Hidden Desires (47 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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"That's perfectly alright, it was killing me." Brooke said, fanning herself.

Cayden felt a twinge of excitement knowing Brooke was having the same trouble as she was.
I make her horny.
she thought with an excited internal chuckle.
Not that I didn't know that already, but still...it gets me tingly.

"How's Wade and Jodie"

Cayden turned to Brooke and addressed her chest. "I haven't heard from them all day. I have no idea what to expect when I get home, I'm a little nervous."

"I'm sure it will be alright. I don't know about Wade as much as Jodie, but Jo, she's harmless. She just tries too hard, she cares about you a lot. Wants to see you happy."

"Yeah, I suppose. " Cayden pondered that. "Hey," an evil grin formed on her face. "You want harmless? Just you wait until I put on the outfit she has planned for me, then tell me harmless."

Brooke's heart rate doubled. "I can hardly wait."

*  *  *


"They're coming!" Wade yelled as he ran to Jodie. "I just saw them get out of a cab, and wait until you see Brooke!"

Jodie clapped her hands excitedly. When Cayden put her key in the door, Wade yanked it open, pulling Cayden inside and almost to her knees.

"Wade! You almost took my arm off." She complained.

He dismissed her with a wave. "Don't be so dramatic sweetie. Brooke, come in and let me look at you."

Brooke stepped passed Cayden and into Wade's open arms. They hugged and Wade laughed. "Ooo, look at these tits girl! Baboom!"

Cayden averted her eyes, she'd been trying
to look at them.

Jodie hugged Brooke too and made yummy noises. "Hey Cayden, have you taken a good look at them yet? They're wonderful."

"Yeah, I saw them. It's kinda hard not to."

Brooke, Jodie and Wade giggled to each other and Cayden rolled her eyes. "I need a shower, I'll be quick. You guys go ahead and eat that leafy green substance without me."

"Oh no, it wouldn't kill you to eat a salad, we'll wait." Wade said, pulling Brooke into the living room. "Have a beer, Jodie, go get her a beer."

"Aye, captain."

Brooke drank gratefully from the cold bottle. "So the bra was a good choice?"

"Wade snorted. "Good It was a smashing idea. You're going to get some for sure. Cayden can't resist those tits and that ass."

Jodie walked behind Brooke and hummed her approval. "Oh definitely. Cayden would have to be dead not to indulge in some of that."

"Hey now, I'm not looking for her to throw me down or anything.... on second thought..." Brooke's ears turned red from her sudden thoughts.

"Looking a little flushed there, kiddo." Jodie teased.

"Oh my god, the things she does to me. It should be illegal to get someone so hot." Brooke shook her head and flopped into the couch. "Where's La La?" She looked around curiously.

"He's locked in the bathroom. It was best for everyone involved if he was far away from the salmon." Jodie answered.

"The poor thing. " Brooke sympathized.

"Trust me, once he gets a good knead going, your in big trouble, and where there's salmon involved, it could get ugly."

Cayden's voice drifted through the house. "Stupid cat, I'm trying to get dressed!"

Brooke turned towards the voice and sighed, drinking down the rest of her beer.

"Wait until you see what she's wearing." Wade said with a smirk.

"Bring it on, I need new fantasy material." Brooke said with a wink.

Cayden's voice was heard again, less muffled than before. "You know, why is it that every time my legs are wet, La La wipes his fat ass on them? And what in god's name is in that litterbox?"

"They're pearls dear, they're chic." Wade said snootily.

Cayden popped her head into the room. "Brooke do you really give a rat's ass what the cat craps in?"

"Well, I always wanted to see what the pearls looked like."

Cayden rolled her eyes and disappeared again. "I'll be a second." Everyone waited patiently until the tall woman entered the living room.

"Dear Lord." Brooke's eyes bugged out. Cayden's hair was wet, her shorts short and her tank top testing the very limits of cotton.

Wade elbowed her and chuckled. Brooke's gaze followed Cayden as she went to sit down at the table.

"I'm starved, are you guys coming?" The brunette asked "I know its rude to start without you all but I'll give you 5 seconds."

The three friends ran to the kitchen and Brooke sat herself between Jodie and Cayden, across from Wade. She tried desperately not to stare at the shop keeper but was failing miserably. Cayden's just washed hair smelled delicious, and Brooke shivered imagining it tickling her skin. She glanced up at the stupid smiles on Wade and Jodie's face and cleared her throat. "Okay, all set, Cayden you can eat now."

"Good." The tall woman doused her salad with dressing, and smirked to herself. She could feel the tension rolling off of Brooke and felt very smug.
Ha. So there.
"Ranch?" she asked, holding up the dressing to Brooke.

Brooke nodded, and took it. "Thanks. Hey, cucumbers. My dad loves cucumbers." she said just to make conversation and bring her mind out of the gutter.

Cayden speared a cucumber with her fork and studied it. "Any relation to Pete?"

Jodie snickered and Wade spat out his salad. Brooke looked amused, but puzzled.

"Pete was Jodie's
friend. Cayden explained with a wink, then popped the fork in her mouth.

"Oooh." Brooke nodded. "I have a special fried too, but you won't find it in any salad plate. My parents would have strokes."

"Which one do you have? I have the jammer, I'm in love with it." Jodie asked excitedly.

"Really? I was looking at that one but I..."

Wade dropped his fork with a clang. "Must we?? he asked in horror.

"Oh, I forgot, Wade's got vaginaphobia. We'll continue this conversation later." Jodie said with a definitive nod.

Cayden was busy trying not to hyperventilate.
Oh god, she has a vibrator, she uses it....

Jodie noticed Cayden's expression and chuckled to herself. "So Cayd, how's work?"

"Good." The shop keeper grunted, stuffing salad into her mouth.

"A very... colorful old woman was there when I got there. Ida I think her name was, Brooke mentioned.

"Oh! Ida Friedman! Ain't she a pip? I love her. Cayden is an angel of the highest order."

"I am not. I have evil thoughts." Cayden argued.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Jodie dared. "Ow!" she yelled after Cayden kicked her under the table.

"She was really evil the other morning when she dreamed... OW!" Wade rubbed his shin.

The tall woman glared at her friends, her face turning red.

"She's being evil right now, look at that tank top." Wade continued. "There ain't nothing pure about that shirt."

Brooke took the opportunity to openly stare at Cayden's chest since everyone else was. "Oh yes... definitely impure... evil..." She muttered, trying not to throw herself face first into Cayden's cleavage.

"And you're one to talk honey," Wade smirked, pointing his fork at Brooke.

Brooke stuck out her chest and Jodie stood up and applauded. "You go girl! Nothing wrong with flaunting what ya got. Cayden, you better claim your woman before someone else steals her right out from under your nose."

Cayden panicked.
They could do that?
She looked at Brooke who was still showing off her boobs and her nostrils flared.
Of course they could, she's not mine or anything... ooo... mine?
she wondered tracing Brooke's body with her eyes.
I don't want anyone but me touching her.
Cayden's stomach clenched thinking about actually touching Brooke. Her gaze met Brooke's and Brooke's cocky little smile changed into a sultry stare.

"Well, there you go." Wade said of the way the two were staring at each other. "It looks like the claim has been staked."

Cayden broke the eye contact and calmly placed her fork down.

"I don't know really," Brooke said, "She really hasn't said or done anything to prove that to me."

"What do you want me to do?" Cayden asked seriously.

"Claim your woman. Kiss her or something... just claim her." Jodie urged.

"I already kissed you." Cayden told Brooke.

"No, you attacked her, this time, do it like you mean it. Make her want you." Wade pushed.

Brooke's eyes widened.
Want her more than I already do? Is that even possible? Good grief! I'll explode!

"Here? At the dinner table? During salad?" Cayden asked nervously.

"We don't mind. "Wade spoke for Jodie. "Do you Brooke?"

"Not at all." The blonde breathed out, already able to feel Cayden's lips.

The tall woman licked her lips and bent her head, and Brooke tilted her head up. Their lips met tentatively, lightly as they were both very aware of their audience. Cayden froze at the contact, the only thing moving on her body was her lips which she adjusted just slightly to fit better with Brooke's. That little movement was all the incentive the blonde needed and she reached up and threaded her fingers through Cayden's hair, pulling her closer and strengthening the kiss. Cayden emitted a tiny whimper from the back of her throat, and slipped her tongue out, tracing Brooke's lips. The blonde groaned, opening her mouth to give Cayden permission to explore.

The shop keeper's blood was pounding in her ears. This kiss was so different in comparison to the others... she could feel it in her toes. Her scalp tingled as her tongue wandered over the different textures in Brooke's mouth. She didn't quite understand why this kiss was so different, so much more intense than the others, even though it was less desperate. It felt like
, it seemed to

Brooke's tongue met Cayden's and sparklers went off in the blonde's brain. She slid her tongue sensuously over and around Cayden's, gripping her head tighter, not ever wanting her to move. If this kiss was meant for claiming, the deed was done. She couldn't dream of anyone else invoking such an intense feeling of want in her. Her knees were shaking and she felt like she wanted to scream.

Cayden was startled as she felt someone lifting her arms and placing them around Brooke. She wanted to protest, but once she had Brooke in her grasp, she forgot what she was thinking. She flattened her hands on Brooke's back, and pulled her as close as the chairs would allow. The lack of body contact prompted a growl of frustration from her chest.

Brooke sighed into the long, sexy kiss, it was so satisfying. Cayden's large hands, were warm and comforting, yet strong and exciting at the same time. She leaned back into them, drawing another growl from the brunette.

"Wow," Wade said quietly, "Now,
is a kiss."

Cayden, suddenly shy, withdrew, and after long moments, opened her eyes. They focused on Brooke's damp, parted lips, and her belly tightened so dramatically, her body jerked.
No, I do not want anyone else touching those lips.
A strange possessiveness washed over her and she leaned back in her chair. "How'd I do?" She asked her voice shaky and deep.

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