Her Cyborg (2 page)

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Authors: Nellie C. Lind

BOOK: Her Cyborg
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Chapter 2


Apart from the bed and the machine the white room was empty. The lights were dim and there was a one-way window, but Phoebe didn't pay much attention to any of it. Instead, she stared at the man who lay on the bed. His eyes were closed and he was sleeping. Two metallic-looking cords were attached to his forehead. A machine stood behind the bed, making weird but quiet sounds. The cords other ends were attached to the machine.

Phoebe almost forgot to breathe. He was bigger than she had imagined him to be with his six feet four, broad shoulders, and muscular body, but it was exactly what she had wanted and here he was. High cheeks bones, strong jaw line, full lips, and well-shaped brows adorned his handsome and masculine face. His dark and long hair lay beautifully around his head. He was like that piece of eye-candy you just couldn't get enough of.


The name fit well together with his dark features.

She couldn't wait to see his eyes. They would be quite something. She remembered their shiny appearance from three months ago when she had confirmed him for creation.

She stopped in front of the bed. Her hand trembled when she reached out and placed it on his arm. The first touch sent a wave of heat through her and made her gasp. His tan skin was warm and soft. She watched his chest rise and sink with every breath he took.

“He will remain asleep until we turn off the machine,” Jade explained and stood on the other side of the bed. “It will take a few seconds for his brain to activate. After that, it should take only a few minutes for him to open his eyes. You need to be the first person he sees. Any confusion and he will easily panic. He will look for you, and without you, pain will be the first emotion he will experience.”

“I'm not going anywhere,” Phoebe said without looking away from him.

“All right then. I will remove the machine now.”

Phoebe watched Jade take away the cords and push back the machine. She returned to the bed and pulled out a small flashlight from her pocket. She opened his right eye with her fingers and flashed him.

“His brain is responding,” she said and backed away. “Remember, he has no social skills whatsoever. He will behave in ways you won't expect him to. He won't understand much of what you're saying either, not for the first few hours. It will be all about emotions and needs in the beginning. I will be in the room next door, watching you both through the one-way window to make sure everything goes as planned. The hallway from this room to your room is secured. You won't meet anyone, not during the first few days while he adjusts. Seeing another human will not be good for him during that time. I will come by to check on you both once I see that it's all right to do so, but don't worry. Security cameras are all over the place. If something goes wrong, our cyborg soldiers will be by your side within seconds.”

Phoebe nodded nervously, hoping that nothing would go wrong. This was supposed to be the best day of her life.

Shade moved on the bed, making her gasp.

“Good luck,” Jade said with a smile and left the room.

Phoebe was sure her heart would jump out of her chest. With every move he made, her heart threatened to give her one hell of a shock. He tilted his head slowly, opening and closing his mouth as if he were testing it. He wrinkled his forehead, and even if he hadn't opened his eyes yet, she saw the confusion on his handsome face. He slowly raised his arms, but stopped when he felt the weight of her hand on his palm. He remained frozen for a short while. He seemed uncertain of what do to.

Then he opened his eyes.

Phoebe tried to remain calm, but it wasn't easy. The joy that came over her almost made her burst into tears. She barely managed to blink them away as she squeezed his hand.

Shade relaxed and smiled at her. He looked at her like no man had ever looked at her before with his glowing, glass-like eyes. There was so much love in his gaze and there was no doubt whatsoever that he knew who she was. It was written all over his face.

She placed her other hand against his cheek while a tear managed to escape and run down her cheek. She watched him smile as bliss filled his eyes. He didn't seem to care about anything else but her. He never looked around in the room to find out where he was or what was going on. Instead, he only had eyes for her. It made her understand how important this moment was. Their bonding had begun, and without it, he would be lost.

Without ever looking away from her, he sat up on the bed. He removed the blanket and Phoebe saw that he only had a pair of white underpants on. He exposed his body to her without a second thought and it made her cheeks blush. She had made sure he would have a muscular and well-toned body, and that was exactly what she was looking at. Rippled muscles decorated his body and she saw them work under his smooth and perfect skin. He made her knees week, but she managed to remain on her feet. The last thing she wanted was for the people behind the one-way window to see how she reacted to him. But something told her they were used to it.

He sat at the bedside with his feet on the floor and pulled her closer to him, making her stand between his legs. His arms wrapped around her waist and she immediately felt his body heat linger on her skin. She swallowed and felt desire awaken between her legs. Being this close to him was like a dream come true. He studied her with his marvelous eyes while a gentle smile decorated his handsome face. He made her burn like she had never burned before in a man's presence, and that didn't surprise her. He was the man of her dreams, after all. She had created the perfect man for herself. The man that had been pictured inside of her mind for many years.

“Hi,” she said softly.

His gaze dropped to her mouth. He looked almost amazed because of the sound she had made. He raised his hand and carefully touched her bottom lip with one finger. His touch increased her pulse, making her breathing more rapid.

“My name is Phoebe,” she said. “Do you understand me?”

She knew he didn't, not yet, but she didn't know what else to say. Instead, he seemed fascinated by her mouth, but when she remained quiet, he started examining her. His gaze looked her over while his hands lingered on her body. First her arms, then her shoulders before he moved on to her hair. He felt it between his fingers for a few seconds. He let it go and Phoebe couldn't hold back her gasp when he leaned closer and placed his face against her throat. Her body tensed. She heard him take a deep breath as he touched her naked skin with his nose. Was he smelling her? She knew cyborgs had a heightened sense of smell. All their senses were stronger than a human's, but she had never expected him to do this. But then again, this was probably not going to be the first time he did something that would surprise her. He was a newborn cyborg and he had a lot to learn. Her heart started to pound when he pulled her even closer to him. He was strong and his firm grip caused a pinch of fear to awaken within her. She wouldn't be able to escape if something was wrong with him. The cyborg soldiers would never reach her in time. A few seconds was a long time for him to break her neck.

Shade pulled away and looked deep into her eyes. His facial expression was serious, and it was almost as if he was trying to read her, to understand her. She noticed that his gaze returned a few times to her throat before he locked his gaze with hers again. Did he know that his action had scared her? Was he able to understand that? She didn't know, and she wouldn't know for a few more hours. Not until he could talk.

Phoebe remained still. She watched him as he continued exploring her. He reached out his big hands and grabbed her face between his palms. Her tension eased slightly as he touched her nose, chin, and eyebrows. His gentle caress made her moan. It felt so good to be touched and it made her long for more, but she had to be patient. Right now, he was like a child who was discovering the world. There was nothing coy about him. He seemed to be curious about everything and didn't hesitate to touch anything that caught his attention.

Once he finished studying her face, his hands moved down and his gaze lowered to her breasts. His eyes went big, and when he licked his lips, heat filled her core. Phoebe knew where this was heading. He wanted to touch them, but she knew the people behind the one-way window would see it. That was the last thing she wanted.

She grabbed his hand that was reaching for her breast. “Come with me.”

His gaze jerked up to hers. Confusion filled his eyes when she backed away from him. He reached out to pull her against him again, but Phoebe grabbed his other hand and tried to get him to stand.

“It's all right,” she said with a smile.

Even if he didn't understand her words, she hoped he understood the calm and gentle tone in her voice. She encouraged him with her smile to follow her, and eventually, he rose from the bed. She led him toward the door. She opened it and they entered the hallway. He followed her without a doubt. His gaze never leaving her.

Chapter 3


Everything felt strange. It felt like he had been asleep for a long time. His mind was fuzzy, he couldn't think straight, and yet, he somehow knew he had just awakened. Many thoughts came and went, but he was unable to catch a glimpse of them. Just when he thought he had one in his grasp, it disappeared somewhere in the distance, fogging his mind again.

But he didn't care, none of it mattered. What did matter was the beautiful red-haired woman in front of him. She had a tall and slender figure. She seemed strong, and yet, delicate as a porcelain doll. Her facial features were perfect with her big, green eyes, straight nose, and plump lips. To him, there was no other and never would be. Nothing would take him away from her. He would protect her with his life.

He knew by instinct that he belonged to her. Everything about her appealed to him. Touching her wasn't enough anymore, though. It had been enough for the first few minutes after his awakening, but he needed more now. A lot more. It was like he couldn't satisfy his hunger for her. The ache between his legs grew along with his desire. He needed to ease it and he knew that only she could make that happen.

She was leading him somewhere, but he wasn't interested in knowing where. Instead, he wanted to touch her, feel her, and worship her body. She said something and smiled. It was a smile to die for, but her words didn't make sense. It was almost as if he knew their meaning, he just couldn't place them, but the sound of her voice was like the most gentle touch.

He couldn't keep his hands to himself, but her movements made it difficult for him to touch her. He wanted her to stop walking. The aching in his body kept growing and a feeling of despair grew within him. If only she could stand still for just one minute!

Without a warning, he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her gently against the wall. Surprise crossed her eyes and he knew he had to be careful. He had managed to scare her once already. He never wanted to do that again. She was as new to him as he was new to everything.

He pressed himself against her and laid her arms around his shoulders. Her body heat and nearness fed his starving desire. He grabbed one of her legs and placed it around his waist. He bent down a little and pressed his aching need against her core. A moan escaped their mouths and she closed her eyes for a short while. He smiled to himself when he realized that she liked this. He did it again and tried to show her that he needed her to touch him, but she didn't comply. Instead, she giggled and her cheeks turned red. He became still and looked at her face. She looked so cute with the blush on her face. It made him burn even more for her.

She shook her head and gently pushed him away, making him let go of her. She said something again. He still had no idea what, but he knew what the shaking of her head meant. She wasn't going to let him touch her. She couldn't be serious! Didn't she see how much he needed her? He would burst from need soon. Any other day, he would have listened. He would never go against her wishes, but he was incapable of listening now. His need was painful and all he wanted was to strip her naked right here and right now.

She looked down the hallway and pointed there as she continued talking. She tried to pull him with her in that direction, but he didn't want to go. There was nothing down there that wasn't right here in front of him.

He silenced her by pressing his lips against hers. For a split second, she tensed but it didn't take long until she eased into his kiss. He opened her mouth with his and pressed his tongue against hers. Happiness sang inside him when she didn't stop him. Maybe she understood his desperate need for her. He had no idea why it was so intense. All he knew was that she had to take care of him and she had to do it now. If she didn't, he would scream out his frustration.

He felt his heart pound. He breathed fast and sweat broke out on his skin. His body even trembled and the feeling became more and more uncomfortable by the minute.

She said something again between his two kisses, and this time, he managed to understand one word. She had said “room”. He stilled and looked down the hallway as she pointed again.


Yes, he knew what a room was, but why did she want to go there? This place was just as good. There was no reason whatsoever for them to go to a room. He leaned into her again and showered her throat with kisses. He heard her moan and pride filled him. He was making her feel good. The way she rubbed herself against him told him so too.

“Camera,” she panted.

He met her gaze when he realized he had understood another of her words. A second word that hadn't sounded like a pointless sound.

Camera? What the heck was that? And why did it matter? Couldn't he just finish this?

She turned her gaze to the side and looked up. He followed her gaze and noticed something not too big, metallic, and black hanging down from the ceiling.


Images and information streamed into his mind from the second he laid eyes on that strange black thing. For a short while, he stood as if frozen while he stared at it. Within seconds, he went from not having a clue what that little box was to knowing everything about it. 


Yes, it was filming them and someone was able to see everything they did. That red dot near the lens told him so.

He looked at her again.



Yes, he understood. It didn't take long for it to hit him. She wanted to get away from the camera. She wanted to go to a room somewhere down the hall. He made a decision. He moved away from her, grabbed her hand, and lifted her into his arms before he ran down the hallway. Phoebe squeaked with surprise, but he saw excitement in her eyes.




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