He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (10 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2)
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and I exit. I stand in the middle of the street, gaping at the impressive building in front of me. I really must stop doing this.

“Miss Stewart, I’m going to take your bags back to the apartment. Are there any instructions?” Murphy asks.

“Um, yes. Can you ask Joan to put the dresses in the carriers somewhere Alex won’t look, please? The other bags are fine in his room. Thanks, Murphy.”

He smiles at me before saying good-bye to us both.

We head inside the building and are greeted by a security guard, who informs us that we are both expected and that he’ll call and let them know we’re on our way up. The main area of the ground floor is stunning, light, and airy. Sarah’s shoes click all the way across the marble floor until we reach the lift.

“Where are we headed?” I ask, but I have a feeling I already know the answer to that question.

“All the way to the top.” Sarah smiles as we step in. “Alex has the top three floors of the building; the rest is leased out to various businesses, including Richard’s law firm. I should make it known that Alex hates charging rent to Richard, and the same has to be said about Richard when he’s doing work for him, but I believe they came to a mutual agreement. I don’t ask.”

“So Alex owns the building?”

“I thought you already knew that?”

I shake my head.

“Yes, A.M. Holdings owns the building.”

I learn a tiny bit more about the man who has a place deep within my heart. The rest of the journey up is quiet, although not uncomfortable. I have to admit I don’t think Sarah could do uncomfortable. She has to be one of the nicest women I have ever met.

We finally reach the top floor. The doors open and Alex is standing there waiting for us. I think my jaw drops as I take in the view of the breathtaking man in front of me, knowing he is all mine.

“Libby.” He walks toward me as I step out of the lift. “Are you all right, baby?” he asks, pulling me into his arms. “Mom.”


I’m fighting the urge to kiss him, because I know it would be unprofessional on his part in front of his staff. But he still has his arms around me. It would feel so right, but it would be so wrong on so many levels. I relax in his arms and breathe in his unique smell—that rich, deep masculine smell I love.

The heat that radiates through my body, awakening all my senses, needs to go. Wrong place and wrong time. I risk a glance into those gorgeous eyes, and I wish we were somewhere more private, and especially not standing in front of his parents. Richard has joined his wife at her side.

“I missed you this morning,” Alex whispers as he lets go of me.

“Sorry. I’ve been too busy to miss you.” I smirk as I try to take the heat out of the air between us while stepping out of his warm arms.

“When you two have finished giving everyone a good floor show . . .” Michael’s voice carries across the room as he strolls toward us. He grins at Alex before giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. “Hi, gorgeous.”

“Get off.” I giggle. “And hello to you too.” I wriggle out of his hold.

Alex is not happy. If looks could kill. Is Alex concerned about how I feel around Michael, or does he think Michael still wants to play games, like they did when they were kids? I was shocked at hearing how they played with girls’ emotions when they were younger. I can’t help but laugh, and Sarah joins me at what seems like Michael’s way of trying to wind up Alex.

“Michael! You, my friend, are pushing certain boundaries.”

Michael laughs at Alex.

“Hello, Libby,” Richard says. “You look remarkable—better than the last time I saw you. I trust you ladies have had an enjoyable morning?”

“Thank you. I feel a lot better than I did then, and it was a productive morning.” I glance toward Sarah, who nods in agreement.

“So do you two have plans for the rest of the afternoon, or would you like to join your father and me for lunch?” she asks.

“No, Mom. I have plans,” Alex says with a boyish grin on his beautiful face. I raise my eyebrows at him. “All in good time. I want to give you a tour of this place first,” he whispers.

We say good-bye to his parents, telling them we’ll see them tonight. We then spend the next half hour or so going from one office to the other on each of the three floors that Alex’s business works from. I meet so many people, I couldn’t name any of them by the time it’s over. He gives me the whole spiel about what each department does. I try to keep up, and I think I understand most of it.

“A question. Do you really need the team of staff that you have here?”

“I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at.” He looks puzzled.

“If you’re buying a business to turn the profit around and then sell, would it not make more sense dealing with the staff in the ongoing business?”

“I do usually make use of the staff in each business. I still have my own people who are extremely dedicated to what they do. Each member I have has been handpicked because of the qualities they bring to the table. I can have several businesses on the go that I’m trying to turn around before selling. I need people I can depend on.”

We finish up back on the top floor where I meet his secretary, Grace. I’m relieved to see she’s an older woman. After all, there are all sorts of stories about businessmen and their secretaries. I suppose I would feel threatened if it was someone closer in age.

“Mr. Mathews,” she says, smiling pleasantly at us. “Miss Stewart, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too,” is my brief reply because Alex pulls me away and straight into his office, kicking the door shut behind us and then pinning me in place against the door.

“Did I tell you how amazing you look?” he asks.

I shift slightly on my feet as the intensity that was between us earlier resurfaces.

“Did I tell you I missed you?”

“Yes, you did, but I’m sure I also told you I was too busy to miss you.” I’m teasing him. “I think you should show me how much you missed me.” I throw my arms around his neck.

“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” His words go straight to my core, which tightens with anticipation. “We’ll eat first.” He places an all too brief kiss on my lips and pulls me toward a large couch.

Sandwiches, fresh fruit, and water are set out on the coffee table in front of it. It’s perfect. I’ve realised I’m actually hungry. As I sit down, Alex pours the water into the two glasses.

“This looks great,” I say.

“Grace organised this for us. So, did you get everything you needed for tomorrow night?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Are you going to tell me about it?” he asks.

“No.” I shake my head. “It’s a surprise.”

“I’ll look forward to your surprise then. I hope you’ll do the same for all the surprises I have in store for you over the next few days.”

I can feel my face light up as I think of the surprises he has in store for me, hoping they are more of what we have already done.

Lunch is enjoyable. Relaxed even. I take in my surroundings. His office reminds me of his home: light, spacious, and expensive. Then there’s the view from the windows, if that’s what you can call them. How on earth he can get any work done, I’ll never know. I would sit in awe of that fabulous view all day.

We’re interrupted when his office phones buzzes. It’s Grace.

“Sorry to interrupt. I have Mr. Andrews on the line for you. He says it’s important.”

“Fine, put him through. Sorry, baby, I need to take this,” Alex says as he walks over to his desk. I expect him to take the call personally, but he puts it on speaker. How did he manage to answer without being near it? Modern technology.

“Alex, my friend, how are you?” I recognise the voice, but I’m not sure from where. “With Libby being here, I didn’t expect to catch you at the office today.”

“James, don’t ‘friend’ me now. Is there something I can help you with?” Alex sounds almost pissed off. Ah, now I know. The voice belongs to James from the plane. I walk over to Alex and place my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them lightly. He turns slightly and gives me a smile, but he seems off.

“I was hoping we could be civil tomorrow for the sake of both our families,” James says.

“If you stay out of my way, I’ll stay away from you.” Alex pauses, sighing deeply.

I move from behind him, move his chair a touch, and seat myself in his lap. The smile I’m rewarded with this time makes my heart melt.

“Is that really all you called for?” Alex asks.

“Yes, although I would like to meet up at the start of the week. I have some business I’d like to discuss.”

“Make an appointment with Grace, but it won’t be the start of the week. I have things to do,” Alex answers dryly.

“Ah yes, the lovely Libby. I’m looking forward to catching up with her tomorrow night.”

I look directly into Alex’s eyes and see nothing. They are totally blank.

“I can see why you’re so taken with her,” James says.

Alex’s whole body tenses under me. I lift my hand to his face and softly stroke his cheek, keeping my eyes on him. I shake my head silently, urging him not to rise to the bait.

“Not sure what catching up you have to do, considering you only met briefly yesterday,” Alex says.

“Oh, we have a lot to catch up on, I assure you,” James says.

I open my mouth to speak, but Alex shakes his head and brings his hand up to my mouth. I place a small kiss on it.

“So how long do you think you’ll keep her around before you get bored and toss her aside?” James asks. I get there is some bad blood between these two, but really?

“There are some things in life you never tire of, James.” The smile on his face is his assurance.

“With a woman like Libby, there’s bound to be someone to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart when you do,” James says.

“Have you finished?” Alex snaps.

“Let’s face it; you’re too fucked up, so it’s only a matter of time before you do. Enjoy dinner tonight, and I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

Alex ends the call without another word. Before he has time to do or say anything, I kiss him, taking him off guard. I kiss him the way I wanted to earlier, when we had an audience. This time, it’s just the two of us, and the kiss is wild, passionate, and deeply erotic, all the way straight to my core. From the way he is reacting, he’s feeling it as well.

“Miss Stewart, that is certainly one way to take my mind off a situation,” Alex says finally. “I think you should come to work with me every day, I could do with you as a distraction.”

“I’m sure I could make this a bit more interesting,” I say, moving off his lap and sinking to the floor. “I can also guarantee that the only person who will be coming at work today is you.” I quickly undo the fly on his trousers and move his boxers lower, freeing him. Taking him in my hand, I start to stroke him.

“What are you doing?”

“If you don’t know, I think we have a problem.” I laugh at the excitement that sweeps his face. “This, my dear, is my idea of taking your mind off things.” I lower my mouth, taking the tip in ever so slightly, tasting him.

“Fuck, Libby,” he groans, closing his eyes.

I swirl my tongue around the tip, teasing him, feeling the softness of him. He lets out a small moan. I look up. His eyes are closed and his head is back, enjoying the moment. I let my tongue trail down his length and then all the way back up before drawing him deep into my mouth again and again.

I pull back slowly again, teasing the tip with my tongue before taking all of him in deeper. He’s getting restless, if that’s the right word. I can sense he’s close. I take him in as deeply as I can and then draw all the way back. His hands reach out and take hold of my shoulders, keeping them firmly in place. I take him all the way in again, letting my teeth graze his skin slightly. His whole body tightens just before he explodes.

“Jesus, Libby,” he cries out as I swallow the warm, salty fluid.

Job done—for
the time being. I quickly stand, but it’s too late. He pulls me back toward him and his mouth captures mine.

“You completely leave me breathless, baby. Totally unexpected.”

“That was the plan,” I say with a grin. “So what are the plans for the rest of the day?”

“My plans are changing somewhat, given my present predicament.” He looks down toward his still-opened trousers and sighs. “Part of me says I should take you home and straight to bed where I can worship every part of your sexy body. Or I could take you here.”

“And the other part?” I ask smugly.

“The other part says I should stick to my original plan and, ideally, I’ll have time before dinner tonight to worship you.”

“So are you going to tell me what we’re doing?”

“No.” His voice is firm and has an edge to it, as though he’s hiding something.

With that he gets up and heads to his bathroom to get cleaned up while I head to the windows to admire the view. I wouldn’t get any work done at all if this were my office. It’s a fantastic view. The big question is, does it beat or match my view at work back home? The skyscrapers versus the rippling water of the loch splashing along the pebbled shoreline, surrounded by the greenery of the forests and rolling hills. I know what gets my vote.

I sense his presence back in the room before I see or hear him. My body seems to have a connection with him. I can’t explain it, but it’s there—the heat and desire whenever he is close to me. I hear him walking over the floor, and, before I can turn, his arms are around my waist, pulling me tightly toward him. I lean my head back and am greeted with the boyish look he does so well.

“You could admire that view every day?” Not sure if that’s a question or a statement.

“Oh, I don’t know, it’s a great view—stunning—but I think the view from the hotel far outweighs this.”

“Is that your way of telling me you couldn’t look at the New York skyline every day?”

I don’t look at him, because I know from the way his voice has trailed off that I’ll see disappointment in his eyes.

He sighs heavily. “Come on, before I change my mind.”

We leave his office hand in hand. I get the feeling he is scared to let go, although I’m not sure why. It’s not as if I have anywhere else to go. We both say good-bye to Grace before heading to the lift. I had expected Michael to pop up from somewhere, but he must be working.

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