Hidden Desires (52 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Hidden Desires
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"Bert, speak to your daughter, tell her what happens when a girl gives it up so easily. What is that they say about the cow and the farm?"

"It's a cow and milk, mom."

"Harriet, leave her alone! She said she didn't have sex and I believe her. There's probably a perfectly good explanation."

"Thank you daddy." Technically, they didn't have actual sex, but still, Brooke felt guilty that her father believed her. Now she had to come up with something believable while under the microscope. Not a very good liar, especially to her parents, Brooke panicked.

"I'm waiting." Harriet pressed her daughter, arms folded, and foot tapping.

Bert was looking eagerly at Brooke and she smiled weakly. "We had a tickle fight." she said, then rolled her eyes at her own excuse. "And everyone's clothes got pulled...."

"Tickle fight? At your age?" Mrs. Hewitt harrumphed. "Hardly! I mean I know you and Cayden like each other, and probably cuddled and canoodled, but Brooke, I don't believe a tickle fight for a second."

Brooke raised both her eyebrows. "Canoodled?"

"I can see it happening." Bert said with a nod.


"No, honey, a tickle fight. You know, a little wine, some blackout cake...all the fixin's for a tickle fight if you ask me." He gave Brooke a hushing look and folded his hands on the table, asking her to leave it up to him.

"That's because you can't imagine Brooke in any other circumstance. A tickle fight my foot. There was some hanky panky going on and you just don't want to admit it. Bert, you can't even look at her when she wears that bra."

They all looked at Brooke's chest.

"See, I can look at it." he said proudly. Brooke covered her chest with her arms.

"Can we leave my boobs out of it?"

"Oh, I think it's your boobs that got you into it." Harriet said accusingly. "I knew that bra was a bad idea."

Brooke gave her mother a surprised look. "What? You picked the thing out for me! It was supposed to get Cayden's attention and now that it did, it's a bad thing?"

"Wait a second, just what kind of attention did it get you?" Bert asked, suddenly concerned.

"Oh lord." Brooke covered her face. "I didn't have sex." She took a deep breath and stood tall. "I'm going to sleep now. I have to be up early tomorrow for work and I am finished with this conversation. Good night daddy." She kissed him on the head.

"Then you didn't have sex?" Her mom asked.

"For the last time, no. We ate, and talked and that's it."

"No kiss hello or good bye?"

"Of course there were kisses, we're dating mom."

Looking satisfied with the answer, Harriet unfurrowed her brow. "Well, alright. I suppose a few kisses are okay. I mean, you two

"Glad you approve, because, you know, I wasn't going to kiss the woman until I had your permission."

"Bert! Do you see how fresh your daughter is to me?

"Leave her be, Harriet. She just came home from a date and you're jumping all over her. I'm sure if there was anything interesting, she would tell us. Now say goodnight to her and we can all go to bed."

Harriet stuck out her bottom lip. "Good night dear."

"Night mom."

Brooke ran off to her room and threw herself onto the bed, letting loose a scream into her pillow. "Oh my god! That was just insane!" she said to the dark empty room. She began to mimic her mother. "What did you two run off to the bathroom for a quickie?" She covered her face and shook her head. "How the hell did she know that?"

After undressing and getting settled, Brooke began to replay the evening in her mind. Pretty soon, she was reliving the events in the bathroom, and it was becoming impossible to sleep. She could feel Cayden's hand's touching her, her lips devouring, her tongue teasing. The blonde squirmed in her bed, and her nipples sprung to attention as she recalled what it felt like to have Cayden's hot tongue tasting them. She groaned, knowing that the more she thought about it, the hornier she'd become, but she couldn't wipe the thoughts away. She slipped a hand under her pj's and began caressing her breast, recalling the feel of Cayden's lips. This was much better than any fantasy she'd had in the past, now she had actual sensations to work with. Her soft caresses became deliberate and soon her other hand drifted between her legs. It would be a long while before Brooke got any sleep.

*  *  *


The tall shopkeeper didn't get much sleep either, and was pretty slow moving this morning. To avoid setting off the alarm, she put her coffee on the sidewalk in front of the shop as she opened up the door. As it was, whenever she pushed her way inside the shop, her back pack would slide down to her elbow and jar the coffee, making a mess, and that's where the problem would start. Without having to juggle the extra item, she was able to run to the alarm unencumbered, and shut it quickly. With a smug smile, she sashayed to the door to retrieve her coffee. When she opened the door, she jumped back a step as Brooke was standing there holding the cup.

"Morning." The blonde said cheerfully, sliding into the shop.

"Um... morning." Cayden replied, totally flustered. The blonde looked really cute in her work clothes, a shiny little sleeveless top and a sweet short tailored skirt. Cayden wanted to touch the shirt, it looked so smooth.

Brooke leaned against the counter. "Surprise." She said, scrunching up her nose in a cute way.

"Yeah." Cayden agreed with nod. "No work?" she took the coffee and put it on the counter, dropping her back pack to the floor.

"Yes, but I woke up pretty late this morning, my co-worker Bev is covering for me. I figured I'd say good morning to you." At Cayden's blank stare, Brooke became nervous. "Are you mad?"

"Mad? No! Just surprised." The tall brunette smoothed her hair, then picked at her nail. "I'm kinda happy you're here." she said quietly.

Brooke's smile lit up the shop. "I felt like last night ended too soon." She reached up and took Cayden's dark glasses off, swallowing hard at the striking blue of Cayden's eyes.

"Yeah, me too." Cayden replied, not knowing what to do with her hands. She looked at them, put them on her hips, then shoved them in her pockets. She felt uneasy without her glasses.

Brooke stepped closer to Cayden and smiled sweetly before slapping her in the stomach.

"OW! Hey! What the hell was that for?"

is for shoving me into a cab last night." The blonde said, narrowing her eyes.

"Huh? Well, how were you supposed to go home?" Cayden asked, confused.

"It would have been nice to have you smooshed up against me in the cab again." Brooke tried to lighten it up, seeing as Cayden had no clue. She stepped closer and put her hands on the tall woman's hips. "Besides, it would have been the chivalrous thing to do."

Realizing her mistake, Cayden blushed and felt guilty. "Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry." she became upset with herself and tried to pull away, but Brooke held her tight.

"Don't run off. It's okay, I'm not angry with you or anything. You'll learn. I suggest you have a chat with Jodie or Wade on the rules of a relationship." she half joked.

Cayden took her hands out of her pockets and covered her face. "I'm an idiot, huh?"

"No, just clueless. I'll have you opening doors and pulling out chairs in no time."

Cayden grinned. "So, it's like that, is it?" She shivered a bit as Brooke began to drag her fingertips up and down her long arms.

"Absolutely. I like being treated like a lady, but don't go overboard. I'm only joking about pulling out chairs." Brooke said with a grin of her own, leaning into the tall woman's body.

"So, are you making up for lost cab time?" Cayden asked of their closeness.

"Oh yeah." Brooke got even closer and slowly inched her way to her tip toes. "Cayden, I'm trying to make the first move here." she said, tilting her head back.

Cayden snorted, "Oh, you know me, clueless." she said before lowering her head to meet Brooke. She sighed at the sweet contact with Brooke's lips. They were so soft, and it was wonderful to kiss them... to kiss Brooke. The blonde's hands stopped tickling up and down her arms and rested on her shoulders. Cayden groaned as the short nails dug into her skin. She kissed Brooke like she was starving, making the blonde lean heavily into her and sigh loudly.

Brooke savored the taste of Cayden's mouth; sweet, with a hint of coffee. She held the tall woman close, not wanting the kiss to end, and hummed happily. Having Cayden pressed against her was becoming her most favorite thing and she wanted to be in this position as much as she possibly could.

 When the kiss eventually broke, Brooke laid her head on Cayden's chest and wrapped her arms around the tall woman’s body. They stood like that for long moments, just basking in the feeling.

"Your heart is beating as fast as mine." Brooke noted, not lifting her head.

Cayden grinned shyly. "Yours is doing the same thing?" Brooke nodded and pulled one of Cayden's hands to her chest. "Wow, it is." The tall woman felt a sense of relief from the hard thumping against her hand. She wasn't the only one going through these changes.

"I guess kissing is a big hit with the both of us." Brooke joked and let go of Cayden, stepping back enough to resume touching the tall woman's arms.

Cayden groaned softly, and closed her eyes. "That feels good." she admitted, placing her hands on Brooke's waist and enjoying the sensations traveling through her body.

"Perfect. I want to make you feel good." Brooke said in a half-whisper.

"Well, you are." The shop keeper said, opening her eyes and watching the finely manicured nails work their magic on her skin.

"I mean, the big picture. I don't ever want to make you feel bad, or frown. You have a gorgeous smile, did you know that?"

The brunette blushed. "I don't know what it is with you, but I blush at the drop of a hat. I can't tell you how many women compliment me, but when you do it, I get shy. I'm not shy Brooke."

"That's because I'm sincere. They all just want to get in your pants. You know me better."

Cayden smirked. "So, you don't want to get in my pants?" She asked playfully.

"Oh my god yes, but you know what I mean." Brooke kissed Cayden on the bicep, then pulled away from her grasp.

"Leaving so soon?" The tall woman joked, feeling lonely already.

"I have to get to work... eventually." Brooke said with a giggle.

Cayden pouted. "What if I want you to stay longer?"

"Cayd, I want to, trust me, I want to, but if I don't get way from you now... you're just too tempting." The blonde took a deep breath and grinned. "Why do you think I slept so late? I didn't want to wake up from my dream."

"Oh?" Cayden smirked.

"You don't have to be so full of yourself you know." Brooke playfully swatted the tall woman's arm.

"You dream about me, that's cool, and what you said yesterday, about... you know... when you...do it." The shop keeper blew on her nails.

"Like that's a big shock. I told you that before, and I know you think about me when you do it, so don't act all smug." Brooke teased.

"I do not!"

Brooke gave the tall woman a peck on the shoulder. "Yes, you do. Your red ears are a dead give away." Brooke smiled knowingly, she didn't think now was a good time to tell Cayden she heard her.

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