He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (7 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2)
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“Katherine,” he says. “Go now, because you are pushing the boundaries of our friendship. You won’t speak to Libby like that again. Get out.”

“Miss Hunter, I shall show you out,” Murphy says from the hall.

“It’s fine. I know my way out. After all, I know this place like the back of my hand.” She looks straight at me as she says it, grinning. I think I’m with Mrs. Mathews on her opinion of Katherine. First impressions and all that. I have to say, she’s not impressed me.

I know what she’s insinuating, but it’s not working. I know Alex hasn’t been with her like that. I have no reason to doubt him.

With that, she’s gone.

“Baby, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know she was coming here. I had no idea.” Alex turns me in his arms so that I’m facing him.

“I know you didn’t expect her. That much is obvious. Otherwise you would have ensured I was at least dressed for the occasion. I’m so glad I didn’t take you up on walking about in my birthday suit, because that would have been a bit embarrassing. Using some of your mother’s words, I will not allow that
to ruin what has been a perfect day.” I remember hearing Sarah speaking about her the night I took unwell at the hotel. Sarah had seen a clip on the news of Katherine and Alex together in London and was furious with how they looked together. Most of that night is a blur, but I’ve been filled in on most of it.

“Oh, I don’t know about embarrassing, baby. I think Katherine would have been rather envious.” He laughs, and I playfully slap his arm. “Now, I’m sure you said something about this being a perfect day, so how about we make sure it ends that way?” He places the briefest of kisses on my forehead and pulls me back toward the couch.

“Mr. Mathews, Miss Stewart, where will you be eating?” Joan’s voice is warm.

“Let me finish helping,” I say as I move.

“You didn’t have to do this,” Alex says. “It’s supposed to be your night off.”

“It wasn’t just me.” She looks to me with a friendly smile. “Miss Stewart did most of it.”

“Thank you, Joan. I mean that. We’ll just eat here.”

“Are you sure?” She frowns.

I head into the kitchen and put the sandwiches onto one large plate. There’s no need for unnecessary dishes. Joan pours tea into two cups and takes them into the living room, while I take the sandwiches. Alex is speaking with Murphy as we enter.

“Thank you both. Now go and enjoy the rest of your evening,” Alex says with a warm smile.

I sit on the couch facing Alex and cross my legs. I can see Joan from the corner of my eye, shaking her head and smiling as she walks away with Murphy.

“Libby, can you at least pull the shirt down a bit? You are very distracting at the moment,” Alex says.

“So I’m distracting? In a good or bad way?” I wriggle and move the shirt slightly higher and don’t even blush. Alex shakes his head and sighs, resigned to the fact that I’m sitting in front of him with my underwear showing.

“Good,” he says, picking up one of the toasted sandwiches.

“You wouldn’t usually sit here and eat?” I ask.

“Why do you say that?”

“The look on Joan’s face.” I laugh as I take a sandwich.

“No, I wouldn’t normally sit here and eat, but it feels right. Nothing I do when I’m around you is normal for me, but it feels perfect. Libby, I don’t ever bring women here.”

“But Katherine?” I ask, knowing that at this moment he might—just might—answer my unasked questions.

“These are good,” he says between mouthfuls.

I frown at his change of subject. Tactful, not.

“Katherine is a friend, like Michael, so yes, she’s been here. But to answer your question, neither she nor anyone else has ever been in my bed.”

“I didn’t ask. But aren’t I a very lucky girl then?”

“No, you’re right; you didn’t. I seem to be able to read your mind fairly well, though, it would seem.” He looks at me intensely, those eyes burning all the way through to my soul.

“You’re not the only one able to read minds,” I say, smiling. “Now, any more looks like that in my direction, and we won’t be finishing supper. Not that I am opposed to the idea, but I am hungry.”

We laugh at the same time. We continue eating and drinking tea. This feels normal, relaxing, sitting, and enjoying each other’s company.

“So can I ask why Katherine came over?”

“Yes, of course. She wanted to know if I needed a date for Connor’s party on Saturday night. That’s what she said, but, to be honest, that’s not why she came over.”


“Yeah. If I need a date, and I’m currently not . . . er . . . how should I put this?”

“Fucking?” I knew he was a bit of a player before meeting me. Kirsty made sure I knew about it. She was being the concerned friend, trying to make sure I knew what I was getting into with him.

“Yeah, I suppose so.” He looks away from me uncomfortably. “We usually go together. Only as friends, nothing more. Means we don’t have to attend such functions on our own.”

“I see.”

“But her motives were clear tonight.”

“What do you mean?”

“She knew you were here with me.”

“Because you told her?” I ask.

“No. I’ve barely spoken to her since I was in London. I know the pain those photos caused you, and that was both our doing. If she had switched on her TV or Internet, she would have known you were here with me. I believe you made the news just by stepping off the plane today and heading straight into my arms.” He says the last part with caution.

“I suppose I’m going to have to get used to it.” I pause, and then add, “After all, it does go with the territory.” I lean toward him and place a soft kiss on his lips. “I don’t think I’ve made a good impression on your friend.”

“It doesn’t matter what Katherine thinks of you. She can think what she likes. Now I think—and I will use your words—we should make the most of our time together tonight.”

He takes my cup from my hands, puts it on the table, and pushes me back on the couch. The look on his face tells me exactly how we are going to spend the rest of the evening. He leans on his elbows and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. I take a deep breath while I still can, already anticipating the inevitable.

His tongue slowly teases my lips apart and he begins to explore, teasing and licking me softly. The minute our tongues connect, a wave of desire races through my body. I respond the way my body tells me, with passion and force.
So much force.

He pulls back slowly, and his eyes and hands go straight to the buttons on the shirt. He makes quick work of them, opening the shirt to expose my bare breasts.

“Perfect. You are so beautiful, Miss Stewart.” I accept his compliment because, to be truthful, it’s not worth the argument.

His mouth traces the skin around my neck, barely touching it. He works his way slowly and torturously down my extremely sensitive skin toward my breasts and stops, teasing and licking each one until I can barely take any more. I moan with pleasure. He sucks on each nipple in turn, tugging gently with his teeth, almost to the point of it being unbearable.

“I love these,” he says, running his tongue over my breasts again.

One hand moves slowly down the flat of my stomach and continues straight down until he’s right where my body wants him, moving my underwear out of the way as he slips one finger inside me.

“Oh, baby, so wet, and I’ve barely started,” he murmurs.

He moves, and before I can protest, my underwear have been completely removed, and his head is between my legs, licking me softly. Who am I kidding? I wouldn’t protest, even if I had the ability to speak. My desire builds as he continues licking, sucking, and kissing.

“Alex, I need you,” I whimper with sheer pleasure.

“I know, baby. You have me. Trust me to give you what you need

I nod and close my eyes in bliss with his words running through my mind. Trust him.

He carries on with the onslaught, pushing me closer and closer. The slow licking teases my insides into turmoil. Sensations deep within me grow as he changes pace, at the same time inserting another finger deep inside me, pressing and prodding rhythmically, pushing my boundaries beyond their limits.

I can’t think. My breathing is erratic. I’m losing control. My hips move automatically as my body seeks its release. My hands tug gently on his hair. I’m close, so close to completely losing it.

As if sensing how close I am, Alex changes pace again. He flicks his tongue back and forth. His lips tug tightly against me between kissing and sucking. My insides can’t take any more. I cry out with pleasure, calling his name in what can only be described as the most intense orgasm of the day.

I can’t move. I can’t bring myself to open my eyes. I am truly satisfied.

“Libby, baby?”

“Mmm,” is all I can manage. I open my eyes to a happy-looking Alex. “Why are you so pleased with yourself?”

“Because the beautiful, sexy woman lying underneath me has no idea of the pleasure she gives me.”

“I’m sure you were the one giving all the pleasure.”

“I beg to differ, baby,” he whispers in my ear as he nuzzles into my neck.

His erection presses into me. He kisses me long and hard before prying himself off me. His self-control is unbelievable. I couldn’t do it, especially where he is concerned. I fumble with the buttons on my shirt as I stand up on my shaky legs.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To put these dishes in the kitchen, and then I’m taking you back up to bed.” I pause and look directly into his eyes. “Where, if you are lucky, I might return the pleasure.”

He gasps at my words, and his eyes light up—the reaction I was hoping for. I turn and head toward the kitchen, feeling quite proud of myself.

I don’t need eyes in the back of my head to know that Alex has followed me. I’m standing at the sink rinsing the cups when his hands close in and wrap tightly around my waist.

He gently strokes my thigh with one hand. My pulse races at his touch. Will my body ever tire of this man? I doubt it. I hope not. I feel his breath on my neck and sigh as he trails soft kisses around my neck, starting at my ear and slowly working his way around. I tilt my head.

“We’re not making it upstairs?” I ask breathlessly, putting the last of the dishes down before I drop them.

“No, baby, not a chance of that.”

He slips his hand under the shirt to my bare skin, still stroking and teasing his way up, lifting the shirt higher. The grip on my waist loosens, and with that hand, he parts my legs.

“Baby, lean forward and hold on,” he whispers. “This is all your fault. Your words were my undoing.”

He pulls one hand away from me, and I feel him move his jogging bottoms out of the way. Suddenly he’s there, right where he needs to be.

“I need to be inside you,” he says.

I moan as his arms go to my hips and he pulls me closer to him. He starts slowly and eases into me, stretching me. He stills.

“You okay?” I can only nod in response. Words would fail me.

The grip on my hips gets tighter as he starts to pump into me. I push back against him. It gets deeper with each thrust. I can’t move in this position. My hands gripping on the countertop are the only thing holding me up. No, I think Alex’s grip on me is the only thing holding me up. I know he won’t let me fall.

My need builds again, deep inside me.

Each thrust comes faster and goes deeper. I know he’s close. The pain his fingers cause at my hips is an indication of how close he is. I move slightly to relieve the pressure, but another pressure is building deep within me. I knew this would be quick and intense. The blood rushes through my core as he swells deep within me and cries out my name at the same time I call out his.

“Libby.” He sounds concerned.

“Yes,” I answer as I turn in his arms. He withdraws from me quickly, fixing his jogging pants.

“I am so, so sorry. I couldn’t help myself.” He takes me in his arms and kisses me sweetly.


He lifts the shirt that has fallen back into place and shows me what he’s sorry for. There is a small trickle of blood on my right hip, and, on the left, a bright red mark. He lets go of me and gets a paper towel and runs the tap. He then cleans my hip rather delicately.

He looks confused as I look into those eyes—eyes that are not burning with desire at the moment but cold and concerned.

“Why didn’t you say I was hurting you?”

“Because, my sweetest Alex, if I had, I would have gotten the same reaction I’m getting now. I didn’t see the point in spoiling the moment.”

“I hate the thought of hurting you. You already know that.” He strokes the side of my face gently.

“The pleasure outweighed the pain, believe me. If it had been too painful, I would have told you.” I sigh, knowing we’ve already had a conversation along these lines. “Right. I think it’s about time we made it to bed. You have work to go to, and I don’t want to be responsible for you being late.”

“We will go to bed on one condition.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“That I get to lie with my arms wrapped around you the whole night. Feel my skin against your skin and fall asleep knowing that you’ll still be in my arms in the morning. Because, baby, I hate the fact that I left you alone that night to wake up on your own without me. I never want that to happen again.”

“Deal. Sounds perfect to me.”

He needs to stop beating himself about that, because it’s done, it’s in the past, and there is not a goddamned thing that can be done about it.

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