Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (19 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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you sure about this plan?” El Kar asked, looking unconvinced.

winked at him, smiling, “You remember what he did to your forces?

El Kar responded.

can do that a hundred fold if need by Commander El Kar,” Mira said.

stared at the image of Brian on the monitor. “I see why you place so much faith
in him.”

they begin fleeing our forces will move in quickly to take out as many of them
as possible,” Shiken added. “This will be the first time I’ve ever gone into
combat with a
Rakna Maigar
at the head. How long will it take?”

minutes,” Brian answered over the com.

pray Kali watches over you,” Mira said.


wrong Brian?”

like some of them want to talk.”

number of Ick-Tckt troops circled around him, carrying pulse rifles and clad in
black body armor. One stepped forward, “
Rakna Maigar
Brian Peterson, are
you not? Have you come to surrender to us?”

I came to ask you to leave,” Brian said as he drew his sword. “If you don’t
I’ll make sure none of you leave this planet alive.”

Ick-Tckt backed away before ordering the attack. All around Brian flashed the
light of dozens of pulse blasts. When their leader called off the attack they
saw that Brian stood completely unaffected. He pointed his sword at the mass of
Ick-Tckt soldiers gathering around him, as well as the Drone fighters filling
the sky.

me show you what I’m truly capable of doing.”

spun his
and gathered a massive amount of energy. With a broad
slash in he blasted a number of Ick-Tckt troops with a wave of energy. With
another series of spins and slashes he cleared a path in front of himself. The
Ick-Tckt who weren’t knocked prone from the initial series of blasts started running.
As they ran Brian blasted a line of energy through the opposing ground troops,
killing two scores in one shot. He continued using his
blasts to part the enemy lines. Seeing a pair of Drones bearing down on him, he
gathered an extra-large amount of energy and blasted them out of the sky. Taking
the opportunity, he flew in the air, flashing light and sound down on the
terrified Ick-Tckt soldiers. Spinning his rakna, Brian twirled in the air for a
moment, blasting apart everything around him.


* * *


smiled as she watched the Ick-Tckt line crumbling. “He’s amazing, isn’t he?”

El Kar said in awe. “To think one man could do so much damage. A thousand of
his kind could wipe out an entire homeworld.”

for us and the rest of the Confederation he’s alone,” Shiken said, watching
Brian’s every move. “How much time is left?”

more minute,” Mira answered.

much do you think it would take to get Brian to join our forces?” El Kar asked.

laughed, seeing the reaction from Mira. “His loyalty won’t be purchased that
easily, will it?”

was offered the position of Tcka Knight by the Duchess formerly employing your
forces,” Mira said. “He turned down that position and had to fight off a
squadron of Ick-Tckt troops to make his point. His loyalty to Valis is
unbreakable. He will fulfill the contract promised.”

that’s the price he paid to live on your ship,” said Shiken.


* * *


Brian finished the first phase of the attack he saw a number of Shandi troops
emerging from the sand dunes in the desert. Taking to the sky, he renewed the
hunt for more Drone fighters. On the ground, Shiken Ka’s troops tore into the
Ick-Tckt forces with a fury unknown, battering the antmen’s positions. Brian
twirled his
time after time, blasting pulses of energy into the
enemy forces.

are things looking from your position Mira?” Brian asked over the com.

succeeded in driving their forces back. With Shiken’s troops moving in from
behind it looks like the offensive is going according to plan,” Mira answered.

spun the
and blasted another Drone fighter from the sky. “Mira,
have all of Shiken’s forces gathered below the base?”

turned to El Kar, “Are your forces gathered down below?”

Kar looked up from his monitor, “Yes, all forces on Kalmar have gathered here.”

heard that Brian?”


watched as his troops surround the Ick-Tckt ground forces and pummel them into
the sand with energy blasts. A smile came to his face as he watched a tiny
figure flying in circles, destroying one Drone after another.

does he compare to other
?” Shiken asked.

the best I’ve ever seen,” Mira answered.

looks like they’re about to attack our forces from space,” El Kar reported.

Shiken said condescendingly. “First they betray us and now they sacrifice their
own soldiers so coldly.” Shiken pressed the com to reach all of his men and Brian,
“All troops, clear out. They’re about to launch a bombardment on your position
from space.”

that command the Shandi on the ground scattered. Brian flew back to the base.
The sky began glowing as red energy blasts smashed into the ground. Quickly,
Brian activated his shield and took up a defensive position on the ground,
blocking a dozen Shandi from getting killed. He repeated the maneuver number of
times as they retreated to the shield surrounding their base. Brian waited patiently
to defend each group of Shandi as they came to the border of the shield. With
his power meter reading at five percent, Brian ran into the defensive shield
after the last group of soldiers was inside. Staggering with exhaustion he made
his way to the command tower. All around him saw a look from the Shandi he had
never seen so much of before.
They’re smiling, I wonder why?
thought as he passed. When the crowd soldiers recovered their breath the chant
of “Brian” began filling the base. Each soldier raised his weapon in salute.
Brian made his way to the elevator leading to the top where he saw Shiken Ka
standing with a smile, El Kar looking on from the side, and Mira, who ran over
and hugged him.

we safe?” Brian asked.

now,” she said. Mira backed away as Shiken Ka moved forward.

done young Terran.” Shiken held out his hand. Brian grasped it tightly. “Our
days as enemies have come to an end. I’ll return to your soldiers their weapons
and vessels. And I’ll also refund your ransom money.” Shiken’s subordinate’s
gasped with startled looks on their faces. He turned to them, “How can I ask of
that to the man who just saved us from certain doom.” He looked to his troops
outside, still chanting Brian’s name, “And how could I deny them their

hope you’re not planning on doing it right now,” said Mira.

you can go to your soldiers and explain the situation. I’d also advise you to
get some rest before the feast this evening!”


* * *


of the captured Kalaidians took back their pulse rifles, regenerators, and body

of now, we’re working with Shiken Ka and his forces,” Brian explained. “I aided
them in an offensive strike and forced the Ick-Tckt forces to fall back for
now. I know that the orders I’ve given may seem strange,” Brian paused, seeing
each was listening intently, “For the last century, your people and the Shandi
have warred. A hundred years is a long time, and a lot of blood has been spilt.
But today that changes,” he clenched his fist in the air, “Shiken Ka has given
us permission to leave if we wish, but as all of you know that’s not an

stepped forward, “Of our remaining vessels, we have two functioning support shuttles
and two Novaguards. In addition, only ensign Myli has any experience as a
pilot.” Mira signaled for Myli to come forward.

lieutenant?” Myli asked.

choose one of the remaining combat troops to act as your support pilots.” Mira
looked at the girls, “I know that amongst you are a number of excellent pilot
candidates, but all we need is one at the moment.”

lieutenant,” Myli said.

stepped back, allowing Brian to speak once again. “As you know, Captain Valis
has agreed to pay our ransom. Now that the Ick-Tckt has betrayed Shiken Ka the
deal is off. I’m sure Valis will be here shortly to aid us. For now live with
that in mind. Today, we will join forces with Shiken Ka to survive, but my hope
is for this small path to open to a greater future. The time for fighting
between Kalaidian and Shandi is over. It’s time to talk to one another and get
to know each other. Peace is not bought with money or arms, but understanding
one another. Only by understanding another person can you learn to trust them.
I trust Shiken Ka. He’s Shandi, but the man has a sense of honor I rarely see
in people. It’s time to repay that honor my friends, and repay it we shall. So
take up your rifles! If they’re going to take our lives they’ll have to take
them from us by fighting to their last breath!”

crowd saluted and cheered.

Chapter 25 - Brothers in Blood


stood in the HDC in the heat of the desert being projected, shading her eyes as
she looked at the sky.
I’ve never been to the deserts of the south.
blinked as the door opened. Kivi walked inside holding a
blade in
one hand while wearing a pair herself.

wanted to see me Commander?”

tossed Seles the
she held. “I’m going to show you how to control
your berserk,” Kivi said. She drew a sword and took a stance with the blade tip
pointed at Seles.

drew the
and dropped the sheath into the sand near her feet. She
paced around Kivi, gauging the tall southlander, “What do you mean by control
it? I was under the impression one mastered it simply by using it.”

Brian discovered the secret. And now I’m going to show you how to as well,”
Kivi said before moving forward and striking with a series of slashes.

parried each attack. Kivi pulled away, seeing her difficulty.

defeated Delne Raekar and yet you’re not putting up a decent defense,” Kivi

not like I’m trained to fight with it,” Seles said. “Before that day I’d never
picked a
to use as a weapon.”


I touched Brian’s mind, I gained some of his memories.” Seles flipped the
before taking a different stance. “Please train me.”


* * *


Mira, and the other Kalaidians made their way down the stairs of the massive
hall. The Shandi stood at step levels, ten in a square around the center. At
the bottom rested Shiken Ka and El Kar, flanked by their guards. The cheer of
“Brian” filled the hall.

looks like you’re popular,” Mira said, smiling.

walked down, turning and nodding to the Shandi soldiers. When he reached the
bottom Shiken Ka held up a black bladed knife.

the Terran has shown his loyalty and courage in battle I bestow upon him a
great honor,” Shiken turned to the crowd, “Never before has one of our people
taken the Blood Oath with another race. Today that changes.” Shiken took the
knife and sliced his left hand. He flipped the knife and held it towards Brian.
He took the knife and sliced his left hand. Shiken held out his bleeding hand.
Brian took Shiken‘s hand as their blood dripped.

dal, tah keh him no,”
Brian said in Shandi.

ee, so in to no,”
Shiken replied.

does this mean?” Myli whispered to Mira.

Blood Oath makes them brothers,” Mira answered.

turned to the crowd, “Let the feast begin!”


* * *


Seles fell back as she dropped her sword. Kivi stood over her, looking tired

pretty good,” Kivi said before sheathing her sword. “I think with a little
time, you’ll be as good as him.” She saw sadness in Seles’s eyes. “What is it?”

I feel like he’s been distant,” Seles said as she dusted off the sand, “I don’t
know what it is but something’s been bothering him that he won’t open up

,” Kivi said. “He suffered its wrath only a few months ago. In
all this time he’s never shown weakness. But the
is much more than
torture. It eats the very soul of the one who suffers it.”

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