Read Her Ancient Hybrid Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Her Ancient Hybrid (8 page)

BOOK: Her Ancient Hybrid
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It was late into the night before Torger, Kaisa and Cameron left Waverly’s place. Brolach spent a great deal of those hours learning more about his brother and sister. They also discussed plans on what to do if there truly were vampires around town. There was a good chance they’d have human servants who’d do their bidding during the day when they couldn’t be out. There was no way the others would know who they were. The servants’ scents remained human. For Waverly, it was a bit of a scary thought. She wouldn’t know who to be wary of.

Alone at last with Brolach, Waverly could tell he was lost in his thoughts. They sat together on the couch watching television. He hadn’t said more than a couple words since his siblings had left. He also had a faraway look in his eyes. She decided a distraction was in order.

She turned off the TV with the remote, put it on the table at the end of the couch and stood. Waverly turned toward Brolach and held her hand out. “I think it’s time we went to bed.”

He seemed to come back to the present and looked up at her. “I’m not tired yet.”

She smiled. “Who said anything about sleeping?”

Brolach put his hand in hers and stood as she pulled him up. She led him out of the living room, down the hall and into the bedroom. She turned the lights on with the switch before heading to the bed.

Once she reached it, she put her arms around his waist and rubbed up against him. “I think we have to do something to pull you out of your thoughts. I know exactly what you need.”

He cupped her face in his hands and tilted it up. “You do?”

“Yes. Something we’ll both enjoy.”

“I think I know what that will be.”

Brolach bent his head and brushed his lips across hers. Waverly sighed. “Yup, that’s part of it.”

The kisses they exchanged became more carnal with each article of clothing they took off each other. Once they were naked, Waverly was well on her way to being completely aroused. Brolach lifted her and placed her on the center of the bed before he followed her down. He covered her with his body, his cock coming to rest between her legs, but he didn’t attempt to enter her.

He took her mouth once more in a heated kiss. She pushed her tongue inside his and licked each of his fangs that were fully extended. He moaned. During the many times she’d made love to Brolach, Waverly had found those long canines of his were an erogenous zone much like his cock. She’d also noticed he’d avoided using them on her.

He ran his hand down her side, then hooked her leg over his arm, spreading her open wider. He rocked into her, but still didn’t join their bodies. Waverly whimpered with need. She was more than ready to have him take her. It wasn’t until she reached down and dug her nails into his ass, trying to tug him forward, did he push the head of his cock into her wet pussy.

Waverly lifted her hips, and Brolach sank deeper. He set a slow and steady pace, which drove her crazy. She wanted him harder, faster, but he had other ideas. No matter how hard she set her nails into his backside, he didn’t give her what she wanted.

“Brolach,” she moaned. “More.”

His upper body held up on his bent arm, he looked down at her. “Not yet.” His thrusts stop, and she groaned in frustration. “Patience,” he said. “I need to say something to you.”

“Right now?” she asked practically on a wail.

“Yes. It’s no better time than now with me buried so deep inside you I don’t know where I end and you start.” His jade-green glowing eyes looked into hers. “Waverly, I love you. You’ve given me a reason to stay in the world. Thanks to you, I’ve found my family.”

She reached up and caressed his cheek. “I didn’t do much about bringing Torger and Kaisa here.”

“No, but if you hadn’t come to that hill and awakened me, I might not have ever met them. For that, I can never repay you, except with my heart. My love.”

“Well, you already own mine. I love you, Brolach. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. For me there will be no one else.”

With a moan, he pulled back and then surged into her. This time he gave her what she wanted. He thrust in and out at a quick pace. He angled his cock so it rubbed the right spot inside her to have an orgasm quickly building.

Waverly held on to Brolach’s wide shoulders. Closer and closer her climax came to the surface, her body coiling tight. Her eyes snapped open as a sensation like nothing she’d ever experienced before took hold of her. It was almost as if a piece of him reached out for a piece of her. Almost as if their souls met. Once the two halves wrapped around each other and became one, something instantly formed between them, invisibly tying them together.

It had her hurtling into an intense orgasm as she whimpered Brolach’s name. A wolf’s howl pushed out of him as he followed her into release. His cock pulsed deep inside her, filling her with his cum.

After he collapsed on top her, Waverly asked, “What was that? I felt something…different.”

Brolach lifted his head and kissed her. “That, my mate, was the werewolf part of me claiming you. The mate bond has formed. You’re now mine.”

“What about the vampire part?”

“It hasn’t yet. Not until after we’ve done the second blood exchange. Then that bond will form and you’ll be turned.”

Waverly pushed on Brolach’s shoulder until he rolled off her and lay on his back beside her. She sat up. “What do you mean I’ll be turned?”

“With the second blood exchange, you’ll no longer be human. You’ll be a vampire.”

“Hold on a second there. You mean like a real vampire who can’t go out in the sun and has fangs?”

“Yes. Plus, you’ll be immortal. You just won’t have the same true immortality that I do.”

“You never said anything about me being turned when you told me about the blood exchanges.”

Brolach pushed himself up in to a sitting position. “It’s the only way we can have forever together. I don’t want to lose you to old age. I thought you’d want that now that I claimed you.”

“I do, but it isn’t something I can do without taking my family in to consideration. How am I going to explain why I have to suddenly avoid the sun, and that I can only work when it’s dark outside? That wouldn’t work out too well in the summer when it stays light for a lot later.”

“We’ll figure it all out once you’re turned.”

“No, we’ll do that before the second blood exchange. This is a big life-changing step for me to take. I’m not going to do this without thinking everything through. You have to give me more time.”

Brolach blew out a breath. “I don’t know how much longer I can resist biting you. Now that we’re bonded, it’ll get even harder. Mated vampires can only feed from each other. Their bodies will reject the blood of anyone else. Being a hybrid, I don’t know if that’s already come into play for me since my werewolf side has finished the mating with you.”

Waverly quickly kissed him. “Well, I don’t want you experimenting to find out. I love you, and I do want to have an eternity with you. I only need a few days. That’s all I ask.”

“All right, but I won’t be able to make love to you again until you accept the exchange. You have no idea how hard I had to fight with myself not to sink my fangs into you just now. Your blood calls to me.”

“Two days. I promise.”

He kissed her thoroughly, his extended fangs gently brushing against her lips. All too soon, Brolach pulled away with a groan. “I’ll wait. I’d never push you into something you weren’t ready to accept. I love you too much to make you resent me like that.”

Waverly went and turned the lights off before she climbed back onto the bed. “I know we can’t make love again, but can you at least hold me while we sleep?”

Brolach pulled the covers down, then gathered her into his arms before he positioned them so they lay stretched out on the mattress. He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll hold you all night.”

She closed her eyes. With her head pillowed on Brolach’s chest, the sound of his heartbeat lulled her to sleep.

Chapter Seven


The next day, Brolach and Waverly were at the coffee shop to work their shift. Before they left their house, she’d said she’d talk to her dad about getting them switched off the dayshift. She hadn’t come up with a reason, but figured she’d think of something before she talked to him, which she planned to do closer to the time they could leave.

So far, the day had been uneventful. Cameron, Torger and Kaisa had come by for something to eat and drink. They all would meet again at the house. Cameron had decided to do a little looking around town to see if he could up with any leads that would confirm that the vampires were indeed in Lemmon. His brother and sister would do a little hunting of their own as well.

It was close to the end of Brolach and Waverly’s shift when she came up to him while he washed a bunch of dishes in the kitchen. “I’m going to put some of the trash out in the Dumpster, then I’ll go have that chat with my dad,” she said quietly. “He’s in his office right now.”

“All right.”

Waverly gave him a kiss, then headed out the back door with a garbage bag in each hand. The sound of someone pretending to be sick had Brolach turning to look at Devin, who stood near one of the ovens, acting as if he were going to throw up.

“You two are so cute together it almost makes me sick,” Devin said.

Brolach threw a damp dish towel at Waverly’s brother, who easily caught it. “At least we have each other. I don’t recall seeing you with a girl. That’s right. You don’t have one.”

“Hey, man, that’s a low blow. I haven’t found Miss Right yet, but I’m always working on it. Not many women can resist my charm.”

He laughed. “I have a feeling you’re the only one who thinks that way.”

“You’re getting better at the trash talk, Brolach.”

It was true. He was getting better in tune with the modern world. As for learning how to trash talk, he’d had lots of opportunity with Devin around. He had a feeling it was Waverly’s brother’s favorite thing to do. Devin did it to everyone he knew, except for his father, who only had to give his son a certain look and Devin shut his mouth.

They continued to good-naturedly rib each other until Devin suddenly grew serious. “Did you see Waverly come back inside? I didn’t. It shouldn’t take that long for her to take out those couple bags of trash.”

Brolach shook his head. “She didn’t. Maybe she walked around to the front and came in that way. She said she wanted to talk to your dad.”

“Well, that would be a silly thing to do since Dad’s office is back here.”

The office was in a little room inside the kitchen off to one side. It really would be kind of out of the way for Waverly to walk around the building to come in by the front entrance and then have to go through the coffee shop to reach where her father would be. And she
taking longer to return than it should have necessitated.

Brolach headed toward the back door. He heard Devin following in his wake. He pushed open the door and stepped outside. The area was empty, and he couldn’t find Waverly anywhere. He called her name and was met with no response. His gaze landed on the garbage bags, the ones she’d carried out of the coffee shop. They sat on the ground a short distance from the Dumpster, as if someone had just abandoned them there.

As he walked toward them, he spied a folded piece of white paper stuck to one of the bags. Brolach hurried over to it and tore it off before he opened it. Even though he spoke English, that didn’t mean he knew how to read it. The note was definitely written in that language. He growled with frustration.

“What is that?” Devin asked as he came to stand beside him.

Brolach held it out to Waverly’s brother. “A note. Read it.” After the other man took it, he silently scanned it. “No. Read it out loud. I don’t know how to read.” He didn’t even know how to read Finnish. Being able to read had only been for the more learned way back when.

Devin jerked his eyes up and looked at him. “For real?” At Brolach’s nod, he shook his head and set his gaze on the paper he held. “Okay. It’s addressed to you. It says they’ve taken your mate, and that if you want to see her again you need to go to your resting place. It isn’t signed.” He lifted his gaze. “What does this person or persons mean by ‘your mate?’ And does this have anything to do with Waverly? I’m not liking that she’s not back here and the trash bags are just left as if she dropped them.”

Brolach knew who the note was from. He scanned the area, still not seeing anything, as he spoke. “The human servants to some vampires have taken Waverly since she’s my mate.”

Devin snorted. “Vampires, dude? You expect me to believe that crap?”

“Yes. Just as I’m a hybrid who is half vampire and half werewolf.”

He gave him a big smile and flashed his fangs. He didn’t bother to explain anymore and shifted to his wolf form. Brolach heard Devin’s cry of surprise, but ignored him. In human form, Brolach’s sense of smell was better than a human’s, but as a wolf it was even better than that.

Brolach put his nose to the ground and sniffed around the garbage bags, hoping to pick up a scent trail. The scents of two other humans were mixed with Waverly’s. No vampire had been there, but he didn’t really expect one to have been. It was still daylight. He followed the scents to the parking lot where they ended at one of the empty spaces. Obviously, they’d put her into a car and had driven away. He couldn’t follow the trail any farther.

He returned to Devin, who stood where he’d left him with a look of disbelief on his face. Brolach remained in wolf form and padded over to him. Since he was larger than a wild wolf, his back reached Devin’s waist. Brolach jammed his nose into the hand that held the paper and gave it a good sniff.

“Whoa,” Devin said. “Please don’t take my hand off. If it’s the paper you want to check out, here.” He held it out in front of him as Brolach continued to smell it.

It had the scent of one of the humans and a vampire. The latter wasn’t as strong, but it was one Brolach would never forget. The vamp had taken part in his parents’ deaths. He’d actually been the one who’d tried to behead him.

He shifted to his human form. “I need your help, Devin. I can compel you to, but Waverly wouldn’t be happy with me if she found out. I need you to remain calm. If you don’t, it could mean the life of your sister.”

BOOK: Her Ancient Hybrid
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