He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (12 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2)
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He closes his eyes as he shakes his head at me. He remains like that for what seems like an eternity, deep in thought, before finally letting go and opening his eyes. “You seem to have a rather valid point, Miss Stewart.” The corners of his mouth start to turn, and before I know it, he rises to his feet and takes off his shirt. “Now, where were we?” He trails off as he lunges at me on the bed and starts to tickle me, making me giggle like a schoolgirl.

From hot to cold and then back to hot again. I’m having trouble keeping up.

His onslaught of tickling continues for another few minutes. I twist and turn and wriggle, trying to get away from him, but I don’t. I don’t want to either. He has a fun side to him that I adore, and I don’t see that side of him often enough. He’s a big kid at heart.

“I love hearing you giggle, so relaxed and carefree,” he says as he turns me on the bed so that I’m face-to-face with him.

Our eyes lock, and our connection is made. I’m sure that if I listened closely enough, I would hear the sparks between us. My heart skips a beat as I take in the beauty of the man hovering above me.

“And here I was thinking I was always relaxed and carefree—when I’m around you, at least.”

I throw my arms around his neck and pull him toward me, and in an instant his mouth is on mine, devouring me, consuming me. The feel of his skin against mine is sheer bliss. The heat radiates from his body, sealing my body’s fate.

The wanting.

The needing.

The longing.

My fate was sealed the minute I boarded the plane back home in Glasgow. I knew exactly what I was letting myself in for spending the weekend here.

He breaks our kiss, pulling away, and lets his head fall to the side of my neck. His breath against my neck slowly returns to a somewhat normal pace.

“I’m certain my words earlier today were something along the lines of me wanting to worship your body. Am I correct?”

I nod slowly as an image flashes through my mind, and I grin.

“Ah, I see that pleases you.”

“You always seem to please me. We don’t need to have sex for that.”

“So you don’t want me to do this?” he says, kissing me on my neck. “Or this?” He moves his hand and runs it down the side of my body, softly teasing. “Or what about this?” He brushes his hand lightly against my breast.

“Shit. Okay, okay, I give in. We don’t need sex, but I do want it.” I wriggle beneath him.

He stills and stares. “Oh, baby, I didn’t say anything about sex. Pleasure, yes, and there will be plenty of it.” He raises his eyebrows and his lip-curling smile slowly appears again.

God, I’m done for. All I want is to taste those lips again. Anything else is an added bonus.

“Can we cancel tonight?” I plead.

He laughs. “Feel free to go and tell Joan, and then you can call my mother, because there is no way in hell I’m telling either of those women. My life would not be worth living. You’ve already pointed that out to me today.”

“Okay, point made. I—” I don’t get the chance to finish, because I’m getting what I wanted—tasting those lips.

Before long, he pulls himself out of my reach and begins a slow torturous descent down my body. I let out a low moan as his kisses reach my abdomen, not because of the kisses themselves but because I know exactly where he’s heading. He spreads my legs, making me ready for him. He’s not even touched me there yet, and, already, the sensations are building within me.

He changes position and his eyes meet mine, burning with desire. He dips between my legs, and at the first feel of his tongue, my eyes close and I block out everything and react to him. Slowly and carefully, each soft touch has every nerve ending in my body standing at attention.

This feels so different from the times he’s done this before; it’s hard to describe. He continues caressing me with his tongue, and I am so close. The desire builds. I let out a low moan and he stops. What the hell?

My eyes fly open and I look at him. He smiles and carries on as if nothing has happened. He licks and sucks, both so sensually. My hips move of their own accord, rocking back and forth against him.

“Alex, I’m close . . .” I don’t finish my sentence, because he stops again and leaves me with all this desire and frustration building within me. “Alex, please,” I plead.

“Libby.” His voice is soft as he raises his head. “I think you can take more.”

“Alex, no. Please.”

“Yes, Libby,” he says before lowering his head again.

His hands cup my ass, drawing me closer to him. His tongue—words are lost here. He can’t do that to me a third time, and, surely, he won’t. He was right about the pleasure I would have; it’s almost earth-shattering. But if he doesn’t take me all the way to the edge soon, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.

He slides a finger inside as he continues licking, sucking, and kissing me.

“Please,” I plead with him.

“Trust me, baby.”

Again my hips rock against him. I try to hold back because I’m afraid he’ll stop again. I’m hoping and praying he doesn’t. He’s tortured me enough—or not enough, as the case might be. My body disobeys me and carries on, surging forward.

“Alex, please . . .” I whimper.

“Baby, don’t worry.”

I’m not worried!
I just want there to be an end. My hips move back and forth against him. I am so close. He must be able to tell.

“Now, Libby.”

That’s all it takes.

His name rolls off my tongue, and I thrash about on the bed as the orgasm takes over. I sink into the bed, blissful and content. My eyes remain closed, and I can feel sleep creeping over me. The bed shifts and Alex is by my side, placing soft kisses all around my neck.

“Mm,” I say.

“Sorry, baby, I can’t let you sleep. We have about an hour before everyone gets here, and I know how much time you like to get ready,” he teases.

“No,” I say, opening my eyes and gazing straight into his. “Please, even half an hour.”

“Libby, I struggle saying no to you, but come on, up you go. You’ll thank me in the long run. You’re getting longer than thirty minutes to get ready.” He takes my hands as he stands and pulls me up from the bed onto my feet. I shake my head at him. “Come on. You can go shower.”

That wakes me up as an interesting vision runs through my mind.

“Libby, I thought you were sleepy.” The look on my face has obviously given me away.

“Never too sleepy for you. Now, come on,” I say, walking toward the bathroom.

hair at the dresser when he comes out of the bathroom with a towel draped around his waist. I find myself staring, although God knows why. I’ve seen it all before.

“You will burn your hair with that if you don’t move it,” he says, chuckling. “Caught you.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

“Shit.” I switch the hair dryer off and put it down. “You’ll have to move and get ready, because you’re a bit of a distraction standing there.”

“Surely you’ve had your fill of me, Miss Stewart.”

I don’t answer him as he walks away toward his closet. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of him. He is addictive.

My name is Libby Stewart and I have an addiction: Alexander Mathews.

It’s not long before I’ve finished my hair, put some light makeup on, and am slipping the cream dress over my head. I look up to see Alex staring.

“Can I help you with something?” I ask as he closes the distance between us. He looks hot in his jeans and tightly fitted black T-shirt. He is now within touching distance.

“I bought this today,” I say, and give him a twirl. “Do you like?”

“Yes, I love, especially seeing as I can do this.” He runs his hand under the dress and up my leg.

“Don’t, or we won’t be leaving this room anytime soon.” I flip his hand away.

He takes a step back as I slip my feet into the sandals. I feel his burning eyes run all over me.

“So do I pass the test for meeting your family?” I’m not sure why I’m seeking his approval. It could be nerves, although I’m not sure why.

“Oh, baby, you already have my mother’s seal of approval, and I’m sure Sophie feels the same. And anyway, it’s only Connor and Emma you have to meet. Come on. Let’s get downstairs before they get here.”

We head downstairs and straight to the kitchen, where Joan has been busy. It smells divine.

“Can I help with anything?” I ask.

“No, you most certainly can’t,” she says, laughing and shooing me away. “But Mr. Mathews can pour you both a glass of wine. Then you can both get out of my kitchen.”

Alex pours two glasses of white wine and we head into the living room. He puts some music on low and we settle on the couch. I lean into him, and honestly, I’m a little too relaxed for an evening of company. I could close my eyes and sleep. But the moment of pure bliss is interrupted when Michael comes into the room.

“Well, well, don’t you two look comfy,” he calls, walking toward us. He is behind us and leans down and kisses the top of my head, much to my amusement.

“Michael . . .”

“Don’t worry. I won’t leave you out.” He does the same to Alex, and I can only laugh.

“You must have a death wish,” I tease as Michael sits down right beside me on the couch.

Joan appears from the kitchen with a bottle of beer and walks toward Michael. She obviously knows him well.

“A woman after my own heart. You know I love you, Joan,” he replies as he stands and gives her a kiss on her cheek.

I get the feeling tonight is going to be interesting.

“I hope you’re going to behave yourself,” Joan says, scowling at Michael.

“Hey, I’m always on my best behaviour. Am I not?”

The three of us laugh at that.

“On a serious note, though,” Michael says, “I can’t remember if I told you earlier, Libby, that I’m glad to see you looking like yourself after everything that has happened, although a skinnier version. You need to put a few pounds back on.”

“Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment then, I think.”

The three of us sit chatting about nothing of great importance. Michael tells me he is looking forward to coming back to Scotland in a few weeks. He won’t be travelling with Alex because he has some business to take care of here first. I hope he isn’t planning to hook up with Kirsty again when he’s there, because she seems settled for the first time in her life. They had their fun with each while he was there, and I believe that’s all it was for both of them. Alex joins Michael with a bottle of beer when he finishes his wine. It’s not long before Murphy appears with Sarah, Richard, and Sophie.

“Libby,” Sophie’s voices carries across the room, “stand up and give me a twirl.”

I do, feeling slightly embarrassed.

“See? Absolutely perfect. It shows off all those great curves you have. I knew it would be perfect on you.” She pulls me into a tight embrace and whispers, “Now we can have a proper drink.”

Sarah and Richard both greet me with a hug as well. I feel at home with Alex’s family, and hope I’ll be able to say the same about Connor and Emma.

Joan appears with wine for Sarah and Richard. “Miss Mathews, are you having wine or something else?” she asks.

“Oh, I think Libby and I will have some cocktails.”

Joan shakes her head as if she already knew what to expect.

“Come, Libby.” Sophie takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. “I’ll show you where Joan hides my stuff from my beloved brother.”

We enter the kitchen, and Sophie sets to work as Joan empties the contents of a cupboard. Joan chuckles when she looks at me. There is no way we can drink all of it.

After a few minutes of mixing alcohol and whatever else Sophie has put in it, she hands me a glass. “To an interesting night,” she says as we clink glasses together. “And to my newfound friend.”

“To friendship.” I take a slow drink, and, much to my surprise, it is actually pleasant. That could be a problem. It goes down easily, and if I don’t watch what I’m doing, I could find myself drunk. Quickly. “Sophie, these are good—too good.”

“They are, aren’t they? And don’t look at me like that, Libby. I know exactly what you’re thinking.” She frowns.

“And what would that be?”

“You’re worried about having too much to drink, but don’t be. As I say, we only live once. We need to enjoy it.” She takes a sip of her drink. “Now come on. Let’s get back to everyone.”

We return to the living room with our drinks. Connor and Emma have arrived and are standing with their backs to me. Connor looks to be about the same height as Alex, although he doesn’t have quite his build. He also has the same hair colour, although his is much shorter. Emma is blonde, tall, and slim.

Alex catches my eye. “Libby, come and meet Connor and Emma.”

“Now the fun begins,” Sophie whispers.

I raise my eyebrows, questioning.

“Wait and see,” is her only reply as she takes my glass from me.

I walk over to Alex and he slips his arm around my waist and smiles. “Libby, this is Connor, my older brother.”

“Less of the older, kiddo. It’s good to finally meet you, Libby,” Connor says with a warm smile as he shakes my hand.

“Hi. It’s good to put a face to the name.”

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