Her Cyborg (3 page)

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Authors: Nellie C. Lind

BOOK: Her Cyborg
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Chapter 4


The moment Phoebe told him to stop in front of their temporary apartment, Shade put her down and lunged at her. She had seen his frustration while he had run through the hallway, but she wanted to get inside the room to get away from the unwanted audience she knew was somewhere behind all the cameras.

Getting out the key card from her pocket wasn't the easiest when Shade's arms wrapped around her waist. She felt his arms move around on her body while he pressed his lips against her throat, kissing, and licking her sensitive skin. The sensation made her moan and almost drop the key card, but somehow, she managed to open the door the second before Shade stripped her t-shirt from her body.

She closed the door behind them and saw him throw the t-shirt to the floor before he reached for her again. She had been told the first hours of his life would be all about needs and emotions, but she hadn't expected it to be this wild. His eyes were big, he breathed fast, and he was in a hurry. He didn't let her move toward the bed. Instead, he pressed her against his body as if he couldn't get her close enough. His desire shone right through him. His desperation and need were just as clear. He was restless. He had wanted to take her in the hallway, but somehow, she had managed to get him into the room. Maybe he had understood what she had said. It had seemed like it after a while and it had made her happy. His understanding of words was awakening faster than she had expected.

Something told her this would to be fast and hard, maybe even against the wall instead of the cozy bed she had looked forward to, but she didn't mind. Instead, she smiled and kissed him back when his lips pressed against hers. The feeling of his tongue against hers sent waves of pleasure through her body, making her moan.

It didn't even take a minute before he had her naked. His underpants went next. She saw him kick the clothes away with his foot without ever taking his hands or lips away from her.

His heavy breathing and warm breath against her skin turned her on in ways she had never experienced before. This was what she had longed and dreamed of for so long, to finally be in the arms of her imaginary lover. She enjoyed feeling his soft skin under her fingers, gently caressing his back while his mouth and hands explored her body. She felt his hand on her breast. He squeezed it before his fingers found her nipple and rolled it between his fingertips. Phoebe arched her back from the sensation as the sharp pleasure from his touch went right through her. It made her head spin and her body tremble.

He lowered his hand and lifted her right leg. He placed it on his hip before he lifted her other leg from the floor and placed it on his other hip, holding her entire weight up with his strong arms and pressing her back against the wall.

She was more than ready for him. She had been ever since he had opened his eyes. She felt him move closer, first feeling with his shaft as if he was making sure that she was ready, and when he found the right place, his hips thrust forward, determined, but gentle.

Phoebe gasped when he entered her. Another wave of pleasure hit her, filling her from the inside out. She watched him lean his head back with his mouth open. A deep and masculine moan left his throat that made her shiver with pleasure.

His hips started to move, slowly at first before he increased the pace. Each stroke he made inside of her made her forget more and more about the world around them. His embrace was solid and warm. There was only them. She felt safe in his arms, but there was also no escaping. He was strong and determined. He knew what he wanted. All Phoebe could do was lean her head against his shoulder, close her eyes, and feel.

He seemed to lack restrictions. He was wild, loud, and Phoebe knew that if anyone interrupted him, they would regret it for the rest of their lives. The cyborg would make sure of it, but at the same time, she knew no one was that stupid. A newborn cyborg wasn't to play around with when it came to bonding with its bound one. Phoebe had never heard of a failed bonding, but everyone knew what would happen if one did fail. The doctors were clear on the matter. Never leave your cyborg, don't let him experience fear, doubt, or pain during the first crucial days of his development because those feelings would later drive him. A dangerous cyborg was more dangerous than a human could ever be. They were stronger than humans, capable of developing an intellectual mind beyond the human capability, and they never forgot - anything.

Once the bond was made, the cyborg would never want to leave its bound one. Why would they want to do that when their love for their bound ones surpassed everything else? They would die to defend their bound one, just like she knew Shade would do. He bonded himself to her in this very moment. His moans, his solid grip on her, his desire, and the pleasure that was written all over his face told her so. He showed his need for her clearly and Phoebe loved it, not only that, she loved him. She always had, even when he had been just a fantasy. The only difference now was that he was finally real and his touch was like no one else's. This was her place, in his arms, to love him, to care and to cherish him. She always would.

Shade tightened his grip on her and his thrusts became even more determined. She knew he was close and so was she. A few more strokes was all it took before her body ignited. She felt herself tighten around him as her orgasm rocked through her body and that was it for him. His moans of pleasure turned into a roar as he came. His body shook violently and the feeling of him tensing inside her as he filled her with his release made her smile and love every second of it.

Then silence and hard breathing followed.

She felt the perspiration and the heat from his skin against hers. He was warm all over, but so was she.

Slowly, he lowered her legs and Phoebe couldn't help but wonder if an awkward moment would come next. At first, she barely dared to look up to gaze into his eyes. She expected to see confusion once she did, but instead she was met by a sated smile. She placed her hand against his cheek and the happiness her touch seemed to bring him went straight to her heart. She was already completely devoted to him and she looked forward to the month she would spend with him here. They would have so much fun together. She would make sure of it. She would teach him everything he needed to know during the day, and during the night, they'd hold each other tight, maybe during the day as well. She doubted she would be able to keep her hands away from him, and she doubted he would mind. His slowly rising shaft told her so. He was getting ready for more and it didn't surprise her. She knew cyborgs had a faster recovery time than human males.

She grabbed him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. “Come.”

He didn't protest.

He had no clue what a computer or a car was, not even what a book or a flower was, but that would soon change. Within a few hours, he would be able to talk and understand the world around him, but for now, he had only eyes for her. He still hadn't looked away from her even once to take a look around the room. Right now, he needed to feel loved and happy, and she intended to give him that. All night long.

Chapter 5


Phoebe yawned and opened her eyes. She lay on the bed inside her temporary apartment. She was naked under the blanket that covered her. When she looked at the clock that hung on the wall, she saw that it was almost noon. She had been asleep for almost seven hours. That wasn't very long considering how exhausted she had been after the wild night with Shade. He had worn her out completely with his need and desire. He hadn't let her go for five seconds. He had been like an extra shadow she couldn't get away from, not that she had wanted to. She couldn't remember how many times they had made love, but her sore body told her that it had been many times. Her lower parts still hadn't recovered from it, but the soreness didn't bother her. It was a gentle reminder of Shade's wild embrace. He was everything she wanted and more. He had been amazing, loving, and caring. He had been strong, determined, and raw. He had been gentle, sweet, and cute. He had even been happy and they had laughed a lot together even if he hadn't been able to understand much of what she had said. She had enjoyed watching his pleased facial expressions after every orgasm, but eventually, she had slipped away to the world of dreams. Tired, exhausted, but happy.

She turned her head and found the bed empty. She tensed and her eyes went big. Her heart started to race. This wasn't good. She rose from the bed and covered herself with the blanket.


No answer came.

She hurried to the living room and relaxed when she saw him standing by the window. He didn't have a single piece of clothing on him and he stood with his back toward her. Her gaze lowered to his muscular behind and she swallowed loudly. The sight of him spread sweet heat through her body as she remembered what they had done just a few hours ago. And now, she couldn't help but stare at the body she had given him with the help of Doctor Jade Silva and her team of doctors. His body was according to her wishes. He looked like he could lift her up with just one hand, and since he was a cyborg, she knew he could. He had the strength of at least ten grown men.


He didn't turn around. He didn't move. Phoebe hoped nothing was wrong with him, that he hadn't malfunctioned. Seven hours was a long time for a newborn cyborg to be on his own. Who knew what he had done during her sleep. His development happened fast now and wouldn't slow down for a couple of days. She should have been there for him. She should have forced herself to remain awake. But now, she could only hope that everything was fine.

She approached him, not really sure of what to do.

“You woke me up,” he suddenly said.

Phoebe froze just two steps away from him and stared at his back. He had spoken and without difficulties. It was the first time, and she loved the sound of his dark and deep voice.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Why am I here?”

Phoebe gulped. What did you answer to a question like that?

“Because I love you,” she said after a short silence.

Shade turned around and looked at her with his marvelous glass-like eyes. They shone the way cat eyes shone in the dark and that made him even more appealing to her.

“I love you too. I belong to you. I feel it in here.” He pressed his hand against his chest.

Phoebe nodded. His emotionless expression made her wonder if he didn't like being in love with her and belonging to her. She hadn't really given him a choice in the matter, but at the same time, things couldn't be different. A cyborg had to have a powerful bond with its bound one. That was the law and there was nothing more powerful than love. A cyborg who lost its bound one rarely survived the loss, but those who did survive became shadows of their former selves, and most went crazy. So, it was either a bond or death for them. The loss of the bond made them dangerous, unpredictable, and unstable. Those who refused to bond themselves to new bound ones joined the Fighters, a group of ownerless cyborgs that lingered somewhere outside of town.

“Does it bother you?” Phoebe asked.

“No. There's nothing more I want than to be with you. I will always protect you, stay by your side, and give up my life to defend yours.”

Phoebe's heart started to race. His devotion was clear and she pushed aside the thought that his love for her was forced upon him. Would he have fallen in love with her if he had been a human? She decided the answer was yes and not make it more complicated than that. She had been through these kind of thoughts during the first few months of her evaluation to find out if she was suitable to be the bound one of a cyborg or not. She had listened to teachers talking about everything that had to do with cyborgs. She had gone through many tests, especially mental ones, and once she had been approved, she had received her diploma. It had been the happiest day of her life up to that moment, and now, she was happier than ever before.

He was here now, just a step away from her, evaluating everything. But at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder if he was fine with everything. She had been taught that the cyborgs didn't question their own existence and they didn't question their bound one's reasons for creating them. They just went along with it. As long as they were happy, and their bound ones cared and loved them, there was nothing that they needed to question.

Phoebe had met a few cyborgs during her time in school, cyborgs that belonged to the teachers or doctors who worked at MedAct and none of them had looked unpleased with their fate. Instead, the love for their owners had been obvious.

Cyborgs weren't as common as one might think, though. They were expensive after all and not everyone could afford one. Phoebe was grateful that the company she ran single-handedly from home gave her enough money to fulfill that dream. She ran a marketing company and she was one of the best out there. People didn't mind paying a lot for her services because once she was in the picture, everything came alive.

“You must have questions,” she said.

“Yes, and I will ask them when the right time comes.”

His voice was determined. He sounded self-assured and his straight posture was another proof of that. He knew what he wanted, how he wanted it, and when he wanted it and no one could tell him otherwise. It was a characteristic she had chosen for him. She had wanted a strong cyborg who would always be by her side and not be afraid to stand up for her and that was exactly what she had. She saw it when she looked at him. With Shade by her side, she would feel safe. She already did.

Shade moved closer. Phoebe held her breath. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. His front was impressive with the six-pack abdomen and hairless chest. Heat rushed to her cheeks.

“It pleases me to see that my body appeals to you,” he said, making her blush even more. “I will make sure you are always thoroughly satisfied.”

Now her cheeks were burning painfully. She smiled shyly and expected him to joke away his words. She was so not used to hearing a man talk like that, but his face remained serious. He studied her for a while before he took another step closer. Phoebe gasped when he grabbed the blanket and tried to pull it away from her.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Your body temperature is rising. You need satisfaction.”

He was right about that even if she had already had him several times. But her body didn't agree with her emotions. She was still sore between her legs.

“Let go of the blanket,” he demanded. “Your satisfaction cannot be achieved when it's in the way.”

“I know, but I think we should talk before we ... you know.”

He released the blanket. “As you wish.”

Phoebe blinked. She had expected him to disagree and pull the blanket away from her anyway, but instead, he had done what she had told him. She realized he would never go against her decisions. She had the final saying in everything, whether he liked it or not, at least as long as he was a newborn cyborg. How things would be in the future, she couldn't tell, but the future didn't matter right now. What did matter was getting him onto his feet, showing him the world, and teaching him everything he needed to know.

Phoebe watched him. He stood still in front of her and watched her too. He had a tense facial expression and clenched hands. He breathed fast and when she looked down, she saw his strained shaft.

Then it hit her.

Emotions still drove him and they would continue to drive him the following days. He needed her badly, but she had turned him down. He had obeyed even if he was about to explode on the inside. The burning desire in his eyes and the way he licked his lips while he ogled her made it obvious. She couldn't allow him to suffer. He needed his satisfaction too and she intended to give it to him.

He got a surprised look on his face when she knelt in front of him. He opened his mouth, maybe to ask her what she was doing, but he was silenced when she grabbed his shaft and licked the tip.

He gasped and Phoebe smiled to herself.

This was going to be good.

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