Hidden (8 page)

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Authors: Sophie Jordan

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Social Issues, #Adolescence, #Paranormal

BOOK: Hidden
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I make contact. The draki roars and tears free from Cassian. I focus on the gray one, fire dancing on my tongue, preparing to let loose another blast of heat on him.

His knifelike scales shake and make a strange whistling sound. The protruding scales on his shoulder retract and flatten. His fingers tenderly test the charred flesh of his shoulder, growling as the flesh slides and slips between his fingers like melted wax.

The sight of this—of what I can do, the damage I can bring to my own kind—makes my stomach twist sickly.

“Jacinda!” Will arrives breathlessly at my side, coughing from the increasingly smoky air. His stare swings to the gray draki and he lets loose a curse.

The gray one drops his hand from his shoulder and squares off.

“He looks pissed. You do that to him?” Wills asks amid a coughing fit.

I nod. “Uh-huh.” I draw a deep breath, ready to pull the heat up from my lungs, but my airway feels too thin, constricted. I inhale and then gasp, choking and hacking violently as I draw in a lungful of toxic fumes.

Will understands instantly. I have no defense. No fire. I need good, clean oxygen. His hand grabs mine. “We have to go now!”

He’s right, of course. We have to go before the fumes knock us out … or worse.

But not without Cassian.

I lock eyes with Cassian, stepping forward, not thinking. Not thinking that I still have to get around the gray draki to get to him.

Cassian shakes his head, eyes glinting fiercely at me. “Go, get out of here!”

He can’t mean for us to leave him.

“Cassian, no!” I surge forward another step with a flap of wings, ready for another go, even if I can’t breathe fire. Will clamps down on my shoulder, yanking me back.

The gray draki’s legs brace wide, ready for me. The pupils of his pewter eyes shudder. I look again at Cassian, beyond my reach.

“Go,” he shouts again from around the draki’s legs, his voice breaking into a savage spasm of coughing. His gaze flicks to Will. “Get her out of here!”

Somehow, intuitively, Will understands him. Or maybe it’s just the obvious thing to do. Only not to me.

Will wraps an arm around my waist, dragging me back.

“Cassian,” I scream.

Will moves his other arm in a wide arc and then pushes his palm out in what’s becoming a familiar gesture.

The earth falls before my eyes in a roar of dirt and debris.

“Get back,” Will yells behind us to the others. His grip on me tightens as he jerks me back into the tunnel. We land in a tangled pile.

Then Will’s on his feet, hauling me back as the curtain of dirt keeps coming at us in a ravenous tidal wave. But I don’t care. Coughing violently, I jerk free and jump to my feet.

I charge into the maelstrom of raining earth. “Cassian!” I’m not the only one screaming. Miram is there, too, calling for her brother. In this, our desperation to save him, we’re unified.

“Jacinda, no!” Will grabs me again. “It’s too late! We have to go!”

I spin around and yank my arm free of him. “What have you done?”

He doesn’t understand my words. But he doesn’t need to. He knows.

His eyes harden. “We have to keep moving. We’ll run out of oxygen soon down here.” Turning, he strides past the others. Leaves me to do what he must.

Miram sobs near my feet, beating at the wall of dirt where the opening to the hallway used to be. I close a hand around her arm and pull her to her feet. For once, she lets me help her. She feels slighter, thinner than I remember. Captivity will do that, I guess. My heart twists as I recall the time she endured as a prisoner. And now this. Losing Cassian. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I’d never imagined anything as terrible as this. My hand strokes her arm. We all move, following Will.

“I’m sorry,” Lia says in a whisper, squeezing beside me in the narrow space. “I shouldn’t have freed him. I just couldn’t stand the thought—”

I wave a hand, silencing her. It’s not her fault. I could have stopped her. I let sympathy get in the way. I won’t be so stupid again.

“Jacinda?” Tamra looks searchingly at me and then back behind us. “Cassian?”

“We can’t save him,” I bite out, then flinch as Miram starts weeping again.

I look behind us again to where the dirt still swirls in the air. I see the disbelief on her face. She’s torn, trying to wrap her head around what I already know. Cassian is lost to us.

I open my mouth to tell her that there’s nothing to be done, when sudden burning pain lances me, nearly bringing me to my knees. I release Miram and crash against the rough rock wall with a gasp.

Tamra reaches for me. “Jacinda? What is it?”

Cassian. It’s Cassian

Miram watches me wide-eyed, her terror as palpable as the dirt particles swimming around us, and I clamp my lips together as my chest explodes in fiery hot pain that rivals the ache in my heart.

“Jace, what is it?” Worry etches itself in the smooth lines of Tamra’s face.

I shake my head and swallow back a scream of agony. I’m not about to tell her what I know—that Cassian is being hurt, tortured somewhere by a devil draki. That I feel it happening.

Even as much as she dislikes Cassian, there’s still a history there that she can’t escape. A history of caring and longing, of wanting him and never getting him. She wouldn’t want him hurt, wouldn’t want him …
. Nor do I want to tell Miram what’s happening and risk her refusing to escape with us. Cassian would want me to see his sister to safety. I can’t let this have all been for nothing.

I force myself to move, trying to pretend I can’t feel the pain, that I’m not leaving a piece of myself behind. “I’m okay. Let’s go.”

Will works ahead of us, using his newfound powers to stretch out our tunnel and lead us to freedom. We fight the swirl of dust and earth and follow several paces in his wake.

I stare at Will’s back, trying not to blame him. Trying not to be angry. It’s a hard battle. After several minutes, I sense that he’s tiring, but he doesn’t stop. Doesn’t quit. It’s not in him to quit. I know that best of all. He keeps going, pushing ahead, dirt and earth spitting all around us in a rushing roar. I think of asking him if he knows where he’s going—are we going to emerge smack in the middle of town? That would be awkward.

I almost laugh at the image. But I don’t. It could happen. And we could still not make it out of this. Still
. Even if Will doesn’t know where we’re going he can’t stop now. There’s no going back. Behind us death waits. So I say nothing and trust him, letting him lead us out of this hell.


’m not sure how long we travel underground. Time is suspended. It feels as though we’re trapped in the very belly of the earth. Will begins to slow. My eyes have become long accustomed to the darkness, but I still squint at him through the gritty haze of dust as he motions for me to stop.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

I halt, waving an arm out at my side to keep the others from continuing. Will moves ahead, curving slightly until I lose sight of him in the billowing cloud of dirt.

Then it’s just us girls in the dark. I feel the breath of them around me, moist and rasping in the crackling dry air, earth particles floating like fairy dust all around us. I jump when I finally hear the sound of Will’s voice.

“C’mon! It’s clear!”

We eagerly move ahead, following the path he’s carved for us. I’m leading over the uneven ground and the first to see the light ahead. It’s like waking to sunlight. I blink and squint, shading my eyes with my hand. Through the press of ragged earth around us, I make out a jagged opening in the distance. Bits of roots and grass dangle around its edge.

I don’t see Will at all. He’s gone, and for a moment my chest feels tight, my heart fluttering with panic. Then his face is there, popping back inside through the opening that’s scarcely big enough to fit his shoulders. “It’s all clear. We’re not far from where we left the van.” He tosses some clothes at us. “Demanifest and get dressed.”

We comply. Miram, Tamra, and I slip on our clothes. I pass a sweatshirt and pants to Lia, pausing as I see her as a human for the first time. Enormous eyes, freckles, and a nose that upturns ever so slightly. She scarcely looks twelve. The apology is still there in her eyes, and I wish I could take her guilt away from her. She’s too young to feel such heavy responsibility. The burden of who lives and dies in an enkros cesspit shouldn’t be hers.

“Let’s go.” The three girls follow me as I squeeze to the surface. I squint like a mole emerging from its hole. The last of the day’s sunlight is fading, infusing the air with a red-gold hue. Motes dance on the fading beams. I drop on the ground, allowing my fingers to curl into the earth. I inhale a ragged breath of sweet, fresh air.
. The thought of him, left behind, tears through me like a freshly opened wound.

I reach for Cassian inside myself, hoping to find him there, hoping he can sense me.
Your sister is safe, Cassian. She’s okay. I’m okay

him to know this, hoping to reassure him. Hoping to give him a reason to fight … to find a way back to us.

Then I feel him. Like a faint cry in the night, his relief comes to me, wraps around me like a warm wind.


I glance up. Will stands at the back of the van, holding one door open and waving us over. His anxious expression reminds me we’re not out of this yet. I rise to my feet, reluctant to go even as I know we must. Leaving, somehow, feels like shutting the door forever on Cassian. Now I feel him, but I know from Mom that the more distance between us, the weaker our connection grows, and this makes my chest tighten with unease. Right now, the only thing I have left of him is our bond.

Will watches me, his gaze intent, and I know he guesses my thoughts. I feel guilty. And then annoyed. I hate that I can’t openly be broken up about leaving Cassian without worrying how that makes Will feel.

Tamra helps Miram to the van. I watch the girl as she clambers inside, reminded of an old woman.

Lia glances from Will to me, clearly hesitant, and I guess she senses the tension. Her gaze lingers on Will and I know she’s trying to figure him out—this non-draki with the draki talent to manipulate the earth.

“It’s all right. Get inside,” I say.

Then it’s just Will and me outside the van … and nothing feels “all right.”

I might have demanifested, but I still simmer beneath my skin. Cassian’s emotions ripple through me as I face Will. Even distracted with this, I want to rail and weep and strike Will for what he did. Sentiments all unfair, I know, but I’m the one standing here
every bit of Cassian’s suffering. I’m living it alongside of him.

“Get in,” he says, reminding me that whatever I have to say, now isn’t the time. We’re standing barely outside the enkros stronghold with the enkros running loose. We’re not safe yet.

I move toward the back of the van just as a helicopter rips through the air above us, flying so low it creates a strong wind. Then two more roar past.

I stare up at the sky and then look away, glance down the hillside, spotting several vehicles driving at high speed along the main road leading up to the stronghold’s gates. In the fading light, I can see the flurry of activity in its parking lot.

“Now! Let’s go,” Will shouts.

I dive into the back of the van.

In seconds, I hear the driver’s door slam shut and we’re moving, engine revving. The van turns sharply, tossing us around in the back. Lia slides into me. I wrap an arm around the girl and steady her as the van rumbles all around us like a purring beast.

Tamra holds Miram, whose gaze drills into me. “What about my brother?” For her, he’s not lost. Tamra attempts to shush her, but Miram will have none of it. “Jacinda?” she demands.

I shake my head, unable to say anything.

“Are we just leaving him?” she presses. “Forgetting about him?”

“He’s gone,” Lia whispers.

Miram’s attention swerves to the girl. “
Shut up! You made us set that monster loose. This is your fault.”

Lia shudders in my arms and turns her face away, staring stoically at the doors.

“Jacinda?” Tamra slides down beside me and lightly touches my shoulder. Even though it’s Tamra, I jerk from the contact.

Cassian’s terror is all around me now, cloying and deep; it sinks into my pores and roots in my bones. It’s all I can feel, all I am—a creature that lives and breathes fear.

I press close to the cold metal of the van wall. Still hugging myself, I shake, fight the onslaught of Cassian’s emotions.

The most basic part of me longs to break free, but the rest of me clings to Cassian, struggling to keep our connection as the distance between us grows. He’s not lost as long as I

“Jacinda?” Tamra repeats my name again, insistent for some kind of acknowledgment.

“I’m fine. Just don’t … touch me,” I say through gritted teeth as the sound of another helicopter roars nearby.

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