Hidden Desires (59 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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"Cayden, the cab is waiting."

Brooke interrupted her from her thoughts and the shop keeper smiled, and scooted into the back seat. After telling the driver where to go, she made a show of measuring the distance between their legs and frowned. "I do believe that there's at least 2 inches of space between us and that will never do."

Brooke looked skeptical. "You're not going to turn blue and faint if I get closer?"

Cayden played hurt. "Me? Blue? I'll show you blue." The tall woman not only got closer, but wrapped her leg around Brooke's and held it tight. "Now, a piece of paper can't get between us. Do I look pasty?"

Brooke's mouth hung open. "Alright, just a second. Who are you and what have you done to my Cayden? You know her, the perpetually cranky curmudgeon, who can't stand more than one second of body contact at a time."

Cayden poo-poo'ed the blonde with an eye roll. "Oh her. I left her home with Wade and La La. This one intends to show you a hell of a dinner, if it kills her."

Brooke smiled warmly. "You have to be the sweetest person... I know this is hard for you and you're doing so good."

Cayden smiled at the compliment, feeling pretty good with herself. Her smiled must have been contagious, because soon enough, the two women were sitting there smiling at each other. Cayden took the opportunity to
look into Brooke's eyes. They were a bluish-green, very bright, and somewhat sneaky. This made her chuckle to herself, if nothing else, life was going to be eventful with Brooke.

Brooke also took advantage of their closeness and studied Cayden's eyes too. Bright sky blue, shy and intelligent. She got a tingle of excitement being able to openly stare into the brunette's eyes. She noticed Cayden's focus shift suddenly to her mouth and she licked her lips unconsciously.

The tall shop keeper was very aware of being watched so intently, she regretted leaving her sunglasses at home. It was an awkward feeling to be so brazenly studied. She was a little uncomfortable, and wanted to turn her head away and blush, but at the same time, wanted to continue looking at Brooke. She shifted almost imperceptibly and stood her ground, bringing her gaze from Brooke's beautiful eyes to her lips. Cayden's eyes began to narrow of their own accord when the blonde's tongue poked out, so she forced herself to blink a few times to cover it. Brooke's lips were wet, and looked so inviting, Cayden's heart began to beat faster. She tried to avert her gaze to avoid embarrassing herself in the back of a cab, but failed, and before she knew what was happening, she was kissing Brooke.

Brooke saw Cayden concentrating on her lips and she did the same. The tall woman's mouth was slightly open, showing just a glimpse of her perfect, white, teeth from between her full, enticing lips. She fought the urge to grab Cayden and kiss her, figuring the tall woman would be mortified, but to her surprise, suddenly, Cayden was kissing
. She melted at the contact, the sweet feeling of Cayden's soft lips made her body tremble. She dropped the rose on the seat and held the back of the brunette's head, begging her silently not to stop.

Cayden had no idea what had come over her, but once she tasted Brooke's delicious lips, and felt her fingers slide up the back of her head, she couldn't care less. Her mouth opened, deepening the kiss, eliciting a small groan from Brooke. The tiny sound reverberated through her insides and made her legs feel weak. Their tongues danced sensuously together, their entwined legs got tighter, and Cayden moaned softly.

"You know, I
stop at the Holiday Inn."

Brooke started snickering at the cab driver's suggestion and Cayden followed suit. The kiss broke abruptly as the two semi-embarrassed women laughed.

"Excuse us." Brooke managed to apologize through chuckles.

"Oh, I don't mind. I was just noting the timely approach of the hotel."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary." Cayden said as politely as she could muster.

"Maybe later." Brooke added, squeezing Cayden's leg.

The shop keeper closed her eyes as a surge of adrenaline coursed through her at the very proposal.

Brooke leaned over and touched Cayden's face. "Did that scare you?"

"No!" The brunette answered quickly. "It didn't, believe me." She turned to Brooke who was giving her quite the saucy look and narrowed her eyes. "You just better behave." she warned playfully.

"Or else?"

"Or... or... I'll think of something and it will be bad." Cayden said, poking Brooke in the ear.

"Hey!" The blonde giggled. "I need to get you alone more often! I like you!"

"I should hope you like me." Cayden said, with a mock look of shock.

Brooke looked up at the tall woman through her lashes. "Oh, Miss Riley, you better believe that I
than like you, and I intend to show you just how much."

Cayden stopped breathing for a moment and her stomach flipped. "Are you saying that you want too...you're ready for..." she stuttered.

Brooke moved her hand to Cayden's upper thigh and squeezed. "Uh huh."

Cayden's sex twitched and her mouth watered.
She's ready! She wants to make love! OH MY GOD! Where? When? How? Oh shit, she's not wearing a bra.... tonight???

"Are you going to be alright there stud?" Brooke asked, fanning the tall woman.

Cayden nodded. "I think so."

"Good, because we're here."

*  *  *


Cayden held the door open for Brooke, and watched the blonde's backside sway in front of her with delight. She was sure that was the
reason behind this particular chivalrous act, to watch the woman's butt. They didn't have to wait at all and were shown their seats right away. The tall woman made a beeline for Brooke's chair and held it for her as she sat down. Not sure if she could push the blonde in gracefully along the carpeted floor, she stood there for an awkward moment.

pulling out all the stops tonight aren't you?" Brooke turned her head and said with a happy smile.

Cayden grinned and nodded. "I told you, I intend to impress."

"Well, you already have," She giggled. "Go sit down so I can look at you." Brooke said with a hand gesture to Cayden's chair.

The shop keeper did as she was told, and was happy just to stare at the blonde. However, she was getting uncomfortable being studied herself, and started to grin sheepishly. The waitress suddenly appeared, handing them both menu's and water, giving her a reason to break eye contact.

"Anything to drink?" The young waitress asked.

Brooke ordered a Coke and Cayden frowned. She wouldn't be able to pour wine in an impressive fashion like she planned.
I'm sure there will be other opportunities,
she thought.

"Are you going to have anything?" Brooke asked, wondering what was going through Cayden's mind.

"Oh, yeah." The brunette scanned the menu quickly. "Would you mind if I had a beer?" she asked the blonde.

"Go right ahead." Brooke said with a sexy smile and a wink. "Maybe I'll get you drunk and have my way with you later."

Cayden ordered, red faced, and sat back in thought. She wondered how Brooke could be so open and daring, and secretly wished she was able to do the same thing. The blonde had no problem announcing what she wanted, or reaching out and grabbing it. Cayden, on the other hand, had to go through a million changes just to say hello. She wasn’t necessarily shy, but maybe
was more the right word. She just didn't want to seem pushy, or spoiled, and feared that's exactly what she would be perceived as, not only because of her looks but her size. Being a good looking woman, and knowing that she was, made it difficult for Cayden. She didn't want it to seem like she used her looks to get what she wanted, and she didn't
like to be intimidating. Of course, she liked to be intimidating most of the time, it kept people at a distance, but she was afraid she didn't know how to turn it down when it wasn't appropriate. Like now. Perhaps she was overcompensating, and that was what made her seem so shy. While she was thinking about this, Brooke picked up her menu and Cayden decided not to think at all and just continue to run on instinct.

"What are you going to have?" Brooke asked, her face popping over the top of the menu.

"I was thinking I want the Swordfish." Cayden replied, not even opening her menu.

"I think I want steak. Yes, mmm. That's what I want." Brooke decided. She smelled her rose one more time and stood it up in her water glass.

Cayden grinned. "Inventive."

"I try." Brooke grinned back. She reached across the table and took Cayden's hand. "Did I tell you how scrumptious you look?"

The tall woman blushed. "Yes, something like that." She said quietly. "That dress is perfect on you, and I can't believe I got a purple rose. Of all the colors they had, I was set on that one."

"We must be on the same wavelength." Brooke said, raising her eyebrows. "Karma."

Cayden rolled her eyes. "Oh, no, not you too. Jodie is into that, ohm and karma and rot like that."

Brooke pretended to be offended. "I beg your pardon, it is

"Yeah, yeah... okay, be into it, but just don't Zen me to death." The tall woman smiled playfully. "I like being cranky."

"I'll try not to." Brooke winked. "Besides, I kinda like your cranky side. It's hot."

"It is not." Cayden blushed and laughed. "It's not supposed to be!"

"Honey, I've seen you at what I suspect to be your absolute worst and still found you to be incredibly hot."


"Please, you know what I mean." Brooke chuckled. "Did I not kiss the daylights out of you?"

"Excuse me, but I think I kissed the daylights out of

Brooke narrowed her eyes. "You go on and tell me that you weren't horny after that kiss. Go on, tell me."

Cayden narrowed her eyes too, but failed to reply. She recalled running off to her room to touch herself after said kiss and certainly wasn't fessing up to that.

"Ha! See? I rest my case." Brooke said haughtily.

Cayden snorted. "There's no case, I made you melt, if I wasn't holding you up, you'd have slid into a puddle at my feet."

"Oh, is that so? Okay, you just wait until later and I'll show you who melts who." Brooke said cockily.

Cayden raised both eyebrows. "How can you be so confident?"

"What? You don't think I'll kiss the shit out of you?"

"No, I mean in general, you have balls Brooke. I wish I had them."

"Honey, if you had them, you'd be rich." The blonde joked.

"Hardy har." Cayden snickered, then turned serious. "I like that about you, you're determined and you're not afraid to go for it."

Brooke blushed slightly. "Thank you."

The waitress showed up with their drinks, and took their orders. Cayden sipped her beer and smiled. "That's good beer."

Brooke took Cayden's glass and smelled it. "Smells pretty good. I'm not much of a beer drinker so anything to me is good. I'm glad you like it."

Cayden felt all warm inside. Brooke was smiling, and happy that Cayden liked her beer.
How cool is that? She's really happy about something so silly. That's the difference between Brooke and everyone else...

"What are you thinking?" Brooke asked, squeezing Cayden's hand.

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