Her Royal Masquerade (Her Royal Romance) (13 page)

Read Her Royal Masquerade (Her Royal Romance) Online

Authors: Natasha Moore

Tags: #Her Royal Romance Book #1

BOOK: Her Royal Masquerade (Her Royal Romance)
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“I’m late. Be ready for dinner. I expect your hair down and that you will be dressed appropriately for dinner with me.”

He turned on his heel and left her alone again. Thank goodness she would never be a real princess. Thank goodness they had no future together. He would be too busy to ever spend time with her. Unless he was telling her how to dress or wear her hair. She would have nothing to do all day, except brush her long hair and dress appropriately.

She changed into one of the new dresses she bought, a casual dress for daytime. She slipped into a pair of soft, comfortable flats, then opened the door. “Tony, you have the most boring job in this palace, don’t you?”

He smiled. “No, Miss Holmberg. I don’t think life would ever be boring around you.”

“What a nice thing to say. Are you hungry?”

“I’ll call the kitchen and have something brought up.”

“Can we go down there instead?”



When Vittorio finished his latest briefing, Rico informed him that Mia had taken lunch down in the kitchen with the staff and was still there. If he’d ever had a mistress before, Vittorio was certain she would never have wanted to eat with the staff. That Mia would prefer it didn’t surprise him at all. He smiled as he headed down to the kitchen.

He recognized Mia’s voice as he strode down the hall. He stopped at the door to the staff’s dining room and saw her sitting on the floor surrounded by half a dozen young children. She wore a light green dress that clung to her slight curves and made his mouth water. Mia was telling the children a story, one he had never heard before. She held the children engrossed by the lilt of her voice and the inflections she gave as she told the story.

Vittorio found himself enraptured as well. He leaned against the doorframe and listened. And relaxed. He couldn’t help but laugh at an amusing part of the story and unfortunately, the unexpected sound alerted Mia and the children to his presence.

Mia looked up at him and smiled. “Hello, Your Highness. What a surprise. Are you enjoying the story?”

A half-circle of big brown eyes stared up at him. “Very much,” he replied. “Please continue.”

“Would you like to come in and sit with us?” She patted the floor next to her and the children shifted excitedly to make room for him in their circle.

He could tell she didn’t expect him to take her up on her request. Vittorio doubted any member of royalty had ever sat cross-legged on this floor. No one else in the palace would have even suggested it. He didn’t have much time before his next meeting, but he found himself crossing the floor and joining Mia and the children. He told himself he didn’t want to disappoint the children, but he was afraid the truth was he didn’t want to disappoint Mia. The smile she beamed at him made it all worthwhile.

She was a teacher, he knew that. He’d seen how well she’d interacted with her students on that freezing sidewalk in Stagatland. She held this group’s attention just as well. She finished the story, then asked the children to sing her a Mezzanoan song for her.

Tony stood against the wall near the door to the kitchen, watching over the group. Rico stood by the door from the hallway Vittorio had come through. He knew the security guards’ smooth expressions were carefully schooled. He saw the kitchen staff peeking in from time to time, wide-eyed.

Mia clapped her hands and laughed when the children finished singing one of the local folk tunes. Vittorio had found himself humming along with the familiar tune. “Wonderful!” she cried. “Maybe you will share another one with me some other time.” The children nodded eagerly. “Thank you for letting me tell you a story, but I have to go now.”

The children groaned but quickly jumped up and ran into the other room. Mia turned to Vittorio and smiled. He rose to his feet and then held out his hand to help her up. His arms found their way around her. She smelled like sunshine. And something darker, something sexier. He wished he could stay there and breathe her in for hours.

Rico cleared his throat. “Your Highness…”

“You have to go,” Mia said softly, her eyes suddenly sad.

“Yes.” He released her and stepped back. “Thank you for the story.” Her eyes brightened and he was glad he’d thought to give voice to the small words of appreciation. “I will see you at dinner.”

She nodded. He turned away with the strange feeling that he was leaving something every bit as important as what he was heading toward.




Chapter Eight



Mia checked her phone as soon as she got back to the room. A text from Annika. A missed call from her mother. Nothing from Birgitte.

Relief she shouldn’t have felt made her legs weak and she sank into the chair. How could she resist falling for the prince when he did something like sit on the floor with the children to hear a simple Stagatlandian folk tale? When she’d invited him to join them in the circle, she never imagined he’d agree. She’d been certain he would say he was too busy, that he had another important meeting and she was certain it would have been true.

Instead, His Very Royal Highness had dropped right down onto the hard floor in his gazillion dollar suit and sang along with the children when they serenaded her. Her heart warmed again as she remembered. How could she fight against that? She’d tried being mouthy, but he didn’t seem to mind when she talked back to him. Incredibly, he seemed to enjoy it.

What did she do now?

The biggest part of her said to enjoy it while she could. Enjoy
while she could.

Birgitte couldn’t hide out forever. Before long Mia would be back in Stagatland, teaching her students and walking through the snow to her little house. Alone again.

The little corner of her conscience that said she should be ashamed of herself for agreeing to be any man’s mistress was shushed by the part that remembered the gentle way he’d kissed her. The passionate way he’d made love to her.

No. Not made love. Had sex. It had been incredible whatever she called it.

She could still fight him. Still demand to be taken back home. But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. The simple truth was she wanted to stay.

It was time to dress for dinner in something appropriate. She opened the closet door and gasped when she found it full of nearly all of the outfits she’d tried on that morning. Many more than she’d agreed to purchase.

So the agreeable personal shopper must have gone to His Highness and he’d ignored Mia’s wishes. Someone had come in here while she was gone and added the rest of the clothing she’d tried on that morning. The conscientious corner of her brain told her to refuse to wear them. To leave them here when she left and he could give them to his next mistress.

Or his new bride.

But the rest of her mind, the go-for-it-while-you-can part, told her to accept it all. She ran her hand appreciatively over the beautiful fabrics. She remembered how perfectly the red dress had fit her. And how nice the soft black one had felt against her skin.

He’d brought her here in the first place. She should let him spread some of that royal wealth around. Let him spend it on her. She should take them all home with her as well because the thought of some other woman wearing the clothes Vittorio bought for her made her stomach twist. Made both parts of her brain hurt.

So if he wanted her to have all these clothes, she would pick something that would make his eyes pop out of his head. Something so different from what she usually wore. Something totally inappropriate for dinner.

She grabbed the silver gown that shimmered like moonlight and had clung to her body like a second skin when she’d tried it on this morning. Mia never would have chosen a dress like this. When would she ever wear it?

Apparently, this evening.

She slipped it on and tears prickled her eyes as she studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. She looked amazing. Powerful. Sexy. Desirable. Perhaps this was an appropriate dress for a mistress to wear for dinner with her lover. She decided against the silver sandals with the stiletto heels. She loved the fact that it was warm enough to go barefoot. Besides, it was much more comfortable to go barefoot.

That Vittorio had told her he thought her bare feet were sexy had nothing at all to do with her decision.

She’d never worn much make up when she wasn’t masquerading as Birgitte. Luckily what she did use was in her purse. It didn’t take long for her to brush on some eye shadow and mascara. To slick a little gloss on her lips. It took almost no time at all.

If she were home and waiting for her lover, she’d be making the dinner right now. She’d be worried about how it would turn out and if it would be ready on time. She’d wear old clothes until the very last minute so she didn’t get any stains on her fancy dress. Her hair would be piled on top of her head so it wouldn’t be in the way and then she’d have to style it at the last minute. Inviting a guy over for dinner had always been a stressful situation.

Now as Mia paced around the prince’s suite, she almost wished she was home, running around like crazy trying to get everything done. She had nothing to do here but wait for Vittorio and wonder when Birgitte would call her back. Mia paced the room and had nothing to do but remember his taste on her tongue, his hands on her skin. His dark gaze. His wry sense of humor.

His body wrapped around hers. His mouth on her. Arousing her. Heating her.

Her steps grew longer. Faster. Where was he? How long would he keep her waiting?

Mia rushed to the door and flung it open. Tony wasn’t standing guard there as he had been all day. Rico stood there now. He straightened immediately. Took a step toward her. When his eyes widened and he looked her up and down, she remembered what she was wearing. It probably wasn’t the best idea to open the door wearing the shimmery bit of nothing she chose for Vittorio eyes.

Rico’s eyes flew back up to her face. “Is something wrong, Miss Holmberg?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and forced a smile. “Doesn’t the prince give you any time off?”

He smiled back. “Occasionally.”

“Well, I’ll tell him you deserve more time off.”

Rico laughed. “I appreciate the thought.”

She couldn’t bear to go back into the empty suite, so she leaned against the door frame.

“I’m just bored. And warm. I’m not used to the heat here.” She’d never admit to the restless anticipation that left her on edge.

“Is there something I can do for you until the prince arrives?” Rico asked. “I know he doesn’t like to leave you waiting. He’s looking forward to having dinner with you.”

Whether or not he was actually speaking for Vittorio, Mia recognized there was a comfortable familiarity between him and Rico. “Have you known the prince for a long time?”

“We grew up together. My parents have been on staff here my entire life. You didn’t hear it from me, but the prince and I got into our share of trouble together growing up.”

Mia smiled at the affection in the big guard’s voice. She could picture a young Vittorio and Rico causing terror in the palace. She laughed. “I can imagine. I know he appreciates your friendship and loyalty.”

“Thank you for saying so, Miss Holmberg.”

“So has your boss given you any idea how long he will be?”

Rico glanced at his watch. “He should be along any time now.”

Mia nodded and stepped back into the room. “I know he’s busy. Thank you, Rico.” Before she could close the door, she heard the rapid footsteps coming down the hallway. She peeked out of the doorway and saw Vittorio approaching. The incredible joy she felt was frightening, still she couldn’t resist stepping out in the hallway to greet him. “Good evening, Your Highness.”

Vittorio glanced between her and Rico. He turned to his head of security and glowered. “Have you and Mia been having a good time while I was gone?” There was that hot-blooded hotheadedness.

Rico snapped to attention. “No, sir. Miss Holmberg was merely inquiring when you would be here.”

“I got bored, Vittorio. I’m not used to this wait-around-for-the-prince stuff.”

“So you decided to flirt with my guard instead?”

“Don’t be an ass, Your Highness.” Mia grabbed Vittorio’s hand, looked over his shoulder at Rico and rolled her eyes. “One would think you were jealous.” She rose up on her bare toes and kissed the prince’s cheek. “Come. You look tired. Rico, could you tell the kitchen we’ll be ready for dinner in half an hour.”

“Yes, Miss Holmberg.”

Mia drew Vittorio into the room and closed the door behind them. Vittorio pulled her into his arms, buried his face in her hair. “Bad day?” she murmured.

“I thought I would never get here.” He kissed her temple, found the bare skin revealed by the dress’s low back with his hot hands and murmured in appreciation.

“Me too.” She melted into him. She was so lost. All the soul searching she’d done didn’t mean a thing now that she was in his arms. Now that she knew that no matter how hard she’d tried not to, she’d fallen in love with this man. This prince.

There was nothing but heartbreak in the future, she knew that, but there was nothing she could do about it now. As long as she was able, she would spend whatever time she could with him. She would make as many memories as she could and gather them up to keep her company when he found his royal bride.

That it might be Birgitte made her chest ache even more.

But she wasn’t going to think about it now. Mia drew back, placed her palm on his cheek. He looked so tired. “I imagine you want a shower before dinner.”

His gaze burned. “I want you more.”

You have me.
The words almost escaped her lips, but Mia held it back. He didn’t need to know that. She could never declare her love. She reached up to the slender shoulder strap. “Do you like my dress?”

“Very much. Take it off.”

She loved the hunger on his face. Loved knowing that she put it there. She’d always thought a mistress was a weak woman, but Mia felt incredibly powerful at this moment. She grinned slyly. “Is it not appropriate for dinner with a prince?”

“Yes, but not for what I have in mind at the moment.”

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