Heir of Pendel (A Pandoran Novel, #4) (65 page)

BOOK: Heir of Pendel (A Pandoran Novel, #4)
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"Up and at 'em already, Del Can't? I thought for sure you'd sleep in a little after a night of…sewing." Thaddeus winked at me from the doorway of the storage closet.

Sometimes I really wanted to hit him. I descended the stair and walked past him, into the front room. All the injured slept. Even Vera was bent over the countertop, her head on her hands, sleeping.

"Not even a smile?" Thaddeus whispered, trailing me. "I hoped you'd be in a good mood today."

"I'm in a fine mood. I just have work to do," I said, stepping carefully over sleeping bodies.


"Like question our prisoners."

"Getting a bit of an early start, aren't we?"

"I find that success usually happens while everyone else is asleep."

"And I find that sewing usually happens then, too."

I stopped at the door and looked at him over my shoulder.

He cowered back as if he feared I'd throw something at him. I was tempted to. "Okay, okay, I'll stop."

I stepped out into the chilled air and closed the door behind me. The little village of Rex Cross still slept, the street lanterns flickering warmly to keep the darkness at bay, though the sky had already lightened since I'd left Daria upstairs. I glanced up at the little round window of the loft. Even from here, her presence burned like a flame, warming me where I stood, and even from here it drew me to her.

Gravel crunched beneath my boots as I walked on, and when I neared the stables, two of the Nords keeping watch glanced up. One of them was Todd, and he rubbed his eyes and started toward me.

"Morning," he said, stretching. "You're up early. How are the men?"

By "men," he was referring to our injured. "Much better. They were all sleeping when I left. I hope you had a moment to rest."

"Just started my shift, actually. With Lukas, here." He nodded toward the other Nord. "Lord Danton and his brother left to catch some sleep. Hope you got some sleep, too. You haven't slept much since Ravenshelm, at least that I've seen."

"I got enough," I said, peering past him into the stables. I still smelled her on me, and I had to force my thoughts back to the task at hand. Four shadows slumped around the two support beams of the stables. "How are they? Did they give you any trouble?"

"None so far, and Lord Danton didn't report any, either."

I nodded. "I wanted to have a word with them, if you don't mind."

"Want me to stand watch?"

I looked over at the slumped shapes again. "No, no. I don’t think they'll be a problem, but…don't run off too far? Just in case?"

"Of course, my lord."

I paused and looked back at Todd. "I'm not your lord, Todd."

"Yes, you are." He stared straight back with the defiance of a Nord. "We know, you know. Theon told us. Even though you haven't said a word. Even though you haven't lorded it over us, but you've still done more for us than any of those who do."

Hearing Theon's name made my chest tighten. "I've only given you battle and death."

"No." Todd shook his head. "You've given us hope, when so many others have failed us. We'd follow you even without your birthright."

I held his gaze, feeling completely humbled. "Thank you, Todd."

He nodded. "Just holler if you need anything."

"I will."

He stepped out of the stables and Lukas followed him, and I stepped inside. Horses filled the stalls, some munching on hay, others sleeping. The prisoners had been divided in pairs, and each pair had been tied, hands behind their backs, to a support beam spanning from floor to high ceiling. They didn't look up as I approached. I couldn’t see them very well either, so I used a little of my magic to bring one of the torches to life. The horse in the stable beside it whinnied, and one of the prisoners lifted his head. I was shocked to find I knew the face.

?" I gaped down at him. How had I missed sight of him? Of course, it'd been dark and I'd been a bit more preoccupied with Daria and her dragon and our injured to pay the prisoners much attention. But it still surprised me I hadn't realized we'd caught Lord Vega's son, and that no one had let me know. Although, it was very possible the Nords hadn't recognized him. Thaddeus and Vera would have recognized him, but they'd been with me. Danton would've known, but I'd been with Daria, so I could easily understand why he wouldn't have said a word yet.

I hadn't seen Kenley since the games, when he disappeared with Danton and the unity stone. I'd assumed they'd been fighting on Eris's side, but Danton had watched over the prisoners through the night, and Kenley was still tied up and filthy and looking furious about it. But that was nothing new. Kenley was always angry. He'd always sort of reminded me of a pit bull worried his land was being encroached upon.

"What do you want?" he growled.

I regarded him silently. "You aren't planning an escape with Danton, are you?"

His eyes narrowed, and his teeth bared. Yes, definitely pit bull. I wondered what had passed between Kenley and Danton. Maybe I'd ask Danton later.

I sat down a few feet before him, crossed my legs, and lay Flamebearer across my lap. His eyes dropped to the sword, and when they looked up again, they were raging.

"Where's your father?" I asked.

No answer.

"Ah, I see. He keeps safely in Amarinth while having you do all his dirty work. I wonder how he'll take this loss. After all, it was the complete annihilation of his entire military, save the four of you. Do you think he'll want you back? Or will we be burdened with you now? From what I know of your father, I'm not so sure he'll let you step foot in Campagna again."

His hatred seethed.

"I can see this is a touchy subject." I folded my hands in my lap. "Why don't we talk about something else. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to what Eris's plans are?" Though I had a general idea, I wondered if Kenley had any specifics to add.

No answer.

"Come, Kenley, I know you know something. Does he have the unity stone?"

Still nothing.

I frowned. "I suggest you answer me."

His eyes flashed darkly. "Why, so you can get back to that little whore princess of yours?"

A rush of adrenaline burned through my body, and I punched him square in the jaw. He reeled and would've fallen over if his hands weren't tied to the support beam. When he finally managed to sit up again, he spit blood and stretched his jaw, glowering up at me from beneath his dark brow.

"Say anything like that again and I break it."

Kenley licked the blood from his bottom lip.

"Does Eris have the unity stone?" I said through clenched teeth.

"You could just take her out back, you know. I hear she likes it in the dirt, and it'd be a lot easier than—"

I got up, grabbed him by the hair, and jerked his head back so far he grunted and strained against me. "I'm not playing games, Kenley," I hissed at his ear. "Just because you were spared, don't think I won't kill you now."

He grunted against my hold. "You don't have it in you to—" I pulled his hair harder, grinding my knee down on his arm. He cried out in pain and I released the tension, giving him a moment to breathe and change his mind about not talking.

"You murdered Sir Torren and his men, and then you murdered mine, and I want to know why," I said into his ear. "What's in it for you?"

He didn't answer and I yanked on his hair again.

"Eris…" He grunted. "He said…he'd spare us."

"For what?" I growled.

His eyes squeezed as he strained against my hold. "His…new world."

"New world?"

"He…he wants to open the portals…to rule both worlds. Mortis can…live on Earth."

"Is he using the shield to free Mortis?"

"Yes, but…he hasn't yet. He…wanted to get rid of…the loyals first."

That was what Daria and I had discussed last night. "Those loyal to King Darius or Gaia?"

A grunt. "Gaia. That's all…I know. I swear. He didn't…tell us anything else."

"How did you know about Pendel?" I asked.

"A fleet of ships approached our shores. What were we supposed to think?"

I jerked harder and pressed down on his arm, and he cried out. "You didn't attack them on your shores. You let them land and then overtook them at the Downs, and you had gargons to help you. You knew they were coming and you prepared to fight them. Who told you they were coming?"

"Eris." He grunted. "He sent…word to…my father. He had…men in Karth."

I should have known. Lorimer Faris had been there when Daria, Thaddeus and I had arrived. Of course Eris would have more guards there to keep an eye on Sir Torren's movements.

"You didn't see any guild members with Sir Torren? Any of the king's aegises?"

"No…" Another grunt. "I don't know for sure, but…no one used magic out of Sir Torren's men. I didn't see…any of the king's aegises."

I almost sighed with relief. It didn't sound as if my mother had been there. As an aegis, she could've easily blended in to battle, but Master Durus wouldn't have left her side and he definitely would've been spotted. But if they hadn't been there, then where in the blazes were they? Was it possible they'd stayed in Karth? Was Arioch Prime still there?

I released him with a shove and he slumped forward, heaving, his hair standing straight up from me gripping it for so long. Quick footsteps crunched behind me. It was Todd, and he was out of breath.

"Sorry to interrupt, my lord, but you're needed at the gate," he said. "There's something you'll wanna see."







here could that giant reptile be hiding?

You know how I abhor that name.

"Well, where are you, then?"

There was a whip of air and Nexus shot across the sky. He banked and soared straight up with an impressive twist, slowed to a stall, then turned and dove straight back down.

"Show off," I murmured.

Wait till you see what I do next time we're in the air together.

"Is that why you asked me to come out here? To make threats? Because I was sort of busy, you know." And I had been. Thad had promptly put me to work changing bandages, but not after throwing a surplus of inappropriate comments at me. At some point, I'd thrown a jar at him. When I'd missed, Vera had jabbed him in the ribs for me.

No, I told you to come out here because there's someone I thought you'd want to see. A few someones, actually.

My heart sputtered with hope, and I started sprinting. Could it be? Had Mercedes come? I sprinted through the open gate and, when I saw the sash of silver and brown whipping in the wind, I sprinted faster. Gesh had come with a flood of warriors, and Mercedes stood in front like some warrior queen, her long blonde hair billowing like a flag behind her. I recognized Hawk's hulking figure to her right, his hair long and dark and dreaded, and even covered in furs, he still reminded me of Tarzan. I hadn't seen either of them since they'd helped us escape Eris when Hawk had practically thrown Alex, Vera, and me through the portal. And then I spotted a tiny figure practically drowning in wool and fur, walking on Hawk's other side and scrambling to keep pace. My heart swelled. Was that Fleck? It was!

I had no idea how it was possible, but I didn't care. I ran and ran and ran, my feet unable to carry me as fast as I wanted to go. Fleck was laughing by the time I reached them, and when I scooped him up in my arms, he shrieked.

"Lady!" He laughed.

I squeezed his little body to mine.

"Lady, I can't breathe!"

I laughed, set him down and held his face between my hands, examining his features and making sure they were all in proper order. His cheeks and nose were bright pink from cold as that big toothy grin spread, and his speckled eyes glittered with joy.

"You're all right," I said, kissing his forehead, his temple, his cheeks.

You humans and your affections…

I thought Nexus might learn to like affection too, if he weren't burdened with fangs and talons. Those didn't make for very good cuddles.

Nexus snorted.

"I was so afraid and I didn't know…" I squeezed Fleck again.

"Of course he's all right," bristled an old and familiar voice. "He's been with me."

I set Fleck down and gazed up into Tran Chiton's smiling eyes, and then I hugged him, too. The wizard coughed as I squeezed, and then he slowly and awkwardly patted my back. And when I didn't stop hugging him, his patting changed, as if he were trying to pat me right off of him. "All right, I believe that is…quite enough, my dear."

I released Tran. "Where's Grool?" I asked.

Tran scratched his beard. "In bed, I imagine. He wouldn't stop drinking the mead at the Keep, and he was being a bit of a nuisance—"

"He was swinging from the chandeliers and dropping candles on people," Fleck added.

I snorted a laugh, then coughed to swallow it down.

"Yes, well," Tran continued with a wave of his hand. "During one of his swinging reveries, he slipped right off a rung and fell, breaking all the bones in one of his wrists, and quite a few in his leg. Needless to say, we were forced to leave him laid up at the Keep, where he's on a strict diet of callaberries and sleep."

"Isn't he sworn to your service?"

"Sworn to my service? Oh, spirits, no, child! He's merely a companion, and despite his, ah, coarse and barbaric manners, he's really quite loyal. But he's in a foul temper, at present. The only thing worse than a brownie is a brownie who's not allowed to drink ale." He winked at me.

I chuckled and turned to Hawk, who beamed and said, "Preen-ciss!" He whisked me in his arms and whirled me around, but promptly set me down, and when I turned to Mercedes, I decided to stop hugging people. She looked as if she approved of my decision.

"My apologies for being late," she said, extending her hand. "We were detained by shadowguard; otherwise we would've been here a week ago."

I took her hand and shook it. "I'm just so glad you're all right and that you're here." I looked past her, taking in the full number of her warriors. We might actually have a chance! I wanted to jump up and down and scream and…tell Alex. Alex needed to know right now. Actually, he may already suspect if he sensed my happiness from out here. "Shadowguard, you said?"

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