Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5) (21 page)

BOOK: Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5)
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He climbed behind her and tucked her into him, running his hands all down the front of her body, teasing her nipples, then skimming one hand down her belly and thigh until he found her curls. He groaned when he found her wetness, then plunged a finger inside her as she spread her legs to give him better access.

“Logan, I want you now, but I don’t know what to do. Please.”

He nibbled her neck and kissed her ear, whispering what he wanted to do, leaning her forward and showing her how to grab onto the rock for leverage. Running his hand down her bum, he caressed her soft skin before trailing his way back to her mound, parting her folds to help guide him in. “Lass, you are heavenly. I have waited to run my hands across your sweet bottom. Naught gives me more pleasure than calling you mine. You accept that?”

“Aye, just finish this,” she moaned.

“When you agree to be mine, I’ll finish this. I love you, Gwyneth. You will be my wife?”

“Aye. I love you, Logan Ramsay. Saints above, please.”

Logan grinned. How he loved this woman, the only one who had ever been able to distract him from his purpose. He ran his cock back and forth over her entrance, teasing her until she begged him for more. “Logan, please. I need you in me now.” He thrust inside her and she sighed at the invasion, then he pulled out slowly, just to tease her. Moaning, she spread wider to allow him better access, and he thrust in until he was completely buried inside her.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Gwyneth, I’m not hurting you?”

“Nay!” she cried out as her muscles contracted on him, and she pushed herself back on him, encouraging him to speed up the pressure. “More, please more, Logan. Faster.”

Logan grabbed her hips and thrust into her, increasing his rhythm as she writhed against him, driving his cock into her again and again, bringing them both to a peak that threatened to explode. He wanted it to last longer, so he plunged inside her wetness over and over, bringing them both to a desperate pitch, a voracious need tearing at him to make her scream his name in ecstasy.

“Gwyneth, you are mine.”

“Aye, please, Logan.”

He reached around and caressed her nub, still pounding into her female passage, finally sending her careening over the edge, contracting and milking him as she screamed his name.

And all he could think was, “Mine.”


Chapter Twenty-Five


Gwyneth sighed as she leaned back against Logan’s chest, listening to the raindrops outside their small slice of heaven. “I had no idea you could do it that way.” He had somehow been able to find a comfortable way to lean back against a tree while they sat on his plaid on a rock.

“Well, I thought it might be too fresh an idea for you, but hell,” he kissed her cheek, “you had me wanting you in a verra bad way, and it seemed the best solution. Did I please you?”

“You could not tell? ‘Tis a good thing we did it here. Had it been anywhere else, my screams would have woken up the neighborhood.” She couldn’t help but blush, though she wouldn’t have changed any of it.

“And do you remember what you agreed to in the middle of our lovemaking?”

She pulled away from him so she could stare at him. “Aye, but you do not play fair by asking me when I am in such a raging need. Don’t try that again.”

He laughed, “I won’t have to. You agreed to be mine. That is what I intend, you know. I will not do this again without marriage. Or I
have a talk with your brother.”

Gwyneth tucked her head against his chest. “I agreed. Aye, I will marry you. But ‘tis only because I love you so.”

He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “I like the sound of that. I hope you will learn to say it often.”

She sat up and gazed into his eyes, his brown eyes flecked with gold and a bit of green. Clasping his hands in hers, she said, “I don’t need to hear you say it. I know you love me. What more proof could I ever ask for than what you did for me back at the firth?”

“You are accepting of all that happened? No anger because I followed you? I promised your brother I would help you, you realize.”

“I shouldn’t have left without you. After seeing that ugly redhead…”

He grinned. “Ugly redhead?”

“Aye, she is ugly.”

“Och, you are jealous. I like that, too.” He snickered as he pulled himself up to a sitting position.

She gave him a playful slap on his arm. “Be quiet.” Staring at her hands, she paused to gather her thoughts. “My thanks for following me, but most of all, for being a man of your word. When I couldn’t hit him with my arrow, I felt totally defeated.” Tears gathered on her lashes. “I don’t know why he was able to upset me so.”

“I do. He killed your father and brother. I would be more worried about you if he didn’t upset you.” He wrapped his arms around her and tucked her head under his chin. “But I knew you could do it, and I am proud of you for regaining control and finishing what you needed to do.”

“I did,” she smiled, “didn’t I? I didn’t think I could do it, but with your support, I did.”

“He will never bother you again.”

“Would you mind if we went to see Rab? I want to let him know what happened.”

“Nay, I don’t mind. I need to talk to him and make sure he knows of our pending marriage. I assume you would like him to marry us?” He helped her up and found her things. Fortunately, he had thought to hang her tunic on a tree branch, so it wasn’t soaked. Her leggings weren’t too bad either. Then he grabbed his tunic and pulled it over his head just before he picked up his plaid.

Gwyneth stared at his plaid, a grim line to her mouth. “Your plaid doesn’t look well.”

He held it up, trying to shake the wetness, pine needles, and mud from it. “Nay, it took a beating, didn’t it?

She nodded. “Sorry, Logan.”

He leaned over and kissed her lips. “‘Twas worth every minute. Just remind me never to make you mad.”

She glanced at him, puzzled. “What?”

“That was a hell of a place to shoot a man, wench. Well done.”


It was almost dawn when they arrived back at the Kirk. When Gwyneth walked in the door, Rab blessed himself and rushed over, gathering her in his arms. “Thank God, thank you, Lord. Saints preserve us.”

“‘Tis over, Father.” Logan didn’t want to torture the poor man any more than they already had.

“What? You killed him, Gwyneth?” Rab’s mouth fell open as he gaped at his sister.

“Well, not exactly,” she cringed.

“What do you mean, not exactly? Is he dead or not?”

Logan held up his hand. “Father Rab, please sit down, and we’ll explain.”

Once Rab was settled in a chair at the table, Logan said “Gwyneth, why don’t you go change your wet clothes. I can explain everything to Rab.”

“Nay, please. I’ll tell him quick, then go change.”

Rab stared up at her expectantly, holding his breath.

“Rab, it was wonderful. I shot him with an arrow, but only to wound him. Then he charged us with a knife, and we each threw a dagger at him at the same exact time. One dagger landed in his thigh and one in his neck. So we don’t really know who killed him. You don’t have to pray for me, because I don’t know if it was my dagger or not.” She kissed her brother on the cheek and rushed into her chamber to change into dry clothes.

Rab stared at Logan, who was standing across from him. “I don’t understand. You should have been able to tell who threw the killing dagger, Logan. I must know. There are special prayers I need to recite for the person responsible.”

Logan nodded. “Normally, I would be able to tell, aye. But I bought Gwyneth a new dagger at the fair, and I bought myself the same exact one. Besides, if we had not killed him, he would have killed one of us with his knife. It was self-defense.”

“He tried to kill my sister?”

“Aye, he rushed at us with his dagger bared. It was him or us, Father. Even the Lord believes in protecting oneself.”

Rab was quiet for a moment, but then he broke into a smile, even as tears slid down his cheeks. “‘Tis over? I don’t have to pray for her soul for the next two years?”

“That’s right, Father. ‘Tis over.” Logan sat down next to the priest and whispered, “There’s naught wrong with your sister’s soul, Father. She is a kind, caring person who has had to deal with some tough circumstances. Justice was served. He had loaded other women in the boat and was searching for Gwyneth when she confronted him. The lout had every intention of stealing her and throwing her onto the boat again. Now the women are all free. We sent the sheriff down there to take care of everything.”

Rab seemed like he was about to say something, then he dropped his face into his hands and started to sob. Logan didn’t know what to do other than to grasp his shoulder to let him know he was there.

Moments later, Gwyneth rushed back into the room, having no doubt heard her brother. “Rab? Are you well?”

Rab stood and hugged her, weeping into her shoulder.

Not knowing what else to do, Logan decided to change the subject. “And we’re getting married, Father.”

Father Rab stood back and smiled. “Truly?”

Gwyneth nodded. “Rab, you will marry us, will you not?”

Rab beamed and hugged her again.


Chapter Twenty-Six


Gwyneth rode between Logan and her brother for the short journey to the Ramsay keep, Micheil behind them. She was still surprised that Rab had agreed to make the journey with them so they could be married with Logan’s family present. He had located another priest to stay at the Kirk in his absence. The air was crisp and fresh since it had rained the day before. It wouldn’t be long before the ground was covered in snow.

She could tell when they neared the family keep because Logan’s posture straightened a bit and his face lit up. The Ramsay castle wasn’t as large as the Grant keep, yet it was still quite majestic. Many cottages surrounded the walls and people emerged to greet them as they passed. She could see the questions on his clan members’ faces as they continued on toward the portcullis. Once they reached the stables, voices behind them cried out more greetings, seasoned with children’s laughter.

Gwyneth turned to see Lily and Torrian running toward them, several yards ahead of Quade, Brenna, and the babe. Father Rab was introduced to the group, but there was one person notably missing—Logan’s mother. Her Highlander was fiercely loyal to his brothers, but even more so to his mother. She could see the pride in his face as they approached the outside steps to the keep. Aye, there his mother stood in her flowing skirts, a dark mantle over her shoulders, her arms crossed, awaiting her middle son.

“Greetings, Mother.” Logan rushed forward to kiss his mother’s cheek and she grasped his shoulders, drawing him in for a strong hug.

“Logan, you brought guests.” She turned her radiant smile to Gwyneth and her brother. “Introduce us, please.”

His gaze caught hers before he began, and she relaxed, empowered by the love she saw there.

“Mother, this is Gwyneth of the Cunninghams and her brother, Father Rab. I have asked Gwyneth to be my wife and Rab would like to perform the ceremony. This is my mother, Lady Arlene Ramsay.”

Gwyneth said, “Lady Arlene, ‘tis a pleasure to meet you.” She dipped her head to the graceful woman who would be the closest thing she would ever have to a mother. Lady Ramsay was a beautiful woman, and she guessed a strong one as well. Brenna had spoken very highly of the woman. Gwyneth was hopeful of their relationship. Since she had no memories of her real mother, she wasn’t quite sure how to act with Lady Arlene, but she so wanted all to go well. Hopefully, Lady Ramsay would accept her as a daughter.

Lady Arlene hugged her and said, “My thanks, my dear, for loving my son. I can see it in your eyes—the both of you.”

Gwyneth didn’t know how to answer that, so she just smiled. Logan’s mother greeted Rab before returning her gaze to Gwyneth. Somehow, she knew what the older woman was thinking. Never before had she felt the need to apologize for being herself, but suddenly she did.

Seeming to sense her discomfort, Logan rested his hand on the small of her back. Empowered by his touch, she said what she thought would be proper. “My lady, my apologies for not dressing appropriately. I grew up in a family of lads, and this is how I am most comfortable, especially atop a horse.” She dropped her gaze, praying the woman would not chastise her.

Lady Ramsay clasped Gwyneth’s hands in hers and waited until everyone was quiet. “My dear, he is my son and he is verra special. I knew it would take a special lass to love him. Never apologize for who you are, and do not change for anyone but yourself. Though I’m sure you’ll wear a skirt when you marry, won’t you, dear?”

Gwyneth liked everything she said except the last sentence, but she decided it would be best if she didn’t tell Lady Ramsay right out that she didn’t plan to ever wear a skirt.

They all moved inside and Lady Ramsay called for food for the guests. As soon as they entered the great hall and sat down, Quade got after his brother. “Logan, you cost me. Brenna said you were taken with her enough to settle down, but I just couldn’t believe it. Now I owe a boon to my wife, thanks to you.” He said to Gwyneth, “Welcome to the Ramsay family, lass. I only jest with him. I am happy my brother has chosen well.”

Brenna beamed. “Of course, he was besotted. He chased her from the Highlands all the way to Glasgow. How could you not see it, husband?”

Avelina joined them, and they all sat around the table. When Logan bragged about Gwyneth’s prowess as an archer, telling the story of her win at the fair, Avelina’s eyes glowed with excitement. “Gwyneth, will you teach me?”

She nodded, unable to speak for fear she would shed tears in front of her new family. They were every bit as wonderful as the Grants, but they were a smaller group. How content she felt here, with Logan next to her, his arm around her waist, watching as he conversed with his family. She peered down the table and saw Rab chatting with Lady Ramsay. She hoped her brother was as happy to be here as she was. They were finally going to be part of a large family again, though she would be broken-hearted when Rab returned to Glasgow.

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