Her Greek Romance aka Greek Encounter (13 page)

BOOK: Her Greek Romance aka Greek Encounter
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She winced as she recalled their torrid kiss on the sidewalk last evening. A heated tide covered her face and her stomach fluttered. Good thing she’d managed to convince him their steamy embrace had been nothing more than a flirtatious game for her.

A game? Oh God, a game when her heart squeezed and desire thudded in the pit of her belly? A game when she couldn’t erase the taste of his mouth or forget the caresses of his hands on her flesh?

And yet, he claimed he wouldn’t let her go. Was he sincere?

Chills tickled her skin. A blazing flame curled up her chest as their blissful night played in her memory. She closed her eyes, still hearing her moans of pleasure when his muscled body had pressed into her, her happy sighs when she snuggled against his naked form.

Stop it, counselor.
Cripes, she needed a cold shower to douse the inferno that threatened to consume her again. Or better, a dip in the sea and vigorous swimming to bring her back to her senses.

Wiping beads of perspiration from her throat, she shimmied out of her wet nightie to slip on her bikini. After tucking her beach wrap around her, she made a makeshift knot under her collarbone, tossed her keys in her bag, and left her room.

The young man at the reception desk greeted her with a yawning voice.

“Good morning, Vasilis. If anyone asks for me, just say that I’m gone for the day.” Reassured that Anton or any driver Stefano might send to pick her up wouldn’t waste time waiting for her—especially when she preferred to be on her own—she walked out of the hotel through the backdoor leading to the beach.

A few sunbathers already relaxed on large towels, some lying on their stomachs, others tanning their breasts under the weak sunrays of the early morning. Ashley twitched her mouth at the sight of topless women. No power on earth would make her shed her bra from now on.

Without hesitation, she yanked off her wrap, shoved it in her bag, and dropped it on the sand, to join the dozen early birds who swam in the rippling sea. Hopefully, some brisk exercise would cool her body and help her regain her rational mind.

“I’ll get that man out of my hair,” she hummed as she padded through the low tide and then swam through the refreshing sea.

Half an hour later, she floated on her back, a hand resting on the safety buoy, marking five hundred meters. Letting the gentle waves carry her, she relaxed and ignored the boats idling not too far from her. Invigorated, she was ready to go back to the hotel, get dressed and tackle her first day of work on the Kostapoulos-Zanis venture, but certainly not ready to meet her new working partner and spend hours averting her gaze from his turquoise eyes and steel muscles.

She dove under water one last time and surfaced, shaking droplets out of her eyes. “Time to go back,” she said out loud.

“Too early yet.” The all-too familiar voice had her sputter as she spun to look at the swimmer approaching her.

Talk about the devil… “What the—”

“Good morning.” A slow wicked smile crinkled Stefano’s sensual mouth.

She hadn’t stopped thinking about him. All night, all day. Was that enough to have him materialize in front of her? In the middle of the sea?

“Where d’ you come from?” Had he inquired about her at the hotel?

His thumb lifted to point behind him. “I spent the night on the
Couldn’t sleep much. In the early morning, I cruised along the beach, hoping to see you. The Lord up there answered my wish.”

A gasp escaped her. The Lord, or most probably Satan. She whirled and gaped at the sleek yacht moored not far from them. How had she overlooked such a big boat?

“How did you spot me from far… Never mind.” She narrowed accusing eyes on him. “You spied on me with your binoculars again.”

“Spy?” He smacked his chest indignantly. “Never. Just used them to scan the beach and the sea. Is that a sin? Binoculars are made to help far vision. I couldn’t miss the only red mane floating on the waves.” His fingers caught a wet lock and played with it.

Although she didn’t feel his touch, a tingling sensation froze her kicking legs as his lazy grin played havoc with her self-control. She took a deep, steadying breath, and flipped her head. Her hair slipped from his hand.

“We have plenty of time to enjoy the sea.” His voice, hoarse and sensual, suggested many seductive ways to use their time. “Our official meeting doesn’t start until nine.” The dark hair plastered to his forehead added to his rakish pirate looks. Although she wondered if pirates came with such gorgeous turquoise eyes. Or with bronzed shoulders padded with taut muscles. Or…

Stop it.

Darn, for the past half an hour, she’d swum with all her strength at an ungodly hour to clear her mind of Stefano. She shouldn’t spend another minute trying to stay afloat with him invading her breathing space. “I already had my swim.”

“Then how about breakfast on the

“No way. Huh, no thank you.” Did he think she’d sit across from him in her skimpy bikini, at the same table where they had a lovely dinner by sunset and a steamy kiss that led her straight to his bed? Her heart wobbled but she steadied her voice. “I’ll have breakfast at one of the cafés before going to your office.”

“As you wish.” His gaze settled on her for a brief moment.

“I’ll see you later.”

He held his hand up to block her way. “Ashley, do you believe me?”

She stopped short and leaned on the buoy. “Pardon?”

“Do you still think I made love to you because I wanted to prevent you from attending the hearing and win the case?” His finger touched her chin and tipped her face up.

Her eyelashes shuttered. She’d pondered the same question all night long. “How can I trust you after—” She clamped her mouth. Remembering their night together was too painful.

He cupped her face with both hands. “I’ve done everything in my power to convince you I didn’t trick you.”

She stared at him. Grandpa had told her once that the definition of a
was someone who didn’t learn from a mistake. Was she a fool? “So why did you keep me on your yacht?”

“For the same reason you wanted to stay. Because I’m attracted to you and have trouble resisting our attraction.” He grasped the buoy with one arm and folded the other around her waist bringing her against his body, his breath fanning her cheek. “Since I’ve seen you, I couldn’t think of anything but getting you in my arms.” Attraction, desire, lust. He said it all in one sentence, all he wanted and all he would offer.

“Oh dear.” She averted her gaze toward the darned yacht she hadn’t noticed because she’d been so engrossed thinking about him, convincing herself she shouldn’t be back in his arms.

Don’t be a fool, counselor.
She lowered her eyes to his muscled arms and fisted her hand to avoid splaying her fingers on his chest and raking the tantalizing dark curls.

Damn it, she wanted to be back in his arms.

What about her dream of finding a Greek man who could love her
unconditionally? She inwardly snorted. That particular dream was her grandfather’s suggestion. As a rational lawyer who dealt with the scum of the earth and subdued all kinds of characters daily, she knew better than to play games with her own heart. Yet, Stefano’s unspoken offer came with fringe benefits she secretly craved.

“Ashley, you haven’t answered. Do you trust me?”

God help her. Yes, she trusted him. Yes, she wanted… A clear picture materialized in her mind, a deliciously erotic picture of herself, topless, clinging to his Apollo’s torso, lips locked with his, hands hooked behind his neck and legs wrapped around his hips. A sigh of longing escaped her.

Don’t drop your guard
,” her mind vainly uttered. “
You’ll get burned and regret it
.” She slammed a lid on the words of reason and offered him a subtle smile.

“Ashley?” His knuckle stroked her jaw softly.

 “Yes,” she whispered. Yes, her body sang, her senses soared.

In two hours, they would sit in his office and tread as carefully as two rivals or two serious partners. But now… The blood rushed through her veins.

“Thank you.” No smugness curled his lips. “
Kookla mou
, I’ve never asked a woman if I could kiss her, yet….” His eyes turned dark and hungry as he let his sentence hang.

“Oh.” The strong authoritative man who took whatever he wanted was waiting for her permission? She drowned in his gaze and licked her lips. “Kiss me, Stefano. We’ll talk later.”

 His mouth settled on hers, sure and possessive. Her lips parted to welcome his tongue. His left arm hooked around the buoy and his right hand carried her rear-end, pressing her against him, leaving no doubt about his arousal.

Aching for more, she trembled as he shaped her curves and she laced her fingers behind his nape, her legs encircling his waist. Exactly as she’d fantasized a moment ago.

His palm skated up her back and unhooked her bra. The point of no return. He interrupted their kiss to slip the straps around her arm and then his hand closed over her breast. Her nipples hardened and a moan of delight shuddered through her. His lips glided to her cheek and tickled her earlobe. “I want you, my beautiful Ashley.”

“I want you too.” Unable to think, she welcomed the delicious sensations.

“Let’s swim to the
. It’s too awkward here. Too much gym to make love and stay afloat.” His chuckle brought her down to earth, or rather to sea.

With a sigh, she pulled back away from him and glanced around her. Her eyes focused on the boat anchored some fifty feet away and her heart squeezed. It had been the boat of her dreams, the place where she’d surrendered to a magnificent Greek god without any second-thought. “I have nice memories.”

His gaze followed hers. “We’ll create more.”

But it would never be the same. She knew who he was, a charming generous playboy, who was attracted to her. For now. They would share a torrid affair because she couldn’t resist him—because she turned to mush when he kissed her. Exactly as she did a moment ago. And then she’d leave in a month and he’d forget her with a Greek beauty. But she would never forget him and she’d wallow in regrets.  

“No, I’ll never step on this yacht again.” She shook her head and faced him.

“Please, don’t say never.” He cupped her cheeks. “Ashley, we have something going on between us.”

“Oh sure.” What they had was too much for her peace of mind and not enough for her happiness. “But I want—” Fantasy and dreams wouldn’t satisfy her any longer.

“Yes, tell me and I’ll give it to you.” His husky voice accelerated her pulse, sent tingles to her belly, and a wave of hope that her brain smashed with cold statistics. Too many women flocked around him, but she wasn’t ready to share him. She’d better not dwell on feelings that didn’t make sense. They’d known each other for two days. Not long enough to ask for anything, let alone his heart.

“I want to go back to the hotel. I hardly have time to shower and get dressed.”

 He regarded her for a long time and nodded. “Okay. I’ll swim with you to the shore.” His eyes gave nothing of his emotions as he pulled her bra from her arm and held it for her.

Was he even capable of feeling anything but desire or lust?

 “Put it back. I’ll hook it for you.”

She arched an eyebrow. “I don’t really need it. All women are topless here.”

“Put it back,” he repeated in a stern voice. “Someone we know may see you.”

“So? Why would that bother you?”

“Because... Just put it back on.”

“Excuse me?” Annoyed, she tilted her chin up. “Are you ordering me?”

“Please, wear the damn thing.” A hiss of exasperation escaped him. “I can’t stand the idea of any male looking at...you.”

Delighted by this hint of jealousy, she stifled a smile and wore her bra without more comments. They swam back silently.

A moment later, they waded through the small waves at the shore. Stefano held her arm, keeping her at his side. “As much as I want to kiss you again, I won’t do it here in full view of the sunbathers.” The sea breeze enveloped her, cooling her skin as the water barely reached their knees, but his breath warmed her face when he captured her gaze. “Ashley, I won’t pressure you, but I won’t give up either. We’ll take one day at a time.”

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