Hiding from Love

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Authors: Barbara Cartland

BOOK: Hiding from Love
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Copyright © 2010 by Cartland Promotions
First published on the internet in July 2010


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The gentleman stood silently for a moment.  Then he drew on his gloves and held his hand out to Leonora.

“Come,” he invited.

“Thank you sir, but no.”

His next move disarmed her.  Reaching forward, he took Leonora's hand and drew her from behind the table.

Much to her consternation she felt herself yield.

There was something compelling about this man's character and tone that made her will melt away like snow in the rays of the sun.

In an instant Leonora was transported into a world she had never even dreamt existed, let alone experienced.

She was in a realm of air.  Held close against this stranger's chest, she was weightless and dreaming.

The music seemed to penetrate her very soul.

“Oh – this is
wonderful,” she breathed.

The gentleman said nothing, but gazed down into her ecstatic face for a moment.

Then he clasped her more tightly to him.

Too soon, far too soon, it was over and the violins fell silent.

The gentleman in the mask stood back and bowed as the sound of applause came from the antechamber.


Barbara Cartland was the most prolific bestselling author in the history of the world. She was frequently in the Guinness Book of Records for writing more books in a year than any other living author. In fact her most amazing literary feat was when her publishers asked for more Barbara Cartland romances, she doubled her output from 10 books a year to over 20 books a year, when she was 77.

She went on writing continuously at this rate for 20 years and wrote her last book at the age of 97, thus completing 400 books between the ages of 77 and 97.

Her publishers finally could not keep up with this phenomenal output, so at her death she left 160 unpublished manuscripts, something again that no other author has ever achieved.

Now the exciting news is that these 160 original unpublished Barbara Cartland books are ready for publication and they will be published by Barbaracartland.com exclusively on the internet, as the web is the best possible way to reach so many Barbara Cartland readers around the world.

The 160 books will be published monthly and will be numbered in sequence.

The series is called the Pink Collection as a tribute to Barbara Cartland whose favourite colour was pink and it became very much her trademark over the years.

The Barbara Cartland Pink Collection is published only on the internet. Log on to
to find out how you can purchase the books monthly as they are published, and take out a subscription that will ensure that all subsequent editions are delivered to you by mail order to your home.

If you do not have access to a computer you can write for information about the Pink Collection to the following address :


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 Titles in this series

These titles are currently available for download. For more information please see the
Where to buy page
at the end of this book.


1. The Cross Of Love
2. Love In The Highlands
3. Love Finds The Way
4. The Castle Of Love
5. Love Is Triumphant
6. Stars In The Sky
7. The Ship Of Love
8. A Dangerous Disguise
9. Love Became Theirs
10. Love Drives In
11. Sailing To Love
12. The Star Of Love
13. Music Is The Soul Of Love
14. Love In The East
15. Theirs To Eternity
16. A Paradise On Earth
17. Love Wins In Berlin
18. In Search Of Love
19. Love Rescues Rosanna
20. A Heart In Heaven
21. The House Of Happiness
22. Royalty Defeated By Love
23. The White Witch
24. They Sought Love
25. Love Is The Reason For Living
26. They Found Their Way To Heaven
27. Learning To Love
28. Journey To Happiness
29. A Kiss In The Desert
30. The Heart Of Love
31. The Richness Of Love
32. For Ever And Ever
33. An Unexpected Love
34. Saved By An Angel
35. Touching The Stars
36. Seeking Love
37. Journey To Love
38. The Importance Of Love
39. Love By The Lake
40. A Dream Come True
41. The King Without A Heart
42. The Waters Of Love
43. Danger To The Duke
44. A Perfect Way To Heaven
45. Follow Your Heart
46. In Hiding
47. Rivals For Love
48. A Kiss From The Heart
49. Lovers In London
50. This Way To Heaven
51. A Princess Prays
52. Mine For Ever
53. The Earl's Revenge
54. Love At The Tower
55. Ruled By Love
56. Love Came From Heaven
57. Love And Apollo
58. The Keys Of Love
59. A Castle Of Dreams
60. A Battle Of Brains
61. A Change Of Hearts
62. It Is Love
63. The Triumph Of Love
64. Wanted – A Royal Wife
65. A Kiss Of Love
66. To Heaven With Love
67. Pray For Love
68. The Marquis Is Trapped
69. Hide And Seek For Love
70. Hiding from Love

Barbara Cartland, who sadly died in May 2000 at the grand age of ninety eight, remains one of the world's most famous romantic novelists.  With worldwide sales of over one billion, her outstanding 723 books have been translated into thirty six different languages, to be enjoyed by readers of romance globally.

Writing her first book ‘Jigsaw' at the age of 21, Barbara became an immediate bestseller.  Building upon this initial success, she wrote continuously throughout her life, producing bestsellers for an astonishing 76 years.  In addition to Barbara Cartland's legion of fans in the UK and across Europe, her books have always been immensely popular in the USA.  In 1976 she achieved the unprecedented feat of having books at numbers 1 & 2 in the prestigious B. Dalton Bookseller bestsellers list.

Although she is often referred to as the ‘Queen of Romance', Barbara Cartland also wrote several historical biographies, six autobiographies and numerous theatrical plays as well as books on life, love, health and cookery.  Becoming one of Britain's most popular media personalities and dressed in her trademark pink, Barbara spoke on radio and television about social and political issues, as well as making many public appearances.

In 1991 she became a Dame of the Order of the British Empire for her contribution to literature and her work for humanitarian and charitable causes.

Known for her glamour, style, and vitality Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime.  Best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels and loved by millions of readers worldwide, her books remain treasured for their heroic heroes, plucky heroines and traditional values.  But above all, it was Barbara Cartland's overriding belief in the positive power of love to help, heal and improve the quality of life for everyone that made her truly unique.

“I know that if I had ever tried to hide myself from love, I would have been caught so quickly it would have been ridiculous!”

Barbara Cartland


Summer term at the fashionable Fenfold Academy for Young Ladies had ended.

All sorts of vehicles were drawn up in front of the large house, waiting to convey the girls home.  It always took so long for these pampered pupils to say goodbye!

Isobel Lapaz stood at the top of the steps, drawing on her white gloves.

She was leaving Fenfold for good.  Her parents in Brazil had decided that they wanted her to go to school in Rio de Janeiro and live at home.

She turned to her friend Leonora.

“Oh, Leonora, I shall miss you so much!”

“I shall miss you too, Isobel.”

“You must come and visit me one day.”

“I would love to, but Brazil is a long way away.”

Leonora did not add that it was far too expensive a journey for her to even contemplate, but Isobel understood.

“One day it will be possible, you will see, Leonora.  Until then, I will never forget you.  We have had so much fun together, haven't we?”

Isobel hugged her and then ran to her carriage.

Leonora watched as the coachman helped Isobel to climb in before leaping onto his box and lashing his whip.

Isobel leant from the window.

“Goodbye Leonora!” she waved vigorously, though her eyes were full of tears.

“Until Brazil, dear friend.”

“Until Brazil!” echoed Leonora without conviction.

Although the day was warm, she gave a little shiver as Isobel's carriage bowled away along the wide driveway.

There went her best friend in the world.  Who knew when they would meet again?

There was nothing for her to do now but wait for the school trap that would take her to Stroud, where she would meet the public coach to Bristol and from Bristol the family trap would convey her on the last lap home.

‘Home!' murmured Leonora.

How sweetly the word ‘home' had once rung in her ears, but now it carried with it a vague sense of foreboding.

Leonora's beloved Papa had died two years before and her world had seemed to fall apart.

Edward Cressy had been a hero to his daughter.

The youngest son of a minor country Squire, he had refused to enter the Church or join the Army as his father prescribed.  Instead he had followed his keenest interest, which was literature and joined a publishing firm.

To his family a book was of incomprehensibly less use in the world than a garden rake or a chamber pot so this amounted to sacrilege.

They were further outraged when Edward married Lucy, who they considered beneath his station, principally because she had once worked as a Governess.

Squire Cressy cut him out of his will and only his Aunt Doris felt a sneaking sympathy for the young man.

When Edward and Lucy had a daughter, Leonora, Aunt Doris elected to pay the child's school fees when the time came.

She had been as good as her word and at the age of ten Leonora had been enrolled at the exclusive Fenfold.

At Fenfold Leonora mixed with girls from far more wealthy families than her own and yet she was never envious.

Her parents were very happy together in the little house they called Cressy Cottage and if it had not been for her desire for a good education, Leonora would have found it unbearable to leave her family each term.

Then her father had died and life was never to be the same again.

Leonora's mother was left with a small pension and a little income from an investment her husband had made.

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