Her Journey (Her Series Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Her Journey (Her Series Book 2)
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I was angry at him. Well, I was angry at myself for letting him get to me. Angry that I let him touch me in such a way. Since I couldn’t do anything about it, I decided to be angry at him for doing it in the first place. I’m still not sure
he’d come on to me and that bothered me. It was like he fingered me as a way of saying thank you for bandaging him up, but that made no sense. Why wouldn’t he simply say thank you, like a
person would?

Ryan had convinced me to go shopping with her, so I put on a dress that was loose enough that I would be comfortable in the heat, but tight enough to show off my ever-growing belly. Thankfully, the morning sickness had gotten much better and I rarely got sick anymore. That also meant that I was putting on weight quicker and out growing the few clothes I had left. I didn’t want to go shopping, but I also didn’t want to be stuck wearing a swimsuit because it was the only thing that fit me.

“We should ride on my bike,” Ryan told me as we walked into the garage.

I couldn’t help my eyes widening in terror. “Um, no.” I shook my head repeatedly, holding my hands up.

“Why not? Oh, come on. It’d be fun.” Ryan put her hands on her hips and faced me with a hip cocked to the side.

“I’ve never ridden a bike and I don’t think pregnant is the time to start. It scares the crap out of me.” I thought I was going to have to beg, but Ryan smiled and winked at me.

“Just kidding. Like I’d let you on a bike while you’re pregnant. We’ll take Patrick’s car. He doesn’t need it anyway.” Ryan pointed towards a car while grabbing keys off a hook on the wall. I opened the passenger door to a sleek, black car I hadn’t seen before. Sitting in the car, I was assaulted by Patrick’s scent. I didn’t want to close my eyes and breathe it in deeply, but I did. Damn, that man smelled good. I could feel my body getting hot just from his scent. It brought back the memories of his kisses on my neck, which only made my panties grow damp against my wishes. Ryan was plopping down in the driver’s seat and pushing the button to start the car when she looked over at me. “You okay?”

“Uh, yeah. Why?” I sat up straighter in my seat and pulled on my seatbelt.

“You look a little pale.” Ryan stared at me a minute longer before pulling out of the garage.

I tried to change where my thoughts were, but it was nearly impossible with his scent all around me. I didn’t try to get turned on by the man, but my body seemed to do its own thing. Damn hormones. Not only was my belly getting bigger every day, but apparently so was the amount of hormones surging through me.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long drive to the clothing store. It took us over an hour before I had a couple of outfits that fit, yet still left room to grow. Ryan insisted on paying for all of it and I was too tired to argue. Who knew shopping was so exhausting? Oh wait,
was exhausting. I needed to get back so that I could fit in a nap before I had to start dinner for all the boys.

When we got back to the house, I carried a bag in each hand, as did Ryan. There was a racket coming from the game room, but I was used to it so I just shook my head at them and headed up stairs. I threw all the bags into the corner where there was a chair. I figured I’d go through them later. Ryan did the same thing.

“I’m beat. Let me take a nap, then I’ll be down to cook dinner,” I told her. She nodded and closed my door as she left. Immediately, I stripped down, leaving my clothes on the floor as I went. Once I was down to just my panties, I climbed into bed. It didn’t take me long to fall asleep.

Hours later, a loud bang woke me. Sitting up in bed, I looked around for the source of the noise.

“Hurry up. Get ready. We need to go,” Wrench said, slamming my bedroom door shut. I blinked at him as he stood there staring at me. The man did nothing quietly or discreetly, not even waking someone up.

“What?” I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up. When I lowered my hands again, I noticed a sly smile on his face. Shit. I had forgotten I had gone to bed in only panties. Quickly, I snatched up the sheet and held it to my chest. “Get out, you jerk.”

“What? I was admiring.” Wrench smiled, slowly licking his lips, never taking his eyes off my chest even though it was covered with a sheet. My mouth fell open when he grabbed his crotch and adjusted his visibly aroused cock. “What can I say? It’s a nice set.”

“Get out. Now.” I threw a pillow at him and growled at him. Pig.

“Hurry up. We need to get out of here in ten minutes tops.” Wrench leaned against my door, crossing his arms. Obviously he wasn’t planning on leaving. Fine.

Dropping the sheet, I climbed from the bed and walked towards the bathroom in only my thong panties. I tried to act as unaffected as I could, like it was every day I walked around in just a pair of panties in front of a sexy-as-hell man. Once in the bathroom, I shut and locked the door.

I closed my eyes and took a couple of breaths to calm my rapidly beating heart. It was then that I realized I had no idea what I was getting ready for. Shrugging, I got in the shower. I needed to take one anyway. A quick wash of my hair and shave of the legs and I was out. Wrapping a towel around my body, letting my still dripping-wet hair hang down my back, I opened the door.

Patrick stood exactly where I left him, against the door. He gave me a lopsided grin when he saw me. I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest like he had his.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going? Or are you just gonna continue to be a jerk and make me get dressed in front of you?” I questioned, lifting an eyebrow at him. His only response was turning his grin into a full-blown smile and lifting an eyebrow back at me. I flipped him off and turned back towards my dresser. The gesture was very unlike me, but it’d just come out. Maybe I’d seen Ryan do it to him one too many times, or maybe that was just the natural reflex he brought out in people.

Sighing, I walked to the bags in the corner and pulled out a cotton, spaghetti-strap dress that fell almost to my knees. It was comfortable and fit my ever-changing body well. I tossed it onto the bed, then moved to my dresser. Glancing at Wrench, whose eyes were following me around the room, I pulled out a tiny, lace thong and threw it on the bed as well.

“Are you seriously just going to stand there while I dress? I’d prefer you left.” I looked at him. I had no idea why he was in my room, where we were going or what his deal was with watching me.

“Get dressed,” Wrench growled at me.

Giving myself a quick peptalk, I refused to allow him to intimidate me. I always dressed in my room, I wasn’t going to do anything different just because he was being a dick. Turning toward the bed, I dropped my towel on the floor before quickly pulled on the lace panties, followed by the dress, before wrapping the towel around my hair.

“There you go. Let’s go,” Wrench said, walking across the room and reaching for me.

I held my hands up. “No! I haven’t done my hair or makeup yet!” I exclaimed, jumping back from him.

“No time. You look fine anyway,” he said, wrapping one of his large hands around my arm.

“Seriously? Can I brush my hair and teeth at least?” I yanked my arm out of his grip, or tried to. It didn’t work. “I think even cavemen like you do things like that.”

“Damn woman. Don’t you know what hurry the fuck up means?” Wrench groaned and let me go. I rushed into my bathroom again, dropping the towel and sticking my toothbrush in my mouth. As quickly as I could, I brushed my teeth and hair.

“What’s the big rush anyway? Maybe I’d be more motivated if you told me where we were going.” I snagged a pair of flats and slipped them on before Wrench grabbed my arm again.

“You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”

Before I could say anything else, I was being escorted— no, more like pulled —to the garage. Wrench hit a button on the wall and walked over to the bike I’d seen him working on before.

“No. No. No. I don’t ride bikes.” I shook my head when he threw his leg over the beast.

“Get over here.” Wrench’s look told me he wasn’t in the mood to argue over it.

“No.” I crossed my arms and held my ground.

“Melia, you have two seconds to get your pregnant ass over here before I pick you up and bring you over here…and you won’t like if I make you do it.” Patrick glared at me. “One…”

I stared at him, debating if he’d really do anything. When he got off the bike and took a step in my direction, I cursed under my breath and scurried to his side.

“Fine. You win, as usual. I’ve never ridden one of these death traps. Pregnant is not a good time to start and just so you know, I hate you more now than I ever have before,” I spat at him, but my hands were shaking. I was afraid of bikes.

Wrench turned and gave me a smile I didn’t expect. It was almost tender. He handed me a helmet, which I promptly put on my head. Then he climbed back on the bike and held up a hand for me to hold onto while I slid a leg over the bike to sit behind him. “See, not so bad. Now wrap your arms around my waist. Hold on tight and lean when I lean. You’ll be just fine.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly and he laughed a deep throaty laugh.

“Okay, not that tight. Trust me, you won’t fall. You might be pregnant, but your belly isn’t as big as you think it is.” Wrench patted my hands before starting the bike and backing out of the garage.



What the fuck was wrong with me? When I’d gone to wake up Melia, I hadn’t expected to find her naked in bed. My dick had gotten so hard watching her sitting there not realizing her beautiful tits were on display. Then she’d told me to get out and I couldn’t help but challenge her. I didn’t have to say anything, she knew I wasn’t going anywhere unless she wanted to fight over it. I didn’t think she’d actually have it in her to get out of the bed with me still in the room.

I nearly came when she dropped her fucking towel in front of me then slipped on those tiny ass panties and dress with no bra. Those mouthwatering tits would be free to bounce and jiggle with every move she made. Great, I’d have a fucking hard on until I got the fuck away from her.

I had done my best to stay the hell away since the incident in my office. I got the feeling that she’d been trying to stay away from me as well. Seemed like every time I saw her I got hard no matter what she was wearing or who was around. I couldn’t control her or my dick that wanted a piece of her. That sassy little mouth and attitude drove me crazy while making me want to fuck her at the same time. I had to be losing my damn mind to want anything to do with her pregnant ass.

Ryan must’ve picked up on something because she’d come into my office the other day and told me to quit pussyfooting around and just fuck the girl already. She told me that Melia hadn’t had sex in forever and was hornier than hell with all the pregnancy hormones. Ever since then I couldn’t stop thinking that maybe I would be able to fuck her once, the curiousity wouldn’t be there anymore and I could go back to my normal life.

Melia’s thighs squeezed against my hips as I made turns or changed lanes on the way to the restaurant we were meeting everyone at. I was actually impressed with how well she did since she’d said she was so afraid of riding. Her little hands gripped my stomach tightly. It felt better than it should have for such a simple touch. She was just so tiny, but had this huge personality that made me forget just how small and delicate she was compared to me.

Groaning at how much I sounded like a chick, I tried to get my head away from the woman behind me. Thankfully it wasn’t much farther to the restaurant. When we arrived, I pulled around back and parked my bike near all the other bikes already there. Monk opened the back door as we walked up. He waved us in and put his finger to his lips as he closed the door quietly behind us.

“They’re here.” Monk whispered to us as he led us through dimly-lit corridors filled with random boxes and bins. Finally, he pushed open another door and waited until we entered first before following.

Inside the room were most of the club members, all quiet. The room was almost pitch black; only one light was on. It was a spotlight, shining down on the center of the room. As I started to ask Monk what was going on, I heard voices.

“Shhh. We’re almost there.” Dirty’s voice came out of a hallway on the opposite side of the room.

“Seriously, this is ridiculous. I’m going to fall,” Ryan complained, which made me smile. Always snippy.

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