Heir of Pendel (A Pandoran Novel, #4) (66 page)

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"About two thousand of them intercepted us along the South Road. We might not have made it if Tran hadn't arrived. We weren't prepared to deal with gargons."

Tran made a show of a humble bow toward me.

Two thousand shadowguard, and they'd survived. That also meant there were two thousand less shadowguard at Castle Regius.

"I thought you were in Bristol with Lord Danton?" she asked.

"I was…it's a long story," I said.

A percussive beat of air sounded and Nexus landed behind me. A swell of awe and terror washed through me from Mercedes' warriors. Nexus snorted steam, those large eyes fastened on the wizard.

"Well, good morning, Nexus," Tran said as if he were greeting an old friend.

Tell the wizard he still owes me the firestone.

Apparently, they
old friends.

, Nexus corrected, showing off his teeth.

I looked away to find Mercedes' dark eyes fastened on me. Despite her earlier withdrawal from physical affection, there was a tenderness in her gaze that embraced me tightly. And then she said, "I'm glad to see the child of the wind has finally embraced who she is." A light sparked in those dark eyes. "Your father would have been very proud."

My heart squeezed a little at the mention of my father. "I…thank you. Mercedes."

She smiled at me, glad I'd called her by her first name, as she'd asked me to do in Mosaque.

"He's coming, lady!" Fleck said suddenly, pointing back toward the village.

Sure enough, Alex passed through the gate and strode briskly toward us, his cloak billowing behind him like a black sail. His eyes met mine and I felt a rush of his affection before he drew his attention back to the entirety of Gesh. His relief flooded through me. A crowd of onlookers lingered near the gate now, and that crowd was growing fast.

Alex stopped at my side and extended a hand to Mercedes. "You made it." His voice held no small amount of relief.

Mercedes accepted the gesture. "Yes, and I'm sorry it took us this long."

"Please don't apologize," he replied. "I'm just thankful you're here." He noted those standing beside her, and his hope surged. "Hawk…Tran…" He nodded to each in turn, and when he saw Fleck standing there, he smiled and ruffled Fleck's hair.

Fleck flashed him that toothy grin. There was something in Fleck's expression that made me wonder if he'd always known Alex's true identity. Then Tran winked at me, and I knew that they both had known. I also wondered if Mercedes would show Alex the same fealty the Nords already did. Either way, she'd come, and that's all Alex and I could've hoped for.

"I was just explaining to Princess Daria that two thousand shadowguard delayed us," Mercedes continued.

Alex's lips parted in surprise. "Two thousand? How many did

"Not many, thank the spirits," she replied. "Tran's timing was impeccable. Once he took care of the gargons, we were able to overtake them. I brought two thousand of my own."

Alex nodded once, his lips tight. "I'm sorry you already lost some of them."

"Tran informed me you've incurred losses of your own…?" she asked.

"Yes, Campagna was here waiting for us. We were very fortunate to have help." Here, Alex looked at me.

"You were." Mercedes agreed, her gaze drifting from me, to Nexus, then back to Alex again. "Is Sir Torren not here?"

"No, and he will not be coming," Alex replied solemnly.

By Mercedes' expression, I could tell she understood.

"We're holding a few of Campagna's men prisoner—including Kenley Vega," Alex said.

Kenley Vega. Why did that name seem familiar? And then I remembered he was Lord Vega's son, who had fought in the games and run off with Danton and the unity stone. I gave Alex a look of surprise, and he nodded in confirmation.

"We have much to discuss, I see," Mercedes said.

"Yes, though I'm not sure everyone will fit inside the gates." Alex gazed out over her army. "We're packed as it is with Nords."

"My men will set up camp here, then, as long as you think it safe." Her eyes trailed the length of Nexus's neck and settled on his massive jaws.

Alex deferred to me for an answer.

"Nexus is with us," I replied. "He won't bite."

So you think…

She still looked a little hesitant, even though she didn't argue. "Is Veranna still with you?"

"She is," Alex replied. "She and Thaddeus have been tending to our wounded, and I'm sure they'd be happy to help your men should any of them need it."

I noticed Alex didn't mention Myez, and then I thought this was probably a good thing. Last Mercedes had heard of Myez was that he'd betrayed her secret portal to Eris. We'd warn her when we needed to, but there was no reason to do that now.

I felt Mercedes' relief at hearing Vera was with us, though she didn't voice this. She wasn't technically related to Vera, but her emotional response told me she counted Vera as a relation anyway. "There are a few men and women I may bring to Veranna and Thaddeus for healing, thank you," she said. "Give me a moment to speak with my people…?"

"Of course." Alex stepped back and I moved to stand beside him, while Mercedes shouted orders in Saqai. I'd forgotten how beautiful their language was, and I'd also forgotten Alex could speak it. I tilted my head toward him and he grinned down at me then reached out and squeezed my hand. When I glanced up, Fleck was watching us and grinning from ear to ear. Fleck never missed a thing. Tran, however, was still glaring up at Nexus as if they were having their own private argument.

I don't argue. I speak truth. It is up to others whether or not they want to accept it.

I chuckled, earning myself a sideways glance from Alex, to which I just rolled my eyes toward Nexus.

Soon Tran, Fleck, Mercedes, Hawk, and a few of Mercedes' guards, as well as about a dozen of her wounded, followed us back to the gate. I recognized one of her guards—Catia, was it? She'd attended the dinner Mercedes had held in Mosaque, and I remembered Catia had had a particular affinity for dragon lore. Even now, her eyes sparkled with fascination on Nexus, and when she noticed me looking at her, she smiled like a child in a candy store. Alex walked behind me and fell in to step beside Mercedes, and the two of them shared the details of their respective journeys, while Fleck held tight to my hand, practically bouncing beside me.

"So, did the Dalorens ever find out your name?" I asked Fleck while we walked. Er, I walked. He bounced.

"No, we didn't have time," he said, though he didn't sound disappointed. "But they did tell me something else." My curiosity piqued as he swung our interlocked hands between us. "Remember how I was having all those bad dreams?"

"Yes. Didn't Tran say you kept having them because your powers were starting to manifest?"

"I did," Tran answered at my other side. "But the young Master Fleck, here, suffered dreams infinitely worse than what they should've been, and I was happy to see my suspicions had been confirmed." He looked a little bloated by all that self-congratulatory happiness.


"Dalorens usually have one gift of Sight, whether it be to See past, present, or future. Fleck, here, has the ability to See all three."

I looked down at Fleck who grinned awkwardly up at me. "Is this true?" I asked.

His nose wrinkled with his shy grin.

No wonder people—my grandfather included—had wanted access to his power. "Can you see what will happen with Eris?" I asked.

Fleck's expression fell in a way that made me feel guilty for asking. "I'm sorry," I said. "I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, lady. I'd tell you if I knew anything."

"Curiously," Tran interjected, "Fleck can't see the future where Gaia is concerned. He's tried."

"Do you think it has to do with the shield?" Alex asked from behind me. Mercedes still walked with him, and she was listening in too.

"It's a good thought," Tran said, "but I believe that if the shield were warping the Sight, Fleck wouldn't be able to See anything at all, yet he can still See the past and present."

"Is that how you knew Gesh needed your help?" Alex asked.

"No, though Fleck did help us determine their exact location. I knew of their circumstances because of my brother, Arioch."

Alex's curiosity spiked with my own. The last we'd seen of Arioch was in Karth, and Sonya and Master Durus had been with him. Maybe Arioch would know where Sonya was.

"You've been in touch with him?" Alex asked. I heard the eagerness in his voice.

"It's more
who's been in touch with
," Tran huffed and his grey mustache bristled. "Won't leave me alone. Part of that firstborn nonsense. Always feels as if he's the only one mature enough to understand what's really going on. Tell you what—this is the first time he's left Pendel in over a century—a century! Can you believe that? How can one understand anything when they never step foot out their front door?"

"Tran, where is Arioch now?" I asked, trying to get Tran back on track.

I felt a rush of Alex's gratitude.

"Ah, the Aegis Quarters," Tran replied.

"What in Gaia's name is he doing there?" Alex asked, surprised.

"He's"—Tran's voice dropped lower—"protecting the tunnels."

Alex's understanding moved through me, but, unsurprisingly, I was totally confused. "Tunnels…?" I asked quietly, and Mercedes' interest roused too.

"They run beneath the castle," Alex replied. "They were built for the royal family to have an escape route in case of an emergency. Very few know of their existence. They end in the hidden cellar beneath the Aegis Quarters. We hid you down there with my parents."

I remembered. And to think I hadn't known who I was at the time, and that hidden tunnel would've led me right to it. Then I thought of Stefan. He could've had a way out. My uncle had laid siege to the castle, and Stefan, my grandfather, and Cicero Del Conte could've snuck out of the castle and probably still been alive. But Stefan would never do that. He would never leave his people alone and helpless, and so he had stayed and the three of them had died.

"Does Eris know about these tunnels?" I asked.

"I thought he did, but it doesn't appear to be the case, according to my brother," Tran continued. "Perhaps Darius wasn't so naïve about his youngest son and only entrusted his oldest with that information."

"You knew," I said to Alex.

"We had to, as the personal aegises of your family," he said, "and even then, my father only told me a few years ago. But I'm surprised Arioch knows. How…why is he even there?"

"Because…he's making sure no one finds the prince," Tran replied.

My heart stopped, and so did my feet. "As in
? My brother?"

Tran gazed down his large nose at me. "Why, who else would it be, my dear? Unless there's some other prince I'm unaware of. Gaia knows there could be. It seems we've got princes popping up all over the place these days." He looked directly at Alex.

Stefan was…he was…

"But…Stefan's dead…I was told…" I stuttered, unable to comprehend or believe what he was saying. "I felt him die!"

"Hm, I'm fairly certain he survived," Tran said. "Eris missed his heart, but only by a few centimeters. They've been caring for him in the tunnels because they didn't dare move him much farther until his health stabilized."

Stefan was alive. My brother…he hadn't died. He was still in Valdon, and he was being taking care of…

My mind whirled. I needed to sit down. Alex grabbed my hand firmly in his, and I leaned against him for support.

"Who are they?" Alex asked, sliding his arm around my waist and hugging me to him.

"Why…your mother and Master Durus, I believe," Tran said to Alex.

A little squeak of air escaped Alex's lips, and I wouldn't have heard it if I weren't standing so close to his mouth.

Sonya was alive, too! She hadn't been with Sir Torren's men during the fight with Campagna. I gripped Alex's arm and he squeezed my waist, but he didn't stop squeezing it.

"Master Antoni and Headmaster Ambrose are also there. According to Arioch, Aegis Sonya refuses to leave Prince Stefan's side; therefore, Master Durus is staying with her. Master Antoni and Headmaster Ambrose are the ones responsible for sneaking Prince Stefan out of the castle."

I hadn't realized the depth of my despair until it was suddenly gone. My brother was still alive, and Sonya was safe, and Gesh was here, and with them had come Tran and Fleck. Maybe things weren't so dire after all.



There were about twenty in our council, including Alex, Vera, Thad, Tran, Fleck, Mercedes, Hawk, Catia, and a few in Mercedes' escort, as well as a few Nords Alex had chosen. Myez stayed behind to care for the wounded, and also because Alex didn't think it the right time for me to explain him. I was surprised Danton or Carter weren't there. I didn't know where they were, but I wasn't about to ask.

We spent the rest of the morning arguing. At least that's what it seemed like to me. Otis had made room for us in his dining hall, so that we'd have a place to strategize. He even served hot rolls and drinks, though considering some of the rising tempers, I thought Otis should probably stop with the drinks. A few of our small council were angry about the plan Alex and I, and a few others, had come up with. And that plan was essentially to use a feint attack to draw Eris's attention to the main gate while the rest of our forces hid in the forest, waiting to come in behind. Meanwhile, another contingent, including Nexus and me, would exploit the existing cracks in the weak, eastern corner of the wall, knock it down and clear a way through for Alex and a dozen others to gain access into the castle.

We knew we couldn't use the underground tunnels. Stefan was down there, and, considering his condition, we couldn't draw attention to those tunnels. Not to mention, Tran said Arioch had sealed the tunnels behind them. Breaking that seal would give us away, anyway.

Once the wall was down, I would keep attacking from the skies with Nexus. This all sounded fine and dandy to me, but there were a good handful present who didn't think it was at all fine and dandy. That particular handful wanted me to fly ahead and douse the castle in flames while we concentrated our combined army of three thousand against the main gate.

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