Hell House (9 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

BOOK: Hell House
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“What's shakin' behind there?”

“My ass, if you want it to be. But why don't you follow me and find out?”

I broke away from Roc and swam behind the waterfall where there was a cozy and secluded area with dimmed lighting. I wished something more romantic was playing in the background, but the lyrics by Kanye West had to do.

Roc swam in behind me. I wasted no time going up to him and pressing my body against his. I rested my arms on his shoulders and looked into his serious eyes that showed interest, but a little hesitation.

“This is so much better, isn't it?” I said, referring to our private surroundings.

“Yeah, it's cool.”

In an effort to break the disconnect, I leaned in to kiss him, but he resisted and backed his head up.

“Check this,” he said. “I'm not sure if I'm really down with what you bringin' or not. I'm here to have some fun, no doubt, but I didn't expect to be movin' in this direction with nobody so soon.”

“I get that, Roc, really I do, but I'm letting you know now that I'm not going to let up on you. I'm not asking you for a commitment or anything like that. All I'm interested in is, quite frankly, sex. Sex that I know you wouldn't mind having with me, so take a day or two to think about it. Whenever you're ready, we can meet right back here.”

There was no doubt in my mind that Roc was in love with someone. But I was in need of him. He had a choice to make, and I helped him to quickly make up his mind when I lowered my hand inside of his swim trunks. I circled my hand around his shaft and felt it swell to its full potential.

“Wow,” I said as my eyes grew bigger. “That's pretty big.”

His eyelids lowered, and I could tell he was appreciating my touch. “Yeah, it is. And, I, uh, I…I wish you wouldn't do that.”

“But I want to,” I said, whispering in his ear. “I want to feel all of this inside of me. I'm so wet right now, Roc. Don't you want to feel me, too?”

I was working the tip of his thick head over, leaving him near speechless. He swallowed hard, then closed his eyes. I felt his body get tense, but that was when his eyes shot open and he put pressure on my hand. “Let it go,” he said in a hurry. “Chill out.”

I slowly released it, watching as Roc sighed from relief. “I'm out,” he said to me and then swam away. For whatever reason, he stopped and turned toward me. “Meet me in the game room in about fifteen minutes. I don't want us to start nothin' we can't finish.”

That left a wide smile on my face. I waited for a few minutes
before I left from behind the waterfall to join the others. Trying to pass by the time, I kicked up a conversation with Jada who couldn't even hold one with me. We were very much on different levels, especially since all she talked about was her numerous marriages and her lousy-ass girlfriends. I was glad to get away from her, and fifteen minutes later, I excused myself from our conversation and went into the game room with Roc who was already inside shooting pool. He was bending over the pool table, getting ready to take a shot.

“Do you play?” he asked. “If so, go get a stick.”

I sauntered up to him and reached my hand out to touch his stick. “Got it. Now, what do you want me to do with it? I'm ready to play whenever you are.”

Roc smiled, but removed my hand from exploring his growing muscle. “Ma, you got that mutha clownin', but the stick I was referrin' to was the stick over there.”

Roc pointed to the row of pool sticks against the wall.

“Oh,” I said in a teasing manner. “Those sticks. I thought you meant something else, but I guess I can figure out something else to do with the sticks on the wall.”

I walked away to remove one of the pool sticks from the wall. I watched as Roc took his shot and then he motioned his hand for me to proceed. When I did, you'd better believe that I stepped my sexiness up a notch. The metallic bikini was already working wonders for me, but I bent over right in front of Roc to take my shot. Before I did, I turned my head to the side, just to be sure that his eyes were on me. They were focused in like a laser, and the turning of my head didn't even break his trance. I couldn't help but to make my ass jiggle and my moves made him laugh.

“You know you wrong for fuckin' with me like that, but it's all good. Don't be mad at me when you mess around and hurt yourself.”

“You can be sure that I'm looking forward to it. How many times do I have to say it before you start to believe me?”

I took the shot and purposely missed so Roc could come over to offer his assistance. I suspected that he would, and it didn't take long for him to come up to the table and show me the ropes.

“Hold the stick like this.” He pulled the stick back and forth, gliding it on the table to take a shot. He did, and to no surprise, the ball went into the hole.

“Thanks for showing me, but I never thought that I was holding sticks incorrectly. I guess we learn something new every day, huh?”

Roc knew exactly what “sticks” I was referring to. “You may very well know how to work with some sticks in particular, just not that stick you have in your hand.”

I winked at him, and yet again, I purposely missed the next shot. “Damn-it,” I said. “If you don't mind, I think you may have to come closer to help me with this stick. It's not cooperating.”

Roc was no fool. The look on his face implied that he knew what I was up to, yet he had no problem falling in line with my games. He stood behind me, moving my arms and hands in the correct position to hold the stick. There was too much breathing room between us, so I backed my ass up to touch him. He, however, moved back and stood with his arms folded across his chest.

“Why are you jumping back like I'm contagious or something?” I asked. “I promise I won't bite, unless you allow me to. And even then, I'll be gentle.”

Roc rubbed his chin, studying me. “Ay, riddle me this, ma. Are you always this aggressive with men or is it just somethin' about me that got you fired up like this?”

I had to laugh. “Fired up? That would be a mild way of putting it, but to answer your questions, no, I'm not always this aggressive, and it takes a certain kind of man to move me. I mean, have
you looked in the mirror lately? You can't stand there displaying all those muscles with those white trunks on and expect not to get a reaction from me. I'm only reacting to how I feel in the presence of a very handsome man. Anything wrong with that?”

“Not at all. Now, turn back around and let me react to you takin' your next shot. I'll let you know if I approve or not.”

I faced the pool table and bent far over. With my legs slightly spread, I took the shot. This time my ball went in.

I remained in position, and turned my head to look at Roc. “Yay to me for getting the ball in. What you got to say about that?”

Roc stepped forward, this time leaving no space between us. I could feel his hard dick against my ass, and there was no secret that I was more than ready to fuck him. He had the nerve to tease me by grinding just enough to make me feel more of him. That was when I stood up straight and placed the stick on the pool table. Roc's arm eased around my waist and he rubbed my stomach to put me at ease. The only reason I had tensed up was because I was surprised by his actions.

“Turn around,” he said to me.

I faced him, and he lifted me on the pool table. As I sat near the edge with my legs opened, he moved in between them.

“A chick who got my dick this hard must straight up be about somethin'. But let me put my cards on the table right now. I don't want there to be no misunderstandings between us. I'm engaged to a very beautiful woman who don't need no more headaches from me. There is no question that if I weren't engaged, I would lay you back on this table and get down to some for real business. But—”

I placed my finger on Roc's lips to silence him. “There is no need for you to say another word. Let's not get too serious about this, and you know what, Roc? If sex between us happens, then it
just happens. Whatever is meant to be will be, and the fact that you are engaged will not change my thoughts of wanting to hook up with you.”

Not saying another word, I leaned in for a kiss and Roc reciprocated. Our hands started to move into action, and the first place I touched was his ass. I squeezed it and then pushed it in, so he could be closer to my heat. His dick poked at my goods, and all either of us had to do was slide the crotch of my bikini bottoms aside to expose my pussy. Roc massaged my thighs, and as we broke away from our juicy kiss, I sat back on my elbows. His eyes did a quick scan down my near flawless body, and all he could do was shake his head.

“Yo sexy ass gon' get me in trouble,” he confessed. “Big trouble, so I'mma need to stay far, far away from you. So, do me a favor and don't take it personal, all right?”

I didn't know if I should take him serious or not. But since we were in such a playful mood, I pouted. “I won't take it personal, but my feelings will be a tiny bit bruised. You don't want to hurt my feelings, do you?”

“Never.” Roc bent over and placed a soft, delicate kiss on my flat stomach. He licked his tongue down to my navel and inched down even further. He stopped right above the edge of my bikini line. “Let's go back into the swimmin' pool area. It's gettin' too damn heated in here, and I don't know if I'll be able to restrain myself much longer.”

Seeing that Roc was trying his best to fight this, I removed myself from the table and headed to the door with him by my side. There was too much chemistry between us, and even though sex didn't occur with us tonight, I was sure that it was bound to happen soon.

I misjudged Prince. I should've known better because I always came down hard on people who judged me. The brotha had been misguided, no doubt, but he had a good head on his shoulders. At twenty-three-years old, he was a businessman, trying to make things happen. Trying to pull himself out of the ghetto, and I admired that about him. I could tell there was hustling going on and that he had difficult struggles along the way. We all had them, however, in this world, only the strong survived.

After we got finished testing out the workout equipment, we sat on the patio and had a few drinks. I had Remy and Prince had Patron. After a while, he said he wasn't feeling well, so he turned in for the night. I overheard Sylvia and Jada talking about a book Jada was reading, and I saw Roc and Chase having a good time in the game room. It looked as if things got a li'l heated, and I was surprised to see him come out of the game room so soon.

“Can't believe everybody still up,” he said, taking a seat next to me and putting his hands behind his head. “It's almost one o'clock in the mornin', ain't it?”

“Almost. Prince the only one who shut it down because he had a headache.”

“A headache from smokin' all that weed. That nigga ain't 'sleep. He probably in there goin' through people's shit.”

I wasn't worried because I brought a tiny safe that I kept my valuables and money in. Nobody knew where I placed it and it was in a very good hiding place.

“He was high as a kite,” I said. “But you ain't trying to talk about the next man, are you?”

“My high flew out the window, as soon as Chase started sweatin' me and makin' moves. I gotta get my head on straight before I fuck up.”

“Chase has been making moves all day. I'm surprised you weren't ready. She seems like the kind of woman who has no problem going after what she wants.”

“I'm feelin' that too,” Roc said, stroking his chin as he kept his eyes locked on Chase from a distance. Her ass was so nice and round that it swallowed her bikini bottoms. Pussy looked pretty fat too, and if a man didn't know any better, he'd be fucked up.

“Good night, boys,” she said, walking by us. “Don't stay up too late, and, Jaylin, I'm loving those red swimming trunks. What a good look on you?”

Neither one of us responded. Roc rubbed his hands together, looking as if something heavy was on his mind. “I'm getting ready to go harass Jada and see what Sylvia is up to,” I said. “Don't let Chase get into your head, man, and if you got straight love at home, don't fuck it up. It ain't always worth it. I'm speaking from experience.”

Roc pounded my fist and headed inside. I then got up to go holler at the ladies. They were now playing cards.

“Get up,” I said to Jada.

She cocked her head back. “What? Why do I need to get up?”

“Because you're sitting on something.”

She got up to look, and I rushed to sit in her seat. Before she started bitching, I pulled her back and sat her on my lap. She resisted a little, but she smirked and got comfortable.

“Why you take my seat?” she asked.

“Because I know you're losing this game and I came to help you beat Sylvia.”

“Well, you're too late,” Sylvia said. “I'm only twenty points away from winning this game and Jada is in the negative.”

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