Hellbender (The Fangborn Series Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Hellbender (The Fangborn Series Book 3)
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My husband James Goodwin and I have been talking about books, life, the universe, and everything even before we started dating. I’m so thankful for his love, support, and the decades of conversations. Mr. G, you inspire me every day.

My beta readers are awesome. James Goodwin and Josh Getzler always offer good advice and it’s scary how often they both tell me the same thing! My friends Charlaine Harris and Toni L. P. Kelner (a.k.a. Leigh Perry) read carefully and thoughtfully. It’s a wonderful privilege to have amazing writers like them on my side.

I’m very lucky in my literary agent and coconspirator in all things Fangborn, Josh Getzler. I love that we can talk about the business, the many versions of Sherlock Holmes, and werewolves all in one call. I’m grateful to the excellent professionals at HSG Agency: Carrie Hannigan, Jesseca Salky, and Danielle Burby.

I wish everyone could have the great experience I do working with the brilliant folks at 47North. A very big thank-you to Jason Kirk (editorial lead), Justin Golenbock (PR specialist), Ben Smith (senior marketing manager), and Britt Rogers (author-relations manager). Clarence A. Haynes is my developmental editor; he is a wonderful reader and, quite simply, the bee’s knees.

Camille Minichino, MarySue Carl, Debi Murray, and James Goodwin offered terrific advice on the (increasingly!) complex science of the Fangborn. Hank Phillipi Ryan and I spent a wonderful, exciting hour discussing how the Fangborn might announce themselves to the world. Playing what-if with talented people is one of the very best parts of writing.

I’m so grateful for my reading and writing friends in mystery, SF/F, and Sherlockian communities. It’s such a pleasure to get to see members of the Teabuds, MysteryBabes, BuffyBuds, the Crimespree Family, Mystery Writers of America, and Sisters in Crime at conventions and gatherings. Going to conventions like Malice Domestic, Bouchercon, Boskone, World Fantasy, Murder and Mayhem in Milwaukee, and the BSI and Friends Weekend also lets me say thank you to the booksellers, bloggers, and librarians who spread the word and turn me on to new reading addictions! Special thanks are always due to my promotion group, the Femmes Fatales. They are: Donna Andrews, Charlaine Harris, Dean James, Toni Kelner, Kris Neri, Catriona McPherson, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Mary Saums, Marcia Talley, and Elaine Viets.

A great thank-you to the convention attendees and participants in online events who bid on the chances to name characters in the Fangborn novels and short stories. I’m delighted when readers’ generosity in supporting good causes overlaps with their having more fun with the Fangborn.

And thanks, so very much, to my readers. Y’all rock. Awooo!

About the Author

Award-winning author Dana Cameron lives in eastern Massachusetts with her husband and two cats. Cameron was short-listed for the Edgar Award in 2010 for “Femme Sole,” and has earned multiple Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity Awards for her work, including several Fangborn short stories. Her Fangborn novels,
Seven Kinds of Hell
Pack of Strays,
and short stories, “The Serpent’s Tale” and “The Curious Case of Miss Amelia Vernet,” were published by 47North. Trained as an archaeologist, Cameron holds a bachelor of arts from Boston University and a doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. When she’s not writing fiction, Cameron enjoys exploring the past and the present through reading, travel, museums, popular culture, and food. More news about Dana Cameron and her writing can be found on her author website and blog, at

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