Read Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets (28 page)

BOOK: Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets
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“Eli, please let me move just a little, let me rock on you a bit, please.

I’ll be good, I promise.” She showed him what she needed, gently rocking her hips. He reached between them and slid his finger gently along her slit and found her swollen, wet clit and began to stroke it as she whimpered and moved slowly.

They both gasped when fresh moisture increased the slick pleasure created by her rocking rhythm. “Eli, that feels so good. I need to come.” He slid from her depths and gently stroked all the way back in, his cock glistening with her juices. “Yes!”

Grasping her hips to keep her motionless, he began to stroke into her with a tender but firm thrusting motion. Her panting turned into a keening wail as her orgasm built higher and higher, waiting to rush over her. He stroked her clit between his fingertips several times, and her release came in another surging wave, her hips moving gently in his hands.

The inner fight to thrust gently and carefully intensified the storm gathering within him. He kept a tight hold on the caveman who was so glad to be back inside her and channeled that energy into the care he took with her. The struggle heightened the pleasure as his whole body tensed. He thrust one last time and felt his nervous system explode with volcanic ecstasy. A loud howl erupted from his lungs as his cum jetted deep inside her silky heat. Once he stopped surging into her, he curled over her for a moment.

He rested his forehead on her shoulder very lightly before slowly pulling out of her and lying down beside her. He hated to withdraw so soon because he knew she loved it when he stayed inside her afterward, but he knew he’d be hard for her again inside of five minutes. Once was enough for her tonight. He didn’t want to regret the decision to make love to her later.

“Do you feel okay, angel? Any pain?” He stroked a hand over her warm, bare hip. The warm, sated look in her languid eyes and the adoration on her face took his breath away.

“No, honey. I feel so good. You take such good care of me,” she murmured in bliss.

“I was trying hard not to get carried away. You feel so good, and I missed making love to you so much,” he said with a heavy, satisfied sigh. “I


feel like I can’t get close enough to you sometimes, even when I’m inside you.” He lifted her hand to kiss it. He moved the pillows back to the headboard and covered them both with the sheet and blanket then curled up to her. He traced his fingertips over her shoulders, arms, and throat, sending little shivers through her. When he told her he needed to clean up and get ready to go to The Pony for the evening, she nodded slightly.

“Do you feel all right?” He kissed her shoulder before rising from the bed and tucking the sheet and quilt around her.

“Mmm, yes. I feel good, just tired. Will you stay with me tonight?”

“Yes, angel. I’ll be home around one, I think. I’ll be thinking of you.”

“Wish I could come sit with you.”

“Your chair is waiting beside mine for when you’re all better.”



Chapter Twenty-seven

Rachel lay in bed restless and wide-awake for several minutes. She picked up her cell phone and dialed Grace’s number. “Hello, Adam. It’s Rachel. Yep. I’m home now. Can Grace come over and play?”

Thirty minutes later, the doorbell rang twice in quick succession, and Rachel opened the front door. Grace stood on the front porch, her arms full.

“I have microwave popcorn, chocolate truffles, Big Red, and movies!”

Rachel laughed and took the chocolate and DVDs from Grace and closed the door after she entered.

“What time does Eli get home?”

“Sometime around one.”

Rachel watched as Grace slipped her cell phone from her pocket and pushed a button. “Mmm. Three handsome hunks on speed dial.” Grace put the little phone to her ear and waited then spoke in a soft, sexy voice.

“Baby? He’ll be home around one. Pick me up around twelve thirty? I love you so much, Adam. You spoil me rotten.” After a long pause, Grace blushed and chuckled suggestively. “You will? You are?
, the pleasure would be all
,” she replied softly, her voice tender with love. “See you then. Thank you.” Grace ended the call, slipped the phone back in her pocket, and sighed dreamily.

“Did Adam drop you off?” Rachel asked, not sure what to think. Was that sweet or overprotective?

“Yes. He’s worried about me driving home by myself so late at night.

He’s going to come pick me up later,” she said in a dreamy, breathy voice.

“Overprotective much?” Rachel asked as they went into the kitchen and opened the popcorn and got out glasses.

“We’re not going home after he picks me up,” she replied in that same dreamy voice.

“Oh, yeah?” Rachel asked, her curiosity piqued. “Care to share?”



“All I know is we aren’t going home till
. He’s planning a surprise for me.”

“Details later?”

“Maybe,” she replied softly, almost hesitantly. “Adam is special. They all are. He likes to plan surprises like this. He knows I love it when he does.

But something about the time I get alone with him is a little sacred, and I—

It’s not that I don’t want to share the details. It’s just—”

“Sacred. I totally get that,” Rachel finished for her. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I was watching you dance with him one night at The Pony.

He looks at you like you are the
woman in the world. He adores you in the truest sense of that word. I wouldn’t want you to feel obligated to share about your time with him. I don’t think I could if I were in your shoes. We have so much fun gabbing, but I don’t mean to intrude.”

Grace cracked open a Big Red with a smile. “Ready for a movie? Or do you want to talk about
other stuff
?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Other stuff?”

“Come on, Rachel. We never had a chance to talk at your parents’ house because your mom was always bustling about. I’ll bet you’re
to ask me all kinds of questions.”


“It’s not
off limits, only certain aspects. Adam’s heart is so tender, and I’m reluctant to reveal much about our relationship, but I think there are plenty of other questions that I could answer for you without betraying his confidence.”

Rachel’s cheeks grew warm. “I’ve read my share of ménage romances, but what’s it

Grace laughed softly and explained how it worked for the four of them, and Rachel got an inkling of the magic in their relationship. What others found sordid or forbidden based on hearsay, gossip, and tacky Internet porn was a sacred and beautiful thing for the four of them, shared in mutual love.

Rachel didn’t mind when Grace would pause, become introspective, and then skim over some details. She did tell Rachel that Adam was the first of them to be intimate with her, although they were all there with her at the time.


Grace blushed hard, and her eyes took on a far away, shiny quality.

They laughed over the story about the boudoir portraits and how they’d managed to keep it a secret from each other.

“Can I see them someday?”

“Some of them, yes. I have three beautiful black and whites hanging on my bedroom wall. I’d love for you to see those. When you get engaged to Eli, we are going to see my photographer friend and have her do the same thing for you. That was a life-altering experience for me, posing for them like that. I felt different afterward. More confident and sexy. Comfortable in my own skin.”

“He hasn’t asked me yet, Grace. It’s a little early to—”

“Nonsense. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. He’s going to, and you’d be crazy if you didn’t say yes. He’s hardworking, loyal, financially stable, fun, absolutely gorgeous, and freaking huge!” She giggled. “He’ll always watch over you, provide for you, and protect you.

Did I mention he’s gorgeous and freakin’ huge?”

“I love all those things about him,” Rachel said softly, remembering his self-restraint earlier as he made love to her.

“So you’d say yes?”

“Grace, you know I would. How could I turn away such love and sweet devotion? I just hope I’m worthy.”

“Worthy? You’re perfect for him, and he’s no fool. I’ll bet you’re married by Christmas.”

“I dunno. I don’t want to say anything and jinx it,” Rachel replied nervously.

Rachel shared with Grace about the outrageously hot spanking Eli had delivered to her the day of the accident. Grace clapped and snickered.

you, didn’t I? By the right hand, there is nothing hotter than a good spanking.”

“It was incredible and…

“Good. Ethan told me Eli had asked him about it, and I was hoping you would share.”

“Grace, I’m curious. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by dealing with the needs of three different men?”

“They don’t allow it. They work out all that stuff on their own.”

“You mean prioritizing?”



“Yeah. They have good instincts for my energy level and desires.

Sometimes I ask for more because they don’t want to push me too hard. It’s all about balance.”

Rachel giggled. “So you aren’t swinging from the chandeliers on any given night?”

Grace laughed in reply. “Nope, chandeliers are swinging only on the second Tuesday of every month.”

“So,” Rachel concluded, “spankings for naughty little girls are every first Monday night?”

“Yep! But with Ethan only.”

“Jack and Adam aren’t into that?”

“No, they don’t have an interest in it the way Ethan and I do. That’s a part of my relationship with Ethan,” Grace said in all seriousness. That surprised Rachel. “There are parts of our relationships with each other that are completely private, that are only between me and the individual man in question. Ethan is a more open man about certain parts of our relationship, and I operate within those parameters. Adam is different and more private, which is why you’ll have to use your imagination. Same with Jack,” Grace added softly. “Like I once told you, they’re worth it.” Her hand shook a little as she wiped a little tear away carefully with the back of her hand.

“Thanks, Grace. I’ll always be careful to not violate your trust.” Rachel reached over and gently patted her arm. For a while, they quietly watched the movie in companionable silence, each lost in her own thoughts. Rachel switched the DVDs when one movie ended and the next began.

Later, a soft knock sounded at the door. Rachel opened the door, revealing a handsome and devilish looking Adam Davis on her stoop. Grace appeared to melt on the inside at the sight of him.

“Ready to go, baby?” he asked affectionately as Rachel invited him in.

Grace slipped on her sandals, hugged Rachel and thanked her for inviting her over, then went straight into Adam’s big, strong arms. They departed soon after and Grace laughed when Adam scooped her up in his arms as he walked down the sidewalk to his truck. Grace waved one last time to her before Rachel closed her front door.



Chapter Twenty-eight

Saturday evening, Rachel squealed when Eli pinched her on the ass as he passed by, his hips wrapped in a towel after he dried off from his shower.

She stood in front of the mirror at the long bathroom counter, putting on her makeup, dressed in a black mesh thong and a black lace demi-bra. The play of muscles in his upper body and biceps drew her gaze as he brushed his long hair, and Rachel didn’t think she’d ever tire of looking at this handsome giant. She sighed as the familiar ache began in her pussy.

Anytime she was near him, her body yearned for his.

He’d made love to her several times in the last two days but would not allow her to move strenuously or participate to the extent she wanted to. She was pining for a good, hard fucking but was going to have to wait for it, or so he’d told her several times with a hint of devilish gleam in his eyes. Her eyes roamed hungrily over a hard bicep and shoulder to his handsome face, directly into his smoldering gray eyes.

“See something you like?” he asked in a sexy voice that always got her wet and ready.

She gulped and swallowed at the invitation in his eyes. They didn’t have time, and she
it. He’d take his time with her, and they’d wind up being late. Eli stroked his hand down her back, smiling seductively at her hiss and shudder as he stroked sensitive nerve endings, finally reaching the curve of her ass.

One long finger stroked over her cleft before it thrust gently against the plug lodged deeply in her ass. She braced her hand and her hips against the bathroom counter and flexed against his finger, thinking she’d need to change to a dry thong before they left the house. Small price to pay. He’d wanted to remove the plug earlier before the shower, but she’d wanted to wait, enjoying the sensation too much. He’d snickered and called her a naughty girl, and she’d reminded him what naughty girls needed.



No dice. Dammit

“I’m going to get dressed, angel. You finish in here, and when you’re done, we’ll see about removing that plug and taking care of the need I see in your beautiful blue eyes.”

A warm, decadent shiver traced over her skin. “We’ll be late,” she murmured weakly. She felt like a junkie in need of another fix when her clit began to throb and her damp pussy lips swelled and throbbed a bit.

“Not that much, and I’d feel bad if I removed the plug, which I know you find stimulating, and then left you frustrated. Being on time is not worth leaving you like that. Finish up and I’ll call your mom and let her know we may be a little late. She won’t mind.”

“But your dad—”

“Is watching a race over at your place and playing with Matthew. He’s not going to care. I
to, okay?” he added softly, kissing her shoulder.

Her cheeks tingled with heat, and she nodded with a breathy sigh. How could she resist that entreaty? The low-level hum in her body turned into a buzz. She lined her eyes lightly and applied her mascara. She planned to leave her hair down around her shoulders. After she dried it and brushed it out, she left the bathroom and found Eli on the bed, naked. She unconsciously licked her lips, and her gesture inspired a grin from Eli as he enjoyed her obvious, lecherous perusal of his assets.

“Come here, angel,” he murmured and reached for her.

The muscles in her ass clenched at the thought of him removing the plug and the pleasure he’d promised her afterward. He rose from the bed and led her to the end of it. He unclasped the pretty demi-bra and removed it then slid his thumbs into the waistband of her thong and slid it over her hips and down her thighs and calves. He steadied her as she stepped out of it, and then he laid it aside on the bed.

about it, he said, “Your thong is soaked, angel. Are you wet for me? Ready at the thought of me touching you?”

“Eli, I get wet at the sound of your
.” She laughed softly as he helped her onto the bed on her knees. He held her gently until she was balanced on her right hand. He was always cognizant of her needs with the cast on her arm. He moved back, and she gasped slightly when he grasped the soft handle. He pushed and pulled gently on it, drawing a shaky whimper from her. Her arousal was approaching the point of no return. He left the

plug in her ass for the time being and slid his fingers down her cleft to her dripping wet opening.

“Mmm, you’re dripping wet.” He leaned forward to kiss her cheek as she tilted her head back. Her hair slid over her shoulder and softly collided with his fragrant black hair where it draped across her back, sending ticklish shivers down her spine. His other hand slid over her abdomen and down to her mound, and a finger slipped through the curls there to her slit. His fingertip slid past her clit to her lips, gathered moisture, then returned alongside it in the tender caress she loved. He’d learned her body so well and knew just how she liked her clit touched, when to be gentle, and when not to be. His lips sought hers in a warm, wet kiss as he stroked her clit, teasing her.

“Eli, you’re so good to me. Please, honey. You know what I need.”

“Yes, angel. You want the plug and my cock at the same time, don’t you?” he asked in a husky voice, driving her even higher with his touch.

“Couldn’t we try? I feel fine. Let me have it, please!”

His gentle hand rested on her left shoulder. “How’s your arm? Shaky?”

She shook all over, but it wasn’t from fatigue.

“No, it’s fine. You know it won’t take much. You can feel how wet I am.” She flexed her hips against his fingers and shuddered when waves of pleasure washed over her at his touch.

“Okay, but we’re keeping it short and sweet. I don’t want you to be sore later.” He stood to his full height behind her at the foot of the bed.

Knowing he was behind her watching as she rubbed her pussy against his hand had her already on the verge. The thought of his tremendous strength and how vulnerable she was before him was a powerful aphrodisiac. He was being so gentle and careful with her right now, but one day soon, he was going to release that stored potential on her. She couldn’t wait.

His fingers continued to stroke her clit, and the other hand swept over her open thighs, finding the honey that overflowed from her pussy. He gave a low growl of satisfaction as his fingers slid to her lips again and opened them gently. She moaned, knowing she was seconds away from feeling his cock against her opening. Her pussy clenched in eager anticipation of his invasion. She whimpered when she realized he’d paused to enjoy the


anticipation and the erotic sounds she made. Rachel knew how much he loved listening to her.

She panted softly and said, “Remember your dad and sister can hear us.”

He chuckled evilly. “Mmm-hmm, it’s going to be hard to not scream when you come, won’t it?” he teased as she squirmed, frustrated and ready to be fucked. Her pussy contracted in agreement.

She’d opened her mouth to softly beg for mercy when the thick head of his cock pressed at her throbbing, wet entrance. She panted softly and pressed back against him.

He leaned down and whispered, “Angel, I need to be able to hold you steady, so the plug is going to stay in place once I enter you. I know how you love this, so hold still a minute. My cock is right there if you want to move a bit, but not too much.” He slid a finger into the handle of the plug and pumped gently in small in and out motions. Gradually, the plug was sliding in and out over the sensitive nerve endings in her ass, which grasped it uncontrollably. She took up the rhythm and began to move on the head of his cock, squeezing him with her pussy muscles.

One hand moved the plug, and the other stretched beneath her torso to support her in case her right arm gave out. If he hadn’t been so big and tall, they never would have been able to fool around like this, but she felt completely safe and at no risk of hurting herself. Taking advantage of that security, she thrust her pussy against the head of his cock and heard him gasp as she took more of his stiff cock inside her. She threw caution to the wind and thrust her hips back onto him and heard his groan as she slid forward on his cock and then slammed back all the way and took his long, thick rod to the hilt.

“There. That’s more
like it
.” She whispered triumphantly.

Rachel almost purred in satisfaction at the full feeling. A wave of really bad naughtiness come over her, and she moved as hard and fast as she wanted to, regardless of his warning growl. Giving in to her wild, wanton movements, Eli pushed the plug back in and released it. He grasped her gyrating hips in each strong hand and pumped into her over and over. Her head flew back, and her lips popped open on a silent scream. She came in a great, silent, undulating wave, stifling a gasping sob as he followed her to his release and groaned in the throes of ecstasy, trying to be as quiet as possible.


His arm slid beneath her sweat-dampened torso, taking the weight off her arm, supporting her as he helped her into an upright position. Nuzzling her throat as they both caught their breath, “Bad girl. You know how to bring out the caveman in me, don’t you?”

“Mmm, I love that guy.”

“He loves you, too, angel.”

She turned to him and kissed his warm lips and looked into his eyes.

Leaning back against his shoulder, Rachel sighed ecstatically as he stroked her swollen breasts. He cupped them in his hands and caressed the undersides before smoothing his hands over her abdomen to her hips and thighs. He shifted and gently withdrew from her pussy and she sighed in satisfaction as he removed the plug.

“I wanted to wait at least the two weeks before being that rough with you, Rachel.”

She snickered in response but made no other comment.

“I’m going to have to take you in hand if you think you’re always going to get your way that easily.”

She snickered louder. “You may just need to. Wouldn’t want me to become too headstrong and spoiled now, would we?” She waggled her ass at him.

He grinned. “You may even need a spanking, I think.”

“Ooooh! Yes, I think so, too!” she replied enthusiastically. “I’ve gotten out of hand and need to be shown the boundaries.”

She showered quickly and chortled as he did the same, wondering if the occupants next door were wondering why they could hear the shower running
through the equally thin wall in the bathroom.

She put on a fresh black lace thong and her demi-bra with his help. He slid his hands down her right arm and paused, gently kneading her bicep, which trembled slightly.

He kneaded it gently. “I hope your arm isn’t too sore tomorrow.”

“If it is, it will have been worth it, Eli. I needed that so much.” She kissed him, then added, “I’ll get dressed and be ready to go in a minute.”

She sauntered out a few minutes later, dressed in embellished blue jeans, a silky, deep blue V-neck blouse, a glittering rhinestone studded belt, and her cowboy boots.



Eli was dressed in a pair of fresh new blue jeans, boots, and a white T-shirt stretched over his sexy chest. His big biceps stretched the sleeves with no mercy whatsoever. She handed him a necklace and turned her back on him as he commented, “Well, aren’t you the sexy sparkling cowgirl tonight?”

“Do you like it?” she asked as she turned and faced him, adjusting the necklace so the sparkling gems dangled down to the top of her lush cleavage. “Too sexy?” she asked, smiling into his territorial gaze.

“Perfect, angel.”

She smiled and thanked him then turned and sashayed back into the closet and came out with the matching dangling earrings on. “I’m ready!”

she said enthusiastically.

It was her first evening out since the accident, and she was brimming with happiness, ready to get back into the swing of things.

“You might want to grab a jacket in case we’re outside this evening.

The temperature is supposed to drop into the fifties overnight.”

“Ooooh! That’s perfect.” She retrieved a sexy leopard print fleece from her closet. She got her bag, and they headed over to Eli’s place so he could grab his jacket. When they came in, they were greeted by a squeal from Matthew, who was sitting on his proud grandpa’s lap. Kelly was flitting here and there with the phone in her ear, looking beleaguered but excited.

Elijah Wolf stood as they entered, and Matthew squealed again as he was lifted much higher than he was used to in his tall grandpa’s arms.

Rachel smiled up at him, seeing clearly where Eli had gotten his height and body structure. Elijah was in his early fifties, blond and blue-eyed, but otherwise, it was obvious they were father and son. Rachel could not help but tick through the list of single women she knew who would love to meet him because Elijah was a looker, plain and simple.


BOOK: Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets
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