Heinrich Himmler : A Life (203 page)

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Authors: Peter Longerich

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deportation of Jews 571, 620, 668

Dutch SS established 495

Himmler acquires influence in 493–4

Himmler’s first trip to 492–3

Himmler’s Germanic policy 495

invasion of 492

maintenance of independence of 495

repression by SS 655–6

counter-terror 705

reprisals for acts of resistance 544

Seyss-Inquart appointed Reich Commissar 493

Waffen-SS recruitment in 501, 606–7

national legion 603

Neuengamme concentration camp 242, 480, 481, 633, 731

Neurath, Konstantin von 393, 398, 399, 412, 490

Niedernhagen concentration camp 481

Nieland, Hans 158

Night of the Long Knives 173–4

Nisko, as transit camp for Jews 441

Nockermann, Hans 495

Nordland publishing house 260

Norfolk, Friedrich 225

North Africa:

Allied landings in 642, 647

Jews in 662–3


deportation of Jews 624, 631

extension of SS jurisdiction 544

Himmler’s attempt to acquire influence in 491–2

invasion of 491

repression by SS 630–1

counter-terror 657, 705

reprisals for acts of resistance 544

Waffen-SS recruitment in 500

national legion 603

Nuremberg Laws (1935) 197

Obdach, Ludwig 159

obedience, as virtue of SS 307–8

Oberg, Carl-Albrecht 571, 624, 631–2, 668

background of 317

Marseilles punishment operation 649, 650, 651

opposes Himmler’s radical policy in France 652, 653

Oberländer, Theodor 390


Gestapo campaign against 519–20

Himmler’s interest in 282–5

Ohlendorff, Otto 212, 319–20, 471, 799n27

Oppenhoff, Franz 715

order police (Ordnungspolizei):

functions of 241

Himmler on functions of 206

pre-war development of 240–1

Soviet Union, role in invasion 521

Oshima, Hiroshi 719

Osten-Sacken, Gotthard Baron von 79

Oster, Hans 698

Pact of Steel (1939) 418

Pancke, Günther 348, 657

appointed head of Race and Settlement Main Office 417

background of 317

Denmark 655

Himmler’s intervention in marriage of 366–7

settlement policy:

racial selection 446–7

Sudetenland 414

Slovakia 458

Mit brennender Sorge
(‘With Burning Anxiety’) 223

Papen, Franz von 139, 143–4, 172

criticizes Nazi rule 172

meets with Hitler (1933) 144

threatens resignation 172–3

paramilitary organizations:

Himmler’s involvement with 28, 31–3, 54, 63, 66, 67, 87–8

incorporation into SA 171

partisans, Himmler gains responsibility for combating 617, 621–2

campaigns against 626–9

expanded areas covered by 658–9

link with Holocaust 625–6

obtaining labour through campaign against 660

Patzig, Conrad 189

Peiper, Joachim 492

Petri, Frank 608

Petzel, Walter 433

Pfeffer von Salomon, Franz 89, 90, 113, 117

Pflaum, Guntram 344, 535, 595–6

Pflaumer, Karl 159

Pfundtner, Hans 216

Phleps, Arthur 343, 674

Pinsk, massacre of ghetto 622

Planetta, Otto 178

Pohl, Oswald 257, 295, 417, 522, 632

appointed head of SS administration 169–70, 182–3

army organization 702

construction programme for SS 559

control of SS businesses 485

forced labour 560

armaments production 633–4

Friends of the Reichsführer-SS 259

responsibilities of 257, 258

poison gas,


German ethnic policy 391

‘Treatment of the Ethnically Alien Population in the East’ 450–2

Germanization 441–50, 572

racial selection 446–9

re-Germanization 452–4

German preparations for invasion 422

German-Soviet agreement on demarcation line 440

Hitler’s instructions on conduct of war against 427–8


death penalty for leaving ghettos 546

deportation of 439–40, 666

deportation to General Government 444, 445, 455–7, 510

forced labour 510

ghettoization 510

mass murder of 432

mass murder of leading Poles 428, 429, 430, 438

Himmler’s defence of atrocities 464–5

murder of mental patients 431–2

penal code introduced 439

police courts 439

police organization established by Himmler 437–8

repression by SS 657–8, 659

settlement policy 434

war of racial extermination against 427

Warsaw destroyed 705

Warsaw ghetto uprising 664

see also
General Government

police force 206

amalgamation of police and SS 204–5, 249–51

extension and reorientation of 204

Himmler on duties of 206

Himmler’s model of soldierly civil service 205–6

Himmler’s opposition to legality 205, 206

see also
Kripo; order police; political police; Sipo

political police:

creation of centralized secret Reich police force 201

Himmler appointed acting Munich police chief 149

Himmler justifies mass arrests 150

Himmler takes control in Bavaria 150–1

Himmler takes control in German states 155–61

Nazi takeover of 148

Popitz, Johannes 697

Porsche, Ferdinand 558

Potthast, Hedwig:

background of 466

gives birth 334, 466, 467

last contact with Himmler 732

loyalty of 731

starts relationship with Himmler 375, 466

Potthast, Helge 334, 466

Potthast, Nanette-Dorothea 467

Pracher, Ferdinand von 18


occupation of 412–13

reprisals for Heydrich’s assassination 569

preventive repression 181, 193, 194, 195, 199

abortion 203

communist threat 203

criminality 203

criminal police 227

asocial operation (‘Work-shy Reich’) 228, 229

in wartime 478–9, 636–8

development of concept 202–3

extension to all forms of opposition 203

homosexuality 203

role of security police 207–8

wartime regulations 479

prisoners of war:

Himmler’s responsibility for 702

treatment of Allied 662

treatment of Polish 475–6

Procreation Order 462–4

protective custody:

establishment of Dachau camp 151

Frick’s attempts to restrict 167, 191–2, 200

Göring’s attempts to restrict 167

Himmler’s justification of 150, 193–4

Himmler succeeds in institutionalizing 196

regulations on 167

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia:

deportation of Jews 546

ethnic policy in 457–8

Heydrich appointed Deputy Reich Protector 536

Heydrich’s assassination 568–9

reprisals 568, 569

land confiscated by SS 420

Land Office established 420

repression by SS 632, 654

security regime in 412–13, 490

settlement policy 420–2

state of emergency imposed by Heydrich 544

Protestant Church 222–3

Prussia, Himmler takes control of political police 161–8

Prützmann, Hans Adolf 522, 531, 533, 536, 585, 623, 714

Quadt, Count Eugen von 155

Quenstedt, Dr 29, 30

Quisling, Vidkun 500, 606

Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA, Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt) 182

Darré’s resignation 416–17

departments of 257

ethnic policy in Bohemia and Moravia 457–8

indoctrination of SS members 312, 313

settlement policy 413

Austria 414

change in 415

Sudetenland 414

racial policy:

Darré’s views on 127–8

Ethnic German List, annexed Polish territories 452–4

gypsies 230

preventive criminal policy 227–8

settlement policy 446–9, 454–5

racial selection:

arbitrariness of racial examinations 599–600

Ethnic German List 452–4

France 592

General Government 583

Soviet Union 585–6

membership of German nation 590–1

settlement policy 445, 446–9, 454–5

France 589–90

General Government 583–4

Poland 446–9

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 580

Soviet Union 585–6

SS membership 123–4, 126–7

racial theory 599, 600

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