He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (27 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2)
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“Libby, thank God.”

“Hi, Michael. Is everything all right?” I ask, hearing the concern in his voice.

“Yeah. Why didn’t you answer? I’ve been calling for ages.”

“I was in the shower. I’m getting ready to go to the hospital and then to work.”

“Right. How is Lucy?” he asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

“She’s going to be fine. The doctors still don’t know what’s wrong with her or what triggered her breathing difficulties and high temperature. They’re assuming it was a viral infection.”

“Glad to hear it. I’m sure you’re all relieved.”

“Michael.” I pause and inhale deeply. “Look. What’s going on? You wouldn’t talk to me on the phone, and now I’ve seen the news—”

“Libby, you’ve seen the news?” he interrupts. He stops then, but he needs to keep talking, because I’ve been kept in the dark too long now. “I had hoped to speak to you before you saw the news. Listen, I don’t know what he’s playing at. Nobody can get through to him. He’s not listening. He needs to leave her to get on with it. He shouldn’t be the one to hold her hand through whatever shit she has going on. Has he been in touch?”

“Ask a silly question, and I’ll give you a silly answer.”

“Libby.” He manages to scowl at me through the phone.

“No, he hasn’t. So you better tell me what’s going on.”

“You will have gathered she made up the story. It turns out she’s still carrying issues from the past and he feels obliged to help and support her. But none of us can get why he’s helping her, considering what she put you through first and then him.”

“So what are you wanting me to do?”

“Speak to him.”

“When was he released?”

Michael’s long, drawn-out silence tells me what I need to know.

“Michael, was he with you when I called you?”

“Yes. I was trying to reason with him.”

“Did he know I was on the phone?”

Again the silence.

“For fuck’s sake, will you just tell me?” I shout angrily.

“Yes, he did.” He sighs. “Libby, please speak to him,” he pleads.

“I’m not sure I can.” I pause because tears are building up, and I want to compose myself before speaking. “I’m not sure he’ll even speak to me. He knew I was on the phone with you, yet he didn’t want to speak with me. Has he even asked how Lucy is? Does he even care? I thought he would at least let me know what was happening. But no, I had to hear it in the news first. I’m starting to feel like his ‘no comment’ to the media means a whole lot more.”

“What do you mean?”

“I gave a statement to the waiting media when I landed, giving my complete support to him and declaring how I feel to the world, and all he can do is say ‘no comment’ as he walks away with his arm around Katherine. How does that look to you? To me that says a lot.” And I can’t believe the thoughts running through my head. Why couldn’t I fall for someone without complications?

“When you put it like that, it looks bad.”

“Of course it looks bad, because it is bad. I can even see the headlines now. ‘Poor Libby Stewart, unlucky in love again.’”

“Libby, call him. Tell him you need him. I know he’ll drop everything for you; I’m certain of it.”

“And what if I do and he doesn’t, leaving me looking like a foolish, love-struck teenager? Sorry, Michael, I can’t. The ball is in his court. Look, I don’t have time for this. I still need to get ready and get to the hospital before going to work.”

“I’ll call you later. I hope Lucy and Ethan are well today when you see them. Talk to you soon.”

I end our call and fall back onto the bed. I am not going to let my tears fall. Right now Alexander Mathews doesn’t deserve my tears or even my love. I can’t believe that after all that’s happened with Katherine over the weekend and all the things he said to me that he won’t even get in touch. I know he’s not used to the whole relationship thing, but seriously?

I need to pull myself together. I can keep myself busy until, and if, he gets in touch. I have a beautiful niece to go see and a brother who needs me. I sit up and look at my phone. Kieran and Kirsty.

I send Kieran a text. “I will be in about 11:30. See you in my office then to catch up.”

Kieran texts back, “OK. You OK?”


Next I send a message to Kirsty. “I will see you at work.”

Kirsty texts back, “I think after work I will come to yours. Wine and takeaway.”

“If you insist.”

“I do. X,” Kirsty writes.

my coat from the back seat of my car. I need it on a cold day like today. The loch looks calm and inviting as I instinctively take in the glorious view from the parking lot of the hotel. But looks can be deceiving. It’s not a day to be out on the loch. There’s a definite chill in the air, and a lot of dark clouds are heading in our direction. The change in the colours is always impressive at this time of year, but there’s a lot more going on than just the changes and the leaves falling from the trees. The loch also looks darker as it splashes lightly against the pebbled shoreline. The top of Ben Lomond isn’t visible because of the low-lying clouds. The fast pace of summer on the loch has dwindled to almost nothing, although there is still the odd boat trip at this time of year. It’s quieter—a good time to go for a stroll and get lost in my thoughts.

I don’t want to dwell on thoughts too much today, though—especially the ones that concern a certain American. So far I’ve had a great morning at the hospital. Lucy looks a lot more like her usual self, and even Ethan looks rested. That might be because the doctors said she might need to stay only another day or so, which is fantastic news. It might be better if we all knew what caused her temperature and breathing difficulties, and we could look to avoid it again in the future. They have a few more tests to run before she comes home. Ethan has taken the rest of the week off work, which I know he doesn’t like doing. His boss is understanding, but Ethan assured him that his current designs will still be ready on schedule for his clients since most of the work has already been done.

Ethan asked me if I could watch Lucy on Friday afternoon, providing she is home, so he can go into work and do his presentation. I told him of course. I can easily make arrangements to get a few hours away from here. And I have to admit, the thought of spending a few hours alone with Lucy appeals to me, even if we just go for a walk in the open air. That might be just what she needs. I know I could do with some fresh air to blow away the cobwebs.

I walk toward the hotel where Fraser is speaking with a couple who look to be arriving for their stay with us as he manages their bags. I smile as I get closer.

“Good day, Miss Stewart. How is young Lucy?” he asks, his smile filled with warmth on this cold November morning.

“She’s on the mend. We hope to get her home in the next few days.”

“Oh, that’s great news. I bet your brother is relieved. Please tell him I was asking after them both.”

“Yes, he is, and I’ll be sure to pass on your message,” I reply as I head inside.

And straight away the warmth hits me; the log fire is burning away in the reception area, warming and welcoming. I love seeing the fire. The fireplace doesn’t get used often enough but it gives a great sense of home-away-from-home. I could stand all day and watch the flames dance, the changes of colour within them, and the crackle and sparks like miniature fireworks.

“Oh, Miss Stewart, I wasn’t expecting to see you today,” Sally calls across the room, lifting me from my thoughts.

I’ve given up telling her to call me Libby. She’ll have none of it, saying, “It wouldn’t be professional in the workplace.”

“Morning, Sally. I only have a few things to see to, so I shouldn’t be here too long. I have some personal matters to attend to later on.”

“I’m sure you do. Can I get you anything?”

“If you could arrange a pot of tea for two in my office—I have a meeting with Kieran—and print out the room reservations for Christmas and New Year’s, that would help.”

“Yes, Miss Stewart, I’ll bring them as soon as they’re ready.”

My office is just how I left it last week, although there’s a lot more mail in a neat pile, waiting to be opened and dealt with. Oh well—no time like the present. I have ten minutes to spare before my meeting with Kieran. I sit and make a start on the mail. There doesn’t seem to be anything too pressing, mostly supplier price lists, along with a few invoices.

I switch on the computer to check through my e-mails. Good God,
there is a lot to deal with, but one catches my eye: it’s from Sophie with the subject line, “MY BLOODY BROTHER.” I laugh because I have an idea of how she is feeling.



I don’t know what to say. Michael has told me Alex hasn’t been in touch. My mom is furious with him for helping Katherine after everything she’s done. I think I’m the only person he has spoken to. He says, and I quote, that he and Katherine are “unfinished business that needs addressing” before he can move forward. I’m not too sure what he means, although I hope it means they’re addressing the events in their past. So I just wanted to let you know what little info I have.

I hear Lucy is getting better. I will pass that on to my mom, because she adores her. Take care, and give me a call when you can. Try to be patient with Alex. I’m sure he’ll be in touch.

Sophie x


Her e-mail makes me both smile and frown. Smile because Sophie is great—I really like her—and frown because Alex is just Alex. Kieran starts to enter the office but stops and leans against the doorframe, looking concerned as he runs his eyes over me.

“You can come in. I don’t bite, you know.”

“What, not even a little snap?” He laughs as he comes in and sits down in front of my desk as our tea arrives.

“Right. Any problems I need to know first?” I pour the tea into the cups.

“A few.” He takes a drink.

A few problems. I’ve been off only a few days.
I raise my eyebrows, and he takes the hint.

“Right. Nothing major to report over the weekend, except one of the rooms wasn’t cleaned properly before the guests arrived.”

“And . . . ?”

“I upgraded their room free of charge and gave them a complimentary meal in the restaurant. They were more than happy with that. Also spoke with the member of the staff and told her this isn’t acceptable under any circumstances.”

“You did the right thing by the guests, and that is always our number-one priority.” There is a tap on the door and Sally comes in with the room reservations for the Christmas period. “Thank you.”

“If you require anything else, just let me know,” she says before leaving.

“We’ll deal with these in a minute,” I say to Kieran as I look at the papers in my hand. “I trust there’s something else?”

“Yes. We’re down a member of the front house on Thursday for the night shift. I haven’t been able to get cover. I was going to ask Kirsty, but I know she has plans Thursday, and she has only been helping out. She has an interview in town.”

“An interview . . .

I know I must sound shocked. She is changing, and maybe for the better.

“She’s loved being here and helping out, but she knows we don’t have anything on a permanent basis at the moment. The job is for trainee restaurant manager, so I, for one, am keeping my fingers crossed for her.”

“Do we have much on Thursday during the day?” I ask.

“No, why? Are you needing some time off?” he asks with a slight frown.

“I was going to suggest I do the night shift if you can cope on your own. I know there’s not much to do on the front desk during night shift, and I could use that time to catch up on e-mails and have a proper run through the accounts while it’s quiet.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, and I could get through most of Friday’s paperwork either here or at home. If you cover Friday’s day shift for me, I’ll cover Friday night for you.” That would mean I could spend time with Lucy, so it would be best for all concerned.

“I’m covering the restaurant on Friday night, if you’re all right with that,” Kieran says, and I nod. “That’s settled then. I get two weekend nights off in a row—can’t remember the last time that happened.” He seems excited at the prospect. He deserves it.

“That leads me to the awards on Saturday night,” I say. “Are we covered here so that both of us can be away? And has it been decided who else is coming? I want Karl to be there.”

“Kirsty is covering for me, so the restaurant is taken care of. Karl has the kitchen covered so yes, he’ll be there. I think he’s looking forward to the night off. Stephen and Sally are both coming as well. That should be a good night out. The company will be great, the food had better be up to scratch, and, if we win anything, it’ll be a bonus.”

“Ethan won’t be there, and I’m pretty sure my mum will stay behind with him now, given the circumstances,” I say with a sigh.

“That’s understandable, honey. Do you need me to book a room for you?”

“No. I’ll be coming home. Now let’s talk Christmas and New Year’s.”

We spend another thirty minutes or so going over the preparations for the holiday period. I’m relieved that everything looks like it will go according to plan, but we’ll wait and see how things go closer to the time.

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