Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: Highland Sparks: Logan and Gwyneth (Clan Grant Series Book 5)
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When Ashlyn finished, they headed out to the horses. Ashlyn rode with Tomas and Gracie with Robbie. Gwyneth climbed on the horse with Ramsay again, but this time she didn’t object. The brute had proven trustworthy thus far. They headed north and outside of town.

Gwyneth leaned back against Logan. He didn’t seem to mind and tugged her tighter to him. She should have eaten before leaving the priory so she wouldn’t have weakened as she had. Going from one trying experience to the next had exhausted her. She closed her eyes, visions of a brawny Highlander filling her mind. Had he meant what he said? Did he consider her to be his?

Having been so sheltered at the Kirk with her brother, she had never given any thought to a relationship with a man. All her time had been spent working as a spy for Dougal Hamilton and focusing on vengeance for her father and brother. The thought of a relationship with a man never occurred to her. Since her mother had died young, she had naught to guide her.

The next thing she knew, Logan was shaking her arm.

“Lass, wake up.” His breath warmed her ear and a foreign heat washed through her.

She sat forward and glanced over her shoulder at him. “My apologies, brute.”

“No need to apologize. I don’t know how you held up in the cottage after all you’ve been through.”

“Where are we?” Gwyneth scanned the area, but didn’t recognize it.

“We need to regroup and decide what our next step is. Robbie found a hidden clearing. We aren’t far from the town.” Logan dismounted and helped her off the horse. Ashlyn ran to her and grabbed her hand as they gathered on a group of logs.

“Hellfire, Grant. I thought we’d go back to the priory to find Caralyn,” Gwyneth said.

“Nay, ‘tis after dark and she would be with Murray by now. He still controls her.” He pulled both girls over to him and spoke directly to them. “Lassies, I know you wish to see your mama, but ‘twould not be safe for now.”

Ashlyn’s head fell, and her shoulders slumped. “Can you get her away from Malcolm, Captain Grant?” She swiped at the tears on her cheeks. “We don’t like him.”

Two wee faces stared up at him, and Gwyneth’s heart broke at the mere sight of them. Somehow, she believed without a doubt Robbie Grant would save her friend, but how did you convince two weans they had to go away from their mother to be out of danger?

  “That is exactly what I plan to do, Ashlyn, but I need to make sure you two are safe so he can’t come and steal you away again. Your mama is forced to do what he wants when he holds you away from her. Do you understand?”

Ashlyn nodded. “I think so. I always hear him tell mama he will hurt us, and he did paddle us both once while mama screamed and cried. She told him she would do whatever he wanted as long as he stopped hurting us. I don’t want to go back with him ever again. Where will you hide us?”

“I am going to send you to a wonderful place, but ‘twill take a while for you to get there, so I need you both to be strong. And you won’t see your mama for a wee bit, but everyone there will love you both and take care of you, and I promise we’ll join you soon. There will be other weans for you to play with, but most of all, I know you will be safe.”

“Where is that?” Ashlyn stared at him, wide-eyed. “We have never played with other weans.”

“I am sending you to my clan. You’re going into the Highlands to the Grant keep, a big castle with lots of nice people to love and care for you.”

God bless him, but Captain Robbie Grant was going to take care of Caralyn and her daughters. Gwyneth almost got teary-eyed at the realization that dear Caralyn’s nightmares would finally be over. In a way, she wished the same could happen to her. Grant was a good man.

“Will Mama come, too?” Ashlyn asked.

“Aye, as soon as I rescue your mama, I’ll bring her to you.”

“Can we not wait for you?” Ashlyn whispered.

“Nay, Malcolm will try to find you again. I need you away from here. I’m sorry, lass, but ‘tis the only way.” He patted her on the back, and Ashlyn gave him a brief smile.

Ashlyn pondered what he’d said, then nodded. She grabbed Gracie’s hand. “As long as we go together.”

“Aye, you’ll go together.”

“How will we get there?” She chewed her lip as she glanced at the group around her.

“Logan and Gwyneth will take you. Tomas and I will find your mama.”

Gwyneth made a strangling sound in her throat. Holy heaven! What was he thinking? No way could she travel through the Highlands with Logan Ramsay. Besides, she had a mission to complete…one that required her to stay right where she was. But she refused to say anything in front of the girls. She didn’t want them to think her refusal was because of

Ashlyn peered up at her. “Gwyneth, you’ll go with us? Please?”

Gwyneth nodded. At the same time, she gave Robbie a hard look to get his attention. He clearly noticed, because a moment later, he said, “Tomas, take the girls and find them some oatcakes. Lassies? You’re hungry, are you not?” Both nodded and followed Tomas over to the horses.

As soon as they were out of ear shot, Gwyneth edged up to him, not stopping until she was a mere inch from his nose. “You can’t mean it. I will
travel with that lout.”

“Gwyneth, I am trying to do what is the best for the lassies. I need people I trust to travel with them through the Highlands, which is not going to be an easy trip this time of the year. I have four other guards I’ll send with you as protection.”

It would force her to wait to wreak her revenge, but she wanted the wee ones safe as much as he did. She pondered what he said and decided it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

“Fine, then send Tomas with us. Logan can stay here.” Anyone, anyone but Logan would be acceptable. The man was exhausting. And she didn’t like the way he made her feel.

Robbie glanced over her shoulder, and when Gwyneth turned to follow his gaze, she saw Logan standing there, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

“Nay, Logan knows the Highlands the best of anyone I know, and he’s the foremost tracker, too. I would feel better if he was with you. He won’t just lead the group, but also track ahead and make sure no one is in the area. Traveling with two bairns is too much of a risk. There are wild boars and wolves. You will protect the lasses while Logan leads, tracks, and kills when necessary.”

“But I have never been to the Highlands. I don’t want to go that far north. ‘Tis freezing up there.” She swung her arms wide as she rambled, frantic to find a different solution, even though she knew this was the right thing to do for the girls.

“Didn’t you tell me you are good with a bow and arrows?” Robbie asked.

“Aye, I am, but…”

“Then you can help find food, too. See how thin Ashlyn is? Surely they haven’t been fed much, and Ashlyn gives Gracie her share of whatever food they are given. I need you to go and watch over both of them. ‘Twill not be an easy journey, and the girls need you. And I think Caralyn will feel better if she knows you’re with them. I am asking you to put your problems with Logan aside for the lassies. Once there, you can do whatever you like, but I am sure Caralyn would appreciate it if you wait until she arrives before you take your leave, and I think the girls will feel safer with you around.”

Everything he said made sense, and she could brook no argument. She looked back at Logan again, her hands on her hips.

Robbie tried his best to convince her. “Lass, I think you might like the Highlands. ‘Tis beautiful land, and you may stay as long as you like at the Grant clan. We’ll reward you when I arrive. Take a trip to our armory, find new weapons for your arsenal. I’ll pay you in wool garments for the winter. Whatever your needs, let me know.”

Logan sighed, the smirk leaving his face. “Lass, I have pledged it before, and I’ll do so again—you have my word of honor on the Ramsay clan that I won’t touch you unless you ask. I will control my banter for the girls’ sake. I think Ashlyn will feel more comfortable riding with you.”

He then strode over to his horse and pulled out one of his plaids. “Here, you can wear this when you get cold, and it
be cold, especially at night.”

She stared at Logan, and then walked over to take the plaid he offered, throwing it over her shoulders and tying it in a tangled mess around her waist. “Lord, give me strength. Grant, I need to borrow your horse for a bit before we go to alert my family of my plans.” She strode into the trees before she yelled over her shoulder. “I’ll need my own horse, and I’m not your lass, Ramsay.”

She heard Logan’s previous comment.

“You are now, with my plaid on you.”

He could think what he wanted. She was
his lass, regardless of the Highland custom of claiming a lass by giving her your plaid. She had heard his declaration before he had stabbed her captor, but she was sure he had been saying it for effect. Gwyneth chuckled. She accepted his plaid because she knew it would keep her warm during their journey, not for any other reason. He could believe whatever he wanted.


She had two important stops before she could leave—she had to see her brother and she had to see her boss, Dougal Hamilton.

She stopped at the Kirk first, and her brother threw his arms around her in a fierce hug, so relieved to see she was safe that he cried. He’d feared her dead when she disappeared without a trace.

He tugged her into their small living area in the back of the church and sat down with her at the table. Gwyneth’s story flew out, and he quietly listened, making a comment every now and again, mopping his brow as she spoke, but allowing her to share her story.

When she neared the end, he apparently couldn’t contain himself any longer and jumped out of his chair. “Duff? Duff Erskine kidnapped you? And he put you on a boat? Why?”

“For the same reason, Rab.”

“What same reason?”

“You recall when he shot Da and Gordon? He had a cargo of women in his cart.”

“For what? What were his plans for you?” Rab’s eyes grew wide as he spoke.

“His plan was to send me to the East, along with several other women.”

Rab sat down and placed his head in his hands. “Good Lord. How could he do such a thing? My Gwynie…”

She finished her story, and he promptly begged her not to travel.

“Rab, please. I need to do this for my friend, Caralyn.”

“Gwyneth, how can you consider traveling all the way to the Highlands with several men? ‘Tis unseemly, not to mention dangerous. I fear for you.” Rab fingered the cross around his neck as he spoke, glancing at the cross on his wall for comfort. He closed his eyes and prayed, as Gwyneth knew he so often did.

“I will be much safer with Logan Ramsay and the Grant warriors than I was here,” she said gently. “Look at what happened to me right outside your door. I was kidnapped from the side of the Kirk.”

“I know, Gwyneth, and this whole time I have been sick with worry. I cannot lose you, too. Please don’t go. Stay here with me.”

“And what if Erskine still searches for me?” While she hated the forlorn expression on her brother’s face, she was not about to sit here waiting for Erskine to strike again. If she stayed, it would be to go after him.

Rab mopped his brow with a linen square and paused for a moment, sighing. “You could be right. Gwynie, you look terrible, all bruised and beaten. I will say many prayers for you. Perhaps it would be best if you went away to heal. I hear the Grant warriors are strong and honorable. I don’t think even Duff Erskine would dare to tangle with them.” He wrapped his arms around her again, then stood back, holding her at arm’s length. “Stay for a bit first? I would love to talk to you. You have no idea how worried I have been.”

“Rab, I’m sorry, but I must go now. Two lassies are depending on me. I cannot, in good conscience, send them off alone with the men. I go to protect them and ease their journey. I love you and I will let you know as soon as I return.”

With that, she departed, in part because she couldn’t stand to see her brother so tormented.

Her next stop was to visit her supervisor, Dougal Hamilton, assistant to the steward Alexander of Dundonald, whose job it was to ferret out important information for the Scottish Crown. Gwyneth had spied for him for the past year, covertly following men of interest to see whether or not they were loyal to the Crown. Her position had been arranged through the priests at the Kirk, though her brother had only agreed because of Hamilton’s importance and persistence.

When Hamilton had first approached her, he had been hesitant. Word had reached him about her prowess as an archer and he had been searching for another spy. Word of unrest among the Western Isles and the King of Norway had spread through the land like wildfire, but the information was rumor, at best. He had wanted someone he could trust to sneak covertly into areas of interest around certain people.

Her first assignment had sent her to the royal burgh at Ayr in search of a traitor selling information. Gwyneth had discovered his identity within a sennight. He had been arrested and hung by the sheriff of the burgh.

Hamilton had smiled when she returned to him in Glasgow. She had passed her test because no one had suspected her role due to the fact she was a woman. Gwyneth had just shrugged her shoulders as he chuckled in delight.

Her final test had been to demonstrate her prowess at the butts, Hamilton claiming to want to guarantee she was capable of protecting herself in the field. Dougal had guffawed in delight every time she struck her target and hired her without hesitation.

With the Norse fleet coming closer, she had been on continuous assignment. One of her ongoing tasks was to find Duff Erskine and discover his activities. Hamilton had encouraged her to follow him along with three others. Gwyneth had been successful in uncovering the underhanded actions of the other three traitors, but Erskine was as elusive as ever.

Her latest assignment had been to follow Duff Erskine and to learn his current pursuits. The government had known of the previous doings with women, but was unaware of any recent activities. No missing women had been reported. He was a primary suspect in selling information to the Norse, but they had been unable to prove it.

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