High Strung (Power Station Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: High Strung (Power Station Book 1)
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I couldn’t get off the stage quick enough. I bypassed the backstage area and jumped off the front of the stage and into the crowd like a fucking rookie. Some girl grabbed my ass but I was able to get free of her pretty quick, just as well I did ’cause it’s hard to make a play for one girl when you have another trying to get into your pants. I know this first hand. It gets ugly.

So I grabbed Ash, pulling her from the crowd in the dark. Her face was priceless. And after some appreciated mouth action and our dance floor confessional, it seemed like we were finally on the same page. I’d taken the girls backstage to meet the rest of the band which hopefully would mean we could call it a wrap, and I could get my girl back to my place.

Troy, Jase, and TJ had made sure Ash’s friends got home; all of them too liquored up to drive and thankfully smart enough to cab it in. They loaded up into the Suburban and hit the road. Alex and James said their goodbyes and went home to their wives and kids. They didn’t hang around much these days, not that I blamed them. Why bother when you have a sweet deal waiting for you at home?

“Where’s your car?” Ashlyn giggled as we walked along the sideway.

I insisted Ash do a few shots before leaving the bar. Tequila on your birthday is mandatory, and I’m a stickler for tradition.

“Just in the parking garage up the street, babe. Just a little bit farther.” I wrapped my arms around her tight little body. She shivered despite me giving her my jacket to wear. I liked it on her. The leather dwarfed her tiny frame.

“Dan,” Ashlyn purred as she nuzzled into my side, my dick responding by punching out against my jeans.

“Yeah, babe.” I kept my feet moving, taking her along with me. Stopping wasn’t an option. Not unless she was planning on spending the rest of her birthday in lock-up for a public indecency charge.

“Am I really your girl?” She looked up at me. Her eyes were full of fucking need and want as she breathed on my neck. She undid me.

“You sure are.” I tried to concentrate on the words coming out of my mouth instead of the pain in my balls. My body was not on the same page as my brain, arguing whether or not we were going to have to wait until I got her home to my apartment. A few more steps till we reached the car. A few more steps too fucking far.

“I like that.” Ashlyn ran her hand down my back so that it rested on my ass. Yep, I was probably getting a speeding ticket on the way home. I didn’t even give a shit. I just needed to get inside of her. Like five minutes ago.

We rounded the corner into the multilevel garage and I handed the valet my ticket. The kid looked about twenty, he didn’t even try to hide his shit-eating grin when he saw Ash all sweet and relaxed, no doubt a result of the tequila. Yeah, a little less time checking out my girlfriend and a little more getting my ride, asswipe.

He took the hint the way it was intended and didn’t waste any time flapping his gums making small talk. Good thing too, ’cause I wasn’t interested in the “how-are-yous,” just wanted my keys and my Benz so I could get the fuck out of here.

“Dan,” Ashlyn mumbled into my chest, her hand slowly traveling down the front of my shirt. And fuck if I wasn’t torn between asking her to stop and begging her to keep going. How the hell long does it take to get a car? Where did he park it? Vermont?

“Hang in there, almost home.” I don’t know if I was saying that for her benefit or for mine. Hoping my balls would get the memo and yank on the brakes.

The douche who’d been ogling my girl finally pulled up in my wheels and not a second too soon. I peeled off a twenty as I took back my keys. His tip had been decreased when I caught him checking out my girl’s ass. Not cool, dude. Not even close.

I slid into the driver’s seat and made sure Ash was buckled in tight, my hard-on dictating we get home and get busy ASAP. Time to see what the 5.5 Liter, twin turbo V8 under the hood could do. I revved the engine and tore out of the parking garage like a bat out of hell. Ashlyn laughed as I pulled onto the secluded side street surprisingly not running her mouth about my driving. That had to be a first.

“Dan, pull over.” Ashlyn grabbed my arm before we had a chance to get onto the main road.

“You going to be sick?” I looked over at her as I slammed on the brakes. God, I hoped she wasn’t going to puke all over my car; that would really kill the mood. Not that it would stop me from fucking her. There wasn’t much that could right now.

The sudden stop punched us both back into our seats, Ashlyn breathing heavily as she fumbled with her seatbelt. Yep, she was going to be sick. Probably could have skipped the last few shots. I put the car into park and engaged the emergency brake, just in case she needed me to hold her hair back or something.

The belt restraint flung back and she wrangled herself out of her seat, but instead of opening the car door, she flung herself at me.

“Whoa,” was the only response I managed as her lips covered my mouth. The taste of salt and tequila was still fresh on her tongue as she swirled it around in my mouth. It tasted like heaven. Well, if heaven had a bar, I bet it would taste just like that.

I reached down and unhooked my seatbelt and eased back the driver’s seat, keeping my mouth firmly locked on hers. I needed more room but there was no way I was stopping this. Not a fucking chance.

Ash climbed over the console and into my lap, my hands finding their way onto her ass. She straddled me, her short dress creeping up her thighs and flashing me a peek at the black satin panties she was wearing.

“Fuck,” I groaned, sliding my hand underneath her dress as she rocked up against my cock. The car might have gotten from zero to a hundred in four-point-eight seconds but I just got there in under three.

“Dan, fuck me,” Ashlyn moaned in between kisses, my brain misfiring on the fucking words coming out of her mouth. Was there even a possibility I wouldn’t? Was she meaning now? In the car? On the fucking street?

“Babe, I want nothing more than to have sex with you but you sure you want to do it here?” I looked around at the deserted street, knowing this wasn’t her. Maybe it was the booze talking.

“Isn’t this what you used to do?” She giggled into my ear as she reached down in between my thighs. “Have sex in your car?” She unzipped my jeans as I struggled to hear the words she was actually saying.

“Not really. Maybe the Escalade or the Suburban but never in my car.” My brain was able to get my mouth to come to the party and answer her. My dick wondering why the fuck we were still talking.

“Well then, it’s going to be a first for both of us then.” She threw her head back and laughed, hitting it on the windshield.

“Fuck, are you okay?” I rubbed the back of her head, Ashlyn still laughing despite bashing her melon on the glass. Alcohol is a great pain neutralizer. Been there myself.

“I’m fine. But I’m horny and I want to have sex with you.” She moved forward, leaning against my throat. “Here. In your car. Knowing you haven’t done that with any other girl and I haven’t done it with any other guy. You said you were going to pop my cherry.” She teased, clocking me with her fuck-me eyes.

Well you weren’t going to have to tell me twice, if she wanted this then I was all about it. After all, it was her birthday and I’m sure there’s some law or some shit about not disappointing a girl on her birthday.

I pulled her onto me, wrapping a hand around her neck and threading it through her hair. I kissed her hard, and she gave me as good as she got. She was so wild. Crazy. Out of control, and I loved it. I grabbed the top of her dress, the stretchy fabric was no match for my fist as I pulled it down, her tits spilling out of the top. No bra. What do you fucking know? Not only is it her birthday but must be fucking Christmas as well.

My mouth moved to the tip of her tit, flicking it with my tongue before swirling it around her nipple. She moaned as she let me lick her, her pussy rubbing up against my crotch sending me into overdrive. I wasn’t going to last long.

“I need to be in you, Ash. This is going to be fast.” I reached down to her panties and tore them straight from her body. There was no way I was going to wait for her to slide them off. Fuck that. We were on a schedule, one that was dictated by my dick.

She yelped as the cool air hit her ass, my hand moving from her neck, down across her tits and over her belly. She was so hot I couldn’t stand it. She proved what a team player she was by pulling out my dick and jerking me off. I bunched up her dress around her waist giving me unrestricted access, just the way I wanted it. I slid a finger inside of her while my thumb played with her clit. She was already wet.

“Fuck, Ash. You are so wet. How long have you been thinking about fucking me?” I pushed in another finger, and damn if my dick wasn’t getting all kinds of jealous of my hand.

“Since I saw you on stage.” She groaned as I fingered her, my hand fucking coated in her wetness.

“Ash, I’m usually all about the foreplay but if I don’t fuck you right now I’m going to blow my load like a fucking teenager who just watched his first porno. I promise I will take care of you later.” I pulled her hand from my dick knowing a few more pulls was going to make me come.

“Fuck me, Dan. Fuck me.” She moaned as I continued working her with my hand, her pussy riding up against me.

“Babe, I need to get a condom.” This was one of those times where it honestly sucked only having two hands. I know I had a condom in my back pocket, but that meant moving and stopping what I was doing. Neither of these options made me happy. I slid my hand out of her, both of us cursing under our breath.

“Dan,” she moaned as she rubbed her pussy up against my shaft, bracing herself against my seat as she traveled up and down the length of my cock.

“Ash,” I groaned. Her hot, wet pussy teased the head of my cock as I lifted my ass off the seat, hoping Ash might be able to reach the condom and we wouldn’t have to stop. The inside of the car proving not as
as the douchebag car salesman had claimed. “Can you reach into my pocket, babe? Left side, grab my wal—” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence as I accidently slid inside her.

“Fuck,” I groaned, as I couldn’t stop myself from pushing in deeper. Holy shit, this felt amazing. Her hot pussy wrapped around my bare cock. I’d never had unprotected sex. Too fucking scared I’d get some disease that would make my dick fall off or I’d end up being someone’s dad. No fucking way. But feeling how good it felt, I completely understood why a man would roll that dice. Right now we could play Russian roulette, and you could pull the trigger of that loaded gun as long as I got to keep sliding inside of the tight pussy.

“Ash.” I pumped harder, waiting for her to tell me to stop. One of us needed to think straight and I didn’t think it was going to be me.

“I’m clean. Don’t stop. I trust you.” She pushed down hard against me, giving me the green light.

I wanted to tell her I was clean. To reassure her I wasn’t putting her at risk, but I couldn’t fucking talk. What I needed to do was fuck. Hard. I palmed her ass, guiding her up and down as I pushed inside her. My dick so fucking hard I impaled her with each thrust. She screamed as she rode me, her fucking pussy fisted me like a vice then milked my dick as she came. I pumped into her as she shook, those pussy pulses sending me over the edge as I shot my load into her. We collapsed against each other, our breathing out of control like freight train barreling down the tracks.

It was one of the most intense experiences of my life. It was like every single part of me shot out through my cock. It was amazing.

Oh, Shit. I just came inside of her. The reality of the situation started to poke its ugly fucking mug, as soon as the high from the awesome sex started to fade. I had meant to pull out. What the hell was I thinking?

“Fuck, Ash!” I pulled her close against my chest. “Please tell me you are on the pill or something.” I had already been an asshole by jacking into her like a fucking nympho so I guess a little slide further down the dickwad scale wasn’t that big a deal.

“A bit late now.” She half-laughed as she kissed my neck. “You think you may have implanted the seed for a little Dan in there?”

I couldn’t laugh. This was not funny. I tried to swallow but it got stuck in my throat. The thought that I could have made her pregnant was as serious as shit got. It had been stupid. I’d been thinking with my dick and not my head. Whatever happened though, I was going to be a man about it. I would not be one of those deadbeats who cut and run, no fucking way. I would take care of my business.

Ashlyn pulled away from me, studying me when I didn’t speak. “Oh my god. You should see your face. Of course I’m on the pill. I’m not ready to be a mom.” She gently shook my shoulders.

The near miss still rattled me a little. I’d never been so careless. “Babe, I should have asked first. If shit went down,” I swallowed, “I would have still stuck around.”

I wasn’t sure exactly what I should say but I knew I had to say something. I hadn’t even pulled out of her yet. My fucking cum started spilling out of her onto my jeans. As far as romantic got, this wasn’t it. Still, I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. Feeling her like that.

“I know, Dan.” She smiled sweetly, like I hadn’t just fucked her brains out. Her voice mellowed as she moved in to kiss me. “I think I’m in love with you.”

I’d heard girls tell me they loved me all the time. Usually while I was either fucking them or while I was on stage. To me it was a throwaway line, it didn’t hold much weight. No one really meant it and hearing it did little for me. It was sweet they felt that way, but it wasn’t going to change anything. People fall in and out of love all the time. Hearing it from Ashlyn though was a whole new ball game. It was like a punch in the gut, knocking the wind right out of me.

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