High Stakes Gamble (17 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

Tags: #The Vegas Series

BOOK: High Stakes Gamble
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Obviously agitated by this seeming rejection, Jane whipped the baby away from him. Not liking this treatment at all, Lily let the world know. Her screams rent the air and broke his heart. Instinct took over as he offered to take her, his smile warm, his hands extended.

“I have a way with the girls, let me help.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Once Aurora and Ham arrived on the scene, they released the furious grocery driver and had a uniform drive him back to the store so he wouldn’t be in trouble with the boss who worried him so much.

Before he left, all he could tell them was the time Kai had disappeared into the building. With a sniff and some derision, he added that it never took him that long to make an ordinary delivery.

Once he headed off, Aurora paced beside her car. Something was wrong. She knew it. The ringing in her head confirmed that Kai must have run into a problem. Turns out she had one of her own. Alan Haynes of the Federal Bungling Incompetents and his posse drove up and parked out in the open.

“Get those vehicles away from here. You’re jeopardizing a crime scene,” she informed them in a tightly-controlled voice. God she wanted to scream the words at his mealy-mouthed face. “I don’t care where you move them to; just get them away from where the suspect can see them from her windows or patio.”

“Detective Morelli, kidnapping falls under Federal jurisdiction. You have withheld pertinent information from us on this case. Just so you know, I will be making a full report to my immediate supervisor.”

“Fuck off, Haynes. My partner is inside, so is my baby and if you ruin this for any reason, I’ll personally shoot you and cheer when the jury decides on justifiable homicide.”

“Morelli, be reasonable! Our SWAT teams are trained for this kind of situation. And we have negotiators who are highly specialized to deal with women like Mrs. Lelonde.”

“Right now, that woman has a gun and the will and smarts to use it. She’s irrational and believes that Lily is her own child. She will not let anyone forcibly remove that baby from her arms—not again. We know that.”

“I’m completely aware of what’s happened. We can take it from here.”

“Look, if Kai doesn’t succeed in talking her down, we have no idea where this will end. It’s delicate and it’s happening now. Not when your dicks can get their act together. Now back off and clear these cars out of here. Let us do our jobs or so help me God, you’ll see an irrational mother with a loaded gun pointed in your face.”

The disgust on his face didn’t faze her at all. But having the fool step from the unmarked vehicle and then wave the three away to park around the corner had her breathing a bit easier.

Aurora spoke into her shoulder phone to Ham who was organizing the police van’s arrival. “Ham, did you notice any movement on the patio from where you are?”

“No, nothing. I’m hopeful Mrs. Lelonde didn’t see all the traffic.”

“Find Matilda’s apartment and get some eyes on the scene if you can. Let me know what’s going on. I’ll wait here for Cory. He’s on his way.”

“Will do. You okay?” Ham didn’t need to make a gesture toward the stupid prick next to her. She knew what he was getting at.

“Yeah! Go.” Grudgingly leaving Aurora alone with Haynes, he scurried off to approach the other apartment from a different direction.

Ignoring the idiot beside her who yattered on his phones, telling his crew to close off the vicinity and keep everyone from the site, Aurora called the number Mr. Lelonde had given her. She explained to the husband of the broken madwoman that a car would pick him up and bring him here. Never knew when a loved one could make a difference in an emergency. Best to be prepared.

All of a sudden, Aurora heard Ham’s voice and he sounded anxious. “Aurora I’m in. And I have bad news. She’s made Kai. He’s on the floor and she has her gun aimed at his head while he’s putting on some handcuffs.”

Chapter Forty

“Who are you?” The woman was totally cool. Her hand holding the gun didn’t shake. Her eyes holding his didn’t flinch. Neither did the hatred blazing from her eyes wane. She scared the living shit out of him.

Not wanting to alarm her, Kai casually put his hands in his pockets and took a relaxed stance. “I’m Lily’s father.” After he spoke the words, they hurtled back at him like a shock wave of pure elation. He’d never said it out loud before and somehow it made his claim seem more real.
Holy smokes! I’m a father. And this little blue-eyed darlin’ is mine

It was then he knew he could die. Because he’d do anything it took to keep his little angel safe. If it meant taking a bullet, well then he’d gladly leave this life for her.

Except for one thing, he had the world by the tail right now. The love of a gorgeous female was in his grasp. He had a daughter to teach how to become a gutsy woman like her mom. It was a chance at a life he could only dream of. Somehow he had to get through this drama so he could have his happy ever after.

While he took the moments to think of his options, she’d laid Lily on the floor and stepped back motioning with the gun for him to sit against the wall.

The hardness in her tone hadn’t faltered, if anything it had strengthened. “Baloney, you’re a cop.”

He slowly removed his glasses and watched the truth sink in. “I’m her father. And I live in LA. I came as soon as I heard she’d been taken.”

“How did you find me?” She narrowed her eyes and waited.

Okay no more wriggling around the truth. Being as smart a lady as she was, she wouldn’t appreciate it. “I’m a detective with the LAPD.”

“I knew it. Otherwise you’d never of had the wherewithal to search out all the different deliveries. I had to order supplies because I couldn’t take a chance yet on anyone recognizing Lily. But I worried that you’d track the baby stuff.”

He had to think fast. “There was a pattern.”

Jane nodded. “I know. She likes only certain foods and I wanted her to be happy.” For a second, she glanced at the baby on the floor playing with her toes and gurgling. Her expression softened wondrously.

A bit of the ice in Kai’s animosity melted. He couldn’t let this softening override his knowledge though. She was a land mine, one wrong step and detonation could occur.

“Give me your gun,” she ordered.

He did as she asked and watched as she backed to a small table and put it in a drawer.

“Now sit there, put your handcuffs on and don’t move.” She was all business once again.

He did as she said, and leaned back against the wall—calm and quiet.

“Give me the key.”

Yep, she was smart. He threw it over and she put it in her pocket.

Then she sat across from him and picked Lily up once more. Her own gun she kept in the well of her crossed legs.

“Now what?” Kai asked. She looked his way.

“I don’t want any fuss. My husband is a good man and hasn’t had anything to do with this. It was my choice. I don’t want him implicated.”

“He won’t be. At this point, it’s just between you and me. But I can’t promise for how long we can keep it quiet. You know Lily’s mom is a cop—”

The calm women from a moment ago disappeared to be replaced by insanity. “Don’t you talk to me about that cold-hearted bitch! And my baby’s name is Lucy.” In one instant, nice, easy-to-talk-to Jane had regressed from a reasonable person to nuttier than a pecan-covered ice cream treat.

“Come again?” He had no idea what this wild-eyed lunatic was talking about! Should he commiserate and pretend to be on her side? Tell her he lived in LA because he couldn’t stand being with Aurora. Maybe suck up to her by agreeing. Muscles tensed, he waited for her to elaborate.

“I watched her being a
.” She spit the word out like it tasted bad. “In the doctor’s office, when some poor lady had her baby stolen, that cop strutted around like she was queen of the place, threw her baby at me to look after and threatened me to stay where I was and not to move. I held her…” For a second Jane’s eyes clouded over and she lifted her hand to her head. Then she looked down at Lily who let out a happy humming sound.

The baby’s waving arm struck her chin and as soon as Jane felt the touch, she lowered her face and it seemed as if Lily stroked her cheek. It darned near brought the tears to his eyes to see the tiny person connect with the heartbroken, spirit-sick Jane.

Wanting to keep her talking, he softly questioned. “Did the cop try and help the other mother?”

“Help her? I-I don’t know.” Jane blinked repeatedly. Her lip trembled until she bit down hard. “She left her baby with a stranger. A person like that doesn’t deserve to be a mother.”

He smiled gently. “Of all the women around, what made her trust you?”

“I-I don’t know.” Tears filled Jane’s eyes and she hugged Lily to her and began to hum softly.

Chapter Forty-One

Aurora heard Ham’s voice describing Kai’s dangerous situation and instantly unparalleled rage erupted. Lily and Kai were both at the mercy of a lunatic and she stood powerless below. Her already stretched nerves couldn’t take another hit.
God—will this torture never end?

Cory approached and touched her shoulder before she was even aware he had arrived.

“Aurora. Turn your radio on to Channel F9. You need to listen to this. Kai’s recording her.”

Quickly, Aurora switched and heard the words… “Don’t you talk to me about that cold-hearted bitch!”

What followed almost broke her. Hearing Lily murmuring in the background started the tears and listening to Jane’s contempt made her swallow them. Her emotions seesawed until the inside of her cheeks were raw and her temper completely frayed.

As if there wasn’t already enough to worry about Alan Haynes moved over beside her and Cory. “I’ve got my men positioning roadblocks and stopping everyone from entering the zone. We’re setting up the SWAT team for a shooter at the apartment where Detective Hampton is stationed and there’ll be another on the roof. The media—”

Cory voice boomed and startled Aurora from her listening. “No snipers and absolutely no media. The whole area is to be kept clear. You got that? If that woman sees a hint of any other police beside Kai Lawson, there’s no telling what she’ll do.”

“Pardon me Lieutenant Ashton, but I’m calling the shots here.” Haynes bristled as if someone had shoved a sawed-off broomstick up his ass.

Stepping in front of Cory, Aurora moved to face Haynes. “Boss, let me explain the situation to this dimwit.” Anyone who knew her would recognize that the softer she spoke the more they’d need protection.

“Now, Aurora.” Cory put his hand out. He did try and stop her… sort of. Knowing her boss, she was aware the warning didn’t ring true. And even if it had, it was far too late.

“Haynes, you little turd! If you let one of your men come anywhere near this operation and endanger my family, I will make you very sorry.”

Eyes narrowed, lip jutting out and a squeak in his outrage, Haynes fought back. “You can’t speak to me this way, Detective. I’ll have your badge.”

Maybe if he hadn’t made the mistake of jutting his chin too far into her space, or, maybe if he hadn’t put his hand on her arm as if he had the right to get her attention, she might not have attacked.

Nah—she would have!

First she grabbed his hand and twisted it up behind him, making sure his fingers would take a few days for the pain to recede. Then she forced him to his knees and put a strangle hold around his neck from behind.

“Let him go, Aurora.” Cory’s no-nonsense voice still didn’t ring true.

She grabbed his full head of hair and made sure Haynes paid attention. “No one is looking this way right now you stupid asshole. If I let out any kind of noise, just maybe some of your men might notice your compromised position. Could be embarrassing… So tell me right now, you going to back off and let us do our jobs?”

“He’s trying to say something, Rory. Give him some slack so the man can answer you.” Cory nonchalantly blocked the view of the skirmish as he leaned against the closest vehicle and added, “Besides, you’re wasting your time with our friend here and missing some good stuff on the radio.”

Instantly, Aurora loosened her hold, gave Haynes a shake to make him speak up and waited impatiently.

“We’ll leave.” He croaked the words, and when she let him go, he slowly stood. Then he brushed his knees off carefully not using his fingers. “Just so you know, I’ll be making a full report to my supervisors on both of you.”

When Aurora made another move in his direction, he backed away quickly and limped to where his men were all gathered.

Cory’s big hand soothed her as he stroked her back. “It’s getting interesting. I think Kai is working his magic.”

Chapter Forty-Two

Instinctively, Kai knew what had made Aurora trust Jane. He waited for a little while to let the poor woman enjoy the special connection she had with his daughter and then he broke the spell.

“I know why Aurora chose you.”

His words caught her attention and Jane looked at him. “What?”

“You said you didn’t know why my wife chose you to look after our baby. I do.”

“Why?” Jane’s gentle hand held the Lily’s tiny fingers and she caressed them as if they were precious.

“Because you love babies. I’ve never met you before but I can see it clearly. Aurora is the most intuitive person I’ve ever met, it’s one of her most fascinating qualities and so important in a good policewoman. She gave Lily to you because she knew you would never let anything happen to her.”

“I wouldn’t. She’s the most beautiful baby in the world.” Jane leaned over and kissed the fuzzy hair on Lily’s head. “I’ve wanted a child for so very long.”

“Tell me.”

Jane’s eyes cleared and she moved to lean her back against the nearest chair. Not realizing she’d left the gun under the teddy-bear blanket not far from Kai, she reached for a chew ring and handed it to Lily who lay across her knees fully contented.
“My husband Marc and I had been trying for a baby for fifteen years. When I found out I was pregnant with Lucy, we were over the moon. I’ve never been happier than I was for the nine months I carried my little angel. Never had a sick day during pregnancy and…”

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