Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (27 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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leaned over Baed, causing her to blush while he watched her at work moving the
ship during battle simulations.

can see why Valis chose you for this,” Brian said. “You’re as good as Seles is
when it comes to piloting.”

prefer the bigger ships though,” Baed said, smiling.

if you jumped into a Nova?” he asked.

be Seles’s equal,” Zae said while looking over from her console.

walked in to relieve him. “Is everything alright?” she asked.

course,” Brian said. “I was trying to figure out our bridge operations.”

took the captain’s chair and started checking the ship’s systems. “It’s time
you paid your scheduled visit to sick bay.”

for reminding me,” he said as her turned to leave. “Thanks Baed, Zae. I’m glad
I had a chance to spend a few hours up here in to see how things work.”

Baed said.

owe me another chance at the Mjolnir,” Zae said.

the elevator door closed he turned to Zae. “You’ll get the chance next time
we’re on leave.”

the door closed he closed his eyes. The image of Delne crept into him mind. He
shook it off when the door opened. Heading into sickbay, noticed Celi and Daes
in the lab room chatting about something.

you okay?” Mira asked. She touched his face. “It’s her again, isn’t it?”

he answered.

blushed. “Brian, I’ll always be there for you.”

others in the sickbay started giggling. “I think we’re being caught on to,” he

haven’t exactly been keeping it a secret,” Mira said while smiling. “I hope you
don’t mind.”

shook his head before Celi and Daes entered the main room.

ready to check you now.” Celi said as Daes left.

stood outside the testing room and waited. After Brian entered the small
testing room he stepped out of his exoskeleton armor and stretched.

the armor bother you?” Celi asked.

really, I just feel like my body needs some air once in a while.”

smiled. “Interesting,” she said as she began running the scanner over his body.
Celi looked at his eyes closely before checking the scanner a few times. “Do
you mind staying for a while so I can collect some data?”

at all,” he said.


* * *


Brian returned his room he shed his armor and went into the washroom. He turned
on the water and splashed his face. Brian closed his eyes before sighing with
relaxation. He sniffed the air and turned back to this room. Walking back into
the main room he saw nothing, but could feel someone’s eyes on him.
Instinctively he went for his

really grown too paranoid,” Seles said from the inside of the closet. She
opened the door, still wearing her blue dress from earlier. When she stepped out
she flipped her hair. “I’m not letting you off this time”

sorry Seles; I’ve been on edge lately.” Seeing her stand there, looking so
beautiful, he couldn’t resist embracing her. He spoke softly into her ear.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the galaxy. I’ve been holding you at arm’s
length,” he closed his eyes, “I’m sorry.”

stood in his embrace and felt warmth she hadn’t experienced in seven months.
“You’re not the one who’s sorry Brian,” she said, running her hand through his
hair. “Since the day you saved me I’ve been trying to save you.  Until now I’ve
failed.” She pulled back to look into his eyes. “Tell me everything Brian,
don’t leave anything out.”

let the façade fall away as tears ran down his face. “Alright Seles, I tell you

Chapter 38 - The Battle of Dega Six


Vrekt said over the com.

know,” Dreka said as the images appeared on his monitor. “We’d better get back
to base.” He and his patrol of Talons turned around. Behind them the Avoni and
eleven Kalaidian vessels of the same class appeared in orbit of the gas giant,
Dega Six. Turning on his com, Dreka called captain Riga. “Captain, we’ve
spotted twelve Kalaidian vessels, including the Avoni.”

best prepare for additional forces to appear,” Riga said. “Valis wouldn’t
attack unless she could win.”

be back to base momentarily captain,” Dreka said.


* * *


and Seles stood by in their respective mobile suits with Valis on the monitor. “Remember
the plan you two,” she said.

draw Dreka off and fight him on my own,” Brian said.

I’m to lead the assault on the interior of the base using my mobile suit to
break through their defenses,” Seles said.

leave everything to you two until further notice,” Valis said before ending the

about us?” Myli asked over the com.

worry Myli; I’ll be leading you towards the base,” Seles answered.

wasn’t asking about that,” Meldi said sarcastically. “She was wondering when we
get to fly a mobile suit like you.” The other Nova pilots laughed over the com.

won’t be much longer ladies,” Seles said after laughing with them for a moment.
“The others are nearing completion any day now.

of you will get a shot at flying a mobile suit,” Brian added. “I can promise that.”

.” the pilots said in unison.

do they listen to you more than me?” Seles asked.

your sex appeal doesn’t work on them,” Brian answered.

laughed as the pair launched from the Avoni. They positioned their mobile suits
in front of the ship, flanked by four squadrons of Novaguards.

really are an idiot,” she said.

my lady,” he responded.

them the heavier ships began bombarding the asteroid with pulse blasts and HV
missiles. Brian and Seles both drew their mobile suits’ pulse rifles and joined
in. The main shield deflected most of the energy blasts. The radar showed
something coming from below and ahead of their position.

like Dreka and his friends are about to greet us Seles.”

let the dance begin,” Seles said. The Zero charged the Talons with the
Novaguards following.

may you be the best dancer on the floor,” Brian said, drawing the Mjolnir’s
and charging straight for Dreka’s Talon.

his pair of glowing clawed hands, Dreka’s Talon crashed into the Mjolnir’s
blade and shield, driving it back. Seles and her squad continued forward while
engaging the other Talons in a dog fight. With a quick flip of the sword and a
punch with the Mjolnir’s shield, Brian knocked Dreka’s Talon back. The pair
drifted in space while staring at each other through their respective mobile

seem anxious Dreka,” Brian said after opening the com to his foe.

at all Terran,” Dreka cawed, “I’ve been waiting for another chance.”

really want to destroy me, don’t you?”

and in doing so take back my grandfather’s legacy.”

didn’t steal your grandfather’s legacy. I was given it on a dying man’s

don’t believe you,” Dreka said flatly before charging for another strike.

there’s nothing more to say,” Brian said.

led a squadron of twenty two Novaguards as they flew into a pack of Talons.
Using the Zero’s superior speed and power she vaporized three Talons with the
pulse rifle. The Novaguards circled the Talons in a display of tactical
training owed to their commander. After attacking all the Talons she could see,
Seles noticed her Nova squadrons had the Malcovin surrounded.

it looks like we having everything under control out here,” Myli said over the

you sure?” Seles asked before drawing the massive sword on her mobile suit and
slicing through another pair of Talons.

got them on the run,” Meldi said.

turned the Zero towards the shielding systems. “Alright Myli, I’ll leave
everything in your hands until I get back.”

lieutenant,” Myli said.


* * *


everything ready?” Shiken asked El Kar.

my lord,” El Kar said. “Captain Valis has begun the assault from her side of
the asteroid. Our ships will be in position momentarily.”

than a dozen Shandi vessels appeared from the top of the asteroid and began
firing a barrage down into the Ick-Tckt and Malcovin forces. A number of Talons
turned and flew towards them. Each heavy ship launched three dozen of Spits to
intercept. Shiken Ka turned on his video com, seeing Valis on the other side.

you could join us Lord Ka,” she said.

honored to fight this battle on your side Captain Valis,” Shiken answered.
“Although it appears your tactical plans were a bit off.”

waved her hand. “What can one do? The enemy side is led by Captain Riga.”

explains many things,” Shiken said.

there is something he couldn’t plan for,” Valis said. “Seles’s ability in a
mobile suit is equal to Brian. And fortunately for our side we have the

noticed his Spits were taking massive casualties. Valis backed her forces off.

should give you the room you need to work with,” Valis said.

Spits take formation L-10,” El Kar commanded. A moment later their enemy forces
were isolated. “All vessels smash the enemy fleet!”

Malcovin and Ick-Tckt ships began backing off into the asteroid’s main shield
for protection.


* * *


Riga sat on the bridge of his ship.
This isn’t good.
He thought to himself
while watching the Shandi forces pound the top of their formation.

the commander of the Ick-Tckt forces is asking what to do again,” his commander

cawed. “Tell him to shut up and quit asking!”


turned back to the battle to see Dreka and Brian fighting. “Commander, tell all
of our forces to move into this formation,” Riga said. He sent the data over to
his commander.

sir,” the commander interjected, “Our mission is to defend the base and defeat
the forces of Valis and Shiken Ka.”

know that,” Riga said. “Their second mobile suit is about to destroy the base.
After the shield’s been disabled our fleet will be caught in the middle of a
two direction bombardment. Even though our chance at victory has crumbled we
still have a chance of taking out the Mjolnir.”

course sir,” the commander said as he sent the orders. The Ick-Tckt and
Malcovin fleet began leaving the shielded area of the asteroid to evade the
bombardment from the Shandi forces. Brian and Dreka were away from the main
battle, fighting a duel in the darkness of space. Riga positioned his forces around
the pair as they fought.

we’re conceding the base,” Riga said over the com.

that mean we’re running?” Dreka asked with frustration in his voice.

quite yet my friend,” Riga answered. He turned on the com to the other Talons in
the area. “All mobile suits and fighters are to take position in an
encirclement formation around the Mjolnir. If we can destroy our enemy’s
strongest warrior we can break their will to fight.”

captain!” the Talon pilots shouted as they took up positions around the Mjolnir
and Dreka’s Talon.

him out as quickly as you can Dreka,” Riga commanded.

captain,” Dreka said before charging at the Mjolnir once more.

Chapter 39 - Spiraling into Control


through the main gate, Seles flew her mobile suit into the landing bay. She
fired at Ick-Tckt and Malcovin troops occupying the area. Three Novaguards
followed her in and destroyed a number of Claws still on the ground.

three of you can take care of anything that moves in here,” Seles commanded.

lieutenant,” her three subordinates responded as they began hovering.

opened a com channel. “Our second objective has been completed.”

Valis said. She turned to her monitor. “Seles, our enemy has changed their
strategy to escaping our encirclement. Return with your squadron and take
pressure off the Mjolnir.”

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