Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (23 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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path is always there to walk Veda,” Brian said. “All you have to do is

convinced me,” Veda said. “Though the rest will think I’m mad I’ll begin
preparations for what you’ve suggested.”


* * *


the Avoni landed on Dega Jul once more Brian was greeted by a shuttle with
Shiken Ka onboard.

Lady Veda heard of the news?” Shiken asked Brian as they flew towards his
headquarters. The sun shone that it was late afternoon with a smoggy haze
filling the sky. The massive skyscrapers reached far into the sky and blocked
the view.

noticed intensity in Shiken’s eyes. “Yes. By the way, what’s with the game

a game face?”

laughed. “Game face is a saying from my world Shiken. It means you have a look
of total focus and concentration on the task ahead.”

true,” Shiken said as he admired the view out the shuttle’s front window.
“Today is the day a number of things die. The time for fighting amongst the
people of Kali and mine have come to an end.”

shuttled landed outside a massive pyramid shaped metal building, built similar
in motif of Shandi vessels. The look on the guards faces as the pair entered
was of shock as they saw their leader walking side by side with a member of a
Kalaidian crew. Through the massive hypostyle halls they walked until Shiken
and Brian entered a meeting chamber. After a moment to allow for silence Shiken
Ka took the podium.

fellow Ka, and to all those blood is of Shandi, hear my words. For nearly a
century the people of Kali and ours have fought. The wars have been bloody and
filled with sorrow. It may be said there’s no forgiveness between our peoples.
But I believe that’s a falsehood of the greatest kind. And now is the time to
prove it!” Shiken held up his hand, showing the scar of the Blood Pact. “I have
sworn my blood and honor to this man,” he motioned for Brian to show his hand,
baring the same mark, “Brian has the strength of a thousand within him. He’s
shone honor I never thought possible and courage above anyone I’ve ever met.”

is the point of this spectacle!” one of the doubters shouted.

get on with it!” another shouted.

nodded to Brian. With a flash faster than could be seen Brian drew his
blade and spun it. He slashed and sent a shock wave towards each of the
hecklers. The stone before them shattered.

wish to know the facts?!” Shiken raised his clenched fist to the sky. “Then I’ll
tell you everything. The Duchess has betrayed our trust and stolen the lives of
our brave warriors. But this man, a servant to Lady Star, came to my aid.
Without even a second thought he bled for my men. And to reward that trust I
hereby renounce all allegiances with the Duchess. From this day forward the
family of Ka will seek peace with the people of Kali.”

amongst the crowd were fierce with many in doubt of what their leader had just

now I’ll go to the homeworld to secure our interests there,” Shiken said,
bowing before leaving.

will come with me?” Shiken asked before Brian got on the shuttle to leave.

reached out and took Shiken’s hand vigorously. “I will.”

Chapter 31 - Uncertain Departure


headed back to his apartment when he noticed Kivi and Valis waiting on the
balcony of Kivi’s apartment. He waved; they saw him when he made his way up the

how goes the front on Shiken Ka’s end?” Kivi asked.

requested I go with him to his homeworld,” Brian answered.

much as I don’t like the idea of dividing our forces I’ll approve it,” Valis
said. “Now that Seles has the Zero I’m confident in the Avoni’s defenses.”

think we should send Mira with him again,” Kivi suggested.

be glad to bring her along.”

know you would,” Valis said. “You can go to Shandi Prime as long as you take
Mira with as backup. You’re also to not reveal anything about the technology
you’re using.”

make sure of it Valis,” he answered.


* * *


you sure you don’t want to stay onboard my ship?” Shiken Ka asked as he spoke
to Brian and Mira over the monitor.

be just fine on our own,” Brian answered.

well, if anything happens I’ll contact you,” Shiken said. “Please make sure
that you stay within the ring of my ships when we enter Shandi territory.” His
image disappeared and the pair were left alone.

spun around and took his hand.

what’re you doing?” he asked has was dragged into the tiny bedroom.

tapped his armor with her finger. “You really are an idiot, aren’t you?”


pointed to the bed. “I’m going to take advantage of every moment we’re alone.”
Mira hugged him again, this time with a different look in her eye. “You need a
lot of rehabilitation.”

Mira, you win.”


* * *


and Valis sat together in Valis’s quarters with a heating tray at the center of
the table. Valis grabbed a bottle of wine and offered Seles a glass.

haven’t had a chance to do this for a while,” Seles said as she took the glass.

both been so busy,” Valis sipped some wine, “Is he alright now?”

think he’s getting better,” Seles answered. “He told me to protect the Avoni
while he’s gone.”

confident in that,” Valis said. She looked over at a photo of the pair on the
nearby desk. “Not just because Brian says so but because I’m sure of your

sighed. “I have to admit leading the Novas is tough.”

you’ve adjusted, just like I thought you would,” Valis said. “If you we’re in
the regular military you’d already be in Zae’s position.”

laughed. “Then I’m definitely glad I’m not in the regular military. That sounds
like too much responsibility for me.”

why I’m not an admiral,” Valis said. “The pay is not worth all the work and

waved her hand. “I’ll understand what you’re talking about in a few years,

Valis said before taking a sip of wine. “Unfortunately, my avoidance of
admiralship will be coming to an end.”

current events here have led to it,” Seles said.

know, and because it’s outside the jurisdiction of the Kalaidian military, we
can’t rely on their aid.”

about the Confederation?” Seles asked.

sighed with annoyance. “They wouldn’t step in even if it was called for.” A
moment of silence pervaded the room as the light switched on the heat tray.
Valis lifted the lid and revealed a cheese pizza.

you started eating these?” Seles asked.

took in the aroma. “I’m not sure what it is about this food Brian’s people eat
that makes me like it so much.”

not sure either,” Seles said. “All I know is I’m looking forward to more foods
from his world.”

comes from a meat eating society, doesn’t he?” Valis asked.

and I heard he ate a Malcovin dish that had meat in it recently.”

was probably the night he and Kivi fought with the Ick-Tckt.” Valis took a bite
of pizza, savoring its flavor. “She told me watching him eat the dish nearly
made her throw up.”

laughed. “It is rather disgusting.” Seles took a bite of pizza herself. “But,
our people in the past ate meat.”

it led to the extinction of several hundred species of mammals and fish.”

the downside,” Seles said. “On a completely different note though, where are
you getting the money to pay for the Phase Rakna’s?”

grandmother is supplying us with the needed funding. I’ve also received a
number of requests from the Kalaidian military on the matter.”

course they’d be interested,” Seles said.

I fear is the inevitable arms race to come. If too many have the technology
like the Mjolnir the wars will only get worse.”

mentioned that he longed for a better world,” Seles said. “I’m beginning to
wish for that kind of life.”

the same for me,” Valis said. “Did I ever tell you what I planned on doing when
I retired from this job?”

said something about running a vineyard back on the homeworld,” Seles took
another slice of pizza, “Sounds kind of sleepy to me.”

laughed. “Yes, but that’s the life I long for in the future. The world you
speak of, the world without war is a sleepy world where everyone lives in
peace. Take away intrigue and wealth and war will end.”

hope it’s really that simple Valis, I really do.”

Chapter 32 - The Knight of Aquarius


days passed as Brian and Mira traveled alongside Shiken Ka’s fleet to the
Shandi homeworld. As the group performed its last gravity jump to enter the
Shandi home system, Shiken Ka called the Mjolnir.

stay within the center of our formation,” he instructed.

course,” Brian said as he moved the Mjolnir to the specified area. Mira stood
next to him in the cockpit.

watched as the image of Shandi Prime appeared on the monitor. Before them was a
planet of similar size and climate to Earth and Kalaidia, save for the massive amount
of desert on the two continents sitting on the equator. At the outer edges and
in a few spots within the massive wastes was green plant life. Below and to the
north of the two central continents were two smaller landmasses; both had much
more plant life.

a lot more water than one would assume,” Brian said.

their homeworld was nothing but desert, nothing would’ve ever evolved there,”
Mira said. “Because of the ocean surrounding the continental landmasses this is
the only planet occupied by a sentient race that has hypercanes.”

love to see one someday,” Brian said as the fleet entered orbit. There was a
long pause before Shiken Ka received clearance for atmospheric entry. His image
appeared on the Mjolnir’s monitor again.

the High Council isn’t happy to see you and your mobile suit they’ve given
clearance for landing.”

we landing in the capital?” Brian asked.

I welcome you and Mira to the city of our ancestors, Strevsdak,” Shiken said
with reverence.

thank you for giving us this chance,” Mira said.

welcome,” Shiken said before his image disappeared. Brian shifted the mobile
suit into humanoid form and positioned the shield in front.

it be easier on the Mjolnir if we entered in ship form?” Mira asked.

but I want those on the surface to see the mobile suit like this first. Ship
form is great for speed but the humanlike shape is needed to leave an

what you did on Kalaidia?”

the same,” he answered as the mobile suit started down into the planet’s
atmosphere. “The only difference is I won’t keep the lights on.”

not get captured,” she said sarcastically.

it would be great if it didn’t happen again.”

Mjolnir stayed at the center of the formation as space changed to sky over the
great city of Strevsdak. Below them spanned a metropolis unlike anything Brian
had ever seen. In place of metal and glass towers were massive pyramid shaped
structures, with the city itself culminating into a monolithic pyramid shaped
complex. Flying crafts filled the air, and all around the city were lush, green
farmlands, teeming with life itself. He landed the Mjolnir before taking a deep

go,” he said as he took his helmet and checked his
. Mira carried
her medic bag on her back and wore a
whip on her belt.

really know how to use one of those?” he asked as he opened the front hatch.

ago it was the standard weapon of noble women,” she said. “I never learned how
to fight with a blade myself.”

makes you feel safe,” he said as he and Mira took the elevator cord down. Once
on the ground they were met by a contingent of soldiers led by a female who
carried herself like Shiken Ka. She moved over to Brian and looked him over.

know it’s strange to say this about a mammal, but you’re impressively built,”
she said.

are you Lady…” he trailed off intentionally.

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