Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1 (22 page)

BOOK: Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1
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“It’s what I’m here for.
If you need anything, just give me a call. I’ll be around to check on you whilst you sleep, but I will try and not disturb you too much.”

I thank
her again and she nodded before walking away.

Settling down in bed
, I closed my eyes, trying not to think too much. I didn’t want to have visions of Daniel floating through my head. It was hurting enough without all that.

I fell asleep quite quickly
, although it was fitful. I was aware of the nurse coming around to check on me. It wasn’t until I heard voices that I really wanted to wake myself up. I knew who it was and I was eager to see him and speak with him.

?” I felt dazed and disorientated, but his voice was making me fight it.

“Twinkles, how are you feeling?”

“A little fuzzy,” I replied, opening my eyes. I saw him there, a worried smile on his face. His hair was all tousled and sexy, and he was wearing a dark grey-and-black jumper, which made him look even more irresistible than normal. Not that he needed much.

those few seconds, looking at him in wonder, I almost forgot where I was and why I was here. It all came flooding back to me once I caught my surroundings.

“What time is it?”


. Do you have my phone? Michael will be expecting my call. If I don’t call him, he’ll get suspicious.”

“Exactly w
hat are you going to tell him?”

He will only worry and come running. He will be headed home in two days anyway.”

“Don’t you think we should tell him?
I would be pissed as hell if it were me.”

don’t want to worry him.” I said it with an air of finality in my voice. I could see he wasn’t happy about it, but I knew he wasn’t going to go against my wishes.

Stephen frowned
, but handed over my phone. I immediately dial Michael’s number and hear his sweet booming voice over the line.

. I’ve been looking forward to your call. A little late today, though. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.
I didn’t get much sleep last night so I must have nodded off for a little while. Sorry.”

“Are you sure you’re ok
ay? You don’t sound it.”

“I’m fine, really.
Stop worrying about me.” I figured he wasn’t silly. He could obviously tell there was something wrong with me. I suppose even the sound of my voice gave me away.

“I can’t help that.
Is Stephen with you?”

working late shift, remember? He’s off tomorrow and Friday, though.”

, that’s right. I forgot. Are you sure you’re fine?”

hael, stop fussing. I’m locked up tight in bed, some comfort food and the telly for company.” I smiled through my words so he could hear I was fine. I was actually feeling much better now that I had some rest.

ay, that’s good. Only two more days and I will come home.”

“I know.
How has it been?”

“It’s been good
. Interesting, in fact. I suppose it’s a man’s instinct to like guns.”

es, boys and their toys.” I chuckled a little and heard his wonderful laughter fill my ears. “I’d better go. I’m starting to get hungry.”

Michael took
a deep breath, then orders me to go eat. “I’m really looking forward to seeing you, Cassie.”

I just sa
y, “Me, too.” It seemed to satisfy him. It was a little awkward with Stephen standing there.

Ending the call
, I saw Stephen’s worried expression. “I don’t like lying to him.” He looked disappointed and it made the guilt wash over me.

“You’re not the one lying, Stephen, and I wouldn’t expect you to.”

“You’re hungry?” He smiled, knowing it was probably wise to change the subject…for now.

“I’m starving

He looked around the ward like he was searching for something.
“They actually came around a few minutes ago with some food, but I thought it best to let you sleep.”

knew that must have been the voices I heard a minute ago when I was sleeping. I could smell the food now and it was making my stomach growl.

I’ll go fetch you some.” He rose quickly from his chair and scampered out the door.

He was only gone a few seconds
, then came back with what looked like chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. It didn’t look like the most appetizing plate, but I was too hungry to complain.

“I could get you something outside the hosp
ital if you want.” Stephen’s adorable frown had the butterflies starting an all-out war inside of me.

“Its fine, Stephen
. I’m sure this will do nicely. I’m way too hungry to wait another minute.”

I ate
everything, despite the fact it wasn’t the best meal I had ever eaten. They worked hard here at the hospital, so who was I to complain?

“I never thought hospital fo
od was that good.” Stephen beamed, placing a gentle hand on my leg.

“It wasn’t
, really. I was just hungry.”

vitals have been good.”

“That’s great.
Does that mean I can go home now?” I really wanted to. I didn’t relish a night here on my own with a bunch of strangers.

“I would prefer it if you didn’t.
Don’t worry. I’ll be staying with you.”

I shook my head
, knowing he would never rest if that happened. “Stephen, there really is no need. You will never get any sleep here.”

“I don’t need
to sleep.”

When he said that, I got an idea.
“Well, if that’s the case, you can take me home and look after me there.”

Stephen bit his lip like he was unsure.
I think I could tell it was what he wanted, too, but he worried about me. “What if something happens to you? You’re better off in the hospital where they can help you.”

“You already said that my vitals
are good. I feel a lot better after my nap. I think I know my own body. I want to be at home. I don’t think I can relax here anyway.”

I could tell he was debating in his head what to do.
Finally, after a few more seconds, he looked at me and smiled. “Okay, as long as you let me take care of you at home.”

I suddenly found myself grinning from ear
-to-ear. “It’s a deal.”

He went to fetch the doctor and I was left feeling happy about the prosp
ect of going home. The doctor agreed to it, but he told Stephen what signs to look out for overnight. I was just so glad to be leaving.

athering all my stuff, we set off, thanking all the hospital staff along the way. Stephen was the perfect gentleman, going at any pace I set, holding me every step of the way.

“I think I h
ad better call my uncle,” I said as we got into Stephen’s car. He nodded and I went to work dialling Billy’s number.

“Cassie, so nice to hear from you,” he began.
“I was starting to wonder if you had fallen out with me.” He chuckled and the sound seemed to radiate through the phone.

lot’s been happening.” I sighed, feeling the exhaustion setting in again.

“Cassie, you don’t sound too good.
What’s happened?”

“Something and nothing.
” Although that wasn’t really true. Thinking about it still made my head hurt and my eyes sting. “Something happened at work today. I was attacked.”

“Attacked at work
?!” he shouts. “How on earth did that happen?! Are you okay?!”

fine. I’m actually just leaving the hospital.”

“Do you w
ant me to pick you up?” His concern was evident. I could hear a slight panic as he waited for my answer.

“No, it’s fine.
I have Stephen taking me home.”

? Who’s Stephen?”

“A police officer and a very good friend.”
I looked over at him and smiled. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Just that one little gesture set the tears flowing.

“I want to come and see you
. I need to make sure you’re alright.”

“That’s fine.
We should be home in about ten minutes if you want to pop over.”

My voice was a little shaky and I could tell my uncle knew I was crying.
He was concerned, so I wasn’t going to stop him from seeing me.

The minute that call ended
, I called Kali. I noticed that there had been several missed calls from her.

! Oh, my fucking god! Are you okay?” She was practically screaming over the phone.

“I’m fine.
Just leaving the hospital now.”

“Today’s been a major shit storm at work.
That little fucker needs his dick cut off.” I heard the little hiss in her voice and it was so violent that it almost made me jump.

“I must admit, I have thought of that myself.”

“Are you alright, Cassie? Seriously?”

“Yes, I’m fine.
I just want my bed. I’m so tired.”

“Do you want me to come over?
I’m at home now, but I can come and look after you, if you want?”

“No, that’s fine.
Stephen is taking me home.”

, eh?” she asked, curiosity in her voice.

. He’s been my rock today.”

“I bet.
” Kali chuckled a bit, then abruptly stopped. “Sorry. That was inappropriate of me. Sometimes my mouth runs before my brain engages.”

“That’s ok
ay, Kali. I need a little bit of humour right now.”

“Can I come see you tomorrow?
I take it you’re not coming in to work?”

. I have to rest for a few days—doctor’s orders. I would like a visit from you, though.”

Can I come around lunchtime tomorrow?”

That would be perfect.” I could use her friendship right about now.

“What do I
bring? Some grapes and shit?”

I start
ed laughing. “Kali, I’m not in the hospital, and I don’t even
why people bring grapes to a hospital.”

, either.” She snorted a little. “Anyway, tell Stephen that he better look after my friend, or I’ll come down there and shoot the little fucker.”

I laugh
ed again. “Okay, I will.”

“See you tomorrow and take care
, my friend. I hope you feel better soon.”

“Thanks, Kali.
That means a lot.”

hung up and turned to Stephen. “Did I just hear her say that she’ll shoot me?” He looked towards me with a curious smile.

“Yes,” I laugh
ed. “If you don’t look after me.”

“Well, I’m sure I will live up to her expectations.”

“I’m sure you will, even though you don’t really have to.”

“Yes, I do.”
His voice was stern. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I promised I would never leave you, and I intend to fulfil that. I’m not one to break my promises, Cassie. Hopefully, you will learn that the more you get to know me.”

Stephen stroked
my cheek tenderly and it made me sigh. I didn’t even realise we were pulling up to my apartment until he suddenly stopped.

and Chris were patiently waiting outside my door. I saw them look at Stephen and frown.

Swiftly opening
his door, Stephen quickly stepped out of the car and helped me out of the other side.

“Cassie, da
rling. You look extremely pale.” Billy looked concerned, and I couldn’t blame him. We were the only family each other had left. I would be exactly the same if it were the other way around.

“I’m fine, just a little tired.
This is Stephen, by the way. Stephen, this is my uncle Billy, and his partner, Chris.”

I didn’t know how Stephen would feel about this partnership but
, despite my misgivings, he smiled and held out his hand. They both shook his hand and looked over at him, appreciatively.

Stephen asked
if I would be okay whilst he went to park the car, and I assured him that I would. We then ventured into the apartment and out of the cold.

“So,” my uncle began
as we settled in. “What happened?”

go make us some tea.” Chris gestured to us and rubbed his hands together.

BOOK: Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1
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