Hidden Desires (53 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Hidden Desires
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"Yeah... well... maybe. Once. Maybe." Cayden stammered. She did that very thing not soon after Brooke left last night, and just remembering the act was making her horny.

"You're cute when you're mortified." Brooke chuckled, pulling Cayden into a hug. "I have to get going, seriously. You try and have a good day today."

"I will as soon as I get to my coffee." Brooke started walking towards the door and Cayden jumped in front of her to cut her off. "I think another kiss would help me have that good day."

Brooke felt a warm surge in her stomach, Cayden was making a move all on her own. She accepted the kiss, her mouth already open when their lips met. Their tongues tangled restlessly, both trying to dominate the other. Cayden's hands reached for Brooke's ass, holding both cheeks tightly, pulling the blonde close. Brooke withdrew her tongue, bringing it back inside of her mouth, giving Cayden control of the kiss. The brunette slid her tongue sensuously around in Brooke's mouth, tasting every niche and space deliberately, before licking and sucking each lip provocatively.

Brooke's sex flinched and she groaned loudly, pulling away. "Okay... enough." she said breathlessly. "No one's ever made me this hot this quickly before. You make me nuts!" Green eyes stared into blue in disbelief. She couldn't believe how wired her entire body could become from kissing this woman.

"I didn't do anything." Cayden said, innocently, her hands drifting lightly up and down Brooke's back.

"Like hell you didn't! That last thing you did with your tongue... I felt it everywhere, and I do mean
" Brooke closed her eyes and tried to ignore the tingly sensation between her legs that Cayden's touch was causing.

"I like kissing you, I like the way you react to me, so I want to do things to make you react." Cayden shrugged, then grinned. "You'll have to get used to my

"You're going to kill me one day, I just know it. We're going to finally make love and I won't even remember it because I'll be the one lying there in a coma through the whole thing." Brooke whined and banged her head against Cayden's breastbone. "You smell good, you look good, you kiss divinely..." Brooke ran her hands up the back of Cayden's legs and squeezed her hips. "...and you feel extraordinary.... God do I want you."

Cayden swallowed hard, her arousal peaking quickly. "Me too."

"Okay, for real, I'm going now." Brooke said, not moving.

Cayden felt good, she didn't want Brooke to leave, she was thoroughly enjoying the feel of the shiny shirt as it slipped beneath her hands. She continued to caress the length of Brooke's back, not helping the blonde's dilemma.

"That feels so nice, I think I could fall asleep just like this." The blonde sighed in contentment then dropped her hands from Cayden's hips. "Okay, I'm moving, for real. I let go, now you have to."

Reluctantly, the shop keeper removed her hands and pouted. "Go on, I know you have to get to work."

"I'm still calling you later, okay?" Brooke asked, looking into bright blue eyes.

"Sure. We can make that date for Outback."

"Cool." Brooke smiled, happy that Cayden remembered and seemed eager. "You're going to have to step to the side. If I try to slide around you, I'm going to get stuck to you again. I'm magnetized to you or something."

Cayden chuckled. "I know what you mean." she stepped away and held the door open for Brooke. As the blonde walked through, she gestured to the door. "Eh? Am I learning?"

Brooke grinned. "You'll be a stellar pupil. Thanks sweetie."

Cayden felt suddenly shy again. "My pleasure. Get to work safe."

"I will. You go drink that coffee, it's probably cold by now."

Cayden was disinterested in the coffee, cold or otherwise. She watched Brooke walk until she disappeared around a corner, then turned back into the shop with a crooked smile. "I like surprises. Especially when they come in attractive little well dressed packages."

*  *  *


Brooke snuck into work, quite late, and slipped to her desk. Bev ran into her cubicle right away, eagerly awaiting the outcome of the date.

"Well? What happened?" she asked rubbing her hands together.

"It was very interesting, to say the least. Wade and Jodie are great, and the food was delicious, but dessert was even better." Brooke said with a sly grin.

"Dessert? What did they have?" Bev asked, then after looking at Brooke's expression, it dawned on her. "OH!
, dessert! Really?" She asked both eyebrows raised high. "Last night?"

"Noooo." Brooke corrected. "No, well, almost, but no. I'm still a virgin lesbian if that's what you mean."

"Almost?" Bev narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean by almost, and where were Jodie and Wade at this time?"

"God, you sound like my mother. We were in the bathroom, Jodie and Wade were in the living room."

Bev made a sour face. "The bathroom, Brooke? Kids do that in disco's and bars. Couldn't you at least get to a chair?" she scolded.

Brooke had the good sense to look guilty. "Well... I just wanted a kiss, but it got out of hand, and before I knew it, I was laying on my back, choking on my wonderbra."

Bev laughed, the image was more than she could stand. She covered her mouth so she wouldn't guffaw out loud.

Brooke looked around nervously, the strangled sounds Bev was making was sure to draw a crowd. "Bev! It's not that funny."

"Oh, yes it is!" She said between fits of shnorfles.

"It didn't come out right, I wasn't actually eating it or anything, it was just.. oh never mind." Brooke pouted.

Bev controlled herself and took a serious expression. "No, I'm sorry, go on."

"I don't know if I want to now." Brooke said, swivelling her chair the other way.

"Aw, Honey, come on. Tell me what happened."

"I called her into the bathroom to jump her for a kiss but in no time, we were totally carried away. We almost
do it right there on the floor. Once my head bumped into the toilet though, I put an end to it. Boy, was Cayden upset. She was all revved up and frustrated, and I wasn't doing any better, but I had to stop it then."

"You did the right thing, Brooke. That wouldn't have been a charming memory at all. Your first time should be special, don't you think?"

"Totally. Speaking of charming, Cayden is not one of the more well mannered type. Can you imagine she shuffled me out the door and let me go home alone?"

"What? You didn't say anything?"

"I did this morning and she was genuinely embarrassed. I don't think she really meant to be rude, I think she just didn't know any better."

"Well, you can't blame her then. You've got some training to do." Bev joked.

"I feel a bit embarrassed myself. Am I stereotyping if I expected her to just do these things?"

"Perhaps. Maybe she always had a more masculine partner that did these things for her in the past? Then again, maybe she doesn't label herself at all."

Brooke thought about that. "I wouldn't consider her masculine. Actually, I wouldn't consider her feminine either. She's just Cayden."

"That's good enough. As long as it doesn't matter to you. However, you must let her know how you prefer to be treated, after all, she doesn't know and can't read your mind. She's going to have to adjust to you and visa versa."

"This is going to be fun." Brooke said with a groan.

*  *  *


Jodie showed up at the shop around noon and found Cayden swinging back and forth in her chair, a pleasant expression on her face. "Are you drunk?"

"What?" Cayden asked in confusion. "Why would you ask that?"

Jodie studied her friend and hummed in thought. "Why are you so happy? It's totally not like you."

"Please, can't I just have a good day?"

"No. Spill it. Something happened."

"Okay, Brooke came here this morning and did she ever look cute! She had on these adorable sandals that tied up around her ankles and really soft shirt..."

Jodie started chuckling.

"What?" Cayden wondered what was so funny.

"I should have known. Brooke, that's what." Jodie said with a smile.

"Do you want to hear or not?"

"Of course!" Jodie sat up on the counter and waited for Cayden to continue.

"Well, she brought me my coffee and we kissed a couple of times. God, Jo, she feels so good in my arms, I didn't want to let her go. It was scary and great at the same time."

Jodie beamed.
So this is what Cayden is like in love.
It was a dramatic, yet wonderful change in her usually cranky friend. Of course now the down side was having to hear about every little adorable breath that Brooke took, but she didn't mind.

"She felt it too, our hearts were beating the same way, and kissing her... man... I could kiss her all day!"

"That is so cool, Cayd!" Jodie hopped off the counter and hugged the tall woman. "This is great!"

Cayden suddenly pushed Jodie away and looked serious. "Jo, I made a big mistake last night by letting her leave all by herself."

"I could have told you that."

The shop keeper pinched the waitress on the arm. "Then why did you let me?"

"Hey! No pinching! You have to learn your own lessons!" Jodie said, rubbing her arm.

"Not if I have you I don't. Start talking, what do I have to do? She wants to be treated like a lady, but not too much, no pulling out chairs." Cayden looked expectantly at her friend.

Jodie pursed her lips in thought. "Sounds to me like you need butch lessons. Okay, first things first, she lives with her parents. You have to get on their good side, pronto. Make an impression, a
impression. No farting or belching out the alphabet, that's not the butch that we're looking for here."

Cayden listened and nodded. "Okay, what else?"

Jodie got comfortable, it was going to be a long afternoon.




ROOKE SAT ACROSS from Bev at lunch and picked on her napkin as she spoke. "The thing is, I know enough about Cayden now to know what I'm up against. I don't want to
her, I don't mind her moods."

"But you do." Bev argued.

"No, not really. I can handle whatever mood she throws at me, I've been warned by Wade and Jodie, and even experienced Cayden at her worst. I can handle her, for craps sake, I grew up with Harriet and Bert! Let's just say, I'd like to
her." Brooke said with a giggle,. "And, most importantly, I don't want her to feel as if I want her to change either."

Bev smiled. "I see. Hmm. " she took a sip of Diet Coke and pondered that thought. "Yeah, if she thought you wanted her to change, she'd feel insecure. So, you think leaving it up to her friend is going to help?"

"Definitely. Jodie is the perfect choice." Brooke replied confidently. "Wade may be a problem though," she added with a snicker. "He'll have her wearing leather and combat boots."

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