Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (121 page)

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Arab victory at, 380
battle of, 365–73,
, 383
as military goal, 359, 360, 365
Tala Bey, 285n
Talal el Hareidhin, sheik of Tafas, 341, 417, 419–21, 422, 424
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de, 270
Tell Ahmar, archaeological site at, 197–98
Tell el Shehab, bridge at, 334–40, 341, 343, 352, 410
Thatcher, Lady Margaret, 449
’at Hamilton Woman
(film), 690n
Theater Guild, 596
Thomas, Fran, 493
Thomas, Lowell, 353–54, 366, 478–82
in Aqaba, 383–88
in Jerusalem, 354
and “Lawrence of Arabia” films, 361, 384, 386, 387, 690, 693
and “Lawrence of Arabia” myth, 355–56, 361, 385, 388, 442, 443, 479–82, 493–94, 526, 623, 662, 695, 698
London performance of, 492–94
as promoter, 478, 480, 493, 593n
With Lawrence in Arabia
, 140n, 321, 385, 386, 525–26, 603, 624, 662, 689, 696
Thomas à Becket, 405
Thompson, R. Campbell, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 202
Thompson, W. H., 518–19, 522
Thomson, Christopher B., Lord, 646, 647–49, 650, 651, 652, 656
Thorndyke, Dame Sybil, 596
Thurtle, Ernest, 639–40, 641
, the (London):
and Lawrence obituary, 671
Lawrence’s letters to, 199, 464, 486, 505, 593
Literary Supplement
, 623
Sunday Times
, 582n, 583
Tolstoy, Leo,
War and Peace
, 319
Townshend, Charles, 287, 288, 289–90, 295
Toynbee, Arnold, 472, 473, 506
Trad, and Anazeh tribe, 423, 424
Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1st Viscount Trenchard:
and Lawrence’s fame, 635, 638, 639, 643
Lawrence’s letters to, 210, 580, 597, 615–16, 619, 624, 625–26, 628, 631, 633, 640, 642, 656
and Lawrence’s RAF enlistment, 537, 540–41, 542–43, 550, 559, 564–65, 569, 572
and Lawrence’s re-enlistment, 591, 605, 606
Lawrence’s relationship with, 236, 514, 537, 597, 639, 648, 650
and Lawrence’s release from RAF, 569, 572, 574, 575–76, 639
and Lawrence’s transfers in RAF, 617, 635, 640, 660
as metropolitan commissioner of police, 653
’e Mint
, 553–54
and RAF, 514, 536
RAF Benefolent Fund created by, 622
retirement of, 648, 653
Seven Pillars
, 615–16, 617, 624
Trotsky, Leon, 280
Tucker, Sophie, 630
Tunisia, as French colonial possession, 442
aircraft of, 14, 52, 409–10
Armenian genocide by, 37, 221, 223, 263, 304, 373, 398, 475–76
army of,
Turkish army
and British foreign policy, 12–13
diverse population of, 225, 253, 304
legal code of, 56
Muslims in, 14
and negotiated peace, 301–2, 303–6, 398–99
peace with Russia, 381, 398
railroads of, 24,
, 297, 309, 530–31
strategic importance of, 12–13
war with Balkan states, 215, 218, 222
and World War I, 246
“Young Turks” in, 163, 168, 185, 199
see also
Ottoman Empire
Turki, tribal leader, 391
Turkish army:
Arab actions against, 99–100;
see also specific sites
with Central Powers in World War I, 10, 13, 233, 249–50
corruption of, 4–5, 215
cruelty to prisoners, 5, 36–37, 85n, 96, 288, 325, 349
firefight with, 98
German support of, 20, 36, 104, 285, 287, 311, 391, 411, 416, 421, 423, 424
guarding archaeological sites, 192
Lawrence’s knowledge about, 7, 258
official handbook of, 258
in retreat, 412, 413, 414, 415–17, 422–23, 428–29
strategies of, 27, 70
superiority to Arabian army, 20, 35, 36, 53, 57
surrender of, 101–2, 292, 412, 697
underestimated by British, 4
Turkish Museum, 193
Turkish navy, 246–47
and German warships, 248–50
Tutankhamun, King, tomb of, 203n
Twain, Mark, 386
“Twenty-Seven Articles” (Lawrence), 56
Um Lejj, Arab army at, 63
airstrip constructed at, 414
railway demolition at, 407–11
United Arab Republic, 697
U.S. Army, 686
Verdun, battle of, 45
Vickers-Supermarine Aviation Works, 643
Vickery, Charles, 63, 64, 65, 66
Victoria Cross, 112, 113n, 143, 373, 518
Vietcong, 309
Voltaire, 253, 688
Wadi Ais:
Abdulla’s camp at, 60, 71, 73, 74, 76
Arab position in, 60, 63, 76
Lawrence’s journey to, 73–74
Wadi Hamdh, 65
Wadi Hesa, 365
Wadi Itm, 101–2
Wadi Rumm, 312–13, 329
Wadi Safra, Lawrence’s visits to, 30–31, 37–38, 42, 52–53
Wadi Sirhan, 90, 92, 95, 96, 281
Wadi Yenbo, 52–59
Wahhabi tribe, as followers of ibn Saud, 55, 88, 483, 484, 526, 625
Walpole, Hugh, 617
war cabinet, Eastern Committee:
Lawrence’s meetings with, 444–47, 451–52, 456, 461
reports from Middle East to, 454–55
War Office:
Lawrence’s duties with, 7, 485
Lawrence’s oÃenses against, 505
Wasta, hospitality in, 30–31
Waugh, Evelyn, 482
Officers and Gentlemen
, 236
, 361
Wavell, A. P., 626, 687
on Lawrence’s demolition skills, 408
Lawrence’s friendship with, 236, 321
and Lawrence’s funeral, 679
on Lawrence’s writing, 369, 373, 594
Waziristan, RAF station in, 631–34
Webb, Beatrice, 470, 570
Webb, Sidney, 570
Weintraub, Stanley, 397
Weizmann, Chaim, 531
Weizmann-Feisal discussions, 399–400, 463, 465–68, 476
Arab army move to, 60–61, 64–66, 76, 307
Arab capture of, 66, 68
Feisal’s camp at, 69–70, 81
Turkish control of, 21, 64
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, duke of, 112, 145, 373, 688, 690
Wells, H. G., 617, 659
Wemyss, Sir Rosslyn, 44, 45, 83, 108
West, Anthony, 659
West, Rebecca, 659
Wigram, Clive, 439, 447
Wilde, Oscar, 157, 556
William II, Kaiser, 351, 453
Williamson, Henry, 675–76
Wilson, Sir Arnold, 517, 593n
Wilson, Cyril, 62, 90
in Jidda, 11, 14, 49, 51, 60, 300
Lawrence recommended for DSO by, 112
and plans for Arab Revolt, 40, 82
Wilson, Jeremy, Lawrence’s correspondence edited by, 694–95
Wilson, Jeremy:
Lawrence of Arabia
, 695
on Arab-Turkish negotiations, 398
on Bruce, 582n
on Feisal portrait, 504
on Lawrence in RAF, 552, 564
on Lawrence’s embellishments of his story, 442
on Lawrence’s sailing skills, 662
on Lawrence’s schooling, 151
on Lawrence’s wartime accomplishments, 694
Seven Pillars
, 500, 574
on Thomas’s time with Lawrence, 385
Wilson, Michael, 692
Wilson, Woodrow:
on European colonial acquisitions, 305
Fourteen Points of, 454, 455
meeting of Lawrence and, 472–73
Middle East commitments avoided by, 475, 476, 484
and Paris Peace Conference, 210, 454, 458, 460, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476
on secret treaties, 414, 444, 455
and Thomas, 353, 384
Winckler, Hugo, 184
Wingate, Orde, 29, 687
Wingate, Sir Reginald, 44–47,
, 236, 277
as British high commissioner in Egypt, 45, 273
as governor-general of Sudan, 12, 27, 36, 44, 257
and Kitchener, 246
and Lawrence’s assignments, 49, 252
and Lawrence’s military strategies, 29, 112, 298, 518, 687
personal traits of, 46–47
and RFC aircraft, 14, 52
of Egyptian army, 282
as supporter of Arab Revolt, 44, 45, 47, 76
Winterton, Lord Edward, 408, 417–18, 424, 425, 440, 443, 610
Wood, C. E., 326, 336, 337
Wood, Gar, 649

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