Read He's the One Online

Authors: Jane Beckenham

He's the One (11 page)

BOOK: He's the One
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No, you don't.

Oh, yes, she did.

Her jaw stiffened as she held firm, confused by the intensity of her feelings for this man, a virtual stranger. Nothing could douse the heat and lust and ... yearning she felt for him. She still wanted him—so very much. Yet inside, her brain warned her to tread carefully. Not to get hurt.

Too late.

Cade finally spoke, ending the silence “You asked something very special of me the other night, Taylor Sullivan. A privilege most men never get asked. I don't want
to remember your first time surrounded by dirt and debris. I want you, Taylor. My body is in a constant state of arousal. Don't think this business is finished."

"It isn't?"

His fingers cupped her chin, tilting it upwards, and he speared her with a blistering gaze. “Far from it, sweetheart.” He slid a hand over hers, linking their fingers. “Come on. Let's go."

Taylor stalled. “Where to?"

"To unfinished business."

Chapter Seven

"What is it they say about best laid plans?” Taylor chuckled as they exited the building.

Row upon row of vintage and classic cars lined the street, with their owners and passersby who obviously couldn't resist the urge to view these beautifully restored cars meandering along the sidewalk. Taylor witnessed the glimmer of admiration sprint across Cade's eyes. “Go on,” she urged.


"But nothing. They're beautiful."

Cade gave her a quick smile. He drew her towards him. “Have I told you you're beautiful, too?"

"A few minutes ago,” she said and gloried in the desire she saw mirrored in Cade's dark gaze. “But I don't mind if you say it again,” she answered truthfully, and laughed aloud, surprised and delighted to hear her laughter. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so relaxed, so joyful. Cade's mouth found hers, and she leant against him, amazed at how a mouth could feel so delicious and give so much joy as Cade's did to her.

"The cars,” she reminded him.

"Hmm, but this is yummy."

"You make me sound like chocolate."

"Yeah. Rich, caramel chocolate, the Swiss kind, the stuff that melts in your mouth. Far too good to miss."

"You won't miss it,” she said pulling back. “It's just on delayed time, that's all."



"I'll hold you to that."

"I'll make sure you do,” she countered. Yep. She sure would.

Hand in hand they strolled along the sidewalk, Taylor leaning into Cade's embrace as they viewed the long line of cars. It felt so good to be with him. Normal in fact. All around them people talked, admired the cars, the atmosphere almost carnival-like.

"Oh, look. Cotton candy,” Taylor's mouth watered as she pointed towards a group of stallholders selling the bright pink confectionery along with toffee apples and hot fries. “We could call it dessert."

"And here I was thinking
were dessert,” Cade said, kissing her again.

"Do you want whipped cream with that?"

Cade let out a low belly rumble. “Don't tempt me.” He bowed regally, humor dancing across his expressive face. “Madam, dessert waits.” Leading her by the hand, they moved towards the closest stall. “Two, please."

The vendor passed over the cotton candy, and Cade paid. He held them out. “You've a choice. Pink or pink."

"Oh, pink, I think."

Hand in hand, they carried on through the crowds, Cade delighting in informing her about each vehicle, it's make and year.

"You're a mine of information, aren't you?” she said truly impressed.

"I try."

"You're succeeding."

They came up on a group huddled around two cars. Taylor couldn't hold back her sudden excitement. “I know these ones. That's a ‘55 Chevy,” she earmarked the car. “And that bike is a Triumph Bonneville, the Jaguar of bikes."

Cade's brows rose. “How do you know all this?"

"I told you, I'm a petrolhead in disguise."

"It's more than that. That year car and the bike are quite rare. What aren't you telling me, Taylor?"

A frisson of panic skittered up and down Taylor's spine. “Nothing,” she denied instantly. She pulled her arm from his and put some space between them. “You're making something out of nothing."

"No, I'm not. I bet most of the people here wouldn't know that bike, or the Chevy."

"So, I read car magazines in my spare time.” Taylor wished with all her heart Cade would drop the subject. She didn't want to dredge up memories. Rob had been too sick to tinker on his ‘48 Ford, so instead she'd sat with him for hours, reading his car magazines to him—until death caught up.

Sudden, unbidden tears pricked at Taylor's eyes.

Damn. She didn't want to cry. Not now, and certainly not in front of Cade. She brushed them away. Rob was gone, and her feelings for him were confused, a mixture of guilt and a sadness she'd made such a senseless and stupid error. Something that, even four years on, tested her judgment where men were concerned.

Standing with her back to the Chevy, Taylor watched Cade as he talked to a couple of other enthusiasts, the play of his strong face, the light that shone from his eyes when he was relaxed.

He was a good man. Thoughtful. Considerate. He'd been thinking of her when he'd stalled their love making, not wanting her to experience sex in a derelict building.

That was kind. That was ... well, it was simply Cade Harper.

A warmth pervaded Taylor's bones, sneaking up on her, cosseting and comforting. There was absolutely nothing simple about Cade.

She owed him an explanation, but there was no way she could actually put that explanation into words. How did she tell him she had wanted to dump a dying fiancé?

It didn't sound good in any language.


Her head shot up, snatched back from the past. Cade stood so close, a little boy lost look on his face, all serious and sad.

A tentative smile curved at her mouth. She wanted to reach out and touch him, brush away that sadness. “Do you always sneak up on a gal?"

"Only when it's you. I wanted to apologize,” he said. His hands rested on her shoulders, and he pulled her to him. Taylor had to arch her neck back to look into his face, and when she did, she realized she was lost. A flutter of butterflies flitted across her skin, and she nervously wiped the tip of her tongue across her lips.

"What for?” she asked.

"The interrogation. It's not my business if you like cars. Though, I must admit, it's kinda sexy. Gives a guy fantasies."

Taylor's breath stalled, excitement coiling low down in her belly. “Fantasies. Hmm. Such as?"

"Do you really want to know?” One of Cade's hands trailed down her back, cupping her bottom. He steered her backwards, leaning her against the side of a nearby car. Taylor felt the car's hard metallic curves at the back of her legs. They parted, and Cade slid between them. She felt his arousal straining against his jeans, pushing against her sex.


Blatant and very public.

Taylor didn't care. She wanted to feel all of him.

Cade slipped a hand between them and tugged at her nipple. It hardened beneath his touch.

"How about hot, fast sex? Here, in the back of the car."

Taylor's eyes widened, heat flooding her cheeks, burning even her scalp.


Her muscles tensed, relaxed, then tensed again with wanting him, hard and inside her.

How did she know how it would feel? She had no experience. Yet she knew, absolutely, what Cade would feel like inside her—and she wanted it. Wanting it was killing her.

Then, as Cade blew little kisses down the side of her neck, nuzzling her earlobe, her hands slid around his neck, threading their way through his hair. The texture of it spiked her senses and a trembling sigh escaped her lips.

"Yes,” she whispered against his ear.

A hard, hot sigh escaped Cade's lips, fanning her skin. “Then, I'd go slow. Tasting you, feeling you come around me, squeeze me. Hear those soft mewing moans of pleasure you make."

Oh, boy.

Taylor leaned against the car, felt the hard metal press into her back. One leg lifted slightly and hooked around Cade's. He lifted her slightly, pressing himself harder against her and kissed her. Deeply, thoroughly. Transporting her to another world. Her sex rubbed against him and a surge of urgent need shot through every part of her. She felt reckless. Carnal.

In the background, the sound of wolf whistles fought through the fog of desire wrapped around Taylor. Cade must have heard the sound of spectators, too, and pulled back a fraction. “We need to get out of here."

Taylor's eyes fluttered open. For a moment she was confused to where she was, then reality struck. “My God, in public. We were...” Her breathing came in short pants and she pushed Cade away slightly. “I can't believe it. We were on..."

"Fire,” Cade offered. “Both of us, Taylor. It wasn't just you. We both wanted it. Here. Right now."

"Oh, God.” Taylor eyed Cade. Saw the stain of that very heat he talked about beneath his skin. She squeezed her eyes shut, blinking out reality. She couldn't believe it. She'd jumped his bones—in public. She had been quite prepared to make love with him right here, right now.

How could she have been so stupid, so blind? So ... she'd actually forgotten where she was. Cade made her forget.

"Come on."

"Where?” Taylor felt numb, a deliciously hot and sexy kind of numbness.

"Home. We've got that unfinished business, remember?"

They hadn't gone more than a few steps when someone called out Cade's name. “Hey, brother, hold up."

Cade let out an audible groan and muttered beneath his breath. He pulled on Taylor's hand and quickened his pace.

"Wait up.” Their pursuer obviously wasn't giving up, Taylor realized.

A hand slapped Cade on the back, and he halted, fury creasing his brow. He turned one-eighty to face their interloper.

"Not now, Zane."

"Hey, is that a way to treat family?"

Zane? Cade's brother. Taylor eyed him. He looked like Cade. Softer, not as tall, but still had those devilishly good looking Harper bones.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?” Zane asked looking directly at her.

"Nope. Gotta go.” Cade tried to turn, but it was obvious Zane wasn't having any of this.

"I'm Zane, his younger brother,” he said, holding out his hand.

Taylor took it, surprised when the younger Harper took her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"Mitts off, brother,” Cade almost growled, surprising her by his he-man tactics.

"What? Can't stand a little competition?"

"You'd lose.” Cade stood rigid, the tiny pulse in this jaw she'd come to recognize when he battled for control, flickered a relentless beat.

"Wanna bet?"

"No contest.” Cade wrapped a proprietorial arm around Taylor's shoulder.

"Enough.” She eased her hand from Zane's and wagged a finger at both men. “What is this? Sibling rivalry?"

"Brotherly love,” Zane informed her. “Just checking up on the old boy here. Don't wear him out, now.” And with that, Zane gave them a jaunty wink and wave and sauntered towards a group of young women.

For a few seconds, Cade remained immobile, his narrowed gaze fixed on the retreating Zane. Then, he turned to her, a wash of concern coloring his face.

"Sorry about my brother. You okay?” Taylor nodded, but when she shivered, Cade shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it around her shoulders.

Taylor surreptitiously dipped her head, inhaling deeply the fragrance. It smelled of him. All warm and masculine. Pulling the edges around her, she hugged it to her. Once again, it was just the two of them, the crowd fading into nothingness.

"We've a date, I believe."

Taylor's toes curled. “How could I forget?"

"I hoped you hadn't."

"That would be impossible where you're concerned, Mr. Harper."

"Good. Let's go.” Linking his hand in hers, they almost ran back to where he'd parked the pickup. Cade gunned the engine as it roared to life. He gave her a quick glance. “You okay."

Oh, yes. She was more than okay. She was definitely

* * * *

The moment Taylor stepped up behind Cade outside the bar's back entrance, any doubts she'd been harboring flew out the proverbial window.

He turned to her, a finger over his smiling lips. “We need to be quiet unless you want my nosey parker sister springing us.” Draping his arms over her shoulders, Cade pulled her to him. She came up against his hard body. His very sexy body.

It felt good—again.

Excitement bubbled inside Taylor, and she reached up and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Do that again, and I won't be able to control my actions,” he murmured against her mouth.

"Is that a promise?” She kissed him again. There was nothing gentle or tentative about this kiss. She kissed him hard, stroking the side of his face, feeling his stubbled jaw and tasting him. Her hands slid beneath his T-shirt, feeling him shudder as her fingertips splayed across his heated and slicked skin.

Breathless, she pulled back, witnessing Cade's reaction. And when he chuckled, the velvety husky tone of his laughter sent shivers of need coursing through her veins. “Come on, we need some privacy."

With as much stealth as any spy, Taylor followed him up the back stairs of the bar to his apartment.

Cade switched on a table lamp and a soft glow spread around the room.

It was a very manly sort of place. Leather couches and dark wood floors, a cream Flokati rug in front of an unlit fireplace. Top-notch sound systems and a large wall-mounted flat screen television identified the apartment as home to someone who knew technology.

But it was the shining chrome hubcap, with its bold V8 insignia hanging in pride of place above the fireplace, that brought an instant smile to Taylor's lips.

Yes, this was Cade's home.

She was aware of Cade's scrutiny, and suddenly her nerves erupted again, dancing a tango in her belly. She could still feel the moistness—down there—where Cade had teased her alive and nearly over the edge.

"Do you want a drink?"

BOOK: He's the One
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