Her Bear To Keep (Second Chance Shifters 5) (6 page)

Read Her Bear To Keep (Second Chance Shifters 5) Online

Authors: Meredith Clarke

Tags: #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Bear Shifter, #Mate, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Second Chance, #Childhood Friends, #Crush, #Birthright, #Late Bloomer, #First Shift, #Illness, #Deserved Better, #Search, #Happiness, #Lost Love, #Antics, #Frustration, #Plan, #Stubborn, #Only Woman, #Best Friends To Lovers

BOOK: Her Bear To Keep (Second Chance Shifters 5)
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he was sitting
on the edge of a bed in a motel room, wondering if she was making the second biggest mistake of her life.

Everyone Jordan cared about seemed to think she was… Mia, Dixie, Ty… maybe the only thing standing in the way of her happiness was herself.

Vicious meowed in protest as he settled on one of the pillows at the head of the bed. He’d turned his nose up as soon as he’d seen their accommodations for the night, and Jordan knew that even her
wasn’t a fan of her moving away.

The keys to her apartment had been turned in, she’d said goodbye to everyone at the Luncheonette, and the U-Haul filled with her belongings was parked outside the motel on the outskirts of Spring Creek.

She’d done everything she needed to do, so why was she still in town? Why hadn’t she driven further before stopping for the night? Why was it so hard for her to


He was the thing that was keeping Jordan from following through with her plan. The thought of leaving without saying goodbye seemed unnecessarily cruel. And cowardly.

Was she afraid he’d talk her out of it? Afraid that he was the one person who had the ability to?

Jordan threw herself back onto the bed and let out a small scream of frustration.

“What am I doing, Vicious?”

The cat didn’t answer, but seconds later, there was pounding on the door.

No one knew where she was, so Jordan was contemplating not answering when she heard Tyson’s voice.

“I know you’re in there, Jordan. Open up.”

Rushing more eagerly than a person who was certain about leaving would, Jordan opened the door and watched Ty stalk inside.

Her eyes took him in greedily, as if she hadn’t seen him in months rather than days, and she was trying to commit every gorgeous part of him to memory when his angry gaze hit her with full force.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked as Jordan shut the door behind her.

“Moving?” Her answer came out as more of a question than a statement, causing Ty to raise his brow in question.


“Texas,” she squeaked as his face darkened.


His command put her back up, causing Jordan to stop cowering against the door and step toward him, hands on her hips.

? Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what I can and cannot do?” Jordan asked, displaying the attitude that only Ty was able to bring out in her.

“I’m your
. The man you’re going to marry and spend the rest of your life with, that’s who.”

part made her falter, then she found her gumption and asked, “Says who?”

“Dig deep, Jordan… Says
… Says
… Says the powers that be and anyone who’s ever seen us together.” The fight went out of Tyson’s eyes. “I love that you love me so much that you want my happiness, but don’t you see that by keeping yourself from me, you’re
taking away
the only chance at happiness that I have. Yes, I want to have children, to have a family, but there is no family without you by my side.”

“I’m so sorry that I can’t give that to you,” Jordan replied softly, all traces of attitude gone.

“What if I told you that we
have it all?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, hugging her arms to herself.

“Mika found a place. An orphanage for shifter kids,” Tyson took her hands in his and looked down into her face, a wide smile on his. “I’ve been there and seen it for myself. Over a hundred children that need good homes. Happy homes with parents who’ll love them.”

Jordan’s stomach clenched even as her heart leapt with something she hadn’t felt in four years. Hope.

“Are you serious?” she asked, searching his eyes, even though she knew he’d never be so cruel as to tease her about something so important.

“Yes, Jordan, don’t you see? We can have it all. Please, don’t leave. Stop fighting the inevitable and stay here. Stay with me, forever.”

Letting out a cry of relief, Jordan reached up and pulled Ty down to her, and said softly against his lips, “I love you so much.”

Ty growled and claimed her mouth, showing her how pleased he was to have her back.

Joy soared through her as she realized that they could have the life they’d always wanted. The one they’d planned before her surgery. She kissed him back with all of the heat and passion she had within her.

Suddenly, clothes were flying and the small room was filled with the sounds of pleasure. Grunting, groaning, moaning—they were wild with need for each other.

Jordan held onto his shoulders as Ty’s fingers plunged inside of her, and she ground her hips against him.

fucking good…” she breathed as she reached between them to take his long, hard cock in her hand.

Tyson fucked her with his fingers as he thrust his hips forward. She ran her thumb over the head of his cock, then grasped him tightly and jerked him off as she rode his hand.

“I want your cock,” Jordan cried when she felt the pressure building within her. “I want you inside me when I come.”

Ty granted her request.

Moving them both toward the wall, he put his hands on her ass and lifted. Once her legs were wrapped around him and her back was against the wall, Ty looked Jordan in the eye and drove inside.


Nothing felt as good as having Tyson inside of her, his hips bucking as he thrust in and out.

Jordan held onto his shoulders, her head falling back as she reveled in the moment. The way his hot skin felt under her hands, the smell of their sex filling the air, and the sounds of pleasure that were emitting from her man.

It was glorious.


“Hold on,” Ty grunted, his hands holding her bottom securely as he maneuvered them from the wall and sat down on the small wooden desk chair.

Moaning from how much deeper he was in this position, Jordan began rocking against him as soon as her feet hit the floor.

With her straddling him in the sitting position, her clit hit his pelvis perfectly with each thrust.

“Harder,” Ty moaned, and the deep desire in his tone had her riding him like a bull, bucking furiously as her orgasm began to crash over her.

“Bite me,” he demanded, his hands on her hips and hooded eyes on hers.

Everything felt right this time, and Jordan knew without a doubt that Tyson was her mate. She wasn’t going to stand in her own way anymore, so she reared back, then clasped her mouth on his heaving chest and bit him hard, completing the claiming of her mate and promising to be with him for the rest of her life.

Tyson’s growl filled the room as his seed burst within her, which was all she needed to join him and tumble over the edge.

Jordan rode out her orgasm until it crested, and they were both left panting and trying to catch their breath.

Her head hit his shoulder and she felt him lift the hair off the nape of her neck before he kissed her there sweetly.

“Thank you,” Ty said softly, causing her to turn her head and look at him. “You’ve given me the greatest gift and made me the happiest man on earth.”

“I’m happy too,” Jordan replied, brushing her lips across his jaw. “I’m sorry I’ve put us through such hell.”

Ty caressed her face and was about to reply, when Vicious decided it was time to let his displeasure at having his sleep interrupted be known.

“What the hell is that?” Ty asked, turning his head to the bed where Vicious was hissing.

“My cat.”

Ty’s eyes met hers and she shrugged.

“I was lonely.”

Ty closed his eyes, then said in a resigned tone, “Just keep it away from me.”

Jordan chuckled. Tyson had always hated cats.

“Does that mean we’re going home?”

Dropping a quick kiss on her lips, Tyson grinned and said, “At least you’re already packed.”


’m so
happy for you, brother,” Tyson said to Drake.

They were sitting in a bar with Mika. It was their first chance to get together since Drake had gotten back from his honeymoon.

“I’m happy for you too, man,” Drake replied with a grin, raising his glass of whiskey in a toast. “To you and Jordan finally getting your shit together.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Mika said wryly, and they all raised their glasses before drinking.

“And thanks to you both for not letting shit fall apart while I was gone.”

Ty chuckled and thought that although he hadn’t minded being in charge for a couple weeks, he was glad his friend was home and back in his rightful place as their Sheriff and Clan Chief.

“Oh, I forgot to mention it earlier, but Trinity Snow is back in town and she needs to set up a meeting with you,” Tyson said as he leaned back against the booth seat.

“No shit?” Drake replied. “What about?”

“She’s a shifter,” Ty answered, keeping his voice low so that only Drake and Mika could hear him. “A late bloomer, like me, except in her case, she didn’t even know it was in her bloodline. Found out the hard way while she was living in LA… She came back to start a life here.”

“What’s the issue?”

“She’s a snow leopard.”

Drake’s eyes shot to him, his surprise evident.

“There are no snow leopards around here.”

“There is now,” Ty replied with a grin. “She doesn’t know who her father is. He could have been a drifter, or it could have happened somewhere else… I don’t know the particulars, but this is home to her. Her mom is here, she has friends here, and she wants to start a dance studio.”

“So she wants to stay and set up roots, and is asking for clan approval?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up.”

Mika grunted, and both men turned to see that he was looking down into his glass of amber liquid looking miserable.

“Everything okay?” Ty asked his friend.

Mika’s head lifted, and he looked embarrassed at having his friends catch him brooding.

“Fine,” he said, then got up quickly from the table and grunted “bathroom,” walking toward the back of the bar.

“What the hell was that?” Drake asked Ty.

“He hasn’t said anything, but with the way he freaked when he saw me and Trinity on a date, and the way he was acting just now, I think maybe he had a thing for her.”

“Wait, what? You went on a date with Trinity?”

Tyson filled him in on what had happened while Drake was on his honeymoon, but in the back of his head he worried about Mika. He hoped Mika wasn’t serious about his feelings for Trinity. Different breeds didn’t mix, and although there’d been cases of cross-breeding in the past, none of the ones Ty had heard about ended well.

And the things he’d heard, Ty wouldn’t wish on anyone, especially his friend and clan mate.

When Mika came back to the table, he was back to his normal self, and neither Drake nor Ty prodded him about it. They let it be… for now.

“Well, I need to get back to my bride,” Drake said with a wide smile as he rose from the table. Married life obviously suited him. Of course, he’d known since he was fifteen that Mia was the one for him, so finally having her where she belonged after all of these years had to be a relief. “She texted and said she’s craving mint chocolate chip ice cream, so I’m off to the store.”

“All right, brother,” Ty said, rising to give Drake a clap on the back. “See you at the office tomorrow.”

“Yeah, time to get back to it,” Drake replied, then turned to Mika and asked, “You in tomorrow?”

“I think I’m going to start the Moses case… go out and do some tracking,” Mika replied.

“Sounds good, just check in and let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do, boss.”

They watched Drake walk away, then Ty turned to Mika and asked, “One more?”

“You don’t need to get home to Jordan?”

“Nah, she’s actually out with Trinity tonight.”

At the mention of the petite blonde, Mika’s jaw clamped shut and he took his seat.

After they ordered another round, Mika broke the silence and changed the subject.

“So, have you talked to Jordan about the orphanage?”

“Yeah,” Ty replied, leaning back with the grin of a satisfied man. “We’re heading down there this weekend. I talked to Mrs. Kline and got it all set up, so we’ll meet the kids and see what happens.”

“Are you thinking you just want to adopt one at first?”

Ty shrugged.

“We agreed to see what happens. If we connect with one, more than one… I don’t know. I think we’ll feel it in the moment, you know?”

“It’s a good thing,” Mika said, his hands wrapped around his glass, face serious. “Those kids deserve a good life, and no one deserves a family as much as you do. I’m happy for you.”

Tyson looked at his friend and all traces of amusement left him.

“Anything you need from me, Mika, doesn’t matter what or when… I’ll be there.”

Mika nodded and threw back his drink.

“Well, if I’m gonna get on the road early, I need to hit the hay soon.”

They paid the bill and walked out together. Mika left with the promise to let Ty know when he got back to town, and Tyson headed to the home he now shared with Jordan, happy to have had a night out with the guys, but eager to get back to his mate.


er hands were clasped
in her lap and her eyes were wide as she took in the rambling plantation house that held the answer to all of her prayers.

She and Ty could have children…

It was hard not to feel like Jordan had wasted a lot of time being stubborn and not trying to find a way for her and Ty to be together, but they’d both agreed to only look forward, not back. Otherwise, they’d waste even more time with “what if’s.”

Happier than ever, she was settled back into their home and at the Luncheonette.

And now? Now they were ready to start the process of expanding their family and making their lives complete.

Jordan couldn’t wait, but she couldn’t deny that she was nervous.

What if they didn’t feel a connection with any of the kids? What if the kids didn’t like her? What if she and Ty couldn’t agree on what they wanted, or worse, what if Mr. and Mrs. Kline decided their home wasn’t fit for children?

There were so many different scenarios and outcomes, and Jordan’s thoughts had been freaking her out more the closer they got to the orphanage. And now… They were there.

“Everything’s going to work out exactly the way it’s supposed to,” Ty assured her, holding her hand in his and pulling her attention from the windshield to his tender brown eyes.

Nodding, she tried to give him a smile, but she knew it came out tight and not quite genuine.

Ty chuckled softly and brought her hand to his mouth, his lips brushing gently across her knuckles.

“It’s going to be fine,” he promised, and Jordan felt her face loosen up a bit. She took a deep breath, and when he said, “C’mon, they’re waiting,” she slipped her hand from his grasp and got out of the car.

His arm came around her waist in a show of support as he led her to the front door where a smiling elderly couple were grinning down at them.

“Tyson, it’s lovely to see you again,” the woman said.

“You too, Mrs. Kline, Mr. Kline,” Ty replied.

“Please, call me Harold,” the tall man said. “And you must be Jordan.”

“Yes,” Jordan replied, holding out her hand in greeting. “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with us.”

“Of course, dear,” Mrs. Kline replied. “Please, come inside. We have the music room set aside for you, and will have all of the children there to meet you shortly.”

It was overwhelming, and a little heartbreaking, but Jordan and Ty spent over an hour in the music room with a dozen children who were descendants of black bear shifters. They played games, read books, and gave each of the children one on one time with them. The minutes went by quickly, and before they knew it, the kids were ushered out and they were taken into the Kline’s’ office.

“We’ll leave you two alone to talk,” Harold said as he started to shut the door. “We’ll be back in a little bit with some coffee.”

“Thank you,” Ty said, then turned to Jordan when they were alone. “So, tell me, what does your gut tell you?”

“They were all so wonderful, Ty, I feel bad discounting any of them…”

“I know, baby, but we can’t take them all.”

Jordan sighed and replied, “I know.”

“So, did anyone stand out to you?”

“Malik,” she said with a grin. “He reminds me of you.”

Tyson grinned in response and said, “He’s a smart kid.”

Jordan punched him lightly on the arm and agreed with a laugh, “Yeah, he is. What about you?”

“Tomas is really funny. Did he tell you his joke about the bear in the woods?”

“Yes,” Jordan replied. “I almost fell over, I was laughing so hard. He’s pretty special.”

They were both smiling as they remembered the boys, who were six and seven years old. Then they locked eyes and said in unison, “Betsy.”

“She’s so precocious,” Jordan said.

“I think she captured my heart the first time I saw her,” Ty agreed. “And it would be great for her to have two older brothers.”

“So we agree?”


“Oh my God, Ty. Three?”


The door opened and the Kline’s came in with a tray of coffee for everyone. They all sat down together to discuss the next steps in the adoption process. When they left the office, they had a date set up for the children to visit Jordan and Ty’s home, so they could see how they would assimilate to their life there and with the clan.

When they walked outside, Malik, Tomas, and Betsy were sitting on the porch waiting for them.

Jordan looked at Mrs. Kline questioningly. The older woman gave her a nod and tilted her head toward the waiting kids, indicating they should go talk to them.

Ty sat down next to Malik, and Jordan next to Betsy, with Tomas sitting in the middle of them all. The little faces swung from one adult to the other, all holding a myriad of emotions. From fear, to happiness, to terrified hope, Jordan knew that they were all feeling the same exact things as she and Ty, and that only made her feel closer to them.

“Next Saturday, you guys will come to our house. How does that sound?” Ty asked.

“Sounds good, sir,” Malik answered quietly.

“Where do you live?” Tomas asked, his wavering tone betraying his nerves.

“In Spring Creek, a couple of hours away from here.”

“Do you have cookies?” Betsy asked softly.

Jordan brushed her hand gently over the little girl’s hair and replied, “Absolutely.” Then she leaned in closer and whispered, “And
no peas

Betsy looked up at Jordan with a happy grin, causing Jordan’s heart to clench in her chest.

Her eyes caught Tyson’s over Betsy’s head, and she knew they’d made the right decision. They both felt it.

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