Hidden Desires (50 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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"So...." Jodie said, picking up a plate of cake. "Dessert?"

Cayden crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. She made a very unpleasant face as she crossed her legs, then she stood up. "I'll be right back."

"Oh, no you don't." Brooke jumped up to follow the brunette. "If I can't, you can't."

"I'm not gonna! I just need to.... wash up."

"I'm coming with you." Brooke announced.

"I can manage all by myself. Been doing so for quite some time now." The tall woman bit back.

"You're just cranky because you're horny."

"And who's fault is that?"

Jodie and Wade watched the back and forth with great interest.

Brooke grinned. "Hey, it takes two you know."

Cayden frowned. Brooke sure was right. If anything, Cayden instigated the whole thing, and she really had no right to complain. She glanced at Brooke who was smiling, and had no choice but to grin back. Brooke was the one with her bare back on the bathroom floor and if she could smile, Cayden could certainly find the humor.

"Okay, we have two grinning lesbians, this is much better." Wade commented. "Let's eat cake!"

"I'll get the coffee," Jodie said, "Brooke, you come with me, we still haven't finished that conversation." she winked, pulling the blonde with her.

Wade made a sour face. "It's that vagina conversation." he told Cayden.

The tall woman nodded. "I rather not hear that either." She commented, leaning over to inspect the cake. "OOo, is that Blackout cake?"

"But of course." Wade said with a proud smile.

"Well? What are you waiting for, get me fork!" Cayden said excitedly.

*  *  *


Jodie started the cappuccino. "Cinnamon?"

"Yes, please"

"Details woman! What just happened in there?" Jodie asked, putting down the coffee. "You have that 'I just had sex look.'"

"Almost. We got a little carried away in there, but it just wasn't right."

"I get ya. You want romance, flowers, satin sheets, foreplay." Jodie winked.

Brooke chuckled. "Hey, I'm not that picky. I just didn't want to make love with Cayden for the first time with cat litter in my hair."

Jodie's eyes went wide. "So you're telling me that Cayden started it?"

"Actually, I started it, but girlfriend took it and ran." The blonde swallowed hard. "God, she's incredible."

"Oooo, you
elaborate." Jodie leaned over and giggled excitedly.

Brooke blushed slightly, she never was one to kiss and tell, but she was about to burst. "I'll tell you what, if that's how she sucks my breast, I'm such a dead woman."

"Oh my god! It went that far?"

"It sure did." Brooke closed her eyes and sighed in pleasurable remembrance.

"Wow.... she's
good?" Jodie was thrilled. "No one's ever said that about her before... then again, I never asked, but still, you'd think if she's that good they'd want to brag."

"Hell no! They wouldn't want you to know. They'd want her all to themselves."

"Like I'd want to steal that piece of work from anyone.... no offense." Jodie grinned.

"None taken. I know what you mean, but I'm perfectly aware of what I'm getting into. That woman runs hot and cold so fast. Maybe that's why I like her so much. There's never a dull moment.

"Brooke, she's cranky, stubborn, broody.... then again, she sucks a mean breast. That oughta count for something."

Wade popped his head into the kitchen. "Hey, where's the damned coffee?"

"Vagina! Vagina, vagina, vagina." Jodie exclaimed.

"EW!" Wade ran away.

Brooke laughed and stood up. “I suppose we should get in there with the coffee."

"Never mind, I'll get it myself." Cayden said, walking to the cappuccino machine. "Did you have a good chat?"

"Oh yes... very informative." Jodie said with a smug smile.

Cayden blushed and shot Brooke a look. "Oh?"

"Yeah. So, stud muffin, what were
talking about in there?"

"Well, it wasn't vaginas."

"You guys better get in here, I can't keep La La away from the cake forever." Wade shouted.

Cayden hurried out, she'd be damned if the cat was going to get any of
cake. Brooke was hot on her heels and sat as close as she could to Cayden on the couch. The taller woman moved away, trying to put some space between them, but Jodie smooshed up to her other side, trapping her.

"Don't you all look comfy. Three pretty lesbians all in a row." Wade commented.

La La leapt up onto Cayden's lap, his tail straight up in the air, poking the shop keeper in the face. She swatted at his tail and pushed him towards Brooke. "You remember Brooke, the chicken lady?"

"You just come here sweetie." Brooke cooed. "I like you just fine, of course you remember me."

"How can he not? An elephant never forgets." Jodie joked, getting a snicker out of Cayden.

"He's not fat..."

"He's big boned." Both Cayden and Jodie finished Wade's sentence.

"Well, he's not." Wade said defensively.

Brooke smiled as La La purred loudly. "You know, he
a little on the hefty side, Wade."

Wade frowned. "He only eats once a day, and he hardly gets any table food."

"HA!" Cayden shouted.

Wade rolled his eyes. "Speaking of food, how's the cake?" He changed the subject quickly.

"It's delicious, I don't think I ever had this before, what kind is it?" Brooke wondered.

"Blackout cake. Cayden's favorite."

Brooke turned her head in time to see Cayden inhale a forkful. "I see. What else is her favorite. I need to know these things."

"She's a typical meat and potatoes butch. Shove a burger down her throat and she's happy." Wade joked.

"She really likes Italian food, Chinese too. Come to think of it, she's really not that picky." Jodie said with a wink.

"You know, I'm sitting right here." Cayden pouted. "I can answer for myself."

"Okay, so tell me, what is your favorite meal in the whole world?" Brooke asked.

"My all time favorite?" She asked, giving it some thought.

"Anything she doesn't have to cook." Wade quipped.

"Zip the lip, bra man." Cayden flicked a crumb at Wade. "I can cook if I need to. I can grill just about anything."

"Please Cayd... grilling is a top ten requirement in the butch handbook."

Cayden turned her whole body away from Wade and rolled her eyes. "Anyway," she addressed Brooke, "My all time favorite would have to be baby back ribs and garlic mashed potatoes."

"Oh baby!" Brooke agreed heartily. "Have you ever eaten that at Outback Steakhouse? They do it to perfection."

"Absolutely, I love it there." Cayden nodded.

"Gee, I haven't been there in a long time." Brooke hinted.

"Me neither."

Jodie poked Cayden and the brunette jumped and poked Jodie back. "Why'd you poke me ?"

"You are so clueless." The waitress sighed.

"What?" Cayden asked.

"Jodie wanted you to ask me out to Outback." Brooke assisted.

"Oh." Cayden grinned in embarrassment,. "You wanna go to the Outback?"

"Hmmm, I don't know Cayd, Australia is a bit far." Brooke kidded.

"Oh, you're really funny." Cayden pretended to be offended.

"Sure, I'd love to go. It'll be cool. We can both get messy and not be embarrassed."

Cool." Cayden agreed.

Brooke leaned into Cayden and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks.

Cayden swallowed hard and closed her eyes.
Just when I thought I cooled off.

"Whassamatter there, Cayd? You look a little warm." Jodie joked.

"That's cuz I am." she replied, narrowing her eyes at where Brooke's body touched hers.

"Want me to blow on you?" Brooke teased, blowing softly on Cayden's neck.

The tall woman shivered, groaned then jumped up off the couch. "I need more coffee." she announced and ran into the kitchen.

Brooke snickered. "I never had it like that before, this is so cool."

"Remember what I told you, use your power wisely." Jodie said with a wink.

"That is so neat! I never saw Cayden this hormonal before." Wade said, clapping excitedly.

"I feel bad for her actually." Jodie remarked. "I know what it's like. There was this one girl, who took no interest in me and I was totally in lust with her. Every time she was around, my crotch would draw me right to her. One night, I was at a club, and my groin jumped to attention. To my sheer delight, she came right up to me, and laid a big hot kiss on me. We hardly made it back to her place without tearing off each others clothes and as soon as I got her panties off, she got her period."

"Ew!" Wade exclaimed with a pinched face.

"So there was no reason why you couldn't get some was there?" Brooke asked.

Jodie sighed. "Yeah, there was. She didn't think it was fair for her if I got all the action, so she made me wait what turned out to be a full 7 days! It was torture! We saw each other every day, and I swear my poor little hoochie was blue."

Brooke grimaced. "I'm torturing her aren't I?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm sure you're suffering too, so it's not so bad." Jodie said with an understanding smile.

"Crud. I'm not being fair to her. Maybe I shouldn't hang around her until ..." Brooke stopped talking when Cayden reappeared.

"Not hang around me until when?" The brunette asked in confusion.

"I feel bad, your hoochie is blue and I'm blowing on your neck." Brooke said with a pout.

"My what? Jodie, what are you telling her?"

"I just said..."

"Never mind! I don't really want to know." Cayden said, sitting down again.

"Do you think it would be best if we don't see each other until the
time?" Brooke wondered.

Cayden felt a knot in her stomach.
Not see her? Can I do that? Hell, do I even want to?

"I mean, if it's hurting you." Brooke added.

"It's not hurting me, being horny is not killing me. Besides, how will we know it's the right time if we aren't together?"

"She has a point." Wade said with a nod. "Besides, I don't want to live with her if you deprive her of those." he pointed at Brooke's breasts.

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