Her Cowboy Lover (Pleasure Ridge Ranch)

BOOK: Her Cowboy Lover (Pleasure Ridge Ranch)
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Her Cowboy Lover

Ava Flynn

Published by Ava Flynn at Amazon.com

Copyright 2012 Ava Flynn

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Lily Gibson soaked up the beauty of the landscape as she drove along the curving mountain road. It wasn’t the thick and lush green more common back in Missouri, but there was an awe-inspiring quality to the starkness of western Nevada. Instead it was the varying earth tones of the landscape, the scrubby plant life, and the miles-long views. The more she saw of this gorgeous slice of Nevada, the more she thought maybe she would be content to just paint all week and forget about the fantasy part of her trip.

The fantasy of having a man in her bed who wouldn’t judge her on her looks.

No, she’d spent six months working up the nerve to come to the Pleasure Ridge Ranch. She wasn’t backing out now that she was here.

Still, there would be plenty of time to paint the stunning scenery during the daylight hours when she would be alone. That was her number one condition — that her escort for the week could only come to her at night when her face would be hidden. She could pretend that this man found her desirable, beautiful, something he surely wouldn’t if he saw her in the bright light of day.

Matthew Macon and his knife had seen to that.

She shivered then cursed at herself for allowing the memory of the man who’d ruined her life to bother her. He’d stolen enough from her. He wasn’t going to steal this week, one away from everyone and everything she knew.

She popped over another hill and finally saw her sanctuary, a little cabin nestled next to a small lake. It was a case of love at first sight, and the crazy thought that she never wanted to leave this slice of heaven slammed into her with such force that it stole her breath. She parked next to the cabin and sat long enough for her breath to settle back into a normal rhythm.

Lily had to get her emotions under control. If the very idea of a week alone to paint caused her breathing to catch, how was she going to react when a man she’d never met came to spend the night with her? She shook her head. If her friends knew, they’d think she’d lost her last marble. Maybe she had. After all, she’d driven from Missouri to Nevada so she could pay to have sex with a man she didn’t know.

She gripped the steering wheel and considered turning her car around and retracing every mile, scolding herself for wasting so much money.

But she was going to be thirty at the end of the week, and since the attack three years ago she’d yet to have a relationship with a guy who didn’t either feel sorry for her or get off on the notoriety of bedding poor, tortured Lily Gibson. This week, she would do whatever she wanted with a hot cowboy and love every minute of it. She’d venture a guess that there wasn’t a woman alive who hadn’t some sort of sexual fantasy, whether she wanted to admit it or not. So many of them lived their entire lives without acting on those fantasies, without even admitting them to anyone other than the deepest, darkest part of themselves.

Lily had fought hers for a long time, but the idea of being in total control of a relationship and free of the baggage of her past had taken root in her mind and grown more with each passing day. All because she’d stumbled across the Pleasure Ridge Ranch website by accident.

With another deep breath, she got out of the car and grabbed her bags. When she stepped inside the cabin, that feeling of much-needed sanctuary enveloped her. The décor was cozy with a handmade quilt draped over the back of the couch, carvings of bears lining the fireplace mantel, and Native American pottery on the end tables. A small kitchen and eating space occupied the area to her left, and she couldn’t wait to explore what cooking supplies she had at her disposal.

She noticed a sheet of paper on the kitchen table and dropped her bags to go examine it.

Hello, Lily.

So glad you could join us here at Pleasure Ridge Ranch. Per your request, your companion for the week, Connor, will not arrive until after nightfall. If you have any questions or additional requests, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope you have a wonderful week.


Connor. She tried to imagine what he might look like. The only bad thing about meeting her companion in the dark was that she couldn’t see him either. But it was a tradeoff she was willing to make. After all, none of the guys pictured in the brochure had looked like they’d been beaten with an ugly stick. Of course, they were probably models. She couldn’t imagine the guys working on the ranch wanting their faces on a brochure, effectively screaming, "Hey, look! I’m a prostitute." She shook her head. What really mattered was how he treated her, and this was all fantasy anyway. She could use her imagination to make him look however she wanted.

But how would she feel? She imagined work-roughened hands sliding across her bare skin, sending shivers skittering in their wake. She’d daydreamed about it a million times since she’d first considered coming here, but now that she was actually at the ranch it seemed much more real. In a few hours, it would be real. A man would arrive ready to answer her every desire. Did she really have the guts to go through with this? Down deep, did she really believe that this fantasy could give her something missing from her life?

She glanced toward a door that had to lead to the bedroom and guessed she’d find out soon enough.

* * * *

Connor Langston headed for his truck as the sun was slipping below the horizon. His mother’s questions as he’d headed for the door of her little house still rang in his ears.

"Where are you going, Connor?"

"To work, Mom."

"You’re riding tonight?"

Possibly, but it wouldn’t be the bulls she meant. He hadn’t ridden bulls in two years, not since Fire Breather had bucked him off during a rodeo in Denver and broken three of his ribs, punctured a lung and broken his leg at such a terrible angle that he still couldn’t believe he hadn’t died of the pain.

"Yeah, Mom." It was no use trying to remind her that he wasn’t riding the rodeo circuit anymore. She’d just forget five minutes later.

It was hard to see Jane Langston’s mind slip away from her, especially when she’d been such a strong, determined woman her entire life. She’d be mortified to know what he did to make enough money to pay for her medical care, the caregivers who allowed her to stay in her own home, the one place she felt safe anymore.

"Well, be careful, honey."

"I will, Mom."

He slipped into the driver’s seat of his truck and tried to leave all his worries behind as he made the hour-long drive across the state line into Nevada. The farther he got away from his childhood home, the better he felt. If he was being honest, his job at the Pleasure Ridge Ranch didn’t just offer the women he met an answer to their fantasies or even an escape from reality. It offered him an escape, too. An escape from all the worry, the uncertainty, the responsibility, the loss of the career he’d loved.

He pushed thoughts of his rodeo days away as he pulled up in front of the ranch office and parked. As he slipped out of the truck, he noticed Heidi Bohannon, his boss, heading back to the office with a basket from the kitchen.

"Is Andre trying to bribe another raise out of you?" he asked as he followed her up the front steps.

"If he is, it’s going to work," she said as she pulled a freshly baked cookie from the basket. "Snickerdoodles, my favorite."

Connor shook his head as he stepped inside the office. He might think Andre was trying to woo Heidi were it not for the fact that the chef was gay and happily involved with an architect in Reno.

Heidi placed the basket atop her desk and looked all business when she turned back toward him. His stomach clenched. He so wasn’t in the mood for one of the really kinky clients tonight.

"I know that look," she said. "And it’s not what you’re thinking. I picked you for this one because of your capacity for tenderness."

Her observation surprised him, and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. "Okay," he said slowly, dragging out the word.

"Let’s just say that I’m very aware of my employees’ traits, and this client needs a careful but confident partner."

"She’s been hurt."

It wasn’t a question, but Heidi nodded nonetheless. "Her only request was that you two remain in the dark. No daylight meetings, no lights on at night."

So she didn’t want to be seen. He couldn’t help wonder why, but he had to remind himself it wasn’t any of his business. Women came to Pleasure Ridge Ranch because of its stellar reputation for privacy and discretion.

"I can’t tell you anything more," Heidi said. "You know I want all of our clients to feel special, but...this one perhaps more than the others."

Heidi’s words fueled his curiosity even more, but he’d have to tamp it down before he arrived at the cabin by the lake. With a nod that he understood his assignment, he left the office. But once outside, he realized he had about half an hour to kill before night fully fell. His mind kept coming up with scenarios for the client’s request, and none of them were good. He thought about Heidi’s unusual emphasis on this client versus all the others who came to the ranch. There had to be a mighty good reason for that, and he suspected he might need a little something to break the ice when he arrived.

He eyed the building that housed the kitchen and small dining room. Most people who came to the ranch wanted their privacy and chose to eat in their cabins, but there were still half a dozen tables to be had in the dining room overlooking the main part of the ranch. But the empty dining room wasn’t Connor’s goal when he headed that direction. Instead, it was the chef who reigned over it. Connor couldn’t think of a better icebreaker with a woman than a sinfully good dessert.

* * * *




A sunset had never made Lily so incredibly nervous. Her heart beat harder as she watched the sun slide below the horizon, inviting twilight and then a blanket of darkness peppered with what seemed like an impossible number of stars. She sat in a rocking chair on the front porch of her cabin, so anxious that she jumped at every little sound. Her ears strained to hear an approaching engine, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear it or not. Part of her wanted Connor to arrive so they could get past the awkwardness of the first night together, but another part, what a voice inside her head kept calling common sense, urged her to call Heidi and cancel the whole thing. She could stop being nervous, stop doubting herself.

She could leave the ranch as lonely as when she arrived.

Lily took a slow, deep breath and resolved to stop having these arguments with herself. She’d come all this way, so she was going through with it. As crazy as it seemed, something told her that this was something she needed to do.

Nonetheless, she startled when she heard the first distant rumble of an engine then the pop of gravel beneath tires. With another deep breath, she stood and stepped just inside the front door, leaving it open.

She watched as a truck pulled into view. As its headlights cut a swath across the front of the cabin, she slid farther into the interior darkness. When the truck stopped and the driver cut the engine and the headlights, it took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the full dark again. Her heart rate picked up when someone got out of the truck and rounded the front. Even in the dark, she could tell he was tall and that he wore a cowboy hat. Beyond that, she couldn’t tell anything about his appearance. She was free to imagine him any way she wanted.

He stopped halfway to the porch as if he sensed her watching him. "Hello, I’m Connor. Heidi sent me."

Lily had to swallow against the sudden dryness in her throat. "Hello," she managed, sounding a bit like a frog.

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