Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5) (22 page)

BOOK: Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5)
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As soon as they sat down, Brenna had gone to the kitchens to check on the food for the travelers. The food hadn’t been brought out yet when wee Bethia took her tiny fist and banged it repeatedly on the table before shoving it back into her mouth. The entire family burst into gales of laughter at the bairn’s antics, and her response was to break into a huge grin, her two teeth protruding from her bottom gum and her chubby legs bouncing with excitement. Logan reached over and pulled her from Brenna’s lap and tossed her into the air over his head, causing her to erupt in another fit of giggles. He continued to play with Bethia and Lily until trenchers of mutton stew were placed on the table along with special bowls of vegetables and meat for Quade’s older children.

Gwyneth watched him with a smile on her face, in awe at how wonderful her husband-to-be was with weans. She remembered how he had been with Ashlyn and Gracie. How could she not love a braw man who handled bairns so well? She had softened to him long ago; she just had been too busy with everything else in her life to notice.

Lady Arlene, who sat next to her, leaned over and kissed her cheek and said, “My thanks for bringing my son home. I missed him badly.”

Gwyneth finally had a mother.


The next day, the hall bustled with activity as the clan tried to decide on wedding plans. Logan’s mother, Brenna, and Father Rab sat at the main table with her, discussing details about the ceremony. The conversation mostly took place between Lady Ramsay and Rab. Gwyneth had little to say, though Brenna tried to draw her in on occasion. When they decided on the date and the location, Gwyneth had nodded in agreement. Lady Ramsay had volunteered to handle the decorating and Gwyneth had been quick to grant her that privilege, only suggesting that she would like to see some natural greenery and pine cones inside the chapel, not caring anything about big bows and ribbons.

Brenna then offered her suggestion on food, based on their current stores and what they could hunt. Not feeling she could contribute much more to the conversation, Gwyneth broke away and headed to the kitchens to grab a chunk of bread to gnaw on. As she was about to push the door open, she heard her name and stopped. Two voices could be heard through the door.

“Can you believe Logan is marrying that lass he brought home?”

“Och, it won’t last long.”

“What do you mean?”

Gwyneth found herself leaning in toward the door.

“Look at the daft woman he chose. She runs around in men’s clothing, and she’s flat-chested and slim in the hips. Men want real curves in their women.”

Gwyneth backed up in surprise. Were these women right? What did she know about what men wanted? She’d only ever been in a relationship with Logan. She heard a creak behind her, but she was too absorbed in the conversation in the kitchens to take notice.

“But Logan brought her home, so she is his choice.”

“Not for long. He may marry her, but I’ll be in his bed in no time. He loved to bed me before that witch came here.”

Gwyneth jumped as Brenna flew by her and strode through the door.

“Take yourself out of my kitchens, Agnes. I will not have you talking about my family that way. I’ll find another to replace you.”

“But my lady…”

“Don’t even make an attempt to defend yourself. I heard what you said about my husband’s brother and his soon-to-be wife. Get out now.”

The door flew open and an irate servant stepped through it. Even with her golden hair all pinned up, she was a pretty woman full of ripe curves. The woman stopped in front of Gwyneth and glared at her before continuing on her way.

Brenna came back through the door and clasped Gwyneth’s hands in hers. “I came looking for you and overheard her words. I’m sorry you had to hear them. Agnes will not be welcomed in the keep again. In fact, I’ll speak to Quade about asking her to leave the clan. We don’t need people like her around.”

Gwyneth just stared, still stunned by what had happened.

“You haven’t met many nasty women before, have you?” Brenna said.

Gwyneth shook her head. “I knew verra few women before coming to the Grant Keep. My mama died when I was young and I grew up around my father, brothers, and uncle, along with the priests at the Kirk.”

“Well, not all women are like that. Please remember we are thrilled to have you in the family. Don’t pay any attention to her. Logan is fiercely loyal to his family, and I’m sure that will hold to you as well.”

After pulling Gwyneth in for a hug, Brenna returned to the table, sitting once again by Quade’s side, and Gwyneth retrieved her bread from the kitchen. When she stepped out, she peered at the group, looking for any sign that Brenna had told them about Agnes, but they didn’t act any different, so she made her way back to the table. Though Gwyneth had little experience with women, she was excited Brenna and Avelina would be her sisters. They had both been wonderful to her.

Logan returned from their morning hunt and came over to her side to greet her. “Confused, sweeting?” He sat down beside her and took her hands in his.

She decided not to mention the servant since they were among others. “Logan, I know naught about planning a wedding.”

“You don’t know what you’d like to do for the ceremony?”

She stared into his eyes. “I don’t know anything about this. I have never been to a wedding.”

“You never attended one at the Kirk? Your brother must have married many couples.”

“Rab oft married people, but I was never interested. It seemed silly to me at the time. Now I wish I had been more attentive.”

“Well, if the details are of little import to you, then we can make haste.” He grinned and whispered in her ear. “I would be happy to have you in my bed this night.”

“May I ask you a question?” She moved over to the hearth, tugging him behind her, where they could talk. Though she’d intended to keep quiet about the incident in the kitchens, she decided to find out if there were any truths in the lass’s claims. There would be no lies in their marriage.

“Of course.”

“Do you have a mistress now, or do you plan to ever have a mistress after we marry.”

“What? A mistress? Nay. I love you and I do not want any other. You are the one I want in my bed.” The last sentence he whispered as he stroked her cheek.

“Even though I don’t wear skirts and gowns? It does not bother you? Will you seek out another in skirts?”

“Nay. Who have you been talking to?” Logan asked with a frown. He glanced around the hall as if searching for the person who’d instilled her with doubt.

“I just need to know if you are displeased with my appearance.” She stared at her boots because she was afraid for him to see the expression on his face. “Why do you love me when I don’t look like the other lasses?”

“I love you for what is inside, not for the clothing you wear. I love you because you don’t mind being different and you love the outdoors just as I do. I am happy with you as you are.”

Brenna hustled over to them, and leaned down to address Logan so only he and Gwyneth could hear. “She overheard Agnes talking about you, that’s the problem. Agnes thinks she’ll find her way into your bed after your marriage because the woman you chose wears warrior’s clothing. She bragged about it to her friends in the kitchens, but I have sent her home. I’ll straighten the rest of them out in case anyone else has a similar notion, though I doubt it. Agnes is
.” With that, she turned and headed toward the kitchens with a purposeful step.

Logan’s reaction was swift as he turned to Gwyneth. “Agnes? Nay, I have no interest in her. She is way too plump for my taste and she’s nasty besides. I am quite happy with you just the way you are, Gwyneth. Though I would love to talk you out of binding your beautiful breasts.” He nuzzled her neck with his last comment.

“Are you sure, Logan? I don’t want to get married if you are interested in another.” Gwyneth thought about what she had said, wondering what kind of curves Logan preferred, but not willing to ask.

Logan stopped and gazed into her eyes as he held her chin in his hand. “Gwyneth, I could have chosen any of these women here or in Glasgow. I choose you.”

He kissed her and she blushed, embarrassed that she had asked him such a thing.

His mother was still seated close by, as was Rab, so he sensed her hesitation. “Come,” he held his hand out to her. “‘Tis a lovely day. Shall we go for a walk?”

Logan grabbed her hand, excused their absence to the others, and crept up the steps and out the front door of the great hall. He ran through the courtyard, tugging her behind him. “We’ll find somewhere in the forests to walk.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Someplace verra private?”

“Och, aye.” She gave him a wee shove from behind, encouraging him toward the stables.

As soon as they mounted their horses, they made their way out the gate. Gwyneth sighed, basking in the fresh outdoor air. “You know I am more comfortable out here.”

“Aye, ‘tis one of the reasons I love you so.”

She gave him a sly look. “Mayhap you would accept a challenge, Logan? Do you think you could beat me on horseback?”

He grinned, an evil look flashing across his features. “Lass, I would enjoy challenging you at anything.”


They were about to leave when a desperate voice interrupted their playful spirit. Logan turned to find the source and saw Torrian running after him and screaming. The sensation was as painful as a fist to his gut, and it threatened to take his air away. “What is it, Torrian?”

“Lily.” Torrian yelled. “She’s gone. We were playing, but then someone hit me over the head. When I woke up, she was gone.”

Logan squelched the urge to vomit. His wee Lily? Someone had kidnapped her? How had this happened? The children were always accompanied by guards when they played away from the keep. The others needed to know what had happened, but first he needed more information. He reached down and pulled Torrian onto his lap at the same time he let out his Ramsay whoop, alerting his guards they were needed. “Show me.”

They headed out to the meadow where the bairns been playing. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Gwyneth still followed, and saw she was directly behind him, Torrian’s faithful dog Growley running alongside her. As soon as they arrived, Logan rode over to the one remaining guard in the area.

Logan reined his horse next to the guard. “Ewan? What happened?”

He waited for the guard, who was shaking his head, to speak “‘Tis all my fault, Logan. Three lasses came flying into the field on horseback, two of them with naught on and big…” he glanced at Torrian, “…well, you know what I mean. We all took our eyes off the bairns. We chased the women on the horses. The two went one direction and the third went in the opposite direction.”

“And?” Logan was going to choke the man if he didn’t speak up.

“We all followed the two with naught on. They left the meadow after a while and when we returned, Torrian was on the ground and Lily was missing.”

“Where are the others?”

“I sent them to search for a trail. Lyell said he would head to the keep for more guards once they found a sign of where she went. I never saw Torrian get up, I was talking to Lyell. Then I was afraid we had lost Torrian as well.”

“The third woman. What did she look like?” Logan barked, losing his patience with the fool. There would be hell to pay. These guards had the most important job at the keep—protecting the laird’s heirs. How could they have made such a mistake?

“She was flame-haired. Lyell thought it was Iona, but I didn’t see her clear enough.”

Iona. A dead weight fell into the pit of his stomach. Iona was not right minded, and that frightened him more than anything. Visions of Lily tied up and held captive made his blood boil.

He turned to Gwyneth. “Gwyneth, take Torrian back and fill Quade in on what’s happened. Tell him everything.” He handed the wee lad over to Gwyneth.

“Logan, take me with you. I can help.”

“Nay, Gwyneth. Protect Torrian. I need someone I can count on to protect him.” He gave Ewan a pointed look before spurring his horse on. “This is between Iona and me.”


Chapter Twenty-Seven


Iona paced in the small cabin, staring at her captive.

“Why are you doing this, Iona? Why do you hate me so?” Lily sat on a stool at the table, her hands tied behind her back, her little feet tied together, too.

“Because, you little fool, my rightful place is at the head of the Ramsay clan with my husband. Your father should have married me, but nay, he had to marry the Grant lass. Fine, he can have the cow. ‘Tis too late for him, but ‘tis not too late for Logan. Logan is mine.”

“But Logan is in love with Gwyneth. He’s going to marry her.”

Iona marched over and yelled at Lily. “Keep your mouth shut. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

Lily burst into tears and tugged at her bindings. “Stop yelling at me.”

“All you ever do is whine, whine, whine, Lily. Well, I do not want to hear it, and I have the perfect solution…”

Lily’s eyes widened as she stared at Iona, ceasing her wails for the moment.

“Here.” Iona pulled up a stool next to Lily and set a loaf of brown bread in front of her. “Eat.”

“Nay. I can’t eat that. It will make me sick. Mama says I can’t eat any bread at all. I’ll toss it back up, I will.”

Iona screamed. “I said eat it.”

“Nay, I don’t want to be sick again. It hurts my belly. Please don’t make me eat it.” Lily’s voice had dropped to a whimper.

She’d have to make the lass sick. It would be the only way she could tolerate being around the whiny wean. If Lily became sick, she’d probably stop talking. Iona ripped off a piece of the bread and held it in front of Lily’s mouth. “Eat.”

Lily locked her lips closed and shook her head back and forth.

Iona pinched the girl’s nose until she was forced to open her mouth to breathe, and then shoved the bread into her mouth. “There, you little witch. Now eat it.”

Lily glared at her and promptly spit the bread out on the floor.

“You’ll eat this or I’ll beat you over and over again.”

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