Hell On Heels (31 page)

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Authors: Robyn Peterman

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: Hell On Heels
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"He'll be able to scent that I was here."

"Now that
evil," I informed him and wondered how angry Hayden would be.

"It is, isn't it? That was fun." He threw his head back and laughed. He really was beautiful, but he wasn't for me. "Dixie, I may not win your hand, but I will do my duty to help you keep balance. If you ever need me, just think of our kiss."

"Are you for real?"

"No, but it is fun being a
bad." He grinned like a naughty child. "You simply have to call my name and I will always come."

"Thank you. Elijah, are your wings black?"

"You're most welcome and, irony of all ironies, they are. It figures that the Angel of Death would get the golden wings. I have to go. I do believe evil is on his way."

He stood and vanished in a shower of golden mist.

I sighed as I realized that it was very true that he and Hayden had been the ones who had fought over me as a child. I pulled my covers tightly around me and wished the other part of his statement had been true, but there was still a week before Hayden was permitted to see me.

"Where is he?" a furious voice demanded.

"Oh my Hell," I shouted as I jumped up and banged my head on the lamp next to my bed. "What are you doing here?"

"Is he under the bed?" Hayden demanded, his eyes narrowing.

"Are you being a dick?"

"Did you just call me a dick?"

"No, I asked you if you were being one," I replied. I wanted to jump him so badly it hurt, but he was going to have to lose the ‘tude.

"You are practically naked and I can smell the bastard's scent. I am going to kill him and then I will spank you," he snapped as he looked under the bed.

"Will you make love to me after my spanking?" I asked as I watched him tear up my room.

"Yes, of course."

He froze and then slowly glanced up.

"Would you like to talk before you completely destroy my bedroom?" I inquired politely.

His chest heaved and he barely held onto his control. Bad boys were freakin' hot. I smiled and waited.

"You're different," he said as he slowly made his way toward my bed.

"I had no choice. I grew up."

His eyes flashed red and his movement ceased. His desire was extremely evident, but he held back.

"Did anything happen between you and my brother?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hell Dixie, I'm hanging on by a thread here. You've got to help me out." His breathing was labored and the muscles were taut in his neck.

"Are you sorry for being a dick?"

He ran his hands through his hair and sighed dramatically. "Yes, I'm sorry for being a dick."

"Nothing happened with your brother. I'm in love with you."

His grin set my panties on fire, but I backed away. "You cannot storm in here and accuse me of cheating ever again. There will be times work will keep us apart and you will lose panty privileges if you behave like a Neanderthal. We clear on that, buddy?"

"First you call me a dick and then you call me buddy. Do you think that's wise?" His expression was feral and I was losing my inner battle with making him wait.

"Will it get me a spanking?" I asked sweetly.

Yes," he said in a gruff voice. "It will."

"Then I suppose it was very wise then."

The sexual tension in the room was almost suffocating and I was happily drowning in it. Hayden unhurriedly pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. He kicked out of his shoes and went for his jeans. His broad chest and six-pack abs were gorgeous and made me shiver all over. Need coursed through me, but I wanted the rules to change.

"Freeze," I said as he glanced up at me in confusion. "I want to undress you."

His smile was sinful and he dropped his hands to his sides. "Be my guest."

I crawled off the bed and approached. As I ran my hands lightly over his torso, my fingers tingled and my stomach clenched with desire. I pressed my naked aching breasts to his chest and rubbed my body on his, eliciting the exact response I wanted. However the plans I had for him would fly out the window if I didn't pull back. Regaining what little composure I had left, I unbuttoned his jeans and slid them and his boxer briefs down his long muscular legs. The blond hair teased my fingertips as I massaged his thighs.

On my knees, I came face to face with something huge and beautiful. I squeezed my legs together tightly in anticipation what was to come. I'd dreamt of Hayden taking me over and over and I planned to live that fantasy tonight.

Learning the ropes by the seat of my pants had become my normal and I decided to keep going with that method. I took his erection in my hand and licked it softly. He tasted like the best kind of sin and the drop of liquid on the head was salty and delicious. His sharp intake of breath and muttered curses made me bolder.

I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked gently. My cheeks hollowed and I swirled my tongue around the tip.

"I won't break," he ground out through his teeth as he threaded his hands in my hair. "Suck me harder."

I did.

And he went wild.

The sheer potency of having a being so powerful at my mercy was heady, but loving the person I was giving pleasure was far more staggering on levels I could have never imagined. The sounds coming from deep within his chest sent white-hot sparks of heat through my body and I increased my speed.

"Dixie, stop," he demanded as he pulled himself from my mouth with a pop. "I want to come inside you." Dropping to his knees in front of me and pressing his forehead to mine, he held my head immobile as brushed sweet kisses on my lips.

"I am a jealous man," he hissed as he took my aching nipples between his fingers and applied pressure I could feel between my legs. "You're mine."

"That's okay." I moaned as I bit down on his neck and sucked. "I accidently blow up kitchen appliances and I like expensive shoes."

"I can live with that," he growled as he picked me up and threw me on the bed. "I rarely use the clothes hamper and I suck at leaving the toilet seat down."

"That's not gonna work," I said as I took his throbbing erection in my hand and stroked it.

"I'll try and do better with that one," he grunted as he took my distended nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

"I don't really cook." I moaned and ran my nails lightly over his testicles.

"I like Chinese takeout," he muttered as he slid down my body and did sinful things between my legs.

"I like Indian, but we can compromise," I squealed as his teeth and tongue sent me into a violent orgasm.

"I need to fuck you." His eyes were wild and his hands were everywhere.

"I wanna be on top."

"No need for a compromise there." He grinned and rolled to his back. All six foot six of my beautiful lover was laid out before me and I trembled with need. His eyes blazed red as I slowly and deliberately straddled him. Taking him in my hand, I put him right where I wanted him and slid him inside me. The stretch and slight burn was like coming home and my head dropped back to my shoulders as I sheathed him completely.

"I love you, Dixie," he promised as my body rocked on his. "I will love you to the end of time."

Tears welled in my eyes as the magnitude of what I felt for this beautiful complicated man overwhelmed me. "I love you too," I whispered as my desire escalated and the time for slow and easy ended. His grip on my hips as his body merged with mine would leave marks, but no less than the ones I left on his chest with my nails as I screamed through the mother of all orgasms.

My body clenched around his as ripple after ripple of heat tore through my abdomen and Hayden growled as he came. Collapsing on top of him, I felt him grow rigid again inside me.

"I don't think I can," I gasped as he rolled me to my back.

"Trust me." He grinned as he rotated his hips making my brain short out. "I know you can."

He was right.

I could. And I did.

Four more times.

Chapter 33


"I have to go," Hayden murmured as his fingertips ran lazy circles over my sore and very satisfied body. "Your father will want my ass on a platter for breaking the rules."

"He's not the only crazy Immortal who wants your ass." I giggled as I traced his full lips with my finger.


"Of course me," I said as I rolled my eyes. "But there is another."

"Care to explain?"

"My grandma likes your ass and told me she wouldn't mind grabbing it."

Hayden closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I have no words. None."

"It is a little disconcerting," I agreed as I tried to roll off the bed.

"Wait," he said. He grabbed me by the waist and hauled me on top of him. "We forgot something."

"I'm pretty sure we covered a lot of territory last night." I pressed my lips to his. He ran his large hands down my back and rested them on my ass.

"This is one of my favorite parts," he murmured as he squeezed my booty and then slapped it.

"Ow!" I laughed and tried to escape.

"I promised a spanking and a spanking you shall have," he purred as he lightly smacked my ass again. I ground my hips into his and his eyes went from green to red in a hot second. "You like that?" he asked as he smoothed his hands over my bottom in preparation for another little spank.

"I actually do." I bit on his bottom lip and writhed on his naked body. "Do it again."

"My pleasure. . .ah, Dixie?"

"Yes?" I asked as I moved down his body and flicked my tongue over his nipple.

"There are four tiny smiling Demons with a large dagger staring at us. You know them?" he asked in a bemused tone.

"Dixie get the spank spank on the bumbum!" Abe yelled joyously as he hopped on the bed and cuddled close. "Can me spank the bumbum too?"

"Nope, that's my bumbum," Hayden told him. He gingerly removed Abe from my left butt cheek.

"Awwwwwwww, that no be nice! " Abe grunted and the rest of the motley crew jumped onto the bed.

"Um guys, this is kind of bad timing," I told them while I yanked a sheet over Hayden and myself. "And is there any particular reason you're wielding a knife?"

"I think we no tell you unless we get to smacky on the bumbum," Ross pouted.

"How about you smacky each other on the bumbum after you explain why you're holding a gnarly looking weapon?" I suggested nicely.

They conferred quite violently and loudly while Hayden and I watched.

"Me say ooooookaaaay!" Beyonce screamed.

"You takey big knife." Rachel instructed. "Put pointy part on hand and make hole! Okiee dokeee?"

"Why should we do that?" Hayden asked the little monsters as he again removed Abe from the vicinity of my rear end.

"To make the bond of the lovers of the bumbum spanky," Abe said logically.

"You want us to bond?" I asked. My eyes shot to Hayden's.

"Yayayayayayayayayay," Rachael sang as she tossed the dagger in the air.

Hayden grabbed the knife mid-air before it dropped and decapitated one of my cousin's babies. That would have sucked.

"You makey bond and we watch and then you do the naked jiggy," Abe informed us.

"And we watch," Ross added solemnly.

"And help," Rachael chimed in.

"And video for YouTube," Beyonce explained as if that would seal the deal.

"Um, no. That doesn't sound like a plan," I said as I picked up the little Demons and walked to my door. "You guys go play and we'll let you know how it turns out."

"Can me touch you bumbum?" Abe asked sweetly.

I glanced over at Hayden who closed his eyes and shrugged. "For one second," I told him. "And then you little dudes have to go bother Myrtle. Okay? She would love for you guys to touch her bumbum."

"Yesssssssssssssss!" They hollered and all took turns quickly touching my bumbum with their tiny little hands.

"Enough," Hayden demanded as he shooed them out the door. "You're done with Dixie's bumbum. You will never touch her bumbum again. Understand?"

"You big silly Angel sex man," Beyonce screeched. "Me touch you bumbum now!" She dove and smacked Hayden's ass with glee. The look on his face was priceless and he chased the little devils from the room while trying not to laugh.

"Are you keeping them?" he asked as he pressed the heel of his hand to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut.

"No, I am not. They belong to my cousin Astrid and I will give them back when I see her again."

Blowing out a rather large sigh of relief, Hayden carefully examined the knife the baby Demons had gifted us. What the Hell—why did it look so familiar? The handle was encrusted with diamonds. It twinkled and winked at me. My mouth filled with water and my stomach cramped—Grandpa.

"Hayden, I can't bond with that knife," I said, quickly slapping my hand over my mouth just in case I hurled in memory of drinking my grandpa's blood.

"It's ancient. I've never seen anything like it," he said and then noticed my pallor change. "You okay?"

"No, not really. Suffice it to say that dagger brings some icky gastrointestinal memories."

"You want to expound on that?"

"Not right now," I gagged out.

"Got it," he said as he put the knife aside and took me in his arms. "I don't want to be interrupted by ass-grabbing tiny Demons anyway."

Something clicked and I inhaled deeply through the pain. I disengaged myself from Hayden's embrace and walked over to the dagger. Astrid gave me the baby Demons. The baby Demons gave me my grandfather's dagger. Mistakes in life were rare. There was no more time to put life on hold. I held my breath for a brief moment and made my decision. "I love you, Hayden. Bond with me. Now."

I placed the blade of the dagger on my left palm and sliced. Hayden quietly took the jeweled handle from me and cut an identical incision in his own left hand.

"I love you, Dixie and I will honor our bond until we cease to exist and beyond." He took my hand in his and our blood mixed. Sparks flew from both our bodies and we held each other as we collapsed to the floor. Our combined magic swirled around us and the room blazed with a rainbow of blinding light.

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