
That’s it!

went to Baed. “Alright, I want to you move us parallel to the Rigika and
opposite to the Sheldik. It’s a bit risky, but we can take them on one on one
this way.”

turned to the captain. “Captain, we’re receiving a hail from the Sheldik. Their
captain would like to speak with you.”

stared at the Sheldik.
Captain Riga isn’t an idiot strung to his emotions
like Krigik. He’s an opportunist.
“Put him through.”


image of the gold adorned Captain Riga came up on the main monitor. He sat
calmly. “It’s been awhile Captain Valis,” Riga said as he stood up.

five years,” Valis said. “Of course, at that time we fought on the same side.”

that’s true. But let me get right to the point.” Riga pointed at his monitor.
“I propose a deal. Krigik has stupidly sacrificed too many lives and resources
on revenge. My guess is his age is getting to him.”

kind of deal?” Valis asked.

Riga started. “We split the spoils. If I help you destroy the Rigika each of us
gets to salvage one ship.”

nodded. “I agree to the terms.” She turned to Zae. “Send him the appropriate
contract.” She turned to Baed. “As soon as Riga signs legally, change our
heading to move straight at the Rigika.”

captain,” the two answered in unison.

laughed when his commander handed him the electronic documents. After using his
claws to sign he turned back to the monitor. “Everything’s done on my end.”

turned to Valis. “Everything’s cleared.”

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