He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (16 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2)
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Shit! Do I want to play games?

“Spread your legs, baby.” His tone is low, commanding, and oh so sexual. Slowly I move my legs. “Now move one hand and rest it on your thigh.”

I do as I’m told. My skin feels warm under my touch.

“Now move your hand slowly—gently does it. This is my touch against your soft, hot skin. Feel it. You want more. You’re longing for my touch.” I imagine that his fingers are delicately running across my skin.

“Now move your hand all the way up to your breast. Feel how hard your nipple is? Now my hand is moving south again. Stroking your soft, sensitive skin. Your skin is burning with desire, trembling under my touch.”

Holy fuck. I don’t think I’m capable of taking this all the way he wants.

“Don’t think about it, baby.” How does he do that?

“Now move both hands inside your thighs and stroke gently. Nowhere else

I slowly trail my fingers delicately along the inside of my thighs, careful not to go any higher even though my body is radiating with desire for that touch. I feel him watching me. I can almost feel where his fingers are going next.

“How do you feel so far, baby?”

“Turned on.”

“That makes two of us then.”

A tremor runs through my body at his words. I didn’t think this would have the same effect on him. “Are you ready? My touch is about to get much more interesting.”

“Yes,” I whisper, barely recognising my own voice.

“I am moving one finger all over you, back and forth. You’re wet and throbbing. Can you feel that?”

My reply is a soft moan.

“I want to be inside you—now.”

I slide two fingers deep inside and gasp as my body accepts what is about to happen. The pressure is building deep within me. It’s only a matter of time.

“I am going deeper and deeper. And you are so close. I can feel it.”

It’s building. It’s rising all the way to the top.

“Libby. Now.”

His voice takes me all the way over the edge, and I shatter like fireworks lighting up the night sky. Intense.

I feel him re-join me on the bed and his mouth crashes on mine, but it is soft and firm, not hard and fast as I expected it. I lose myself completely. My hands move and I’m clutching his back. He pulls away slowly. His mouth moves south at a slow, leisurely pace. His hands move between my legs and spread them, leaving me wide open and feeling a bit vulnerable. He doesn’t do anything for a moment, leaving me wanting and longing for his touch. The silence in the air hangs almost uncomfortably between us.

Maybe it’s because I’m anticipating his next move, although given the position I’m in, it’s a dead giveaway.

I can’t even hear his breathing over my own. I can still feel his presence on the bed; that’s the only reason I know he is still right with me.

“Alex,” I plead as I wriggle on the bed out of frustration.

And then he’s there. His touch is soft and delicate. His fingers are barely touching me, but they’re almost certain to cause the same amount of damage
The pleasure is already building within me, which surprises me.

I feel his head dip between my legs, and his smooth tongue goes to work, teasing and licking. I grab the bed sheets in my fists. I am trying,
really trying,
to keep my body still, all to no avail. My body has a mind of its own when it comes to Alex. It defies me at every turn, but in the best way possible.

My body rocks back and forth as he continues licking. I know I’m close, but I don’t want this to end. He was one hundred percent right when he said this would feel intense. My pleasure levels are off the scale. Again and again. Back and forth.

“Alex,” I cry as I explode around him. He continues licking, drawing out my orgasm until there is nothing left within me. Finally I lie still. The only sound in the room is my rapid breathing, which I don’t think I’m capable of controlling.

“Baby, you okay?”


“You do know I’m not finished with you, right?”

“Yes.” I fidget with the scarf.

“Uh, no you don’t. That can stay in place.” If he could see my eyes now, he would know I was rolling them at him, but he can see me
“Libby, less of the faces.”

“But I want to see you now.”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s been quite interesting watching you—how would you put it?—squirm under my touch.”

“Alex . . .”

He moves and crawls slowly and painstakingly back up my body. Wow, he’s there, pushing against me. When did he remove his boxers? He leans down, and his mouth finds mine roughly. His hands go around my neck and run through my hair, tugging it as he goes. I feel him fumble with the scarf.

“Hi, gorgeous,” he says, removing the scarf from my eyes. I blink rapidly, trying to focus on the man in front of me—
my man.

“Hi, yourself.” I smile, watching his eyes.

“So, was that okay?”

“You already asked that. And I’m sure my answer was yes. You were right about how intense that would be. I had no idea it would feel so good.”

“So you wouldn’t be opposed to doing that again?”

“No,” I reply, holding his gaze as he enters me. I sigh. Two become one in that one swift movement.

“I want you,” he says as he slowly slides back and forth. “No, I

“I need you too.” My words come out in a whisper.

Our eyes stay fixated on each other as we both climb higher. I wrap my legs around him, needing to feel more of him. Deeper. My eyes close, and the moan I hear comes from my own throat.

“Open, baby. I need to see you when you fall apart.”

I open them and try to focus, but it feels like a lost cause. My body is too focused on the sensations that are sweeping through my body again, until I catch his eyes, totally focused on me.

Back and forth. Quicker and quicker.

We match each other thrust for thrust.

His lips meet mine with passion and force and his tongue delves into my mouth.

“So close,” he groans.

His words are all it takes. I lose myself as he continues to plunge in and out, milking every last trace of pleasure before he completely loses it and comes, calling my name.

“Fuck, Libby, you do know I love you, right?” he says, rolling off me. We both lie still. The only sound in the room is our breaths slowing. “So, baby, have you worked up an appetite?”

“Yes, maybe a little,” I tease. It earns me a playful kiss.

“Okay, then you go shower and do whatever you do so that you’re ready for Sophie. Me, I’ll go and see what I can find to eat.” He moves from the bed.


“Yeah?” He turns and flashes his dazzling smile.

“Thank you for this,” I say opening out the scarf, and wrapping it around me, feeling the silk against my skin.

heading down the grand staircase in search of him, all ready for my day with Sophie. I have thrown on my checked shirt so I don’t have to mess up my hair trying to pull a top over my head later tonight. I am looking forward to today, although I have to admit I’m going to miss Alex.

I find him in the living room, freshly showered he must’ve showered in another room. He’s leaning against those massive windows on his phone, jogging pants hanging low on his hips and his muscular back bare. I sigh as I take him in.

He turns and smiles as if sensing what I’m thinking, and then turns back to the view.

“No, bro, we’re good, and Libby is cool . . . Seriously, she had better stay out of my way tonight . . . No, if she so much as looks in Libby’s direction, I won’t be responsible for my actions . . . So you okay to come with me today . . . Yeah, great. I’ll get you after we drop Libby and Sophie . . . See you soon.” With that he ends his call.

I walk slowly toward him and wrap my arms around his waist and lean against him. “What happened to food?”

“I had to take that call from Michael. There was a problem at my hotel for tonight, so we had to sort that out. Can’t have Emma stressing about anything else, can we?” He turns and takes me into his arms.

“Oh, I didn’t realise the party was at your hotel. I’m curious to see it.”

“We could leave earlier tonight and I could give you a tour.”

“I’d like that. Now come on. Let’s see what’s in that kitchen of yours for eating.”

I take his hand and lead him through to the kitchen.

“Sit,” I say, pointing to the stool.

“Bossy this morning, Miss Stewart.”

First things first; I put a kettle on for some tea. I find everything without much help from Alex. Joan keeps a well-stocked kitchen with everything in the obvious places. It’s not long before I’m sitting beside Alex with scrambled eggs and bacon in front of both of us, along with tea.

“I could get used to this,” he says between mouthfuls.

“Used to what?”

“You in the kitchen. I could watch you all day; you move with such grace.”

“I will take that as a compliment, but don’t get too used to it because I’m hoping that in a few weeks’ time, you’ll have dinner waiting for me when I come home from work.”

“So I’m staying with you then? I think I might miss the hotel.”

“I can book you a room at the hotel if you wish.”

“Would you join me there?”


“In that case, I’m staying with you. You do remember I’ll be there for a few weeks this time, right? I was planning to bring Murphy with me, but that could cause a few issues, first with Joan and second with you.”

“Yes, I know. You have interviews to do and need to get everything up and running for the casinos. I hadn’t realised. They’re both more than welcome at the hotel or at mine, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

He looks surprised. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, you need Murphy and I like Joan.” So am I, but they’re nice people, and it makes sense if his stay is an extended one. But I’m not sure what Joan will find to do there all day. “Now, if that’s sorted out, I’m sure your time will be taken up with work and whatever else you have plans for when you’re there.”

“The only other plans for my stay involve you. Now get eating.”

The rest of the morning we relax on the sofa in the great living room, listening to music and talking about everything and nothing of great importance. His phone rings a few times, but he doesn’t answer it, letting it go straight to voice mail and saying he can deal with anything this afternoon while I’m away with Sophie.

“Come on, missy, it’s time we were going to get Sophie for your girlie afternoon.” He takes my hand as he stands, pulling me off the couch at the same time. I’m too relaxed to move.

“Okay. Are you coming as well?”

“Yeah, Murphy and I will drop you both off before I go with Michael. I have a few errands to run this afternoon, but I’ll be home before you get back.” He leans forward and places a lingering kiss on my lips. “You’ll have enough time to change. Then we can set off early, and you can get a grand tour of the hotel. No doubt you’ll have an opinion about how it looks.”

“I’m sure I will.”

We head down in the elevator, as Alex calls it. I still call it a lift—always have and always will. Murphy is waiting beside the same car I was in yesterday.

“Miss Stewart.” Murphy opens the door for me. I do love his voice.

“Hi, Murphy.” My reply is chirpy as I slide into the car, flashing Murphy my widest smile. I can’t help it—I’m in such a good mood.

Alex speaks with Murphy outside the car before sliding in next to me. “You seem happy.”

“Of course I’m happy,” I say, smiling. “The man in my life is sending me for a pamper day. Who wouldn’t be happy with that?”

“Is that the only reason you’re in such a good mood?”

“No, there are a number of other reasons,” I tease. He shakes his head as he takes my hand.

We haven’t been driving that long when we stop in front of a familiar dress shop——Sophie’s
I turn and look at Alex, questioning him with a stare.

“Sophie’s been working all morning. That’s why we’re here.”

“I see.”

He leans over and gives me a kiss as Murphy opens the door for Sophie.

“Get a room, you two,” Sophie says. “No—on second thought, leave that until tonight. I’m looking forward to our day. No men, unless it’s a hunky masseur.”

“Sophie . . .”

“What, Alex?”

“Behave. Don’t be leading Libby astray.”

“I think it’s too late for that,” I butt in. “You’ve already done that.”

“See?” Sophie says. “I knew the moment I first saw you that you and I were going to get along great. My dear brother is not used to someone—
—answering him back. He’s used to getting his own way.” With the exception of Katherine, I think to myself.

“Oh, that makes two of us,” I say, laughing. “I think I face challenging times ahead.” I look straight into Alex’s eyes, thinking about our separate lives.

Alex drops us off, with a stern warning to behave ourselves, outside an extremely luxurious beauty room. Before the car has even left the curb, Sophie has linked her arm with mine and is leading me toward the door, waving him off.

The lady behind the desk greets Sophie by name. “Miss Mathews, how lovely to see you. And this must be the famous Libby?”

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