Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (114 page)

BOOK: Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia
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and ST 200 handbook, 653
Gasein (goldsmith), 300
Gasim (stranger from Maan), 86–87, 418
Allenby’s attack on, 323, 325, 326, 331–34, 352
defense of, 285
Egyptian Expeditionary Force at, 4, 104–5
stalemate at, 104–6
Turkish control of, 21, 41, 59, 89, 91, 284–85, 291
Gee, Sergeant Major, 544, 545
Genet, Jean, 344
Geneva Conventions, 85n
Geographical Section of General Staà (GSGS), 250–51, 252
Georges-Picot, François:
flight at war’s outbreak, 35n, 266
and Jerusalem, 353, 356
and Sykes-Picot agreement, 38, 275–81
and Syria, 440, 442, 445
George V, king of England:
and Feisal, 465
honors oÃered to Lawrence by, 447–50, 486, 516
and Lawrence’s accident and death, 679, 680
Lawrence’s audiences with, 440, 447–50
Lawrence’s gifts to, 55n, 449
and Lawrence’s military status, 439–40, 486
Lawrence’s relationship with, 46, 666
and politicians, 447, 450
as stamp collector, 522
and supporters of the Arab Revolt, 44
Thomas’s show attended by, 481
and World War I, 663
German army:
discipline in, 227
in World War I, 10, 232, 242, 246, 275, 378, 381
German navy, and Turkish navy, 248–50
aircraft supplied to Turkey by, 14
and archaeological sites, 184, 216
in Central Powers, 232, 233
colonial possessions of, 453
, 646
Nazi regime in, 531
postwar demands on, 454, 468
railways built by, 168, 199, 202, 208, 209, 214, 215, 240
surrender of, 453
Turkish army supported by, 20, 36, 104, 285, 287, 311, 391, 411, 416, 421, 423, 424
zeppelins, 646–47
Gettysburg, battle of, 367
Geziret Faraun, island of, 238
Gibson Girls, 644
Gilbert, Martin, 248
Godefroy de Bouillon, 275
Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von der, 287–88
Gone with the Wind
(film), 694
Gordon, Charles George (Gordon of Khartoum), 12, 45, 321, 478
Graves, Philip, 255
Graves, Robert:
Goodbye to All That
, 265, 624n
Lawrence and the Arabian Adventure
, 321, 611, 624–25, 627, 662, 689, 696
on Lawrence at Oxford, 161–62, 174, 491
on Lawrence’s audience with George V, 448, 449, 450
Lawrence’s correspondence with, 446, 447, 448, 524, 656, 669, 671
on Lawrence’s early years, 159
Lawrence’s friendship with, 508, 589
Lawrence’s obituary updated by, 671
on Lawrence’s personal traits, 140n, 666–67
Lawrence’s version of his story to, 321, 442, 446, 447, 448, 577
and RFC history, 598
Seven Pillars
, 497, 592
and Turkish army handbook, 258
Great Depression, 619
Greek-Turkish War (1897), 246
Green, Thomas Hill, 136
Greene, Graham, 449
Grey, Sir Edward, 181, 242, 260, 270
Guevara, Che, 686
Guilfoyle, W. J. Y., 560–61, 566, 569, 574, 575
Guinness, Alec, 693
Gulf of Aqaba, 1–2
Gurschner, Herbert, portrait of Lawrence by, 684,
Arab encampment at, 312, 358, 374–75
motor road to, 359
Hacim (Hajim) Bey, 342–43, 346, 351, 421
Haidar Pasha, 168
Haifa, British capture of, 412
Haig, Sir Douglas, 105, 323
Haj Wahid (cook), 207
Hall-Smith, Guthrie, 503
Hall-Smith, Janet (Laurie), 131, 159–61, 227, 490–91, 503–4, 529, 658
Hamed the Moor, 72–73, 74, 87
Hamid Fakhri Bey (Fakhri Pasha):
Arab strategies against, 41, 60, 63
and Armenian genocide, 37
Beni Ali village destroyed by, 37
at Medina, 66–67, 70
at Tafileh, 365, 367, 370
Hamoudi, Sheikh, 193, 196, 197, 198, 211, 226–27, 228, 262
arrival in, 31–32
departure from, 42
Hardinge, Lord Charles, 272
Hardy, Mrs. Thomas, 679
Hardy, Thomas, 589, 590, 594, 597, 608, 617, 618, 626
Harmsworth, Hon. Esmond, 673
Hashemite family:
contest for power, 506
Lawrence’s ambitions for, 80, 524
presence in Iraq and Jordan, 511, 517
Hassan Chowish, 342
Hassan Shah, 327
Hedley, Walter Coote, 233, 251, 252
Hejaz Operations StaÃ, 374, 375
Hejaz region:
Christians murdered in, 16–17
desert blindness in, 312–13
desert of, 23–24
holiest Islam cities in, 10
hostility toward Europeans in, 21, 24
Hussein’s position in, 88, 299
as independent Arab state, 292
journeys to interior of, 18–21, 49
military strategy in, 83, 379–80
motor vehicles used in, 357–58, 359–60, 377, 396, 626
railway in, 21, 24,
supply route across, 12
wells in, 21, 25, 43, 60, 71, 86, 92, 95
Hemingway, Ernest, 73, 672
A Farewell to Arms
, 319, 353
Henry II, king of England, 405
Herbert, Aubrey:
and Arab Bureau, 284
and Intelligence Department, Cairo, 252, 253, 255
at Kut Al-Amara, 5, 288–90
peace negotiations with Turks, 398
Herodotus, 594
Hewlett, Maurice, 205, 206, 218
Higham, David, 665
, 646
Hippocleides, 594–95n
Hirtzel, Sir Arthur, 454–55, 485
Hitler, Adolf, 675
ancient city at Carchemish, 184–85, 193, 196, 199, 204, 210, 214, 216, 224, 240
facial features of, 196
Tell Ahmar mound, 197
, 248
, 109, 292, 299
Duke of Edinburgh
, 223
, 248
, 44
, 292
, 457
, 291
, 301, 302
, 311, 326
, 463–64,
, 43–44, 59
Hoare, Sir Samuel, 572, 575, 602, 639, 640
Ho Chi Minh, 29, 686
Hodgson, W. G., 414
Hogarth, David G., 181–83, 322, 506
Arab Bulletin
, 283
and Arab Bureau, 252, 273, 274, 284
and Arab Revolt, 292
and Ashmolean Museum, 141, 155, 182, 222
in Beirut, 189–90
and Carchemish site, 185–86, 191, 193, 195, 208, 209–10, 215, 222, 239, 240
death of, 626, 662
and Lawrence’s interest in archaeology, 141, 166, 183, 190, 201, 224
and Lawrence’s mental anguish, 376–78, 400, 590, 591
and Lawrence’s travels, 188–89, 335
as mentor to Lawrence, 7, 155–56, 166, 177, 182, 183, 190, 195, 204, 210, 234, 250, 251, 355, 377–78, 484–85, 489, 513, 608
and Palestine Exploration Fund, 234
portrait of, 675
Seven Pillars
, 496, 497, 593, 598
and Thomas’s film, 387
Holocaust, 400, 468, 531
Holroyd, Sir Michael, 397, 570, 596
House, Edward, 454n, 492
Howard, G. Wren, 567
Howard, Leslie, 668, 691
Howeitat tribe:
Auda Abu Tayi as leader of, 68–69, 81, 87, 99, 301, 330
Bell’s information on, 242
at Guweira, 312
hostility toward Europeans by, 403
military actions of, 99, 100, 311, 318
on the move, 88–89, 90
Hughes, Howard, 637
Humphreys, Sir Francis, 634, 635
Hurley, W. M. M., 629
Hussein, Saddam, 532
Hussein ibn Ali-el-Aun, sharif,
and British funding, 285
British negotiations with, 82, 525–27, 528
and British promises, 14, 266, 399–400, 401, 452, 454, 455
British support requested (and then refused) by, 27, 60

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