Heaven Sent (5 page)

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Authors: Mahalia Levey

BOOK: Heaven Sent
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He’s kinda sweet in a
non-stalker type way. I don’t really know him but he’s been here since we were
brought in, even looked after Ash when I was unconscious.”

“That’s so romantic. And face it sweetheart, it’s about time you had some
romance. But are you absolutely sure you don’t have hero worship for him?”
Mia’s face heated. She sipped her warm drink trying to avoid her best friend’s
all-knowing gaze.

“Oh. Oh. Oh.”
exclaimed the words,
plopping down on the edge of the bed.

Mia signaled with a
hand. “I don’t worship
I appreciate him doing his
job just like Connor did his. I only worshiped the ground Connor walked on.”

“Yeah well, at least you’re interested in him. He’s gotten under that
concrete wall layered with cemented glue, foaming insulation, plaster and
paint. This is so good.”

Her insane friend laughed with a maniacal glee that totally wasn’t normal
in any sense of the word. “Don’t make more of this. You’re here now so he’ll
leave. He said he was staying because we were alone. He lost his father at
Ashland’s age, and was alone. I guess when I was being pulled out I made him
promise to keep her safe. Dire is a man of his word, which I find refreshing.
He is easy on the eyes too, asleep and awake.”

A brief knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Dr. Jacobi came
in. “Morning. How did you sleep?”
moved off
the bed and stepped outside the room though Mia beckoned her to stay with a

I mean I slept on and off most of the
day with the pain killers and most of the night. I took a hot shower. Moving
was harder than anything.”

Dr. Jacobi nodded and glanced over her chart. “You’ve been off pain meds
for a few hours, can you tell me the level of your discomfort or any pain from
one to ten.”

“A five.
I feel pain everywhere in my body, sort
of radiates more when I move my neck and my head too much.”

“That’s to be expected. Let’s have a look at your stitches.” He gently
peeled back the bandage. “Your sutures held. No swelling, redness or puss. I’m
going to touch the area, might be a bit tender.”

“Why would there be puss?”

“You were pulled out of wreckage with all kinds of foreign objects all
over you. Although we can clean you up good and put you back together, there’s
always a risk of infection. You look good.” He quickly examined the rest of
her. She groaned when he pressed on her neck and shot him a glare.

He gentled his touch. “I know this is not comfortable for you. I want to
be able to send you home today. But first I’d like to take one more CAT scan.
Radiology will come and get you in a bit. If the pictures come back clear, I’ll
have them prepare you for discharge. I take it your friend is here to bring you

“Yeah, she got here as quickly as she could.” Mia wanted to go home and
didn’t want to. A movement in the corner caught her eye. Dire met her gaze her
with a lazy smile. She swallowed her drool as he ran a hand over his head.

“Good. Well, we’ll have a look at the inside of your body before we make
any other plans on therapy. For now, we’ll continue a low dose of pain killers
for your comfort and work down to some anti-inflammatory meds as soon as

“How soon can I return to work?” She didn’t have time up stored up, not
with Ashland’s cheer competitions eating them all up. Her daughter had a
she wished she had one as well.

“Depending on the results of the scan, I’d say your body needs at least a
week to heal from the stress of the trauma.” When he was finished with his
assessment, he left the room. The aide with a wheelchair came not five minutes

How long did it take for the doctor to interpret the images? They’d taken
her to radiology hours ago and returned her. Dire sat at a table with Ashland
playing Scrabble and she was kicking his sexy fireman ass. Every time she put
down a triple word score he muttered under his breath, making her daughter
giggle. Mia wanted to play but sitting up and staring at the words made her
nauseated and she felt a bit loopy with the meds.

sat by her with a fashion magazine
looking at a selection of winter boots. Every now and then she would
way and then hers.
“I am so bored.”

“Want me to turn on the television?” Dire asked looking up from his game.

“Sure. Thanks.” Mia watched him slide his chair back. He moved like a man
in charge over to the side of the bed and knelt down beside her.

“The remote is tied to your call light and bed remote.” He winked and pressed
the on button she missed. “You can adjust the volume here.” Dire pressed the
remote in her hand. Fissures of energy arced from the brief contact. When he
removed his touch she felt abandoned, her body ached for more. She watched him
ruffle Ashland’s head,
sit back down to give her
his total attention. Her baby ate it up with a smile. Had she been selfish,
forcing Ashland to grow without a male influence?

Part of her wanted to jump his bones, the other part wanted there to be
some serious flaw in him that would have her running for the hills.

“Earth to Mia.”
waved a hand in her face drawing her out of her funk.

What did I miss?”

“Oh nothing.
Just watching you
at your fireman.” The pages of the magazine crinkled as she flipped the pages
in nonchalance.

“I was observing him playing with Ashland.
She’s loving
the time he’s spending with her, and I’m worried about what will happen when
he’s not around after we leave. I should put a stop to it now.”

“Trying to scare him off? Leave them be.”

Mia raised her eyebrow at her best friend but
didn’t budge.
“Seriously though, what if?”

“Yeah, what if the world ends tomorrow, what if it doesn’t. What if
you’ve by some chance of fate found someone perfect for you? How many people
get second chances and take them? You play the what-if game if you want and
keep avoiding life. Keep declining invitations from friends who love you out of
misplaced guilt. We know you feel like the odd girl out with us who have
boyfriends, although I’m newly single. Now is your chance to change that and I
will not let you stand in your own way. No girl. It’s time to save you from

“You realize they can probably hear you right?”
never failed to pick the most inopportune time and place to insert her opinion.
If she didn’t stop she’d be in danger of losing her best friends forever card.

“Those two are in their own world of Scrabble championship style to pay
us much mind.”

Mia watched the other pair across the small room and seriously doubted it.
“I don’t care, drop it. God, I want to go home and rest in my comfortable bed
and surroundings. I’m so tired of beeping machines and my butt is getting
sore.” She dropped her pitch for the last part.

“I bet. How about you get the person we’re not discussing to rub that
sore spot for you.”

“Why don’t I find a new unintrusive best friend?”

“Yes. I win.”

The clatter of a chair hitting the floor startled Mia. She looked over at
her daughter with her cut-it-out expression. Ashland danced the Running Man
making everyone in the room bust out in laughter. She wondered how her daughter
even knew that old fashioned dance.

“He’s even a gentleman, letting her win,”

Mia pushed her off the bed. “You saying my baby can’t spell?”

“Hey. I hear you two over there. I have a young mind that absorbs
everything.” Ashland impersonated the wiggle dance over to the bed.

“Stop, you’re making me dizzy,” Mia admonished.

“So sorry, Madre.”
Ashland leaned over and kissed her.
“You look tons better today. Doesn’t she Mr.

“You both are incredibly pretty ladies.” He skirted the question trap
easily making Mia wonder how he learned to maneuver around wordage.

“Good one. I’m so pretty with bruises, tiny cuts and a big bandage on my
face. Yeah. Maybe Mr.
needs his eyes checked. I
think the smoke from the truck may have affected his reasoning and eyesight.”

“The thing about cuts and bruises is they—”

Dr. Jacobi knocked and entered. Mia gave him her full attention as he
crossed to her bed, praying she could finally go home.

“Are you ready to leave us?” He regarded her with a warm expression.

“Like yesterday. Well not really but…You’re sure. I can go now?”

“Your tests all came back normal. You need to take it easy for at least a
If you can hold out for two, even better.
are prescriptions for anti-inflammatory meds and a low dose pain pills.
Remember no driving or operating vehicles or machinery with your pain meds. The
discharge papers will tell you what to look for and inform you of which side
effects to come back in for treatment immediately. Aside from that you’re good
to go and follow up with your regular physician.”

“Is there anything else?
How about Ashland?”

“Ashland checked out yesterday. We decided against sending her home as
she had such a strong reaction to being separated while you were here.” He
tilted his head in
direction. “I did
forget…there’s a card for you to call the officer in charge of your traffic
When you’re ready.”

“I forgot about that, and my vehicle. I have a lot to take care of.”

“Not until you’re better and your concussion is gone. Please take care of
yourself first and worry about the accident second.”

“He’s right. My team gave our report to the officer, so did many other
drivers who were also in the accident, and the witnesses who watched it. Also,
there are cameras on every traffic intersection in this city. Don’t worry about
your report yet.”

Although the doctor gave her the same information, she believed his words
came second best to
accounting of events.
“Thanks both of you.
is going to take us
home, Ashland.”

“Aw Mom.
I wanted a rematch before leaving for
Grams and Gramps.” Ashland turned to Dire. “Don’t forget what we talked about
She sidled back to pack her things in
her backpack.

“I won’t forget.”

Mia crossed her arms at the silent messages playing out before her.

“What is happening here, Ashland Marie?”

“Mom, don’t have a
. I asked Dire to
kinda look after you while I’m gone. I know
will drive you a bit batty after a few days. No offense BFA.”

“I’m perfectly okay to take care of myself.
Mia scratched her head for the meaning.

“Best friend Auntie. This is why you need help. You made the term up and
have forgotten it.”

Mia froze. “I don’t have anything to wear home.
please tell me you brought me something to wear?”

I was in a hurry to get to you. I can
go run to get you something. I bet the gift shop has clothes.”

“Ashland’s backpack only had one set of clothing in it.”
Mia quirked a brow.

“Dress down day at school. Looks like you get to wear hospital gowns
home.” Her daughter had the cruelest sense of humor.

“Not funny missy.”

“I have an extra shirt in my bag and a pair of sweats. Both clean. You’re
welcome to wear them and give them back whenever.”

“That would be appreciated. I’ll get them back to you.”

Dire bent to open his duffle. Muscles flexed as he brought out the rolled
up clothing and moved to hand them to her. When their fingers touched she
fought inhaling too sharply. An arc sizzled between them with contact, like the
previous time they touched. He moved to take his seat back and wait as she
slipped out of the bed feeling overwhelmingly self-conscious. Only when she
disappeared behind the bathroom door did she exhale and fan herself.

“Thanks again,” she hollered through the protective barrier and quickly
donned his clothing. The mammoth shirt drowned her, but held his scent. She
sighed and took a second whiff, wanting to get the desire to imprint his scent
out of her system before returning to the others. The sweats looked ridiculous
on her, even rolled up. As prepared as she was gonna be, she slipped back out.

“Ready?” The way he posed the question held her enthralled. Did she
detect hidden meaning or was he merely asking if she was ready to go home.

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